Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee January 9th 2020 5pm to 7pm NDS Conference Room Members in attendance: Carl Schwarz Dave Stackhouse Navarre Bartz Stephen Bach Peter Krebs Nelson Peter Ohlms Steven Johnson Jonathan Hine Amanda Poncy Frank Deviney Will Lee Cort Hammond Lena Seville • Washington Park Shared Use Path - Amanda Poncy Amanda Poncy presented plans for a Shared Use Path (SUP) through Washington Park connecting the end of Madison Avenue to the intersection of Preston/Madison near the parking lot. o This is a Parks and Rec project that is funded with VDOT Highway Safety Improvement funds o The SUP will allow bicycles and other wheeled vehicles (I.E. strollers and wheelchair users) around the existing staircase o Two options are being considered:  One option is an 8’ wide SUP connecting Madison to the Preston Intersection through the parking lot.  Another is an 8’ SUP that ends at the parking lot edge with striping along the parking lot to delineate space for path users. o BPAC was concerned about how safety can be assured through the parking lot without a full trail o Peter Krebs pointed out that this is a means for residents of nearby lower income housing to access the basketball courts with their feet dry and to travel more safely o BPAC provided the following comments relative to both options:  Path should be 10’ wide (If Option 1 can’t be 10’ wide, they’d prefer a 10’ wide option 2, rather than an 8’ Option 1)  Provide direct connections to the existing paths (the new trail should connect to the existing sidewalk near the parking lot so people don’t trample through the grass)  Need to make sure it meets ADA  Plan needs to show the full parking lot and intersection conditions – how do trail users cross the road? There should be a new crossing on the north side of the intersection. Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee January 9th 2020 5pm to 7pm NDS Conference Room  Can additional signage be added on Madison that directs people to the park and new trail connection? People won’t know it’s there.  Will lighting be added?  What are the tree impacts? o Option 1:  This was the preferred option.  What are the square areas designated on the trail? Are those flat areas for resting for ADA? If not, those should be provided. o Option 2:  Is there some separation that can be provided in the parking lot? For example, bollards? Parking wheel stops? Turtles? There was concern that without separation people will park their cars in the striped area or back into people using the trail.  What is the width of the parking lot? Is there adequate width for people backing up?  Is there enough room at the parking lot entrance for 2 way traffic and the trail connection? • 2019 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Accomplishments/Updates Commented [LW1]: Insert link to this, if possible Amanda Poncy gave an update on what projects in the Master plan had been completed or moved forward in the previous calendar year and what other items the City had addressed o Near term and completed projects  All sidewalks on the list have been field reviewed  A handful are ready for construction in 2020 • Rose Hill Dr. • St. Clair Ave. • Harris St. • Monticello Ave. between Druid and Quarry • Fontaine Ave. is under way with Smart Scale  Monticello Ave will be repaved in 2020 • Going to re-stripe to include climbing lane and sharrows  Completed Ridge St. study • Sets up for SMART SCALE applications  West Main Streetscape is underway  250 Bypass Trail is almost done, Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee January 9th 2020 5pm to 7pm NDS Conference Room •It was not finished in 2019 as intended due to delays in the retaining wall construction • Improvements to existing trail between Meadowbrook Heights Rd and YMCA behind the fire station have not been started  Rivanna River Trail • Continuing to work on property acquisition  Moore’s Creek • Chris Gensic is working on trail acquisitions  5th St. Trail Hub will not be pursued • The grant was not big enough to cover the estimated cost of the project • In seeking future grants, the project needs to incorporate severa lessons learned during this round of project development and public review  Meadowcreek Trail Improvements • Under review • Improvements to culverts under 250 Bypass are slated to happen  SADM update completed  Kyle Rodland was hired full time as the Safe Routes to School Coordinator • City is now funding a portion of his salary, the other portion is still grant funded  The City adopted a Dockless Mobility Program that provided bike share in the community • Veoride is currently the only company still operating in Charlottesville  Bicycle Advantage Program was begun  Counters can be found on VDOT website  OneMap project was begun • Partnered with TJPDC and County to organize GIS data into the same format to improve project coordination and achieve consistency in educational materials such as bicycle infrastructure maps o Mid-range items  Hydraulic Rd. • SMART SCALE application was not successful Commented [LW2]: Double check with Amanda Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee January 9th 2020 5pm to 7pm NDS Conference Room • Add separated bike lane or SUP along Hydraulic Rd. all the way to Rt. 29  10st NW climbing lane • Ill-advised • Difficult to implement • Dave Stackhouse noted that it would be easier to send cyclist over to 9th St -> low stress route in a quiet neighborhood  Water Street Trail connection to Belmont Bridge under construction  I-64 tunnel by Rt. 20 was not funded but VDOT is studying a connection along Route 20 to connect to PVCC and Saunders Trail from the City.  A feasibility study on Emmet Street from Arlington Blvd. to Angus Rd. was completed in 2019 but is still being edited and not ready for presentation yet  Schenks Greenway Ext. • Waiting for easements to be finalized  Melbourne Rd. • Design underway, may get a climbing lane by restriping without losing parking o Long-term items  Preston Ave. • Studies needed, separated bike lanes recommended  Pollocks Branch trail • Pedestrian bridge at Rockland design completed • Trail will always be rustic, the grades are too steep for a SUP • Neighborhood residents are interested in a Road Diet along S. 1st St.  Partner with VDOT on 5th St. corridor study from Harris Rd. past City limits into the County • Bike Month Planning – Will Lee Will Lee shared what plans are already underway for Bike Month and asked for BPAC’s input on several. BPAC was tasked with several events as well. o Items underway for Bike Month  Daily Facebook Post Series  Large social-type ride around Charlottesville • Aim is to recruit as many riders as possible to celebrate cycling in Charlottesville and to advocate for better bicycle infrastructure Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee January 9th 2020 5pm to 7pm NDS Conference Room  Bike to work Day SAG Stations • Assessing potential locations for more Stations • Reaching out to organizations to sponsor locations o E.g. Boy/Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, UVA dept., businesses on bike heavy routes  PSA length and style video to be used to promote commuting by bicycle • Currently working with Lighthouse Studios  Partnering with TJPDC to create a Clean Commute Challenge via RideShare  Planning to bring Bicycle Advantage Program to launch for Bike Month o What BPAC can pitch in on  Swap the May meeting for a social ride • There was plenty of positive energy towards this  Organize a Ride With a Councilor (or two) • Another option may be to coordinate with Kyle to have Councilors lead “Biking School Buses” for Bike to School Day  There was interest in more tactical urbanism after the success of the project in September • If you have an idea for tactical urbanism, please let Will Lee know so he can support the project • CIP Update and Discussion Peter Krebs gave an update and there was discussion about where the budget stands currently and what the next opportunities are for advocacy. o Council has a budget work session next week Feb. 6th o No one knows where council is on the budget o Starting to have due process concerns o There are 3 councilors who have said in private they will vote for robust bike funding o Still a good idea to show up and a good idea to reach out to councilors to advocate for funding especially with a specific list of projects -> see master plan update o Does not sound like the West Main Streetscape project is on chopping block to balance budget, but BPAC should be prepared to argue for it in case it’s put there • Project Updates/Discussion o Barracks/Emmet Project - Navarre Bartz Navarre showed a draft of the memo to council and discussed edits. There was a discussion about issues related to pedestrian safety and ease of use. BPAC voted to approve sending the memo after edits were made. Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee January 9th 2020 5pm to 7pm NDS Conference Room Navarre was advised to add a paragraph about sidewalk closures during construction  Pedestrian traffic data that was taken to inform the project is inaccurate due to sidewalk closures from CVS construction • Is it possible to retake some data using the eco-counters?  The memo includes some photos to illustrate BPACs recommendations for additional length for the SUP and unsafe access to trail entrance  Planners were resistant to adding a bike box on west side of intersection  Pedestrian issues • Not enough time to cross • No break from right turning vehicles  BPAC voted to approve sending memo o Greenways Advisory Group Update - Peter Krebs Peter Krebs gave an update on the most recent meeting of the Greenways Advisory Group.  Attendees in process of reviewing minutes • They will be sent out once approved  Scoping an active mobility alliance • Alliance of organizations • PEC is looking at 3 years to have admin support role  Partnering with BikeCville Action items: • Navarre will update Barracks/Emmet memo and send to committee for review • Will send follow-up email about bike month needs • Peter and Will to touch base about Lighthouse PSA • Dave, Amanda, and Will touch base about MTB festival in conjunction with Riverfest • Carl will circulate old CIP memo • Amanda to send comments on Washington Park SUP to Chris Gensic Future agenda items include • Sidewalk Closures • Discussion with Police Upcoming Meetings/Events • February 28: Bike Repair Party, Three Notched Craft Kitchen, 5PM Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee January 9th 2020 5pm to 7pm NDS Conference Room • March 2: City Council Meeting (Budget Presentation), Council Chambers, 6:30PM • March 5: Council Worksession Budget, City Space, 5PM • March 5: Regular BPAC Meeting NDS Conference Room, 5-7PM • March 12: Council Worksession Budget, City Space, 6PM • March 16: City Council Meeting (Budget Public Hearing), Council Chambers, 6:30PM • March 25: Community Budget Forum, City Space, 6PM • March 26: Council Worksession Budget, City Space, 6PM • April 2: Regular BPAC Meeting NDS Conference Room, 5-7PM • April 6: City Council Meeting (Budget Public Hearing), Council Chambers, 6:30PM • April 9: Council Worksession Budget, City Space, 6PM • April 14: City Council Meeting (Budget-2nd Reading), Council Chambers, 6:30PM Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182