AGENDA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Regular Meeting July 21, 2020 – 5:30 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom Welcome to this Regular Monthly Meeting of the Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review. Staff will introduce each item, followed by the applicant’s presentation, which should not exceed ten minutes. The Chair will then ask for questions from the public, followed by questions from the BAR. After questions are closed, the Chair will ask for comments from the public. For each application, members of the public are each allowed three minutes to ask questions and three minutes to offer comments. Speakers shall identify themselves and provide their address. Comments should be limited to the BAR’s purview; that is, regarding only the exterior aspects of a project. Following the BAR’s discussion and prior to taking action, the applicant will have up to three minutes to respond. Thank you for participating. [Times noted below are rough estimates only.] PLEASE NOTE THE TIMES GIVEN ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE INTENDED TO BE A GUIDE. THE ACTUAL MEETING MAY BE LONGER OR SHORTER. 5:30 A. Matters from the public not on the agenda (please limit to 3 minutes) B. Consent Agenda (Note: Any consent agenda item may be pulled and moved to the regular agenda if a BAR member wishes to discuss it, or if any member of the public is present to comment on it. Pulled applications will be discussed at the beginning of the meeting.) 1. Submit for BAR record: Front railing at 430 N. 1st Street (BAR 18-07-02) 2. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-01 119 W. Main Street (Bizou) Tax Parcel: 330260000 Owner: Walters Building, LLC Applicant: Tim Burgess Fence at rear of building 3. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-02 105 E. Main Street (101-111 E. Main Street) Tax Parcel: 330248000 Owner: First and Main Charlottesville LLC Applicant: Christie Haskin/Woodard Properties Install door at window opening 4. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-03 120 Oakhurst Circle BAR Agenda July 21, 2020 1 Tax Parcel: 110025000 Owner: Tenth and Main, LLC Applicant: Bill Chapman New driveway and parking C. New Items 5:40 5. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-05 320 W. Main Street Tax Parcel: 290018000 Owner: 320 West Main LLC Applicant: Robert Nichols/Formwork Design Exterior alterations and signage 6:00 6. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-04 518 17th Street NW Tax Parcel: 050066000 Owner: Charlottesville VA House Corp – Alpha Phi Applicant: George Stone Replace slate roof 6:20 7. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-06 411 1st Street N Tax Parcel: 330107000 Owner: Andrea and Reidar Stiernstrand Applicant: Julie Kline Dixon/Rosney Co. Architects New door at window opening 6:40 8. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-07 422 1st Street N Tax Parcel: 330100000 Owner: NONCE, LLC Applicant: Julie Kline Dixon/Rosney Co. Architects Addition to residence 7:05 9. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-08 418 E. Jefferson Street (Renaissance School) Tax Parcel: 530040000 Owner: 18 East Jefferson Street, LLC Applicant: Bill Adams/Train Architects Window repairs and replacements BAR Agenda July 21, 2020 2 7:30 10. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 20-07-10 506 Park Street Tax Parcel: 530123000 Owner: Presbyterian Church Ch’ville Trust, Applicant: Karim Habbab/BRW Architects Addition to Fellowship Hall D. Other Business 11. Staff questions/discussion LEAP Energy Guide Lights at the Standard, West Main E. Adjournment BAR Agenda July 21, 2020 3