Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Jan. 10th, 2019 5pm – 7pm NDS Conference Room Members in Attendance: Carl Schwarz Frank Deviney Cort Hammond David Stackhouse Ruth Stornetta Mike Smith Scott Paisley Ned Michie Lena Seville Peter Krebs Peter Ohlms Amanda Poncy Steven Bach Will Lee Action Items Summary  Carl and Cort will organize subcommittee meetings to finish discussing the Standards and Design Manual  Dave volunteered to draft a letter to send to the Planning Commission and City Council  BPAC members encouraged to send letters of support/advocacy to Planning Commission and City Council Standards and Design Manual Carl and Cort organized comments to focus on the top 50 and further focus on the most contentious items. The following bullets are items that were discussed and what was decided on.  1.2 definitions “separated bike lane”  Expanded to include more users than just bikes  easements width  Currently says Min width 10ft for nature trails and 25 ft for multi- use  Decided to give an absolute minimum and a best practice  Needs further discussion to reach a conclusion.  3 MUTCD  Added “AASHTO and NACTO guidance may be helpful in identifying best-practice designs that are compliant with minimum standards of the MUTCD."  enhanced crossing treatments  Added “included but not limited to”  Detection and timing Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Jan. 10th, 2019 5pm – 7pm NDS Conference Room  Do all traffic lights need to detect cyclists?  Decided to say “All traffic lights shall be able to detect bicycles”   Contra-flow lane must be buffered. Needs a double yellow line.  Refer to NACTA?  Shared Lanes  Changed to “should where appropriate”   Needs to be added to city code and does not belong in SaDM  Block lengths  No minimum  Max 250ft block length  Require mid-block “public right-of-way” to break up blocks longer than max o It was decided to form a subcommittee to finish going through comments. This way contentious points can be debated by those who are invested in them without taking more meeting time.  Contact Carl or Cort for information about joining and when/where this group will meet CIP update Peter Krebs gave an update from the Jan. 9th Planning Commission CIP discussion. There is a small increase in the amount for sidewalks Previously separate budgets for Trail Construction and Greenway acquisitions were combined into a single account to provide more flexibility for trail implementation. The total budget was increased from $180K to $250K  Meadowcreek Tunnel Study is funded  Applying for a Tap Grant jointly with Albemarle County for Moore’s Creek. This project would entail replacing Sunset Bridge and connecting trails to Azalea Park among other destinations. o BPAC resolved to send emails individually to Planning Commission and council o Dave also volunteered to draft a statement to send into the Planning Commission and Council from BPAC  The statement will include something about maintaining funding for West Main Improvement and Matching Funds and Parks & Rec Flex Acct Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Jan. 10th, 2019 5pm – 7pm NDS Conference Room JPA Crossing Improvements Amanda showed preliminary drawings for several intersection improvements along JPA for BPAC to view and comment. The project is a result of the Fry’s Spring Neighborhood Association efforts in 2013 to lower the speed limit on JPA and improve pedestrian crossings. This project has been submitted in the CIP for the last 5 years, but only design was funded in FY19. The plan includes curb extensions, median refuges, and lighting improvements at Cleveland and Sunset, Raymond, and Robertson and Stribing. Below is a summary of the improvements: o At Cleveland and Sunset:  Curb extensions will be added, crosswalks and rapid flashing beacons will be added as well  Amanda explained that FSNA had concerns about being able to make U- turns  BPAC asked about potential ADA Improvements at the transit stop on Cleveland  One or two total parking spots will be lost due to curb extensions. These were not legal parking spaces though, because they were located in the intersection o A crosswalk and pedestrian island in the median will be added between Cleveland and Raymond intersections, near Immanuel Lutheran Church.  Two new trees will be planted in front of the church to replace the one that will have to be removed for the median refuge o At Raymond Ave.  There will be two new crosswalks and a median refuge  Curb extensions as well o At Robertson and Stribling  Crosswalks and a pedestrian island will be added as well as curb extensions  FSNA had concerns that a curb extension and bike lane would not leave enough room to get around cars turning left from JPA onto Robertson  BPAC requested that striping for bike lane be added through the intersection  BPAC suggested adding streetlights for pedestrians *A version of these plans will be included with these notes when sent out, designs are also available online. Comments have been asked for by Jan. 23rd 2019* Dockless Mobility Update Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Jan. 10th, 2019 5pm – 7pm NDS Conference Room Amanda gave a quick update on the status of the Lime and Bird Scooters. o Approved permit for Bird Scooters on 1/4/19  Scooters were deployed 1/5/19  They are dispersed in a different pattern than Lime is o This puts us at a maximum amount of 200 scooters  There is no maximum for bikes, but there are no plans to bring more in o Lime and Bird police use of their own vehicles via GPS tracking and automatic braking systems  Some members noted that Lime scooters can’t park in parking lots of city parks based on the map on the lime app. There was some confusion for this.  UVA campus is also off limits for deployment  However, UVA wants to encourage parking Lime bikes and scooters at Ubike racks Future Agenda items o Open Streets event with Move 2 Health  Sub-committee o SaDM final draft look-over o BPAC involvement in Bike Month! - Will o SRTS update – Kyle o Update from Chris Gensic on trail acquisition and construction, skate park and bike/ped bridge