ACTIONS CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Regular Meeting July 16, 2019 – 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers - City Hall BAR Members Present: Melanie Miller, chair; Tim Mohr, co-chair; Justin Sarafin, Breck Gastinger, Carl Schwarz, Mike Ball, Jody Lahendro. BAR Members Absent: Stephen Balut and Emma Earnst Staff Members Present: Jeff Werner, Tim Lasley, Kari Spitler Miller called meeting to order at 5:33pm. A. Matters from the public not on the agenda (please limit to 3 minutes) B. Consent Agenda 1. Minutes June 18, 2019 Regular Meeting Gastinger moved to approve the consent agenda. Schwarz seconded. Approved (7-0). 2. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-01-01 301 East Jefferson Street Tax Parcel 330204000 Diane Hillman, Owner/Karim Habbab (BRW Architects), Applicant Concrete Bench Installation Approved on the consent agenda. Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Public Design and Improvements, I move to find that the Ipe benchtops satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 18‐04‐04 1824 University Circle Tax Parcel 060097000 Jake Rubin, Owner/Applicant Modifications to Pergola Approved on the consent agenda. Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Site Design and Elements, I move to find that the modifications to the pergola satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Rugby Road-University Circle-Venable ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. 4. Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) BAR 19-07-01 603 Lexington Avenue BAR Actions July 16, 2019 1 Tax Parcel 520167000 Richard Zeller, Owner/Applicant Rear Shed Demolition and Replacement Approved on the consent agenda. Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including Historic Conservation District Guidelines, I move to find that the proposed shed demolition and replacement satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Martha Jefferson Historic Conservation District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. C. New Items 5. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-07-02 150 Chancellor Street Tax Parcel 090109000 John J. Gottschall, Owner/Tressie E. Daniels, Applicant Cornice Repair/Replacement Motion: Schwarz moved to accept the applicant’s deferral. Gastinger seconded. Approved (7-0). 6. Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) BAR 19-07-03 1801 Rugby Place Tax Parcel 050012000 Sophie Massie, Owner/Travis Miller, Applicant Construction of Rear Wood Deck Ball recused himself. Motion: Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including Historic Conservation District Guidelines, I move to find that the proposed rear wood deck satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the Rugby Road Historic Conservation District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. Gastinger seconded. Approved (6-0-1 with Ball recused). 7. Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) BAR 19-07-06 872 Locust Avenue Tax Parcel 510094000 Michael & Monica Prichard, Owner/Josh Bontrager (Element Construction), Applicant Construct New Garage and Site Alterations Ball remained recused. Motion: Lahendro moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including Historic Conservation District Guidelines, I move to find that the proposed garage and site modifications satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Martha Jefferson Historic Conservation District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. Sarafin seconded. Approved (6-0-1 with Ball recused). BAR Actions July 16, 2019 2 8. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-03-09 400 Rugby Road Tax Parcel 090005000 Westminster Presbyterian Church, Owner/Sandy Wilcox, Applicant Tree Removal and Site Improvements Ball returned; Gastinger recused himself. Motion: Lahendro moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Site Design and Elements, I move to find that the proposed tree removal, brick wall modifications, and site modifications satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Rugby Road- University Circle-Venable Neighborhood ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted provided that: • The pilasters flanking the two wall entrances are replicated; • The BAR does not approve the option using bluestone pavers on the two wall entrances; • And the BAR recommends exploring ways to memorialize the arc of the historic wall. Sarafin seconded. Approved (6-0-1 with Gastinger recused). 9. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-07-04 201 East High Street Tax Parcel 330077000 Nelson Place LLC, Owner/Paul Tassell, Applicant Removal and Reconstruction of Front Porch Gastinger returned. Motion: Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed reconstruction/restoration of the covered porch and gable detail satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted with the following modifications: • That front porch roof cornice be built to match pre-existing; • And to add a half-round gutter onto the porch. Mohr seconded. Approved (7-0). 10. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 18-02-05 421 West Main Street Tax Parcel 320178000 Ed Brown, Owner/Danny MacNelly (ARCHITECTURFIRM), Applicant Revisions to Site Plan BAR Actions July 16, 2019 3 Motion: Gastinger moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Site Design, I move to find that the proposed concept landscape plan satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR finds the proposed concept appropriate as submitted with the following considerations to be provided at a later date: • Details of the wood fence, metal fence, and metal gate; • The elevation of the CenturyLink adjacent property in context with new work; • The fence height should be a maximum of 6 feet above proposed grade; • The fence should terminate at the proposed gate facing West Main Street; • From the proposed gate/metal fence facing West Main Street, the fence should be adapted to either be a 4’ tall fence or hedge as it extends to West Main Street; • Lighting fixtures are to match those used in adjacent project [Quirk Hotel]; • And there should be a consideration for additional trees to be located on site. Mohr seconded. Approved (7-0). 11. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-07-05 601-617 East Market Street Tax Parcel 530100060 Allan H. Cadgene, Owner/Greg Jackson, Applicant Construction of Plaza Pavilion Gastinger moved to accept the applicant’s deferral. Lahendro seconded. Approved (7-0). 12. Project Update East High Streetscape City of Charlottesville E. Other Business 13. Staff questions 14. PLACE report 12. BAR Guideline Work Session – July 18, 2019 – NDS Conference Room; 5:30- 7:30pm F. Adjournment Miller adjourned the meeting at pm. BAR Actions July 16, 2019 4