ACTIONS CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Regular Meeting August 20, 2019 – 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers - City Hall BAR Members Present: Melanie Miller, chair ; Tim Mohr, co-chair; Justin Sarafin, Breck Gastinger, Carl Schwarz, Mike Ball, Stephen Balut, Emma Earnst, and Jody Lahendro. BAR Members Absent: N/A Staff Members Present: Jeff Werner, Tim Lasley Mohr called meeting to order at 5:34pm. A. Matters from the public not on the agenda (please limit to 3 minutes) None B. Consent Agenda (Note: Any consent agenda item may be pulled and moved to the regular agenda if a BAR member wishes to discuss it, or if any member of the public is present to comment on it. Pulled applications will be discussed at the beginning of the meeting.) 1. Minutes July 16, 2019 Regular Meeting Members present: Tim Mohr, co-chair; Justin Sarafin, Carl Schwarz, Mike Ball, Stephen Balut, Emma Earnst, and Jody Lahendro. Quorum established. Schwarz moved to approve the consent agenda. Lahendro seconded. Approved (4-0-3 with Mohr, Earnst, and Balut abstained). C. Deferred/Returning Items 2. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-07-05 601-617 East Market Street Tax Parcel 530100060 Allan H. Cadgene, Owner/Greg Jackson, Applicant Construction of Plaza Pavilion Motion: Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Site Design and New Construction and Additions, I move to find that the proposed pavilion satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application with the following modifications: • Ensuring downspout to drain connections are remedied on neighboring building will mitigate stormwater impact on courtyard; • The use of a permeable paving system as recommended on both letters; • Using proper grading of pavilion hardscape, and the use of shredded hardwood mulch on existing trees; • The use of soil injects nutrients before construction and after final grading; • Pruning the roots before construction starts; • The installation of tree protection fencing. BAR Actions August 21, 2019 1 Ball seconded. Approved (7-0). 3. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 17-08-02 Belmont Bridge Public Right of Way, Tax Map 53 and 58 City of Charlottesville, Owner/Applicant Belmont Bridge Design Gastinger arrived. Motion: Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Public Design and Improvements, I move to find that the proposed bridge, lighting and site work satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application with the following additions. • That the striations will wrap the corners at the abutment, and should appear cut at any obstructions as discussed;* • That lamping for the pole lights will have a minimum 80 color rendering index (CRI), although 90 is preferred; • The BAR strongly recommends review of the overhang at the knuckle to reduce the perceived heaviness of the beam, and to visually separate the beam from the parapet; • The BAR to provide advisory review of the special provision for the concrete panels for the retaining wall system. Mohr seconded. Approved (8-0). [* Specifically: A) At the two corners of the south abutment the striation pattern of the panels on the east and west walls will appear to wrap the corner onto the abutment wall under bridge; and B) where the striated wall panels meet the sloped parapet (above), the ground level (at the base), and an obstruction (a different, non-striated element that has been inserted onto or through the vertical plane of the striated wall--for example, the stairs and the bike/ped tunnels) the striation pattern will terminate as if cut, similar to a natural, exposed rock outcropping if cut for a road or bored into for an opening. Note: Refer to slides #3 and 19 of the presentation.] D. New Items 4. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-08-08 507 Ridge Street Tax Parcel 290141000 Lauter, Clayton & Kimberly, Trustees, Owner/Sigora Solar, Applicant Installation of Solar Panels Miller arrived. Motion: Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Site Design and Elements, I move to find that the proposed photovoltaic system satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the Ridge Street ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. Earnst seconded. Approved (9-0). BAR Actions August 21, 2019 2 5. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-08-09 712 Ridge Street Tax Parcel 250067000 Reba Godo, Owner/Applicant Window Replacements Motion: Miller moved to defer the application. Mohr seconded. Approved (9-0). 6. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-08-05 205 2nd Street SW Tax Parcel 280078000 Chauncey Hutter, Owner/Applicant Roof Replacement Motion: Lahendro moved to defer the application. Miller seconded. Approved (9-0). 7. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-08-06 209 2nd Street SW Tax Parcel 280077000 Same Street LLC, Owner/Tim Burgess, Applicant Site Alterations and Rehabilitations Motion: Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed exterior alterations satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted except for painting the brick, with details of the wall submitted for the record. Gastinger seconded. Approved (9-0). 8. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-08-04 200 West Main Street Tax Parcel 280010000 Violet Crown Charlottesville LLC, Owner The Bridge Progressive Arts Institute, Applicant Proposed Mural Motion: Lahendro moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitation, and Public Design and Improvements, I move to find that the proposed mural satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. Sarafin seconded. Approved (9-0). 9. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-08-01 108 West South Street Tax Parcel 280101000 BAR Actions August 21, 2019 3 West South Street LLC, Owner/Christie Haskin (Woodard Properties), Applicant Elevation/Façade Alterations Motion: Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed façade alterations satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application with the following modifications: • That new windows on the rear façade not come in contact with existing windows; • That revised elevations come back for approval; • The BAR recommends matching window color, but does not recommend the use of muntins in the new windows; • The BAR recommends to reconsider the color of the downspouts in relation to the windows. Gastinger seconded. Approved (6-3 with Earnst, Miller, and Lahendro opposed). 10. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-08-02 1509 Grady Avenue Tax Parcel 050102000 Pi Beta Phi House Corp., Owner/Mary Kennedy, Applicant Construction of Side Porch Motion: Gastinger moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for New Construction and Additions, I move to find that the proposed side porch and terrace satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Rugby Road-University Circle-Venable Neighborhood ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted with the following modifications; • That the proposed window door unit be constructed of wood or aluminum clad wood; • That specifications of the columns match the existing columns on the front porch, and be submitted for the record; • That cutsheets of the selected windows be submitted for the record; • That the revised rear elevation be submitted for approval. Balut seconded. Approved (8-1 with Miller opposed). Earnst recused herself for the remainder of the meeting. 11. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-08-03 1532 & 1534 Virginia Avenue Tax Parcel 090123000 Roger HB. Davis JR. & Jeanne S Davis Trusts, Owner Kevin Schafer, Applicant Proposed Demolition Motion: Balut moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Demolition, I move to find that the proposed demolition of 1532 Virginia Avenue and 1534 Virginia Avenue satisfies the BAR’s criteria and guidelines and is compatible with this property and other properties in the Rugby BAR Actions August 21, 2019 4 Road-University Circle-Venable Neighborhood ADC district, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted with the condition that the owners document the house with plans, elevations, and photographs for submittal with Preservation Piedmont and/or the City. Mohr seconded. Approved (5-3 with Schwarz, Miller, and Lahendro opposed). 12. Special Use Permit BAR 19-08-07 503 Rugby Road Tax Parcel 050052000 Epsilon Sigma House Corps of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Owner Erin Hannegan (Mitchell Matthews Architects), Applicant Increase Density Motion: Sarafin moved to recommend that based on the general design and building footprint as submitted the proposed Special Use Permit for 503 Rugby Road will not have an adverse impact on the Rugby Road-University Circle-Venable Neighborhood ADC District, with the understanding that the final design and details will require BAR review and approval, and with the condition that the recommendation is based on the general design and building footprint as submitted. Balut seconded. Approved (9-0). E. Other Business 13. Staff questions 1824 University Circle, Brody Jewish Center – Trellis. 510-512 15th Street NW – Faux Chimneys. 513 14th Street NW – As built elevations. 218 West Market Street – Potential BAR work session. 14. PLACE report There was no PLACE report. 15. BAR Guideline Work Session – August 22, 2019 – NDS Conference Room; 5:30- 7:30pm F. Adjournment Miller adjourned the meeting at 11:05pm. BAR Actions August 21, 2019 5