Charlottesville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee November 4, 2020 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 966 0016 8045 Passcode: 927701 Carl Schwarz Peter Ohlms Erin Navarre Stephen Back Kyle Rodland Summer Shepherd Elise Jessica H Summer Shepherd Meeting Agenda 5:00 Introductions (Amanda) 5:05 Safe Streets Pilot (Amanda)  Counted 10 hours over a 2 day period (Oct. 2 and Oct. 3) during the following time frames (7- 10AM and 3-7PM)  Total of 445 pedestrians counted – 15% of these used the asphalt roadway space provided.  29 total bicyclists were counted. Most people biking (86%) rode in the direction of traffic. Only 4 people biking were observed riding in the “wrong” direction.  Of the 40 distinct 15 minute intervals observed, there were only 5 observed instances of traffic backing-up beyond view of the camera. 2 of these occurred within the same 15 minute interval. The backups lasted between 5-10 seconds.  There appears to be adequate space for all users to safely share the space.  There have been no maintenance issues with the barrels. Also, we received a total of 22 comments about the pilot (via phone, in person, or email to 72% of the comments were supportive and grateful for the efforts. 13% of the comments received expressed concern about expanding the pilot to Johnson Village and another 10% shared comments about the general state of the Belmont Bridge. 1 additional comment was received concerning the process and expressing interest in having a more public forum for discussion. Interested in comparing to Belmont bridge Promote the expanded café spaces as part of the “pilot” Possible school routes 10th Street? Ask community where you would like – Move2Health – 10K grant, due Dec. 1 /edit?usp=sharing Shamrock might be a good choice Is there a way to gauge interest with Shamrock/14th? Flyering the corridor 5:30 Project Updates  Belmont Bridge (Amanda)– Getting materials ready for bid  REPLACEMENT-PROJECT-STATUS-REPORT.pdf  Emmet (Peter O.) – no SC communications since last Dec. RW authorization   Barracks/Emmet (Navarre) – last SC meeting last week. SUP along Barracks Rd. on south Street, bus stop is getting moved to Hilltop. No sidewalk to connect new bus stop to Cava. VDOT wants to fix the sight lines coming out of Hilltop. Neighborhood preference is brick. BPAC preferred natural stone.  E. High (Lena)  Fontaine (Eberhard)  West Main (Carl)   2020 Smart Scale Submittals (Amanda) o 10th and Grady o Emmet Phase 2 o Ridge/McIntire (Cherry to Monticello) o W. Main (Phase 3)  Emmet St and Monticello Ave feedback o Crosswalks are slippery o Carlton intersection feels dangerous with the new o People still learning no left onto the intersection. o People still speeding o Crash at Monticello/Meridien – Volvo on side of road o Left turns from Elliott onto Monticello   Preston Ave, Melbourne and Grady pavement marking  Greenways Advisory Group (Peter K.)  Morphing into Active Mobilty Alliance – businesses, governments, organizations (BPAC), summit in February that will be facilitated. Nov. 30 planning meeting from 4-5PM. Let Peter know if you want to be part of the planning. From 5-6 there will be an inspirational speaker (Angie Schmitt). Sign up coming.  Comp Plan/Zoning Update (Navarre/Carl)  If anyone is interested in forming a subcommittee for zoning updates, talk to Carl. 6:10 Pedestrian safety funding (Peter O.) Consider renaming sidewalk fund to include general pedestrian safety features - . 6:30 Discuss Advisory Committee Status (Carl/Navarre)  Bylaws  Membership Diversity  December Election Likes the ability for people to jump into the conversation naturally, as opposed to waiting for “matters by the public.” Meeting with the Mayor to ask for advice. Could add a line in “composition” about who we want to be part of the committee. Composition should resemble the demographics of the community. 6:55 Future agenda topics Climate Action Committee Workgroup to discuss speed limits Election Community Engagement Student Transportation – Bike/Walk efforts Upcoming Meetings/Events - Nov. 12, 5-7PM Rivanna River Pedestrian Bridge - Dec. 3, 5-7PM BPAC Meeting From Peter Krebs to Everyone: 05:19 PM ing From Navarre to Everyone: 05:21 PM I’ll be right back. From Me to Everyone: 05:30 PM • PROJECT-STATUS-REPORT.pdf From Peter Krebs to Everyone: 05:31 PM Here's a blog post on Safe Streets pilot: bike/cville-pilots-safe-streets-program/ From Peter Ohlms to Everyone: 05:37 PM The Emmet Streetscape (Arlington to Ivy) plans can be found here: From Navarre to Everyone: 05:39 PM And Barracks/Emmet’s info is here: From Peter Krebs to Everyone: 05:42 PM Fontaine streetscape: From Peter Ohlms to Everyone: 05:55 PM There was a MyCville item about that signal's heads no longer being aligned with the lanes after the reconfiguration From erinl to Everyone: 05:57 PM Oh, heh, that was me point out that the signal heads aren't properly lined up From Peter Ohlms to Everyone: 05:57 PM Ah, I "followed" it to see if anything would come of it! From Summer Shepherd to Everyone: 06:00 PM I have to head out, but thank you for being welcoming and allowing me to come!! From Navarre to Everyone: 06:00 PM Thanks for coming by! From Jessica Hersh-Ballering to Everyone: 06:04 PM I also have to step away from this meeting, but I wanted to put out there that I'm happy to present the fall bike and ped count results to this group at a future date! Happy biking/walking, everyone! From Peter Ohlms to Everyone: 06:05 PM Charles Brown, Angie Schmidt... these are good names to have bouncing around here From Navarre to Everyone: 06:05 PM She did an interview with “The War on Cars” about her book if anyone is interested: From Peter Krebs to Everyone: 06:08 PM Angie's book: From Navarre to Everyone: 06:09 PM From Me to Everyone: 06:10 PM Two interactive webinars focused on the draft Affordable Housing Plan •Held via Zoom – registration required. The same content will be presented at both sessions, followed by a Q&A.◦November 11, 2020 (Wednesday, 6:30-8:00pm) - Register Here ◦November 17, 2020 (Tuesday, 6:30-8:00pm) - Register Here Two interactive webinars focused on the draft Comprehensive Plan revisions •Held via Zoom – registration required. The same content will be presented at both sessions, followed by a Q&A.◦November 14, 2020 (Saturday, 10-11:30am) - Register Here ◦November 18, 2020 (Wednesday, 6:30-8:00pm) - Register Here Three virtual drop-in sessions •These events are web-based “office hours” or Q&A sessions, held over Zoom, accessible via computer or phone. You can drop in to ask questions or share your feedback. •During these events, the focus is on gathering comments and responding to questions. No information will be formally presented, and registration is not needed. •Dates/times:◦November 13, 2020 (Friday, 11:30am-1pm) From Me to Everyone: 06:11 PM From Peter Ohlms to Everyone: 06:13 PM only if the subcommittee gets to have a 30,000-line spreadsheet From elise to Everyone: 06:31 PM I have to move on but thanks for letting me take part in your meeting. Elise From Navarre to Everyone: 06:31 PM Thanks, Elise From Peter Ohlms to Everyone: 06:58 PM It's certainly on BPAC's email From Peter Krebs to Everyone: 06:59 PM 5th Street safety petition: to-save-lives From Carl Schwarz to Everyone: 07:00 PM I nominate Peter Ohlms From Peter Ohlms to Everyone: 07:01 PM Does Brennen want us to read research to him? I will look around. From Me to Everyone: 07:02 PM I don't know that he wants the group to read research, but he wants ideas to be research based. From Peter Ohlms to Everyone: 07:05 PM I'll look around. Speaking of limits, I have reached mine for meeting length. Thanks all! Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made.