Charlottesville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Dec. 6th 2018 5pm – 7pm NDS Conference room, 2nd floor City Hall Meeting Attendees: Julia Monteith Kyle Rodland Frank Deviney Carl Schwarz Peter Ohlms Cort Hammond Becca White Mike Smith Amanda Poncy Sarah Littlefield Will Lee Bob Moulton Peter Krebs Lena Seville Mary Hughes Brandon Avenue Railroad Crossing  Julia Monteith and Mary Hughes from UVA’s Office of the Architect presented a study on possible locations to connect Brandon Ave. with the neighborhoods on the south side of the tracks.  The study highlighted “Option C” as the preferred alternative. This option would connect Monroe Ln. to Grove St. BPAC did not disagree.  Suggestions were made to improve the gravel road around the pond north of the tracks and to consider adding a trail from Grove St. to Valley Rd. Ext. to improve accessibility to the crossing  There were concerns that cyclists would have cross through a parking lot to get to Brandon Ave. after crossing the railroad.  It was noted that the city will have to engage the neighborhood while planning for the tunnel. BPAC would like to be involved in that effort. Charles Brown Recap  Discussed potential ways to diversify group and where input comes from. o How do we make Bike/Ped interesting to others? Why should they care?  Interests in doing an Open Streets type of event o Susan Elliott is a resource for this o Move 2 Health o Lena, Peter K., Carl, and Kyle will committee this  Discussed doing meetings in Neighborhoods o Mike has list of Official and Unofficial Neighborhood Association’s Emails  Canvassing was suggested as a way to gather opinions on a potential project  It was suggested that BPAC continue to be involved in events that garner a diverse crowd (e.g. Grand Illumination, Back to School, etc.) o Doing events in/at schools as well  It was suggested to steward a stronger relationship with Community bikes in the hope of getting some of their volunteers to join BPAC and to reach a different demographic with BPAC events. Standards and Design Manual Discussion  Discussed issues in the S&D Manual as follows o 1.2 Definitions of “Bicycle Lanes”  Should reflect state code  Include more than just bicycles o 1.2 Definitions of “sidewalk”  Resolved to have it not mention material used o CH. 3 definition of “roadway”?  It’s nebulous  Resolve to have consultant define o Easements  Need to provide minimum width with reasoning o 2.4 Preliminary Site Plans  BPAC does not need to review site plans  Does paragraph need to be included at all? o Table 4.2  Strongly encourage to put a buffer in wherever possible  Furniture zone counts as buffer o 4.2 General Requirements pg. 46  ADA is not mentioned  Draw attention to. Clarify guidance vs. requirement  Did not finish due to time constraints  Cort and Carl will organize BPAC’s comments to highlight contentious items for BPAC to review and settle at the next meeting. Upcoming Events:  Dec. 19th 5-7pm Emmet Streetscape Steering Committee Meeting, NDS Conference room  Jan. 8th 5:30pm Planning Commission Emmet Street + CIP Public Hearing City Council Chambers Additional Items of Note  It was announced the Lime has been approved and may begin operating as soon as Dec. 8th 2018 o Update: Scooters were deployed Dec. 10th 2018 despite snow!  The next meeting was moved from Jan.3rd to Jan.10th 2019