Charlottesville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee June 7, 2018 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM NDS Conference Room, 2nd Floor City Hall Meeting Agenda Old Business: 5:00 Sidewalk/Bike Lane Closures and Temporary Traffic Control Recap 5:45 Update on City Projects - Repaving - Trail Projects - Curb Ramps/Jackson-Via SRTS - West Main Street - Upcoming Smart Scale Applications 6:15 Standards and Design Manual Feedback (Amanda) 6:45 Bike Month recap (Niko/Amanda) Future Ride/Walk Series? Upcoming Events June 9: Books on Bikes Bike Parade, 9:30AM June 14: Long Range Transportation Plan Public Meeting June 21: Bike Ride Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 Project Updates – Please send any updates via email  Belmont Bridge o Design Public Hearing held on May 24.  West Main Street o Gearing up for stakeholder meetings, BAR, etc. in Feb/March. Exact dates TBD.  TJPDC Regional Bike/Ped Plan   Standards and Design Manual o Public Meetings held on May 14. Comments due June 30.  Code Audit Update o No update since Dec.  SIA/Form Based Code o This project is on hold until a Housing Needs Assessment is completed and a facilitator is hired to engage all of the public housing developments that are contained within the SIA.  PLACE  BAR