BAR ACTIONS CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Regular Meeting Wednesday February 21, 2018 – 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers - City Hall BAR Members Present: Melanie Miller, chair; Tim Mohr, co-chair; Carl Schwarz; Breck Gastinger; Emma Earnst BAR Members Absent: Justin Sarafin; Corey Clayborne; Stephan Balut Staff Present: Jeff Werner and Camie Mess Welcome to this Regular Monthly Meeting of the Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review (BAR). After presentations by staff and the applicant, members of the public will be allowed two opportunities to speak. Speakers shall identify themselves, and give their current address. The Chair will first ask for questions from the public, then from the BAR. After questions are closed, the Chair will ask for comments from the public. Members of the public will have, for each case, up to three minutes to ask questions, and up to three minutes to comment. Comments should be limited to the BAR’s jurisdiction; that is, regarding the exterior design of the building and site. Following the BAR’s discussion, and before the vote, the applicant shall be allowed up to three minutes to respond, for the purpose of clarification. Thank you for participating. PLEASE NOTE THE TIMES GIVEN ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE INTENDED TO BE A GUIDE. THE ACTUAL MEETING MAY BE LONGER OR SHORTER. Miller called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm 5:30 A. Matters from the public not on the agenda (please limit to 3 minutes) They were no matters from the public. B. Consent Agenda (Note: Any consent agenda item may be pulled and moved to the regular agenda if a BAR member wishes to discuss it, or if any member of the public is present to comment on it. Pulled applications will be discussed at the beginning of the meeting.) 1. Minutes January 17, 2018 Regular Meeting Gastinger moved to approve the January 17, 2018 minutes. Schwarz seconded. Approved (5-0). 2. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 18-02-05 501 West Main Street Tax Parcel 320175000, 320176000, 320177000 Quirk Hotel, Owner/ Jennifer D. Mullen, Esq., Applicant Additional demolitions This item was pulled from the consent agenda. Schwarz moved: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for New Construction and Additions and for Demolition, I move to find that the partial demolition and proposed massing changes satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with these 1 properties and other properties in the Downtown ADC district, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. Earnst seconded. Approved (5-0). C. Deferred Items 5:40 3. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 18-01-04 632 Park Street Tax Parcel 520114000 Kaitlyn Marie Henry, Owner/ Rick Uhler, Uhler and Company, Applicant Front yard landscaping, repave driveway, new fence and retaining wall Gastinger moved: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Site Design and Elements, and for rehabilitation I move to find that the proposed landscaping, new fences, walkways, and driveway cut satisfies the BAR’s criteria and guidelines and is compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC district, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted with the following clarifications to be submitted and circulated for administrative approval:  an updated plan of the turn-around with dimensions to be clarified and explained so this is clearly a turn around and will not accommodate/be used as a parking space  soften the edges of the turn around  updated location of the stone retaining wall (F) on landscaping plan  a larger specimen street or canopy tree be included in the front yard, with the species and location to be determined by the owner  provide a plant species key to the landscaping plan This is a provisional approval pending the updated plan submittal. Mohr seconded. Approved (5-0). D. New Items 6:00 4. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 18-02-01 104 West High Street Tax Parcel 330185000 John Conover and Virginia Daugherty, Owner and Applicant Adding height to upstairs front porch railing Mohr moved: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitation, I move to find that the proposed addition to the railing in concept satisfies the BAR’s criteria and guidelines and is compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC district, and that the BAR approves the application with the modification that the top rail be reduced to 4” so there is a roughly a 4” air space—not to exceed maximum allowed by code--between the two and paint the top rail (new rail) the same accent color as the current top rail. Gastinger seconded. Approved (5-0). 6:20 5. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 18-02-03 540 Park Street Tax Parcel 520183000 Lynn and Tobias Dengel, Owner/ Keith Scott and Julie Dixon, Applicant 2 New roof and gutters Schwarz moved: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitation, I move to find that the proposed new copper roof and copper gutter system satisfies the BAR’s criteria and guidelines and is compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC district, and that the BAR approves the application with the following modification that you find a way to paint the downspouts to minimize visibility and, as much as possible, locate downspouts to minimize visibility, especially at prominent corners . Earnst seconded. Approved (5-0). 6:40 6. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 18-02-06 213 2nd Street SW Tax Parcel 280076000 Two Chefs LLC, Owner/ Bano Restaurant Tim Burgess, Applicant Outdoor Pergola for back patio Schwarz accepted the applicants request for deferral. Mohr seconded. Approved (5-0). Information to be provided by applicant:  Elevations and sections of proposed pergola  On renderings, show proposed benches.  Sample of wood finish.  Information on any proposed lighting.  Information on any proposed landscaping. 7:00 7. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 18-02-02 516 Ridge Street Tax Parcel 290273000 Claire and Charles McKinley, Owner and Applicant Renovating front façade, fence, porch and walkway. Adding main floor deck Schwarz moved: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, for Site Design and Elements, and for New Construction and Alterations, I move to find that the proposed exterior repairs and renovations satisfy the BAR’s criteria and guidelines and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Ridge Street ADC district, and that the BAR approves the application with the following modifications to come back and be circulated for approval:  cut sheets for the new door  cut sheets for the windows (basement and upper levels)  simpler garage door (no faux wood grain on doors)  details for the front wall Mohr seconded. Approved (5-0) 7:20 8. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 18-02-07 407 2nd Street NE Tax Parcel 330092000 Charles Lunsford II, Owner/ Kristin Cory, Applicant 3 Rear porch infill and landscape replacement Schwarz moved: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitation, for Site Design and Elements, and for New Construction and Additions I move to find that the proposed changes satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC district, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted with cut sheets for the door and windows to come back and be circulated for approval. Earnst seconded. Approved (5-0). 7:40 9. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 18-02-04 405 Altamont Circle Tax Parcel 330113000 Miles Hingeley, Owner/ Simons Young + Associates, Applicant Rear addition and roof extension Mohr moved: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for New Construction and Additions, and for Rehabilitation, I move to find that the new addition satisfies the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC district, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted with the following provisos to come back and be circulated for approval:  at south elevation, when installing the proposed windows you maintain existing opening, using a panel or other treatment to infill below new windows. Consider retaining the existing 2 nd floor window and reglaze lower sash or apply filter as appropriate to screen visibility into interior bathroom. Consider storing removed windows, to allow later reinstallation.  provide cut sheets for doors and windows. BAR expressed preference for metal doors and windows versus PVC.  submit a site plan with lighting, paving materials, and proposed landscaping, specifically delineation for protection during construction of the star magnolia near the NE corner of the house.  provide plan of existing landscaping.  provide details/drawings on new rear porch and stair railing.  if concrete masonry units (CMU) used for wall supporting the new rear porch, apply parging. Schwarz seconded. Approved (4-1; with Miller opposed) E. Other Business 8:00 10. PLACE report Mohr was not at the last PLACE meeting, but there has been ongoing discussion about the comprehensive plan. I would encourage the BAR to look at that. PLACE has opened discussions with the Downtown business association to discuss lighting on the downtown mall [specifics on this can be heard on the archived BAR video.] Also, and this is not really PLACE, but the discussion about city government. 11. Set next guidelines work session date – Hoping for Wednesday March 14, 2018 8:30 F. Adjournment 8:40 4