AGENDA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Regular Meeting October 15, 2019 – 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers - City Hall BAR Members Present: Melanie Miller, chair; Tim Mohr, co-chair; Justin Sarafin, Breck Gastinger, Carl Schwarz, Mike Ball BAR Members Absent: Stephen Balut, Emma Earnst, Jody Lahendro Staff Members Present: Jeff Werner, Robert Watkins, Patrick Cory, Sebastian Waisman Miller called meeting to order at 5:31 PM. A. Matters from the public not on the agenda (please limit to 3 minutes) None. B. Consent Agenda Schwarz moved to approve the consent agenda. Gastinger seconded. Approved (6-0). 1. Minutes August 20, 2019 Regular Meeting 2. Minutes September 17, 2019 Regular Meeting 3. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-10-06 500 McIntire Road Tax Parcel 330001100 Nob Hill, LLC, Owner/Steve von Storch, Applicant Exterior stair replacement Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed exterior stair replacement satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted. C. New Items 4. Special Use Permit Application BAR 19-10-02 167 Chancellor Street Tax Parcel 090126000 Alpha Omicron of Chi Psi Corp, Owner Kevin Schafer, Design Develop, LLC, Applicant Setback variances BAR Agenda October 15, 2019 Actions 1 Sarafin moved to recommend that based on the general design and building footprint as submitted the proposed Special Use Permit for 167 Chancellor Street will not have an adverse impact on the Corner ADC District, with the understanding that the final design and details will require future BAR review and approval and that the BAR extends the Certificate of Appropriateness from April 2018. Schwarz seconded. Approved (6-0). 6:00: 5. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-10-04 108 – 110 West South Street Tax Parcel 280101000 West South Street, LLC, Owner/Christie Haskin, Woodard Properties, Applicant Exterior door and window alterations Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed exterior door and window alterations satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted, with the submitted sheet to amend the front elevation, with the requirement that the light fixtures be full cut-off, dimmable, and color temperature to not exceed 3000 Kelvin, that the fixture and lamp be fully compliant with the City’s light regulations, and that the applicant will resubmit cut sheets for the windows, doors, and light fixtures. Sarafin seconded. Approved (5-1, Miller opposed). 6:20: 6. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-10-01 121 West Main Street Tax Parcel 330261000 Walters Building, LLC, Owner Tim Burgess and Vincent Derquenne, Applicants Paint Exterior Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed exterior alterations satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted, with the requirement that the light fixture be full cut-off, dimmable, and color temperature to not exceed 3000 Kelvin, and that the applicant will resubmit a cut sheet for the light fixture. Gastinger seconded. Approved (6-0). 6:35: 7. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-10-03 414 East Main Street Tax Parcel 280049000 BAR Agenda October 15, 2019 Actions 2 Virginia Pacific Investments, LLC, Owner Kevin Burke, Parabola Architecture, Applicant Roof mezzanine addition Schwarz moved having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed rooftop mezzanine addition satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as submitted, with a very strong preference for metal exterior, and should the applicant select a fiber cement material, the applicant should resubmit elevations to the BAR, and the applicant should resubmit cut sheets for windows and exterior light fixtures. Gastinger seconded. Approved (6-0). 7:00: 8. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-10-05 605 Preston Place Tax Parcel 050111000 Neighborhood Investment – PC, LP, Owner/Collins Engineering, Applicant Parking Lot Expansion Gastinger moved, Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Site Design and Elements, I move to find that the parking lot expansion does not satisfy the BAR’s criteria and is not compatible with this Individually Protected Property and other properties in the Rugby Road-University Circle-Venable Neighborhood ADC District, and that the BAR denies the application. Schwarz seconded. Motion passed 6-0. In its denial, the BAR cited the Architectural Design Control District Guidelines for Site Design and Elements (Chapter II). The BAR noted the direction provided in the Introduction (section A): “The relationship between a historic building and its site, landscape features, outbuildings, and other elements within the property boundary all contribute to a historic district’s overall image. Site features should be considered an important part of any project to be reviewed by the Board of Architectural Review.” The BAR noted that the request conflicts with the provisions of Parking Areas and Lots (section F), including: “4. Avoid creating parking areas in the front yards of historic building sites.” “8. Provide screening from adjacent land uses as needed.” And “10. Select lighting fixtures that are appropriate to a historic setting.” The BAR cited guidance from the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties [aka Secretary’s Standards], which are included by reference in the ADC District Guidelines. Specifically, from Alterations and Additions for a New Use (page 146), the Secretary’s Standards recommends against “Locating parking areas directly adjacent to historic buildings where vehicles may cause damage to buildings or BAR Agenda October 15, 2019 Actions 3 landscape features or when they negatively impact the historic character of the setting if landscape features and plant materials are removed.” The BAR cited sections of the City Code for Historical Preservation and Architectural Design Control Overlay Districts. Specifically, segments of Section 34-271 - Purposes: The City of Charlottesville seeks, through the establishment of its several historic districts and through the protection of individually significant properties, to protect community health and safety, to promote the education, prosperity and general welfare of the public through the identification, preservation and enhancement of buildings, structures, landscapes, settings, neighborhoods, places and features with special historical, cultural and architectural significance. To achieve these general purposes, the City of Charlottesville seeks to pursue the following specific purposes: … (2) To assure that, within the city's historic districts, new structures, additions, landscaping and related elements will be in harmony with their setting and environs[.] D. Other Business 7:25: 9. Presentation on LEAP Program 10. Staff questions/discussion Paramount Theatre: Planters and rooftop addition 11. PLACE report 7:50: E. Adjournment BAR Agenda October 15, 2019 Actions 4