AGENDA City Of Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review Virtual Meeting June 16, 2020 – 5:30 p.m. Welcome to the June 16, 2020 Meeting of the Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review (BAR). Due to the current public health emergency, this meeting is being held online via Zoom. The meeting process will be as follows: For each item, staff will make a brief presentation followed by the applicant’s presentation, after which members of the public will be allowed to speak. Speakers shall identify themselves, and give their current address. Members of the public will have, for each case, up to three minutes to speak. Public comments should be limited to the BAR’s jurisdiction; that is, regarding the exterior design of the building and site. Following the BAR’s discussion, and before the vote, the applicant shall be allowed up to three minutes to respond, for the purpose of clarification. Thank you for participating. [Times noted below are rough estimates only.] Please Note The Times Given Are Approximate And Are Intended To Be A Guide. The Actual Meeting May Be Longer Or Shorter. 5:30 A. Election of Chair and Co-chair B. Matters from the public not on the agenda (please limit to 3 minutes) C. Consent Agenda (If a BAR member wishes or if any member of the public is present to comment on it, a consent agenda item may be pulled and moved to the regular agenda for discussion. Pulled applications will be discussed at the beginning of the meeting.) 1. Minutes February 19, 2020 Regular Meeting. (March, April, and May meetings were canceled.) D. Action Items 5:45 1. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-03-01 (previously noted as BAR 19-09-03) 503 Rugby Road Tax Parcel 050052000 Epsilon Sigma House Corps of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Owner Erin Hannegan (Mitchell Matthews Architects), Applicant Building renovations – revisions to approved design 6:05 3. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 19-12-06 1532–1536 Virginia Avenue Tax Parcel 090123000 Roger H.B. Davis, Jr. & Jeanne S. Davis Trustees, Owner Kevin Schafer, Design Develop, Applicant New Residential Buildings 6:20 4. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR Agenda June 16, 2020 (Final) 1 BAR 20-06-01 416-418 West Main Street Tax Parcel 290012000 A. Cadgene & G. Silverman, Trustees Main Street LD TR, Owner Greg Jackson, Applicant New roof and fenestration 6:40 5. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-06-02 525 Ridge Street Tax Parcel 290147000 Ridge Street Plaza LLC, Owner Stephen von Storch, Applicant Revised landscape wall material E. Other Business 6:50 6. Staff questions/discussion Letter to VDHR re: support for Burley HS nomination to VLR/NRHP F. Adjournment BAR Agenda June 16, 2020 (Final) 2