Charlottesville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee March 1, 2018 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM NDS Conference Room, 2nd Floor City Hall Meeting Agenda Old Business: 5:00 Review email Vote on Charter Changes + Letter of Support for 3 Notched Trail (Carl) 5:05 Review Budget Support Letter (Dave) 5:15 JPA Corridor Study Comments (Peter) 5:30 Social Media + Logo (Niko) New Business: 5:45 Bike Month planning (Amanda) 6:00 Overview of Zoning Requirements for Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements (Carl) 6:15 Hydraulic/29 Land Use and Transportation Plan Upcoming Events March 7: Boards and Commissions Comprehensive Plan Workshop, 5-8:30 at Carver Rec March 8: Hydraulic/29 Community Meeting March 13: PC Meeting (many site plans), 5:30PM Council Chambers March 14: PC Meeting (Hydraulic/29 Presentation), 5:30PM Council Chambers March 15: 5th Street Trail Hub Meeting, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m, 407 East Water Street March 15: Council Worksession on CIP March 19: CIP Presentation at City Council (1st reading) March 22: Joint Work Session with City Council on Hydraulic 29 Transportation Plan, 5:30 March 23: E. High Streetscape Steering Committee April 2: CIP Presentation at City Council (2nd reading/vote) April 5: BPAC Meeting, NDS Conference Room, 5-7PM Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 Project Updates – Please send any updates via email • Belmont Bridge o Design Public Hearing – tentative May 2018 • West Main Street o Gearing up for stakeholder meetings, BAR, etc. in Feb/March. Exact dates TBD. • TJPDC Regional Bike/Ped Plan • • Standards and Design Manual o Staff is reviewing draft SADM this month. Once it is reviewed, stakeholder meetings will be scheduled. • Code Audit Update o No update since Dec. - The PC approved a temporary height definition based upon an average grade plane. They also modified some language so that buildings on water street still need to provide lower street walls on their other facades and to exempt non-conforming structures under BAR review from being forced to conform to massing regulations if altered (few buildings on the Mall conform and would have to be added onto or demolished significantly if altered under the previous ordinance). These still need to be approved by Council. The list of other items that need help is still extensive. The current hot topic is the definition of mixed use. • SIA/Form Based Code o This project is on hold until a Housing Needs Assessment is completed and a facilitator is hired to engage all of the public housing developments that are contained within the SIA. • PLACE o Meeting on March 8. Agenda not yet posted. • BAR