Charlottesville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee December 3, 2020 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Meeting Participants Meeting Agenda Discuss speed limits (Brennen Duncan, City Traffic Engineer) Brennen Duncan, City Traffic Engineer, provided a summary of his presentation to City Council on Nov. 16 concerning traffic speeds and fatalities on 5 th Street. Near term action items include a proposal to lower speed limit on 5th to 40 mph, as well as additional flashing yellow arrows and advisory signs at intersections. This proposal will go to council in January. Additional mid-term and long term solutions include a roundabout just north of Bailey. Some members inquired about the potential to reduce the number of travel lanes to improve conditions for biking and walking and further reduce speed. Traffic models show significant traffic back-up for that scenario. Student Transportation – Safe Routes to School COVID Update Kyle Rodland, City Safe Routes to School Coordinator, gave an update on the newly formed Student Transportation Committee that is working to figure out different ways to get students to school due to bussing limitations and COVID. This is an opportunity to increase motivation for biking and walking to school. Some of the ideas that have been discussed include a walking school bus system (that the schools recognize and can share with other parents. City schools are hesitant to sponsor them due to liability concerns) and changing the walk-to school radius from 3/10’s of a mile to 7/10’s of a mile. Community Engagement and Membership Diversity Topic deferred to future agenda. Follow-up from Angie Schmitt Virtual Event Peter Krebs shared his impressions of the November 30 discussion with author, Angie Schmitt (“Right of Way”) and invited BPAC members to participate in a follow-up book club sponsored by the City. The City will be providing free books to those who are interested in participating. Peter Krebs has a sign-up sheet. The format of book club is still being discussed but the group agreed that it should not start until after the next BPAC meeting in January. City Council Strategic Plan Comments Amanda Poncy updated the group on City Council’s Strategic Plan for which a number of members submitted comments. The process is on hold until April 2021, but a small group of staff and citizens will be meeting over the next few months to outline the process for the update. Co-chair Election Stephen nominated Carl. Lena seconded. A vote conducted via chat and all were in favor of Carl Schwarz continuing as chair. Navarre stepped down due to other committments. Other Business:  Peter Krebs described an upcoming grant opportunity through the Move2Health Equity Coalition to fund a Community Mobility Needs Assessment.  Lena shared an update from the PLACE Design Task Force and on-going discussions about the role of the committee. If there are ideas related to bicycle and pedestrian issues or infrastructure that are somewhat broad in scale, let Lena know so she can bring it up at the PLACE meeting next week. Future agenda topics:  Active Streets  Year in Review/Annual Report  Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts (PDC)  Community Needs Assessment Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made.