City of Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review Regular Meeting September 21, 2021, 5:30 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom Packet Guide This is not the agenda. Please click each agenda item below to link directly to the corresponding documents. Pre-Meeting Discussion 5:30 Regular Meeting A. Matters from the public not on the agenda (please limit to 3 minutes per speaker) B. Consent Agenda (Note: Any consent agenda item may be pulled and moved to the regular agenda if a BAR member wishes to discuss it, or if any member of the public is present to comment on it. Pulled applications will be discussed at the beginning of the meeting.) 1. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-09-04 301 East Jefferson Street, Tax Parcel 330204000 North Downtown ADC District Owner: Congregation Beth Israel Applicant: Karim Habbab, BRW Architects Project: Install lighting at Sanctuary entry C. New Items 2. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 21-09-01 209 2nd Street, SW, Tax Parcel 280077000 Downtown ADC District Owner: Same Street LLC Applicant: Jim Rounsevell Project: Alterations to existing structure 3. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-09-02 106 Oakhurst Circle, Tax Map Parcel 110005000 Oakhurst-Gildersleeve ADC District Owner: 106 Oakhurst Circle LLC Applicant: Patrick Farley Project: Modifications to approved rear addition (CoA: December 15, 2020) September 21, 2021 BAR Packet 1 4. Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) BAR 21-09-03 936 Rugby Road, TMP 030144000 Rugby Road Historic Conservation District Owner: Sharon and Michael Nedzbala Applicant: Leigh Boyes Project: Side addition (Note: Covered porch at rear is not subject to review.) D. Preliminary Discussion 745 Park Street - demolition E. Other Business Staff questions/discussion Brief discussion ADC District Design Guidelines (Time permitting.) PLACE update F. Adjourn September 21, 2021 BAR Packet 2 Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-09-04 301 East Jefferson Street, Tax Parcel 330204000 North Downtown ADC District Owner: Congregation Beth Israel Applicant: Karim Habbab, BRW Architects Project: Install lighting at Sanctuary entry Application components (please click each link to go directly to PDF page): • Staff Report • Historic Survey • Application Submittal September 21, 2021 BAR Packet 3 City of Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review Staff Report September 21, 2021 Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-09-04 301 East Jefferson Street, Tax Parcel 330204000 North Downtown ADC District Owner: Congregation Beth Israel Applicant: Karim Habbab, BRW Architects Project: Install lighting at entry door Background Year Built: In 1882, the Late Gothic Revival temple was built in the 200 block of East Market Street. In 1904 it was moved and reconstructed at the current site. (The east and north additions are contemporary.) District: North Downtown ADC District Status: Contributing Prior BAR Reviews • December 2005 - BAR approved CoA for reconstruction of entrance stairs • January 2009 – BAR approved CoA for replacement windows • January 2017 – Preliminary discussion re: Temple addition. • January 2019: BAR approved proposed security upgrades including new fencing and modification to the courtyard and concrete benches. • July 2019 – BAR approved wood caps for courtyard benches. • January 2021 – BAR approved modifications to sanctuary entrance, fellowship hall entrance and 3rd Street entrance. (Note: On August 11, 2021, staff OK’d modification to the fellowship hall and 3rd Street entrance doors, non-historic. The upper door panels were removed, the openings glazed for interior lighting.) Application • Application Submitted: BRW Architects drawings Congregation Beth Israel, Door Replacement Sanctuary Entry - Lighting, dated August 31, 2021: Sheets 1, 2, and 3. BRW Architects drawing Congregation Beth Israel, Security Upgrades – Doors, dated September 13, 2021: Sheet 5.6. Request for a CoA to install LED lighting above the Sanctuary entrance. 301 East Jefferson Street (September 14, 2021) 1 Discussion and Recommendations Proposed LED strip lighting will be concealed behind trim. Lamping is dimmable, the Correlated Color Temperature does not exceed 3,000K, and the Color Rendering Index is not less than 90.* From applicant’s submittal: *From product web page: Staff recommends approval. Suggested Motion Approval: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including the ADC District Design Guidelines, I move to find that the proposed Sanctuary entrance lighting at 301 East Jefferson Street satisfies the BAR’s criteria and is compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application [as submitted]. [… as submitted with the following modifications or conditions:] Denial: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including the ADC District Design Guidelines, I move to find that the proposed Sanctuary entrance lighting at 301 East Jefferson Street does not satisfy the BAR’s criteria and is not compatible with this property and other properties in the North Downtown ADC District, and that for the following reasons BAR denies the application as submitted…. 301 East Jefferson Street (September 14, 2021) 2 Criteria, Standards and Guidelines Review Criteria Generally Sec. 34-284(b) of the City Code states that in considering a particular application the BAR shall approve the application unless it finds: (1) That the proposal does not meet specific standards set forth within this division or applicable provisions of the Design Guidelines established by the board pursuant to Sec.34-288(6); and (2) The proposal is incompatible with the historic, cultural or architectural character of the district in which the property is located or the protected property that is the subject of the application. Pertinent Standards for Review of Construction and Alterations include: 1) Whether the material, texture, color, height, scale, mass and placement of the proposed addition, modification or construction are visually and architecturally compatible with the site and the applicable design control district; 2) The harmony of the proposed change in terms of overall proportion and the size and placement of entrances, windows, awnings, exterior stairs and signs; 3) The Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation set forth within the Code of Federal Regulations (36 C.F.R. §67.7(b)), as may be relevant; 4) The effect of the proposed change on the historic district neighborhood; 5) The impact of the proposed change on other protected features on the property, such as gardens, landscaping, fences, walls and walks; 6) Whether the proposed method of construction, renovation or restoration could have an adverse impact on the structure or site, or adjacent buildings or structures; 7) Any applicable provisions of the City’s Design Guidelines. Pertinent Guidelines for Chapter 3 – New Construction and Additions D. Lighting Charlottesville’s residential areas have few examples of private site lighting. Most houses, including those used for commercial purposes, have attractive, often historically styled fixtures located on the house at various entry points. In the commercial areas, there is a wide variety of site lighting including large utilitarian lighting, floodlights and lights mounted on buildings. Charlottesville has a “Dark Sky” ordinance that requires full cutoff for lamps that emit 3,000 or more lumens. Within an ADC District, the BAR can impose limitations on lighting levels relative to the surrounding context. 1) In residential areas, use fixtures that are understated and compatible with the residential quality of the surrounding area and the building while providing subdued illumination. 2) Choose light levels that provide for adequate safety yet do not overly emphasize the site or building. Often, existing porch lights are sufficient. 3) In commercial areas, avoid lights that create a glare. High intensity commercial lighting fixtures must provide full cutoff. 4) Do not use numerous “crime” lights or bright floodlights to illuminate a building or site when surrounding lighting is subdued. 5) In the downtown and along West Main Street, consider special lighting of key landmarks and facades to provide a focal point in evening hours. 6) Encourage merchants to leave their display window lights on in the evening to provide extra illumination at the sidewalk level. 7) Consider motion-activated lighting for security. 301 East Jefferson Street (September 14, 2021) 3 L_-- LANDMARK SURVEY IDENTIFICATION BASE DATA Street Address: 301 East Jefferson Street Historic Name: Beth Israel Temple 14ap and Parcel: 33- 204 Date/Period: 1882-1903 Census Track & Block: 1-105 Style: Late Gothic Revival Present Owner: Beth Israel Temple Hei gh t to Cornice: 43 Address: 301 East Jefferson Street Height in Stories: 2 Present Use: Worship Present Zoning: 6-1 Original Owner: Beth Israel Temple Land Area (sq. ft.): 101 x 100 Original Use: Worship Assessed Value (land + imp.) : 21,670 + 21,900 = 45,570 ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION The Beth Israel Temple is an example of the late Gothic revival popular for religious buildings in the nineteenth century. The fact that Gothic architecture was seen appropriate only for Christian churches, a founding principle of the whole Gothic Revival movemen~, had long been forgotten by 1882 and the style was adopted by all faiths. The most prominent architectural feature of the exterior are the five low pinnacles supported by corbels and - square piers. The entrance door is set into a splayed reveal under a pointed arch. Within the range of tall lance windows is contained much of the Temple's original art glass. HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION The Beth Israel Temple was built in 1882 on the sight now occupied by the Federal Post Office on Market Street. In 1904 it was moved to its present location on Jefferson and rebuilt. The congregation dates from 1863. (City Deed Reference: 14-72). ! CONDITIONS SOURCES II Good City Records :1 " 'f ~f 1------------ ------ i Ii LANDMARK CO,MMISSION ·DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, SEPTEMBER. 1974 ~. Razed in the 1990s for the east addition. Beth Israel temple 301 East Jefferson Street (Undated, assume 1970s/1980s) Beth Israel temple 301 East Jefferson Street (Undated, assume 1970s/1980s) Beth Israel temple 301 East Jefferson Street (Undated, assume 1970s/1980s) Board of Architectural Review (BAR) Certificate of Appropriateness Please Return To: City of Charlottesville Department of Neighborhood Development Services P.O. Box 911, City Hall Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone (434) 970-3130 Please submit ten (10) hard copies and one (1) digital copy of application form and all attachments. Please include application fee as follows: New construction project $375; Demolition of a contributing structure $375; Appeal of BAR decision $125; Additions and other projects requiring BAR approval $125; Administrative approval $100. Make checks payable to the City of Charlottesville. The BAR meets the third Tuesday of the month. Deadline for submittals is Tuesday 3 weeks prior to next BAR meeting by 3:30 p.m. Owner Name Diane Hillman Applicant Name _ _K_a_r_im_H_a_b_b_a_b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Project Name/Description CBI - Entry Renovations - lighting Parcel Number__3_3_0_2_04_0_0_0_ _ _ _ _ __ Project Property Address __ 30_l_E_A_S_T_JE_F_F_ER_S_O_N_S_T_R_EE_T_,C_HA_RL_O_T_T_ES_V_IL_L_E,_V_A_2_2_9_02 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature of Applicant bev::::~· Applicant Information I hereby attest that the information I have provided is, to the Address: 112 4TH ST NE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 correct. Email: KHABBAB@BRW-ARCHITECTS.COM ~'2. 09/03/2021 Phone: (W) 434-971-7160 (C) _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date KARIM HABBAB 09/03/2021 Property Owner Information (if not applicant) Print Name Date Address: 301 EAST JEFFERSON STREET, Property Owner Permission (if not applicant) CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 I have read this application and hereby give my consent to its submission. Email: DGHILLMAN6 l 2@GMAIL.COM Phone: (W) 434-295-6382 (C) _ _ _ _ __ 09/03/2021 Signature Date Do you intend to apply for Federal or State Tax Credits DIANE HILLMAN 09/03/2021 for this project? __N_O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Print Name Date Description of Proposed Work (attach separate narrative if necessary): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ An addition to a previously approved BAR application: Addition of a light fixture hidden by existing trim and transom. The light is being added to illuminate the main sanctuary entry for increased visibility and security. List All Attachments (see reverse side for submittal requirements): 3 PAGE l 1X17 BOOKLET For Office Use Only Approved/Disapproved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Received by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fee paid: _ _ _ _ _ Cash/Ck. # _ _ __ Conditions of approval : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Received : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Revised 2016 NEW LED STRIP LIGHT Sanct. Entry Level 9' - 8 7/8" SANCTUARY STAIRS SECTION 1/2" = 1'-0" title: SANCTUARY ENTRY - LIGHTING job number: 20026 ARB SANCTUARY SECTION date 12/15/20 project: Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement : sketch number Board of Architectural Review Booklet CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL - SECURITY August 31, 2021 5 UPGRADES - DOORS copyright: © 2020 brwarchitects, P.C. scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" Author 8/31/2021 2:45:37 PM T:\20026 CBI Security Upgrades - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production Drawings\20026_CBI Security Upgrades CD - New Sanctuary Door 1 edits RT21.rvt FlexBeam Specifications FlexBeam Specifications Technical Information FlexBeam features a variety of miniature precise optics on a high-end flexible Product CCT Output LEDs/ft Consump. Efficacy CRI Voltage Max run Cut board, combining flexibility and beam precision in one product. Being IP67, this Optic (lm/ft) (watt/ft) (lm/watt) length increment product can be used indoors as well as outdoors. 2700K 630 14 5.9 103 >90 24 16' 6.56” 3000K 670 14 5.9 114 >90 24 16' 6.56” Architectural applications: 20° 3500K 690 14 5.9 118 >90 24 16' 6.56” ▪ Wall grazing 4000K 700 14 5.9 120 >90 24 16' 6.56” ▪ Wall washing ▪ Accent lighting 2700K 630 14 5.9 103 >90 24 16' 6.56” ▪ Cove lighting 30° 3000K 670 14 5.9 114 >90 24 16' 6.56” 3500K 690 14 5.9 118 >90 24 16' 6.56” ▪ Pathway lighting 4000K 700 14 5.9 120 >90 24 16' 6.56” ▪ Handrails 2700K 350 14 5.5 64 >90 24 16' 6.56” 3000K 370 14 5.5 67 >90 24 16' 6.56” 60° Min. Bending 3500K 400 14 5.5 73 >90 24 16' 6.56” Diameter > 2” 4000K 335 14 5.5 61 >90 24 16' 6.56” 2700K 350 14 5.5 64 >90 24 16' 6.56” 3000K 370 14 5.5 67 >90 24 16' 6.56” 3500K 400 14 5.5 73 >90 24 16' 6.56” CRI 10° x 45° IP67 4000K 335 14 5.5 61 >90 24 16' 6.56” 90+ RGB N/A 14 2.5 N/A N/A 24 32' 6.56” RGBW 320 14 3.7 N/A N/A 24 25' 12" Optics: 2700K 630 14 5.9 103 >90 24 16' 6.56” Asymmetric 3000K 670 14 5.9 114 >90 24 16' 6.56” 20° 30° 60° 10° x 45° 25° x 40° 110° x 70° 25° x 40° 3500K 690 14 5.9 118 >90 24 16' 6.56” 4000K 700 14 5.9 120 >90 24 16' 6.56” 2700K 500 9 5.9 87 >90 24 16' 6.56” Asymmetric 3000K 500 9 5.9 87 >90 24 16' 6.56” 110° x 70° 3500K 500 9 5.9 87 >90 24 16' 6.56” 4000K 500 9 5.9 87 >90 24 16' 6.56” 20°, 30°, 25° x 40°, Asymmetric Max run length = 16 ft 0.90” 0.78” 1 ft = 14 LEDs Symmetric 60°, 10° x 45° 1 ft = 9 LEDs Asymmetric 408-661-2367 Jun-2021 Pg. 1 408-661-2367 Jun-2021 SANCTUARY ENTRY - LIGHTING SPEC Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet August 31, 2021 2 FlexBeam Specifications FlexBeam Specifications Ordering Code Example: FB-D1045P67CT30-4’ FlexBeam, 10° x 45° optic, IP67, 3000K, 4ft Power Supply Ordering Codes DTR + 60 + IP67 DTR60IP67 - Dimming, 60 Watt, IP67 FB - D11070 D1045 IP67 CT30 - 4’ 6’ MODEL + POWER + IP RATING INPUT OUTPUT DIMENSION PRODUCT LINE + OPTICS + IP RATING + CCT + RUN LENGTH NTR Non-Dimming 50 50 Watt IP00 Indoor 88-264V 24V 3.90 x 3.82 x 1.42 FB FlexBeam D20 20° IP67 Outdoor CT27 2700K Enter run length 75 75 Watt 5.08 x 3.82 x 1.50 D30 30° CT30 3000K 100 100 Watt 6.26 x 3.82 x 1.50 D60 60° CT35 3500K 150 150 Watt 7.84 x 3.85 x 1.50 D2540 25° x 40° CT40 4000K 200 200 Watt 8.46 x 4.53 x 1.18 D11070 Asymmetrical 320 320 Watt 8.46 x 4.53 x 1.18 D1045 10° x 45° IP67 Outdoor CT27 2700K Enter run length 12 12 Watt IP42 Indoor 90-264V 24V 3.03 x 1.57 x 1.14 CT30 3000K 16 16 Watt 3.03 x 1.57 x 1.14 CT35 3500K 25 25 Watt 3.31 x 2.24 x 1.16 CT40 4000K 35 35 Watt 3.31 x 2.24 x 1.16 RGB RGB 20 20 Watt IP67 Outdoor 4.65 x 1.38 x 1.02 90-264V 24V RGBW RGBW 35 35 Watt 5.83 x 1.57 x 1.18 60 60 Watt 6.40 x 1.67 x 1.26 100 100 Watt 7.48 x 2.05 x 1.46 150 150 Watt 7.52 x 2.48 x 1.48 FlexBeam Accessories 240 240 Watt 9.61 x 2.68 x 1.53 DTR Dimming 16 16 Watt IP67 Outdoor 90-305V 24V 5.83 x 1.57 x 1.26 (0-10V) 25 25 Watt 5.83 x 1.57 x 1.26 40 40 Watt 6.40 x 1.70 x 1.26 60 60 Watt 6.40 x 1.70 x 1.26 90 90 Watt 6.34 x 2.40 x 1.42 100 100 Watt 8.66 x 2.68 x 1.53 120 120 Watt 8.66 x 2.68 x 1.53 End Cap Connector Power Feed Jumper cable Mounting Clip 150 150 Watt 8.97 x 2.68 x 1.58 185 185 Watt 8.97 x 2.68 x 1.58 240 240 Watt 9.88 x 2.68 x 1.58 320 320 Watt 9.92 x 3.54 x 1.72 480 480 Watt 10.32 x 4.92 x 1.72 Compatible Extrusion & Accessories 600 600 Watt 11.02 X 5.67 X 1.91 FPD Dimming 20 20 Watt IP67 Outdoor 120V 24V 4.92 x 2.20 x 0.79 BA02 BA02-SL BA02-EC BA02-MC ZZ99-AA90 ZZ99-CS (Forward Phase) 40 40 Watt 4.92 x 2.20 x 0.79 60 60 Watt 4.92 x 2.20 x 0.79 75 75 Watt 4.92 x 2.20 x 0.79 96 96 Watt 4.92 x 2.20 x 0.79 150 150 Watt 9.24 x 3.00 x 2.74 Extrusion Satined Lens End Cap Mounting Clip 90° Adjustable Cable Angle Suspension 408-661-2367 Jun-2021 Pg. 3 408-661-2367 Jun-2021 SANCTUARY ENTRY - LIGHTING SPEC Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet August 31, 2021 3 BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOOKLET CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL - DOOR REPLACEMENT JANUARY 20 2021 EXISTING SANCTUARY DOORS - PHOTOGRAPHS Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 2 EXISTING SANCTUARY DOOR LANDING Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 3 EXISTING SANCTUARY DOORS - PHOTOGRAPHS Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 4 3RD STREET ENTRY LOBBY ENTRY EXISTING PHOTOGRAPHS Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 5 2 3 Sim 1 4 1 5 DN 1 2.1 As a result of a security study conducted, the current operation of the doors has been highlighted as a point of concern. Some of the issues that the existing doors have are: locking issues due to their thermal instability, the sanctuary doors swing inwards into the sanctuary space, potentially impeding the exit during an emergency, the sanctuary doors have been pointed out as a potential weak point for unauthorized entry. The below drawings depict proposed changes to three entry locations at the congregation. At the 3rd street entry, the current doors are to be replaced with new doors. At the lobby entry, the doors are to be replaced with new doors and the glass at the entry to be replaced with new glass. At the sanctuary entry, the doors are to be replaced with new doors that are recessed in and swing outwards, with revisions to the landing and installation of a new railing at the revised landing area. The design of the new sanctuary doors is reflective of the historic design found in a photograph circa 1917. ENTRANCE LAYOUT SITE PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0" New glass in doors at the entries shall adhere to BAR guidelines. Glass shall be clear. SANCTUARY DOOR SITE DIAGRAM title: Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement ARB LARGER PLAN Board of Architectural Review Booklet project: January 20, 2021 CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL - ADDITION 6 copyright: © 2020 brwarchitects, P.C. HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPH OF SANCTUARY Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 7 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NO Securi Security Upgra T:\20026 CBI Security Upgrades - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production Drawings\20026_CBI Security Upgrad project: Drawings\20026_CBI CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL - ADDITION project: Drawings\20026_CBI Charlottesville, CONGREGATION pro Virginia C BETH ISRAEL - BULLETPROOF INSULATED GLASS BE ADDITION Charlottesville, A C Virginia - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production Vi for: BULLETPROOF INSULATED GLASS MAHOGANY VENEER BULLETPROOF INSULATED GLASS CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production for: MAHOGANY VENEER SOLID PANEL, MAHOGANY VENEER MAHOGANY VENEER CONGREGATION for C BETH ISRAEL BE SOLID BRASS PANEL, MAHOGANY VENEER KICK PLATE SOLID PANEL, MAHOGANY VENEER Level 484 job number: 20003 drawing: BRASS 0' - 0" KICK PLATE BRASS KICK PLATE ARB 3RD ST door option.rvt Security Upgrades 3RD STREET ENTRANCE - ELEVATION Level 484 Level 484 DOOR job number: drawing: 20003 job 0' - 0" 1/2" = 1'-0" 0' - 0" ARB 3RD ST dra AR option.rvt CBI Upgrades 3RD STREET ENTRANCE - ELEVATION revisions: DOOR Doors new inset door option.rvt 3RD STREET ENTRANCE - ELEVATION DO doorinset 1/2" = 1'-0" 1/2" = 1'-0" revisions: CBI Security rev insetnew T:\20026 Doors newDoors 4:51:45T:\20026 drawn by: checked by: Author Checker PM copyright:©2020 brwarchitects, P.C. drawn by: checked by: Author Checker dra 4:51:45 PM Aut 12/19/2020 4:51:45 PM copyright:©2020 brwarchitects, P.C. 12/19/2020 cop 12/19/2020 1 3 EXISTING DOOR 1 3 1 EXISTING DOOR EXISTING DOOR approval seal 3 NEW DOOR TO REPLACE EXISTING approval seal ap 3RD STREET ENTRANCE - PLAN date sheet Author Author NEW DOOR TO REPLACE EXISTING 1/2" = 1'-0" NEW DOOR TO REPLACE EXISTING 03/26/2020 3 3RD STREET ENTRANCE 3RD STREET- PLAN ENTRANCE - PLAN date sheet da Author NEW 3RD STREET ENTRY 03/26/2020 3 1/2" = 1'-0" 03 1/2" = 1'-0" Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 8 REPLACE REPLACE EXISTING EXISTING GLASSGLASS AT ENTRY AT ENTRY WITH WITH NEW BULLETPROOF NEW BULLETPROOF GLASSGLASS THIS PANEL THIS PANEL FLUSHFLUSH WITH WITH DOORDOOR RAILSRAILS BULLETPROOF BULLETPROOF GLASS, TYPICAL GLASS, TYPICAL MAHOGANY MAHOGANY VENEER VENEER MAHOGANY MAHOGANY VENEER VENEER ON SOLID ON SOLID PANELPANEL BRASSBRASS KICK PLATE KICK PLATE Level Level 484484 0' - 0' 0" - 0" LOBBY LOBBY JEFFERSON JEFFERSON STST ENTRANCE ENTRANCE - ELEVATION - ELEVATION 1/2" =1/2" 1'-0" = 1'-0" NEW DOOR NEW DOOR TO REPLACE TO REPLACE EXISTING EXISTING 2.1 2.1 2 2 LOBBY LOBBY JEFFERSON JEFFERSON STST ENTRANCE ENTRANCE - PLAN - PLAN EXISTING EXISTING DOOR DOOR 1/2" =1/2" 1'-0" = 1'-0" NEW LOBBY ENTRY title: title: job number: 20003 job number: 20003 ARB ARB LOBBY LOBBY DOOR DOOR Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement date date 12/15/20 12/15/20 Board of Architectural Review : Booklet : project: project: sketchsketch number number January 20, 2021 CONGREGATION CONGREGATION copyright: BETH BETH © 2020 copyright: ISRAEL ISRAEL - ADDITION - ADDITION © 2020brwarchitects, brwarchitects, P.C. P.C. 1/2" = 1'-0" scale: scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" 2.1 2.1 9 AuthorAuthor 12/19/2020 12/19/2020 4:51:434:51:43 PM PM T:\20026 T:\20026 CBI Security CBI Security Upgrades Upgrades - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production Drawings\20026_CBI Drawings\20026_CBI Security Security Upgrades Upgrades - Doors- new Doors inset newdoor inset door 5' - 0" EXISTING STEP EXISTING STEP EXISTING DOORS AND DOOR SWING 3' - 0" 2' - 2" EXISTING METAL THRESHOLD 2' - 10" EXISTING LIMESTONE THRESHOLD STEP 11" EXISTING LANDING EXISTING STAIRS DN el 495 Dimensions on plan need to be verified in field. EXISTING SANCTUARY DOORS PLAN - 1/4” = 1’-0” EXISTING SANCTUARY ENTRY Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 10 1 5 NEW DOORS TO REPLACE EXISTING EXISTING EXTERIOR WINDOW TO REMAIN EXISTING EXTERIOR WHITE TRIM TO REMAIN NEW DOOR TO REPLACE EXISTING WITH NEW PANEL BRONZE FINISH AT DESIGN SIMILAR TO HISTORIC NEW JAMBS AND DOOR. MAHOGANY FINISH EXTERIOR SOFFIT NEW RAILING TO NEW EXTENDED CONCRETE LANDING ACCOMODATE EXTENDED LANDING HEIGHT NEW STEP REQUIREMENTS. PAINTED BLACK. NEW RAILING IN NEW LANDING Level 495 10' - 9 3/8" SANCTUARY ENTRANCE - PLAN SANCTUARY ENTRANCE - ELEVATION 1/2" = 1'-0" 1/2" = 1'-0" title: NEW SANCTUARY ENTRY job number: 20003 SANCTUARY DOOR LAYOUT PLAN Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement date 12/04/20 project: Board of Architectural Review : Booklet sketch number 4 January 20, 2021 CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL - ADDITION copyright: © 2020 brwarchitects, P.C. scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" 11 Author 1/15/2021 12:38:45 PM T:\20026 CBI Security Upgrades - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production Drawings\20026_CBI Security Upgrades - Doors new inset door option.rvt NEW ENTRY JAMB NEW RAILING NEW RAILING, INSET FROM EXISTING RAILING MOUNTED IN NEW CONCRETE LANDING NEW CONCRETE STEP AND LANDING Level 495 10' - 9 3/8" SANCTUARY STAIRS SECTION 1/2" = 1'-0" CONCEPTUAL SKETCH OF NEW RAILING title: job number: 20003 ARB SANCTUARY SECTION NEW SANCTUARY date ENTRY 12/15/20 : project: Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement sketch number CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL - ADDITION copyright: © 2020 brwarchitects, P.C. scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" 5 Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 Author 1/15/2021 12:39:03 PM T:\20026 CBI Security Upgrades - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production Drawings\20026_CBI Security Upgrades - Doors new inset door option.rvt 12 MATERIALITY PRECEDENT PHOTOGRAPHS Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 13 RENDERING - SANCTUARY ENTRY Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 14 RENDERING - SANCTUARY ENTRY Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 15 DARK WOOD FINISH (MAHOGANY) BRONZE (OVER TIME) BRASS MATERIALS Congregation Beth Israel - Door Replacement Board of Architectural Review Booklet January 20, 2021 16 301 East Jefferson Street Clarifications. September 2, 2021 Staff: Something is off between the old and new wall section. Applicant: New sketch is modeled more accurately on field measurements and is more reflective of existing conditions. Staff: Forgive my rough sketches below. As I interpret your drawing plan, the head trim (the bullnose, exterior door stop, etc.) will remain in place, with the light strip fitting onto that door stop, more or less. Is that correct? Applicant: Sketch is spot on. The light fixture is intended to be hidden from view from the street/front yard. The new door will be a bit shorter to make sure it can clear the existing jamb when it swings out as you have noted as well in the bottom sketch. 301 East Jefferson St – From applicant Sept. 2, 2021 1 301 East Jefferson St – From applicant Sept. 2, 2021 2 NOTE NEW CEILING LED STRIP LIGHT ON ASSEMBLY NOT TO CLEAR SILICONE EXTEND PAST EXISTING ADHESIVE STAINED WINDOW SASH. LED STRIP LIGHT ADHESIVE 1/2" BRONZE SHEET BLOCKING TO 1" X 2" BRONZE CLAD NEW DOOR HEIGHT ANGLE LED LIGHT BRONZE CLADDING TO MATCH ALUMINUM ANGLE. TO BE ALLOW FOR CEILING & WALL BRONZE BRONZE CLADDING 1/2" CLEAR FROM PANELING TO MATCH BRONZE LIGHT FIXTURE EXISTING JAMB TO CLAD WALL & AND CHANNEL REMAIN. VERFIY IN ALUMINUM CHANNEL CEILING PANELS. NOT VISIBLE FROM FIELD AND CONFIRM SIDEWALK DOOR HEIGHT DIMENSION. BRONZE PANEL DETAIL AT LIGHTING 3" = 1'-0" SECTION AT SANCTUARY ENTRY HEAD 1" = 1'-0" BRONZE PANEL SOFFIT BRONZE CLAD CHANNEL LED STRIP LIGHTING EXISTING ENTRY, PRESERVE AND PROTECT REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AT SANCTUARY ENTRY 1" = 1'-0" title: job number: 20026 LIGHTING DETAILS date 09/13/21 : project: sketch number CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL - SECURITY 5.6 UPGRADES - DOORS copyright: © 2021 brwarchitects, P.C. scale: As indicated Author 9/13/2021 1:12:04 PM T:\20026 CBI Security Upgrades - Doors\5_Drawings\a_Production Drawings\20026_CBI Security Upgrades CD - New Sanctuary Door edits RT21.rvt Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 21-09-01 209 2nd Street, SW, Tax Parcel 280077000 Downtown ADC District Owner: Same Street LLC Applicant: Jim Rounsevell Project: Alterations to existing structure Application components (please click each link to go directly to PDF page): • Staff Report • Historic Survey • Application Submittal September 21, 2021 BAR Packet 4 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW STAFF REPORT September 21, 2021 Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-09-01 209 2nd Street, SW, Tax Parcel 280077000 Downtown ADC District Owner: Same Street LLC Applicant: Jim Rounsevell Project: Alterations to existing structure Background Constructed c1880, the Watson House is a two-story vernacular house within the Downtown ADC District. This house--and the adjacent, matching house—feature three-bays, single pile, with a front-facing central gable and a medium-pitched gable roof. Sitting on a low foundation, the front porch is topped by a low-pitched hip roof supported by four Tuscan columns. The roofs standing-seam metal with Philadelphia gutters. The historic survey is attached. Prior BAR Actions • December 2018 - BAR approved chimney removal, roof replacement, Philadelphia gutters to be restored. • August 2019 – BAR approved rehabilitation and renovation of the exterior of the existing historic house and the existing rear addition. Application • Applicant Submittal: Jim Rounsevell Architect drawings for Rosejean B+B BAR Submission, dated August 30, 2021 (top left corner): Sheets A0.1, A0.2, A0.3, A1.2, A1.3, and A1.5. (Note: Sheet A5,1 sheet is included in the submittal, but will not be reviewed for this CoA request. Porch repairs shown on sheet A5.1 were approved administratively Aug. 30, 2021 and subject to the conditions of that CoA.) Request for a CoA to rehabilitate and renovate the exterior of the existing historic house and the existing rear addition. (The proposed work will modify what the BAR approved Aug. 2019. Staff has attached a comparison.) 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 1 The modifications reflect changing the use from a restaurant to a bed-and-breakfast (by right), with the floor plan reconfigured to create five guest rooms. Improvements to the existing rear patio are also proposed. Scope of Work East Elevation: • Install new entry door. Existing in-swing door is a hazard, swinging into an interior stair landing. South Elevation: • At the rear addition, remove previously approved doors and windows. • Install twin, windows. • Install two skylights. Velux. Fixed. CFP 6060. (Bathrooms #2 and 3.) West Elevation: • Remove window at main house, first floor. Install entry door. Steps and landing to be painted wood, identical to front steps—3-1/2” tongue and groove. • Remove the single-sash casement windows at addition, second floor and install new, similar to existing. North Elevation: • Remove existing, first floor windows (one on main house, two on rear addition). Note: Per applicant’s photos, the main house window has already been removed and the opening bricked up. • Install at the addition an entry door with steps and landing. Steps and landing to be bluestone. • Install roof skylight. Velux. Fixed. FCM 2222. (Bathroom #1.) Existing - General: • Windows: Repair/renovate existing double hung windows. Existing windows do not function--do not meet Code for egress. Paint white to match existing. • Brick: Repair mortar, match existing with Lehigh flamingo color mortar. Mortar type N. • New doors and windows to be Andersen E-series, per Better Living quote #1217826, dated 8/27/2021. • Velux Skylights (FCM and CFP) per cut sheets provided by the applicant. • Paint: o All windows, doors, exterior trim, fasicas, risers, porch columns, ceiling, beams etc: Ben. Moore OC-152, Super white, semi-gloss, to match existing white on existing windows, fascia, freeze boards, etc. o Existing board and batten siding (rear): Ben. Moore HC-168, Chelsea Gray. o Porch flooring, treads: Ben. Moore AC-27 Galveston gray, semi-gloss, with non-slip additive. o Porch railings: black. Ben. Moore 2132-10, Black, gloss. o Brick will not be painted. Patio Area and Plantings: (Not indicated. Notes From the applicant.) 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 2 • The patio area is yet to be determined and currently not in the scope of work (future). It has not really been designed but a concept was included as a courtesy. • Existing paving and pea gravel to be removed. • Existing white wall in back gets Virginia creeper which turns red in the fall. A small water feature to counteract heat island effect TBD. • Front: Existing dogwoods to remain with new dark green ground cover below, poss. Woodland phlox or sim. • Garden is honey dust (crushed brown stone a-la- bocce court). • Patio is bluestone pavers on stone dust. Like next door, new bluestone treads on over decaying concrete for front steps (safety issue-see existing images). Overgrown north side is replaced with bluestone stepping stones to access Bedroom #3. • A low hedge (<3’ high) shields the base of the adjacent building along the Northside. Lighting: (Not indicated. Notes From the applicant.) • Exterior lighting for the patio is TBD. All exterior lighting to be 2700K, CRI of 95 or better. All low voltage, low key, landscape lighting. (No exterior flood lights.). • No wall mounted fixtures other than two full cut-off fixtures at both entries (see cut sheet attached). • Porch has ceiling cut outs for three 3-1/2” recessed dimmable MR16 fixtures that will light the porch volume. (Contrasted lighting, white trim). All lighting done in consultation with Mark Schulyer Lighting Design. Discussion The house was constructed c1880 and, per the Sanborn Maps (see appendix), the single-story, rear addition was in place by 1896. As such, repairs to the existing masonry must be done carefully and use an appropriate lime mortar, relative to the amount, if any, of Portland cement used. Reference NPS Preservation Brief #2: Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings. The two, single sash casements at the second floor, rear addition are likely sash salvaged from an original, enclosed window; however, the board-and-batten addition appears to be post-1960s. The existing, first floor window at Bedroom #1 has already been removed and the opening bricked closed, without BAR review and approval. Note: While a historic window, it is possible this is not original to the building. Per the Sanborn Maps (see appendix), the window may have added between 1907 and 1920. (There is not a matching window on the south wall.) Options available for the BAR: • Accept the change and completed brick work. • If extant, the original window could be reinstalled; however, due to the proposed use, the public safety code requires this be a fire-rated wall, including the window. As such, any replacement will require a new, fire-rated window. • Allow the bricked opening, but require it be installed as inset panel, not flush with the exterior wall, thus expressing the change from the original. Suggested Motions 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 3 Approval: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed exterior alterations at 209 2nd Street SW satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application as [as submitted]. [… as submitted with the following modifications or conditions:] Denial: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Rehabilitations, I move to find that the proposed exterior alterations at 209 2nd Street SW do not satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are not compatible with this property and other properties in the Downtown ADC District, and that for the following reasons the BAR denies the application as submitted. Criteria, Standards, and Guidelines Review Criteria Generally Sec. 34-284(b) of the City Code states that, in considering a particular application the BAR shall approve the application unless it finds: (1) That the proposal does not meet specific standards set forth within this division or applicable provisions of the Design Guidelines established by the board pursuant to Sec.34-288(6); and (2) The proposal is incompatible with the historic, cultural or architectural character of the district in which the property is located or the protected property that is the subject of the application. Pertinent Standards for Review of Construction and Alterations include: (1) Whether the material, texture, color, height, scale, mass and placement of the proposed addition, modification or construction are visually and architecturally compatible with the site and the applicable design control district; (2) The harmony of the proposed change in terms of overall proportion and the size and placement of entrances, windows, awnings, exterior stairs and signs; (3) The Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation set forth within the Code of Federal Regulations (36 C.F.R. §67.7(b)), as may be relevant; (4) The effect of the proposed change on the historic district neighborhood; (5) The impact of the proposed change on other protected features on the property, such as gardens, landscaping, fences, walls and walks; (6) Whether the proposed method of construction, renovation or restoration could have an adverse impact on the structure or site, or adjacent buildings or structures; (7) Any applicable provisions of the City’s Design Guidelines. Pertinent ADC District Design Guidelines Chapter II – Site Design and Elements (Link: III: Site Design and Elements) B. Plantings 1) Encourage the maintenance and planting of large trees on private property along the streetfronts, which contribute to the “avenue” effect. 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 4 2) Generally, use trees and plants that are compatible with the existing plantings in the neighborhood. 3) Use trees and plants that are indigenous to the area. 4) Retain existing trees and plants that help define the character of the district, especially street trees and hedges. 5) Replace diseased or dead plants with like or similar species if appropriate. 6) When constructing new buildings, identify and take care to protect significant existing trees and other plantings. 7) Choose ground cover plantings that are compatible with adjacent sites, existing site conditions, and the character of the building. 8) Select mulching and edging materials carefully and do not use plastic edgings, lava, crushed rock, unnaturally colored mulch or other historically unsuitable materials. D. Lighting 1) In residential areas, use fixtures that are understated and compatible with the residential quality of the surrounding area and the building while providing subdued illumination. 2) Choose light levels that provide for adequate safety yet do not overly emphasize the site or building. Often, existing porch lights are sufficient. 3) In commercial areas, avoid lights that create a glare. High intensity commercial lighting fixtures must provide full cutoff. 4) Do not use numerous “crime” lights or bright floodlights to illuminate a building or site when surrounding lighting is subdued. 5) […] […]. 6) Consider motion-activated lighting for security. E. Walkways and Driveways 1) Use appropriate traditional paving materials like brick, stone, and scored concrete. 2) Concrete pavers are appropriate in new construction, and may be appropriate in site renovations, depending on the context of adjacent building materials, and continuity with the surrounding site and district. 3) Gravel or stone dust may be appropriate, but must be contained. […] Chapter 4 – Rehabilitation (Link: V: Rehabilitation) C. Windows 1) Prior to any repair or replacement of windows, a survey of existing window conditions is recommended. Note number of windows, whether each window is original or replaced, the material, type, hardware and finish, the condition of the frame, sash, sill, putty, and panes. 2) Retain original windows when possible. 3) Uncover and repair covered up windows and reinstall windows where they have been blocked in. 4) If the window is no longer needed, the glass should be retained and the back side frosted, screened, or shuttered so that it appears from the outside to be in use. 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 5 5) Repair original windows by patching, splicing, consolidating or otherwise reinforcing. Wood that appears to be in bad condition because of peeling paint or separated joints often can be repaired. 6) Replace historic components of a window that are beyond repair with matching components. 7) Replace entire windows only when they are missing or beyond repair. 8) If a window on the primary façade of a building must be replaced and an existing window of the same style, material, and size is identified on a secondary elevation, place the historic window in the window opening on the primary façade. 9) Reconstruction should be based on physical evidence or old photographs. 10) Avoid changing the number, location, size, or glazing pattern of windows by cutting new openings, blocking in windows, or installing replacement sash that does not fit the window opening. 11) Do not use inappropriate materials or finishes that radically change the sash, depth of reveal, muntin configuration, reflective quality or color of the glazing, or appearance of the frame. 12) Use replacement windows with true divided lights or interior and exterior fixed muntins with internal spacers to replace historic or original examples. 13) If windows warrant replacement, appropriate material for new windows depends upon the context of the building within a historic district, and the age and design of the building. Sustainable materials such as wood, aluminum-clad wood, solid fiberglass, and metal windows are preferred. Vinyl windows are discouraged. 14) False muntins and internal removable grilles do not present an historic appearance and should not be used. 15) Do not use tinted or mirrored glass on major facades of the building. Translucent or low (e) glass may be strategies to keep heat gain down. 16) Storm windows should match the size and shape of the existing windows and the original sash configuration. Special shapes, such as arched top storms, are available. 17) Storm windows should not damage or obscure the windows and frames. 18) Avoid aluminum-colored storm sash. It can be painted an appropriate color if it is first primed with a zinc chromate primer. […] D. Entrances, Porches, and Doors 1) The original details and shape of porches should be retained including the outline, roof height, and roof pitch. 2) Inspect masonry, wood, and metal or porches and entrances for signs of rust, peeling paint, wood deterioration, open joints around frames, deteriorating putty, inadequate caulking, and improper drainage, and correct any of these conditions. 3) Repair damaged elements, matching the detail of the existing original fabric. 4) Replace an entire porch only if it is too deteriorated to repair or is completely missing, and design to match the original as closely as possible. 5) Do not strip entrances and porches of historic material and details. 6) Give more importance to front or side porches than to utilitarian back porches. 7) Do not remove or radically change entrances and porches important in defining the building’s overall historic character. 8) Avoid adding decorative elements incompatible with the existing structure. 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 6 9) In general, avoid adding a new entrance to the primary facade, or facades visible from the street. 10) Do not enclose porches on primary elevations and avoid enclosing porches on secondary elevations in a manner that radically changes the historic appearance. 11) Provide needed barrier-free access in ways that least alter the features of the building. a. For residential buildings, try to use ramps that are removable or portable rather than permanent. b. On nonresidential buildings, comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act while minimizing the visual impact of ramps that affect the appearance of a building. 12) The original size and shape of door openings should be maintained. 13) Original door openings should not be filled in. 14) When possible, reuse hardware and locks that are original or important to the historical evolution of the building. 15) Avoid substituting the original doors with stock size doors that do not fit the opening properly or are not compatible with the style of the building. 16) Retain transom windows and sidelights. 17) When installing storm or screen doors, ensure that they relate to the character of the existing door. a) They should be a simple design where lock rails and stiles are similar in placement and size. b) Avoid using aluminum colored storm doors. c) If the existing storm door is aluminum, consider painting it to match the existing door. d) Use a zinc chromate primer before painting to ensure adhesion. H. Masonry 1) Retain masonry features, such as walls, brackets, railings, cornices, window surrounds, pediments, steps, and columns that are important in defining the overall character of the building. 2) When repairing or replacing a masonry feature, respect the size, texture, color, and pattern of masonry units, as well as mortar joint size and tooling. 3) When repointing masonry, duplicate mortar strength, composition, color, and texture. a. Do not repoint with mortar that is stronger than the original mortar and the brick itself. b. Do not repoint with a synthetic caulking compound. 4) Repoint to match original joints and retain the original joint width. 5) Do not paint unpainted masonry. K. Paint 1) Do not remove paint on wood trim or architectural details. 2) Do not paint unpainted masonry. 3) Choose colors that blend with and complement the overall color schemes on the street. Do not use bright and obtrusive colors. 4) The number of colors should be limited. Doors and shutters can be painted a different color than the walls and trim. 5) Use appropriate paint placement to enhance the inherent design of the building. 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 7 L. Rear of Buildings 1) Meet all handicapped accessibility requirements. 2) Consolidate and screen mechanical and utility equipment in one location when possible. 3) Consider adding planters or a small planting area to enhance and highlight the rear entrance, and create an adequate maintenance schedule for them. 4) Retain any historic door or select a new door that maintains the character of the building and creates an inviting entrance. 5) Note building and ADA codes when and if changing dimensions or design of entrance. 6) Windows define the character and scale of the original façade and should not be altered. 7) If it is necessary to replace a window, follow the guidelines for windows earlier in this chapter. 8) If installation of storm windows is necessary, follow the guidelines for windows earlier in this chapter. 9) Remove any blocked-in windows and restore windows and frames if missing. 10) Security grates should be unobtrusive and compatible with the building. 11) Avoid chain-link fencing. 12) If the rear window openings need to be covered on the interior for merchandise display or other business requirements, consider building an interior screen, and maintain the character of the original window’s appearance from the exterior. 13) Ensure that the design of the lighting relates to the historic character of the building. 14) Consider installing signs and awnings that are appropriate for the scale and style of the building. 15) Design and select systems and hardware to minimize impact on the historic fabric of the building. 16) Ensure that any fire escapes meet safety regulations and that no site elements inhibit proper egress. 17) Ensure that any rear porches are well maintained; and if used as upper floor entrance(s), are well lit and meet building codes while retaining their historic character. 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 8 Appendix 209 2nd Street SW (September 14, 2021) 9 Sept 14, 2021 209 2nd Street, SW - Sept. 21, 2021 Existing (from Aug 2019 submittal) Approved August 2019 Proposed September 2021 Page 1 of 4 Sept 14, 2021 209 2nd Street, SW - Sept. 21, 2021 Existing (from Aug 2019 submittal) Approved August 2019 Staff note (9/2021): This window has already been removed. See staff report for discussion. Proposed September 2021 Page 2 of 4 Sept 14, 2021 209 2nd Street, SW - Sept. 21, 2021 Existing (from Aug 2019 submittal) Staff note (9/2021): Windows shown incorrectly. Existing are single sash. (see below.) Approved August 2019 Siding is existing board and batten. Proposed September 2021 See window note above. New windows to be 6-lite casement. Page 3 of 4 Sept 14, 2021 209 2nd Street, SW - Sept. 21, 2021 Existing (from Aug 2019 submittal) Approved August 2019 Proposed September 2021 Siding is existing board and batten. Page 4 of 4 ...------------------------------------- eJrlenl ij/rali"oll STREET ADDRESS: 209 Second Street SW HISTORIC NAME: Watson House MAP 8 PARCEL: 28-77 DATE / PERIOD: 1880-81 CENSUS TRACT AND BLOCK: 1-223 STYLE: Vernacular PRESENT ZONING: B-4 HEIGHT (tocornice)OR STORIES:2 storeys ORIGINAL OWNER: John D. Wa tson DIMENSIONS AND LAND AREA :44.83 x 91.5 I I (4338 sq. ft.) ORIGINAL USE: Renta I Property (Res idence) CONDITION : Good PRESENT USE: Renta I Property (2 apartments) SURVEYOR : Bibb PRESENT OWNER: Albemarle Bank & Trust Company DATE OF SURVEY: Sp r ing 1981 ADDRESS: Trus tee for Ca rava t i Land Trus t # I SOURCES: City /County Records 1425 Seminole Trail Sanborn Map Co. - 1891 Charlottesville, VA 22901 ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION This simple vernacular two-storey brick house is nearly identical to the one next door. It is three bays wide and single pile, set on a low foundation without a basement. Brick is laid in 7-course American-with-Flemish bond on the facade and 7-course American bond elsewhere. The medium-pitched gable roof mas an additional central gable on the facade. It is covered with standing-seam metal and has Philadelphia gutters, projecting eaves and verges, boxed cornice, and plain frieze. There are two interior capped chimneys, one on each side of the central hall. Windows are double-sash, 6-over-6 light, with architrave trim, slightly shorter at the second level. A one-storey veranda covers the facade. It has a low-pitched hip roof covered with standing-seam metal with boxed cornice and plain frieze, supported by four Tuscan columns. There is no balustrade. The entrance door, below a 2-light rectangular-- transom in the center bay of the facade, has two small I ights above four panels. A long one-storey wing, half of which is probably original, covers the north bay of the rear elevation. It has a medium-pitched hip roof covered with composition shingles with boxed cornice and plain frieze. Brick is laid in 7-course American bond, and the 6-over-6 light windows have plain trim. There is no chimney in the wing. A complex of shed-roofed porches along the south side of the wing has recently been enclosed with vertical wooden siding, matching a wide and shal low shed-roofed addition covering the center bay at the second level. HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION John D. Watson purchased this lot and the adjoining one in 1880 (ACOB 79-151). Tax records show that he built the two identical houses -in 1880 and 1881. Both were used as rental property. Watson died in 1916, and his son George N. Watson received these houses in the division of his estate (City WB 2-30, City DB 29-405). J. P. Verlander bought this one house in 1921 (DB 38-25) and sold it two years later to Mary C. Payne, wife of Charlottesville Fire Chief L. R. Payne (DB 44-288). They lived there for several years and then deeded it to Miss Edith B. Payne, who used it as rental property (DB 58-288). She sold it in 1936 to Susie H. Dickerson and Lucy H. Irving (90-276), who sold it to Clyde and Viola Woodson in 1948 (DB 137-303). C. T. O' purchased it from them in 1956 (DB 193-43) and sold it to the present owners in 1980 (DB 416-764). The house has been used as residential rental property for half a century and is now being converted into offices. Additional References: City DB204-308, 313- 444, 316-240. HISTORIC LANDMARKS COMMISSION - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Board of Architectural Review (BAR) Certificate of Appropriateness Please Return To: City of Charlottesville Department of Neighborhood Development Services P.O. Box 911, City Hall Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone (434) 970-3130 Please submit ten (10) hard copies and one (1) digital copy of application form and all attachments. Please include application fee as follows: New construction project $375; Demolition of a contributing structure $375; Appeal of BAR decision $125; Additions and other projects requiring BAR approval $125; Administrative approval $100. Make checks payable to the City of Charlottesville. The BAR meets the third Tuesday of the month. Deadline for submittals is Tuesday 3 weeks prior to next BAR meeting by 3:30 p.m. Owner Name Same Street LLC Applicant Name_ __,_ji_m_ ro_u_n_s_e v_e_l_ l a_r_c_ hi_te_c_t _ _ _ _ _ __ Project Name/Description Rosejean B+B conversion Parcel Number 2soo 77ooo ------------ Project Property Address 209 second street SW Signature of Applicant Applicant Information Address: jim rounsevell architect 1113 Monticello Road cvme 22902 Email: Phone: (W) 434.226.0468 (C) 434 882 4992 iim rounsevell 08.16.2021 Property Owner Information (if not applicant) Print Name Date Address: Same street LLC if not a licant 213 2nd street SW Cville 22902 Email: tjohnburaess@ Phone: (W) _ _ _ _ _ _ (C) 434.409.0823 Date Do you intend to apply for Federal or State Tax Credits 08.16.2021 for this project? _ no _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Description of Proposed Work (attach separate narrative if necessary): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ This is an update to a previous submission, approved 08.20.19. the project was to convert the structure to restaurant use. This new submission is change of use by-right to a B+B. Modest reconfiguration of the floor plan nets five dwelling units. There are no major r visions to the building's structure. • • List All Attachments (see reverse side for submittal requirements): Rosejean B+B BAR submission set. (7 pp) For Office Use Only Approved/Disapproved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Received by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fee paid: _ _ _ _ _Cash/Ck. # _ _ __ Conditions of approval: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Received: ----------- Revised 2016 JIM ROUNSEVELL ARCHITECT 209 second BAR 3.vwx OWNER RoseJean LLC 213 Second Street SW J1R@JNRSTUDIO.COM Charlottesville VA 22902 ARCHITECT Jim Rounsevell Architect 434.882.4992 1113 Monticello Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434. 226.0468 8/30/21 NARRATIVE 2021-05 This is an update to a previous submission to convert the structure to restaurant use, approved 08.20.19. Structural, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC modifications and existing wall upgrades had been completed and inspected. This new submission is change of use (by-right) to a B+B. Modest reconfiguration of the floor plan nets five dwelling units (Residential use R-3). There are no major revisions to the building's structure. garden BAR rev 3 Along with renovation of the interior and repair of the front porch, upgrades to the existing outdoor patio in back are planned for guest use. SCOPE MAIN HOUSE: BAR SUBMISSION 1. Repair/renovate existing double hung windows. Existing windows do not function (do not meet Code for egress) Paint white to match existing. DN 2. Repair failing mortar as required. match existing with patio Lehigh flamingo color mortar. 3. Replace front porch columns with identical, stabilze roof structure. Replace porch flooing with traditional T+G porch flooring. Rebuild existing piers. Replace steps with code compliant treads/risers. See A 5.1 4. Replace front door. Existing in-swing door will be a hazard to transient occupants, swinging into a stair DN landing. (The existing stair and door swing was also dangerous). A new outswing door requires it be clear for safety. D-5 ROSEJEAN B + B REAR ADDITIONS: 1. Paint exsiting board and batten siding Benjamin Moore Historical Color Amherst Gray HC-167. patio entry 2. Omit previously approved egress door and replace with 213 UP 16 R at 7.63 209 205 new matching window. (window sill higher to not interfere with bed headboard). tooth in below with salvaged brick to match existing. 3. Omit previously approved windows and doors. Replace ganged window unit with two casement windows to meet egress requirements for bedroom #2. Omit two awning windows for bathroom privacy. Previously approved door DN N on west side is filled back in for privacy. 4. Add new door, landing, and steps along north side for egress for bedroom # 3. 5. Add a new skylights on north and south roofs for bathrooms for daylighting (+ privacy). 6. Add a new landing and steps to courtyard in front of exisiting Lounge door. Replace door with outswing french door. PLAT 7. Replace two disintgrating upper level bath room 1 SITE PLAN 2 windows with new windows to match previously A0.1 3/32" = 1'-0" Actual A0.1 not to Size scale approved windows. A0.1 JIM ROUNSEVELL ARCHITECT 209 second BAR 3.vwx J1R@JNRSTUDIO.COM 434.882.4992 8/30/21 2021-05 BAR rev 3 Existing-Images EXTERIOR-FRONT PORCH EXTERIOR-FRONT PORCH DETAIL EXTERIOR-FRONT CENTER EXTERIOR-FRONT RIGHT ROSEJEAN B + B EXTERIOR-REAR OF COURTYARD EXTERIOR-REAR LEFT SIDE EXTERIOR-REAR RIGHT SIDE EXTERIOR-REAR LEFT SIDE A0.2 JIM ROUNSEVELL ARCHITECT 209 second BAR 3.vwx J1R@JNRSTUDIO.COM 434.882.4992 8/30/21 according to the owner, this is not the original window shape. 2021-05 BAR rev 3 Previous submission O R I G I N A L (Front Elevation not shown-(unchanged) 2019 APPROVED ROSEJEAN B + B doors and steps were not with adjacent doors unable to installed: header was too short walk -in cooler not installed be installed, this opening was to fit doors. converted to a door for egress window omitted for the restaurant. brick fired oven omitted NOT TO SCALE A0.4 JIM ROUNSEVELL ARCHITECT 209 second BAR 3.vwx J1R@JNRSTUDIO.COM 434.882.4992 8/30/21 relocate opening 2021-05 indicates walls to be removed 14'6" x 14'10" Bedroom 5 BAR rev 3 Bath 5 remove door, save bench for reuse remove door bench 7'6" x 14'10" Demolition Plans Hall Bath 4 skylight " 9 '- 0 " 10 remove stair + remove stair + landiing landiing re-open existing opening remove windows ROSEJEAN B + B 14'6" x 14'10" Bedroom 4 2 DEMOLTION- MAIN LEVEL 1 DEMOLITION-UPPER LEVEL 3/16" = 1'-0" A0.3 3/16" = 1'-0" A0.3 A0.3 JIM ROUNSEVELL ARCHITECT 209 second BAR 3.vwx Porch repair adminstrative approval 08.20.21 J1R@JNRSTUDIO.COM 434.882.4992 8/30/21 DN 2021-05 14'6" x 14'10" Bedroom 1 Bath 1 BAR rev 3 13'10" x 13'5" Bedroom 3 16'6" x 12'8" First Floor Plan UP 16 R at 7.63 Bedroom 2 36'0" x 8'0" D-5 DN Porch Bath 3 Bath 2 breakfast bar ROSEJEAN B + B DN 22'7" x 14'10" Lounge 1 MAIN LEVEL A1.2 1/4" = 1'-0" A1.2 JIM ROUNSEVELL ARCHITECT 209 second BAR 3.vwx J1R@JNRSTUDIO.COM 434.882.4992 new egress windows 8/30/21 new skylights see porch note A1.2 2021-05 14'6" x 14'10" Bedroom 5 DN Second Floor Plan + Side Elevations BAR rev 3 Bath 5 DN 5 LEFT ELEV (FACING 213) A1.3 3/16" = 1'-0" Bath 4 7'6" x 14'10" Hall ROSEJEAN B + B new skylight DN see porch new egress door + note A1.2 existing electrical stoop service disconnect and mast 14'6" x 14'10" Bedroom 4 1'-6" 6 RIGHT ELEV (FACING 205) 2 Upper Level A1.3 A1.3 3/16" = 1'-0" A1.3 1/4" = 1'-0" JIM ROUNSEVELL ARCHITECT 209 second BAR 3.vwx J1R@JNRSTUDIO.COM existing new standing seam roof (typ) 434.882.4992 renovate all existing windows to Porch repair adminstrative 8/30/21 meet egress. reglaze, repaint, repair weights, replace approval 08.20.21. Roof hardware as required. and ceiling remain as-is. 2021-05 new egress door BAR rev 3 Front + Rear Elevations 2 LEFT REAR ISOMETRIC A1.5 3/32" = 1'-0" 1 FRONT ELEVATION A1.5 3/16" = 1'-0" ROSEJEAN B + B replace rotted windows with new to match previous submission paint existing siding new skylight exsiting door new new window replaces landing previous approved and steps door opening. match existing brick and mortar below 3 RIGHT REAR ISOMETRIC A1.5 3/32" = 1'-0" 4 REAR ELEVATION A1.5 A1.5 3/16" = 1'-0" JIM ROUNSEVELL ARCHITECT D-2 1'-8 1/2" 209 second CD 3.vwx typ. J1R@JNRSTUDIO.COM footing and cmu pier 434.882.4992 direction of porch flooring below. see details 1/A5.1 slope frame to match Dbl 2x8 beams 8/17/21 2x8 joists. 16" o.c. typ. 2021-05 hangar. Simpson LU 28. typical each end DN footing and brick pier 2/A5.1 below. see details NOTE: porch details added match overall dimensions of existing porch. 3 FRAMING PLAN record dimensions prior to demolition. A5.1 1/4" = 1'-0" inspect and verify roof framing attachment to existing building. Secure framing as required to meet existing code. (make sure pilasters are Doric order composite column to cosmetic and non-load-bearing) match. 10" diameter. painted white. Porch floor. 1x4 nominal KDAT T+G flooring. (yellawood). painted dark gray (w/slip resistant additive) existing brick wall Tie (WB106) through column. Secure to doric order pilaster to match. wood beams above and below for uplift. 3/4" Porch flooring trim. miter corners Front Porch match existing slope Boral wood 1x 10 fascia (Rip to width). painted white 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 8" tie. simpson ( EPB44 ) tie. simpson ( EPB44) new brick pier to match existing brickwork. fill core with structural grout. match mortar color using Lehigh masonry cement ROSEJEAN B + B 4x4x 8 cmu pier. fill with sample kit or equal. structural grout. 3" gravel or crusher run. slope away from building. typical. 11 5/8" 20" x 20" x 8" concrete footing. min. typical. 3500 psi. w/ two #4 bar 1'-6" staggered up thru center. 20" x 20" x 8" concrete footing. 3500 psi. w/ two #4 bar staggered up thru center. Min. 3" embedment, typ. Adminstrative approval 08.20.2021 1 PILASTER DETAIL A5.1 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 2 COLUMN DETAIL A5.1 A5.1 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 209 2nd Street SW Clarifications. Sept 9, 2021 Staff: Entry door replacement. • Assume existing frame, transom and trim will be retained. • If the new door is insulated glass with applied grill, confirm the glass will have internal spacer bars. • Confirm the door lites will align with the transom lites. • Provide a cut sheet for the proposed door. Applicant: Yes. Frame, trim, and transom remain. New door is IG (I hate not having spacer bars). Attached is a quote for windows and doors. Be advised that supply chains are completely fubar right now. Marvin is 22 weeks out (not doing that). Anderson quote attached (12 weeks). All have 5/8” putty munitins to match existing. Not sure what you mean by door and transom lites aligning. Lites in the existing door don’t align. Door lites will never align with transom lites because any glass door has a wider stile than the transom sash. (The existing heavy horizontal intermediate head breaks this visual alignment). Doors come standard 15 lite unless you all prefer a 10 lite which they can do. Basically, the new door replaces the blue door. Everything else remains. Staff: 2nd Floor rear windows. • 2019 approval: Existing windows to remain. • 2021 request: Replace windows to match existing; however, the photos indicate the originals have been removed. What’s the plan? • Additionally, to approve window replacements, applicant must provide information on the existing conditions and why replacement, vs repair, is necessary. • Provide cut sheets on the proposed windows. Applicant: This one is a bit muddy. My understanding is the 2019 approval only correctly depicted the right window. The left one is still in place and my understanding is they never matched. The left one is a simple in-swing hinge and a rotting thermal disaster that leaks (no weather seal, no flashing, water damage on framing etc) For the right side, I don’t have the history on what is there now, but it needs to come out. Matching the drawings of the 2019 approval seemed to make the most sense, especially given failure of the left side, and non- 209 2nd Street SW (from applicant Sept 9, 2021) 1 matching unit on the right. See attached window quote for cut sheets. Exterior: Interior (note water damage + original framing) Staff: First floor, north window. Request to remove window and brick the opening. Photos indicate this has already been done. The BAR may not approve this and require the window be reinstalled. Was the window retained? Applicant: The bricked-in condition was existing when I came on board, so I did not include a request to modify it in this submission (left it alone). Wasn’t sure how to handle it. If the BAR does request that a window be re-installed, best we can do is replace it with a new one that matches as closely as possible and be fire-rated. But appears this still might not meet 209 2nd Street SW (from applicant Sept 9, 2021) 2 the building code. (The other end of the building does not have an opening). This north end of the building is approximately 3' from the property line (hard to tell). The building code (VRC R302.1) does not allow openings 3’ or less from a property line. Additionally, any penetration/opening less than 5’ is required to be fire rated, which an existing window clearly would not have met and would have been required to be replaced regardless to meet VEBC (2018) (601.1), which stipulates that alterations shall comply with the current VCC. Let me know how you all want to address this. Staff: Mortar repairs. House dates to c1880. Confirm that an appropriate mortar must be used. Applicant: Lehigh Flamingo masonry cement, type N Match existing color. pacific beach C105 or equal. Determine in the field. Staff: Skylights.Provide cut sheets. Applicant: Velux. Fixed. FCM 2222 over bath 1, Fixed CFP 6060 for baths 2+3. Staff: New steps and landings (rear). Will these be wood or masonry? 209 2nd Street SW (from applicant Sept 9, 2021) 3 Applicant: Wood at door to lounge. Steps detailed identical to front steps. Need to maintain access to a crawl below, so the landing has to be wood. The landing same 3 1/2” T + G wood used on the porch. (Front porch steps will be wood to match the porch as is customary for southern porches). Steps and landing to bed rm #3, bluestone. Staff: Patio Area. Provide a plan showing the existing. Applicant: The patio area is yet to be determined and currently not in the scope of work (future). It has not really been designed but a concept was included as a courtesy. Existing paving and pea gravel to be removed. Staff: Indicate and identify any new plantings. Applicant: Existing white wall in back gets virginia creeper which turns red in the fall. Don’t know what is around the building base yet-TBD (monkey grass?). A small water feature to counteract heat island effect TBD. Out front, trees are existing dogwoods to remain with new dark green ground cover below, maybe Woodland phlox? Staff: What is the proposed paving? Applicant: Garden is honeydust (crushed brown stone a-la- bocce court). Patio is bluestone pavers on stonedust. Like next door, new bluestone treads on over decaying concrete for front steps (safety issue-see existing images). Overgrown north side is replaced with bluestone stepping stones to access bed room #3. A low hedge (<3’ high) shields the base of the adjacent building along the Northside. Staff: Lighting. No exterior lighting is indicated, but the BAR will ask. If there is lighting, cut sheets would be helpful. The BAR has adopted a standard that all lamping must be dimmable, have a Color Temp not exceeding 3,000K (preferably not exceeding 2,700K), and have a Color Rendering Index not less than 80 (preferably not less than 90). Applicant: Exterior lighting for the patio is yet to be determined. All exterior lighting to be 2700K, CRI of 95 or better. All low voltage, low key, landscape lighting. No exterior flood lights, no bright lighting (bad for business). No wall mounted fixtures other than two full cut off fixtures at both entries (see cut sheet attached). Porch has ceiling cut outs for three 3 1/2” recessed dimmable MR16 fixtures that will light the porch volume. (Contraste lighting, white trim). All lighting done in consultation with Mark Schulyer Lighting Design. Staff: Painting. 2019 approval: Windows Ben. Moore 2130-20 Deep Caviar. Rear addition Ben. Moore OC- 122 Cotton Balls. (Painting the brick was not approved.) Have these changed? It would be helpful to note the color palette for all components. Applicant: • No brick is to be painted. Colors have changed. Tried to be accurate with the rendered elevations. • All windows, doors, exterior trim, fasicas, risers, porch columns, ceiling, beams etc: Ben Moore Super white semi-gloss (OC-152) to match existing white on existing windows fascias, freeze boards, etc. 209 2nd Street SW (from applicant Sept 9, 2021) 4 • Wood siding (rear): gray, Ben Moore HC-168 Chelsea Gray. Flat. • Porch flooring, treads: gray, BM AC-27 Galveston gray, semi gloss, with non-slip additive. • Existing handrails: black. BM Black 2132-10, gloss. • Photos of color samples below. • Porch columns, fascia, handrails, flooring: • White windows + wood siding. 209 2nd Street SW (from applicant Sept 9, 2021) 5 SOLD BY: SOLD TO: QUOTE DATE Better Living, Inc. Troy 8/27/2021 PO Box 7627 Charlottesvle, VA 22906-7627 , Fax: 434-973-9276 Abbreviated Quote Report - Customer Pricing QUOTE NAME PROJECT NAME QUOTE NUMBER CUSTOMER PO# TRADE ID jim rounsevell 209 second street 1217826 ORDER NOTES: DELIVERY NOTES: Item Qty Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price 100 1 Left W-04L $1,264.81 $1,264.81 RO Size = 30 1/2" x 66 1/2" Unit Size = 30" x 66" CAX2656, Unit, E-Series Casement, 2 7/8" Frame Depth, Exterior Trim Installation Flange, White 2604 Exterior Frame, White 2604 Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/Primed Interior Frame, Pine w/Primed Interior Sash/Panel, Left, Standard Hinge, Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Full Divided Light (FDL) 2 Wide, 4 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, 2604, Pine w/Primed, Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/ Ovolo Interior Grille Bar, 5/8" Grille Bar, Ovolo Glass Stop Handle w/Cover, White, Standard, High Performance Keeper, White, Full, Fiberglass Wrapping: 2" Brickmould 3-Sided White 2604 1 1/2" Deep Sill Nose Factory Applied Exterior Trim, 4 9/16" Interior Extension Jamb Pine / Primed Standard Complete Unit Extension Jambs, Factory Applied WHT LH HARDWARE KIT CSMT BAG W6204PKLKW7 PN:9078351 Insect Screen 1: E-Series Casement, CAX2656 Full Fiberglass White Unit # U-Factor SHGC Clear Opening/Unit # Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Comments: ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 0.31 0.26 A1 21.8125 61.3125 9.28740 Quote #: 1217826 Print Date: 9/2/2021 6:39:36 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 1 of 5 Item Qty Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price 200 1 Right W-04R $1,264.81 $1,264.81 RO Size = 30 1/2" x 66 1/2" Unit Size = 30" x 66" CAX2656, Unit, E-Series Casement, 2 7/8" Frame Depth, Exterior Trim Installation Flange, White 2604 Exterior Frame, White 2604 Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/Primed Interior Frame, Pine w/Primed Interior Sash/Panel, Right, Standard Hinge, Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Full Divided Light (FDL) 2 Wide, 4 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, 2604, Pine w/Primed, Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/ Ovolo Interior Grille Bar, 5/8" Grille Bar, Ovolo Glass Stop Handle w/Cover, White, Standard, High Performance Keeper, White, Full, Fiberglass Wrapping: 2" Brickmould 3-Sided White 2604 1 1/2" Deep Sill Nose Factory Applied Exterior Trim, 4 9/16" Interior Extension Jamb Pine / Primed Standard Complete Unit Extension Jambs, Factory Applied WHT RH HARDWARE KIT CSMT BAG W6204PKRKW7 PN:9078352 Insect Screen 1: E-Series Casement, CAX2656 Full Fiberglass White Unit # U-Factor SHGC Clear Opening/Unit # Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Comments: ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 0.31 0.26 A1 21.8125 61.3125 9.28740 Item Qty Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price 300 1 Left W-06 $991.41 $991.41 RO Size = 24 1/2" x 44 1/2" Unit Size = 24" x 44" CAX 2'X3' 8", Unit, E-Series Casement, 2 7/8" Frame Depth, Exterior Trim Installation Flange, White 2604 Exterior Frame, White 2604 Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/Primed Interior Frame, Pine w/Primed Interior Sash/Panel, Left, Standard Hinge, Dual Pane Low- E4 Standard Argon Fill Full Divided Light (FDL) 2 Wide, 3 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, 2604, Pine w/Primed, Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/ Ovolo Interior Grille Bar, 5/8" Grille Bar, Ovolo Glass Stop Handle w/Cover, White, Standard, High Performance Keeper, White, Full, Fiberglass Wrapping: 2" Brickmould 3-Sided White 2604 1 1/2" Deep Sill Nose Factory Applied Exterior Trim, 4 9/16" Interior Extension Jamb Pine / Primed Standard Complete Unit Extension Jambs, Factory Applied WHT LH HARDWARE KIT CSMT BAG W6204PKLKW7 PN:9078351 Insect Screen 1: E-Series Casement, CAX 24 x 44 Full Fiberglass White Unit # U-Factor SHGC Clear Opening/Unit # Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Comments: ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 0.31 0.26 A1 15.8125 39.3125 4.31690 Quote #: 1217826 Print Date: 9/2/2021 6:39:36 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 2 of 5 Item Qty Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price 400 1 Right W-06 $991.41 $991.41 RO Size = 24 1/2" x 44 1/2" Unit Size = 24" x 44" CAX 2'X3' 8", Unit, E-Series Casement, 2 7/8" Frame Depth, Exterior Trim Installation Flange, White 2604 Exterior Frame, White 2604 Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/Primed Interior Frame, Pine w/Primed Interior Sash/Panel, Right, Standard Hinge, Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Full Divided Light (FDL) 2 Wide, 3 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, 2604, Pine w/Primed, Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/ Ovolo Interior Grille Bar, 5/8" Grille Bar, Ovolo Glass Stop Handle w/Cover, White, Standard, High Performance Keeper, White, Full, Fiberglass Wrapping: 2" Brickmould 3-Sided White 2604 1 1/2" Deep Sill Nose Factory Applied Exterior Trim, 4 9/16" Interior Extension Jamb Pine / Primed Standard Complete Unit Extension Jambs, Factory Applied WHT RH HARDWARE KIT CSMT BAG W6204PKRKW7 PN:9078352 Insect Screen 1: E-Series Casement, CAX 24 x 44 Full Fiberglass White Unit # U-Factor SHGC Clear Opening/Unit # Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Comments: ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 0.31 0.26 A1 15.8125 39.3125 4.31690 Item Qty Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price 500 1 Right W-05 $918.58 $918.58 RO Size = 30 1/2" x 36 1/2" Unit Size = 30" x 36" CAX2630, Unit, E-Series Casement, 2 7/8" Frame Depth, Exterior Trim Installation Flange, White 2604 Exterior Frame, White 2604 Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/Primed Interior Frame, Pine w/Primed Interior Sash/Panel, Right, Standard Hinge, Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Full Divided Light (FDL) 3 Wide, 2 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, 2604, Pine w/Primed, Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/ Ovolo Interior Grille Bar, 5/8" Grille Bar, Ovolo Glass Stop Handle w/Cover, White, Standard, High Performance Keeper, White, Full, Fiberglass Wrapping: 2" Brickmould 3-Sided White 2604 1 1/2" Deep Sill Nose Factory Applied Exterior Trim, 4 9/16" Interior Extension Jamb Pine / Primed Standard Complete Unit Extension Jambs, Factory Applied WHT RH HARDWARE KIT CSMT BAG W6204PKRKW7 PN:9078352 Insect Screen 1: E-Series Casement, CAX2630 Full Fiberglass White Unit # U-Factor SHGC Clear Opening/Unit # Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Comments: ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 0.31 0.26 A1 21.8125 31.3125 4.74310 Quote #: 1217826 Print Date: 9/2/2021 6:39:36 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 3 of 5 Item Qty Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price 600 1 Right D4 $2,784.66 $2,784.66 RO Size = 39" x 82 1/2" Unit Size = 38 1/2" x 82" AFDI32610, Unit, E-Series Inswing Door-1 Panel-French, Standard Panel, 4 9/16" Frame Depth, Factory Assembled, Rigid Vinyl w/Integral Vinyl Drip Cap, Dark Bronze Anodized On-Floor Drainage Sill, 4 11/16" Stile Width, 4 11/16" Top Rail Height, 8" Bottom Rail Height, White 2604 Exterior Frame, White 2604 Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/Primed Interior Frame, Pine w/Primed Interior Sash/Panel, Right, Dual Pane Low-E4 Tempered Argon Fill Full Divided Light (FDL) 3 Wide, 5 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, 2604, Pine w/Primed, Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/ Ovolo Interior Grille Bar, 5/8" Grille Bar, Ovolo Glass Stop Hardware Preparation, FSB 1035, Black, Black Trim Set 1: AFDI Right FSB 1035 Black PN:9184744 Unit # U-Factor SHGC Clear Opening/Unit # Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Comments: ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 0.31 0.21 A1 34.0000 78.3750 18.5052 Item Qty Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price 700 1 Right 3L $3,306.20 $3,306.20 RO Size = 39" x 81 13/16" Unit Size = 38 1/2" x 81 5/16" AFDO32610, Unit, E-Series Outswing Door-1 Panel-French, Standard Panel, 4 9/16" Frame Depth, Factory Assembled, Rigid Vinyl w/Integral Vinyl Drip Cap, Dark Bronze Anodized On-Floor Sill, 4 11/16" Stile Width, 4 11/16" Top Rail Height, 8" Bottom Rail Height, White 2604 Exterior Frame, White 2604 Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/Primed Interior Frame, Pine w/Primed Interior Sash/Panel, Right, Dual Pane Low-E4 Tempered Argon Fill Full Divided Light (FDL) 3 Wide, 5 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, 2604, Pine w/Primed, Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/ Ovolo Interior Grille Bar, 5/8" Grille Bar, Ovolo Glass Stop Hardware Preparation, FSB 1035, Black, Black, Exterior Keyed Lock, Lock Cylinder Keyed Alike Trim Set 1: AFDO Right FSB 1035 Black PN:9184747 Exterior Keyed Lock - Keyed Alike 1: AFDO RH FSB 1035 Black PN:9056134 Unit # U-Factor SHGC Clear Opening/Unit # Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Comments: ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 0.34 0.22 A1 34.1250 77.9375 18.4696 Quote #: 1217826 Print Date: 9/2/2021 6:39:36 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 4 of 5 Item Qty Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price 800 1 Left 3R $3,306.20 $3,306.20 RO Size = 39" x 81 13/16" Unit Size = 38 1/2" x 81 5/16" AFDO32610, Unit, E-Series Outswing Door-1 Panel-French, Standard Panel, 4 9/16" Frame Depth, Factory Assembled, Rigid Vinyl w/Integral Vinyl Drip Cap, Dark Bronze Anodized On-Floor Sill, 4 11/16" Stile Width, 4 11/16" Top Rail Height, 8" Bottom Rail Height, White 2604 Exterior Frame, White 2604 Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/Primed Interior Frame, Pine w/Primed Interior Sash/Panel, Left, Dual Pane Low-E4 Tempered Argon Fill Full Divided Light (FDL) 3 Wide, 5 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, 2604, Pine w/Primed, Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/ Ovolo Interior Grille Bar, 5/8" Grille Bar, Ovolo Glass Stop Hardware Preparation, FSB 1035, Black, Black, Exterior Keyed Lock, Lock Cylinder Keyed Alike Trim Set 1: AFDO Left FSB 1035 Black PN:9184747 Exterior Keyed Lock - Keyed Alike 1: AFDO LH FSB 1035 Black PN:9056134 Unit # U-Factor SHGC Clear Opening/Unit # Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Comments: ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 0.34 0.22 A1 34.1250 77.9375 18.4696 SUB-TOTAL: $14,828.08 FREIGHT: $0.00 LABOR: $0.00 TAX: $785.89 TOTAL: $15,613.97 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE_____________________________________________________________________DATE_______________ * All graphics as viewed from the exterior. ** Rough opening dimensions are minimums and may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps or flashings or sill panning or brackets or fasteners or other items. Thank you for choosing Andersen Windows & Doors Quote #: 1217826 Print Date: 9/2/2021 6:39:36 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 5 of 5 Fixed Skylight FCM Model VELUX Fixed Skylights are perfect for visually expanding and transforming areas, such as hallways, stairwells, and other closed-in, dark spaces with bright light and sky views. As an economical choice, fixed skylights create a spacious home full of natural light. • Provides twice as much light as vertical windows. • The lower profile of the fixed skylight gives your roof a clean, streamlined appearance. Free installation of in-stock blinds available GO SOLAR Add a pre-installed, solar blind to your fixed skylight and be eligible to receive a Federal Solar Tax Credit on products and installation. Includes: Pre-Installed, VELUX ACTIVE with Solar Blind + NETATMO Gateway + App One VELUX ACTIVE Gateway per order Model 0° - 60° 0:12 - 20:12 1430 1446 2222 2230 2234 2246 2270 3030 3046 3434 3446 4646 17 1⁄2 x 17 1⁄2 x 25 1⁄2 x 25 1⁄2 x 25 1⁄2 x 25 1⁄2 x 25 1⁄2 x 33 1⁄2 x 33 1⁄2 x 37 1⁄2 x 37 1⁄2 x 49 1⁄2 x Outside curb (W-in. x H-in.) 33 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 25 1⁄2 33 1⁄2 37 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 73 1⁄2 33 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 37 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 *For more information visit: 9 Curb-Mounted Skylights CFP – Fixed Flat Roof Skylight • Brings in a tremendous amount of light on flat roofs. • PVC insulated curb included. • Available as large as 5’ x 5’. CurveTech Protective Cover Polycarbonate Protective Cover Size Code 6060 6090 8080 90120 120120 150150 Rough Opening (WxH) inches 23 ⁄8 x 23 ⁄8 5 5 23 ⁄8 x 35 ⁄16 5 7 31 ½ x 31 ½ 35 ⁄16 x 47 ¼ 7 47 ¼ x 47 ¼ 59 x 59 Exterior Frame (WxH) inches 30 11 ⁄16 x 30 11 ⁄16 30 11 ⁄16 x 42 ½ 38 9⁄16 x 38 9⁄16 42 ½ x 54 5 ⁄16 54 5 ⁄16 x 54 5 ⁄16 66 1⁄8 x 66 1⁄8 CXP – F  lat Roof Exit Skylight • Provides roof access to flat roofs. • Sleek internal appearance with a 60° opening angle. • Insect screen not available. • Available as large as 4’ x 4’. • Manually operated. Polycarbonate Protective Cover Size Code 90120 100100 120120 Rough Opening (WxH) inches 35 7⁄16 x 47 ¼ 39 3⁄8 x 39 3⁄8 47 ¼ x 47 ¼ Exterior Frame (WxH) inches 42 ½ x 54 5 ⁄16 46 7⁄16 x 46 7⁄16 54 5 ⁄16 x 54 5 ⁄16 FCM – Fixed Skylight • Versatile in shape, allowing for a greater flexibility and positioning options for your room. • Equipped with high-quality, Low-E3 glass that is coated to keep the Fixed Curb-Mount Skylight skylight surface virtually spotless. • Able to fit any VELUX blind to give you ultimate control over the light levels in your space. 0° - 60° 0:12 - 20:12 Size Code 1430 1446 2222 2230 2234 2246 2270 3030 3046 3434 3446 4646 14 ⁄2 x 1 14 ⁄2 x 1 22 ⁄2 x 1 22 ⁄2 x 1 22 ⁄2 x 1 22 ⁄2 x 1 22 ⁄2 x 1 30 ⁄2 x 1 30 ⁄2 x 1 34 ⁄2 x 1 34 ⁄2 x 1 46 1⁄2 x Inside Curb (WxH) inches 30 1⁄2 46 1⁄2 22 1⁄2 30 1⁄2 34 1⁄2 46 1⁄2 70 1⁄2 30 1⁄2 46 1⁄2 34 1⁄2 461⁄2 46 1⁄2 17 1⁄2 x 17 1⁄2 x 25 1⁄2x 25 1⁄2x 25 1⁄2 x 25 1⁄2 x 25 1⁄2 x 33 1⁄2 x 33 1⁄2 x 37 1⁄2 x 37 1⁄2 x 49 1⁄2 x Outside Curb (WxH) inches 33 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 25 1⁄2 33 1⁄2 37 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 73 1⁄2 33 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 37 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 49 1⁄2 XUS-20416-0719©2019 VELUX GROUP, VELUX, VELUX logo are registered trademarks Silo Dark Sky Outdoor Wall Sconce ITEM NUMBER HIN990361 BRAND Hinkley Lighting DESCRIPTION The Silo Dark Sky Outdoor Wall Sconce is the perfect addition to exteriors from coastal to modern. The compact design blends seamlessly into your space. Dark Sky Ordinance was developed as outdoor lighting standards that reduce glare, light trespass, and sky glow. Coated with anti-fading finishes, for maximum durability in harsh climates. Finished in Architectural Bronze, Black, and Satin White with an Etched Glass diffuser. Dark Sky and JA8 complaint. Wet location rated. UL and CSA listed. Shown in: Black / Etched Glass SHADE COLOR Etched Glass BODY FINISH Black WAT TAGE 6.5W DIMMER Standard 120V DIMENSIONS 4.5"W x 8"H x 5.75"D LAMP 1 x MR16/GU10/6.5W/120V LED Technical Information LUMINOUS FLUX 500 lumens LUMENS/ WAT T 76.92 LAMP COLOR 2700 K COLOR RENDERING 80 CRI ITEM NUMBER HIN990361 CO M PA N Y PROJECT FIXTURE TYPE APPROVED BY DATE LIGHTOLOGY.COM | QUOTES@LIGHTOLOGY.COM Sep 08, 2021 | 1.866.954.4489 C ITY OF C HARLOTTESVILLE Exterior Wall Fire Separation Distance Requirements Regarding the exterior wall protection, the Virginia Residential Code (IRC amended) assumes that an owner has no control over an adjoining property. Thus, the exterior walls of homes and garages relative to the property line require regulation. Please refer to the illustration below for general exterior wall, penetrations and opening requirements in respect to the property line. Fire Separation Distances Walls < 5 ft. require ⅝ 5 ft. inch thick Type X VRC R302.1 gypsum on both 3 ft. sides. Lot line No windows and openings Walls perpendicular to < 3 ft. from the lot line. Walls perpendicular lot line are lot line are exempt Max. 25% openings in Penetrations <5 ft. walls from 3 to 5 ft. of lot must Fire-Resistant line. Rated. CAUTION: Projections (roof overhangs, bay windows, etc.) less than 5 ft. from the property line require 5/8th Type X gypsum on the underside and are prohibited less than 2 ft. from the property line. See reverse side for additional details. Exception: decks and open porches are exempt from this requirement. ATTENTION: a “Fire Wall” inspection must be requested in addition to the rough-in inspection. This inspection is to be done before concealment of the exterior sheathing and painting of the rated walls. 3/14/2018 Neighborhood Development Services Building Permits & Inspections 3/14/2018 Roof eave fire-resistance rating shall be permitted to be reduced to 0 hours on the underside of the eave if fireblocking is provided from the wall top plate to the underside of the roof sheathing. The following materials are approved for fireblocking above the exterior wall to the underside of the roof deck (Ref. R302.11). 1. Two-inch nominal lumber. 2. Two thicknesses of 1-inch nominal lumber with broken lap joints. 3. One thickness of 23/32-inch (3/8) wood structural panels with joints Neighborhood Development Services backed by 23/32-inch wood structural panels. 4. One thickness of 3/4-inch particleboard with joints backed by 3/4-inch particleboard. 5. One-half-inch gypsum board. 6. One-quarter-inch cement-based millboard. Building Permits & Inspections Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-09-02 106 Oakhurst Circle, Tax Map Parcel 110005000 Oakhurst-Gildersleeve ADC District Owner: 106 Oakhurst Circle LLC Applicant: Patrick Farley Project: Modifications to approved rear addition (CoA: December 15, 2020) Application components (please click each link to go directly to PDF page): • Staff Report • Application Submittal September 21, 2021 BAR Packet 5 City of Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review Staff Report September 21, 2021 Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-09-02 106 Oakhurst Circle, Tax Map Parcel 110005000 Oakhurst-Gildersleeve ADC District Owner: 106 Oakhurst Circle LLC Applicant: Patrick Farley Project: Modifications to approved rear addition Background Year Built: 1922 District: Oakhurst-Gildersleeve ADC District Status: Contributing Designed as a combination of Colonial Revival and Craftsman styles, this two-story dwelling has a gabled roof, stucco siding, overhanging eaves with exposed rafter ends, a pent roof between the first and second floor, an interior stuccoed chimney, a concrete stoop, and a central door sheltered by a gabled hood supported by brackets. Triple eight-by-eight casement windows are found on the first floor, while eight-over-eight-sash double-hung windows are used on the second floor and flank a central triple eight-by-eight casement bay window. French doors on the east side lead out to a patio. The house also includes a rear deck and a projecting rectangular one-story bay window supported by wooden brackets on the west end. (Oakhurst-Gildersleeve Neighborhood Historic District.) Prior BAR Reviews • September 15, 2020 – BAR held a Primary Discussion on the materials submitted. Due to difficulty connecting on-line, the applicant was unable to participate. • October 20, 2020 - BAR held a Primary Discussion • December 15, 2020 – BAR approved alterations to existing house and a rear addition. Application • Submittal: Patrick Farley Architect Final BAR Submission, dated August 31, 2021: Sheets A, B, C, and D. CoA request for proposed alterations to existing house and a rear addition. Site work to include a new driveway, which will require removal of the south porch and replacement with a shallower version. 106 Oakhurst (September 14, 2021) 1 Note: The proposed addition is significantly scaled-back from what the BAR approved in December 2020. Attached is a comparison of the two. For existing conditions, see information submitted for the October 2020 preliminary discussion. Roofing: • Addition and existing house to be interlocking metal shingles. Simple design, flat, not ornamented. Color to be dark gray/slate. (Replace existing asphalt shingles on house). Materials • Stucco: Smooth finish, “StoPowerwall” stucco system. (* • Trim: Fiber cement, painted.* • Doors and Windows (casement): Anderson, aluminum clad wood. White with black exterior trim.* Note: The lite patterns will be as shown on the renderings. For insulated glass with applied grills, the BAE should require internal spacer bars. • Ceiling at covered parking: Tongue and grooved trim, stained.* • Low wall: Board-formed concrete wall with stone cap.* Balconies, Deck and Stairs • Railing: Wood rail (natural finish) on panels with flat metal bars (painted).* • Decking/Treads: Composition material. Trim and exposed framing below to be painted.* Landscaping • Remove: 6” Crepe Myrtle (front), 6” Dogwood (front), 4” Holly (rear), 40” Oak (rear).* • New: See Plant Schedule on Sheet A. (Rain Garden, Ferns, Oak Garden, Living Fence/Green Screen, Pollinator Garden.)* • Hardwood mulch within planting areas.* Paving • Walking Path (front): Cut slate/flagstone in aggregate with steel edging* • Driveway (front): Concrete, permeable pavers* • Driveway (rear and existing): Crushed Buckingham slate with steel edging* Exterior Lighting: • Pathway lights: AQ Lighting, 3 Tier Pagoda Pathway Light, LED, CCT 2,700K or 5,000K* • Soffit lighting: Recessed can lights, TBD* * No change from December 2020. Discussion Staff recommends approval, with the suggested conditions related to the applied grills on insulated glass windows. Driveway: Previously, the existing driveway (along the north parcel line) was eliminated and a new constructed (along the north parcel line). The project will now retain the existing and use the new to create a loop for access to and egress from the parking area behind the house. City Code Section 34- 106 Oakhurst (September 14, 2021) 2 972(a)(5) allows for the BAR to make recommendations [to the city traffic engineer] regarding modifications in the required driveway entrance widths. Conditions may require some flexibility—for example, as necessary to minimize the removal of the existing stone curbing. Staff is consulting with zoning and will address this more specifically during the September 21 meeting. Suggested Motions Approval: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City’s ADC District Design Guidelines, , I move to find that the proposed alterations and new construction at 106 Oakhurst Circle satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Oakhurst-Gildersleeve ADC District, and that the BAR approves the application [as submitted]. […as submitted with the following conditions: …] Denial: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City’s ADC District Design Guidelines, I move to find that the proposed alterations and new construction at 106 Oakhurst Circle do not satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are not compatible with this property and other properties in the Oakhurst-Gildersleeve ADC District, and that for the following reasons the BAR denies the application as submitted: Criteria, Standards, and Guidelines Review Criteria Generally Sec. 34-284(b) of the City Code states that, in considering a particular application the BAR shall approve the application unless it finds: (1) That the proposal does not meet specific standards set forth within this division or applicable provisions of the Design Guidelines established by the board pursuant to Sec.34-288(6); and (2) The proposal is incompatible with the historic, cultural or architectural character of the district in which the property is located or the protected property that is the subject of the application. Pertinent Standards for Review of Construction and Alterations include: (1) Whether the material, texture, color, height, scale, mass and placement of the proposed addition, modification or construction are visually and architecturally compatible with the site and the applicable design control district; (2) The harmony of the proposed change in terms of overall proportion and the size and placement of entrances, windows, awnings, exterior stairs and signs; (3) The Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation set forth within the Code of Federal Regulations (36 C.F.R. §67.7(b)), as may be relevant; (4) The effect of the proposed change on the historic district neighborhood; (5) The impact of the proposed change on other protected features on the property, such as gardens, landscaping, fences, walls and walks; (6) Whether the proposed method of construction, renovation or restoration could have an adverse impact on the structure or site, or adjacent buildings or structures; (7) Any applicable provisions of the City’s Design Guidelines. Pertinent ADC District Design Guidelines Chapter II – Site Design and Elements (Link: III: Site Design and Elements) • Plantings • Lighting • Walls and Fences • Walkways and Driveways 106 Oakhurst (September 14, 2021) 3 • Parking Areas and Lots • Utilities and Other Site Appurtenances Chapter III – New Construction and Additions (Link: IV: New Construction and Additions) Checklist from section P. Additions 1) Function and Size a. Attempt to accommodate needed functions within the existing structure without building an addition. b. Limit the size of the addition so that it does not visually overpower the existing building. 2) Location a. Attempt to locate the addition on rear or side elevations that are not visible from the street. b. If additional floors are constructed on top of a building, set the addition back from the main façade so that its visual impact is minimized. c. If the addition is located on a primary elevation facing the street or if a rear addition faces a street, parking area, or an important pedestrian route, the façade of the addition should be treated under the new construction guidelines. 3) Design a. New additions should not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. b. The new work should be differentiated from the old and should be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. 4) Replication of Style a. A new addition should not be an exact copy of the design of the existing historic building. The design of new additions can be compatible with and respectful of existing buildings without being a mimicry of their original design. b. If the new addition appears to be part of the existing building, the integrity of the original historic design is compromised and the viewer is confused over what is historic and what is new. 5) Materials and Features a. Use materials, windows, doors, architectural detailing, roofs, and colors that are compatible with historic buildings in the district. 6) Attachment to Existing Building a. Wherever possible, new additions or alterations to existing buildings should be done in such a manner that, if such additions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the buildings would be unimpaired. b. The new design should not use the same wall plane, roof line, or cornice line of the existing structure. Chapter 4 – Rehabilitation (Link: V: Rehabilitation) G. Roof 1) When replacing a standing seam metal roof, the width of the pan and the seam height should be consistent with the original. Ideally, the seams would be hand crimped. 2) If pre-painted standing seam metal roof material is permitted, commercial-looking ridge caps or ridge vents are not appropriate on residential structures. 3) Original roof pitch and configuration should be maintained. 106 Oakhurst (September 14, 2021) 4 4) The original size and shape of dormers should be maintained. 5) Dormers should not be introduced on visible elevations where none existed originally. 6) Retain elements, such as chimneys, skylights, and light wells that contribute to the style and character of the building. 7) When replacing a roof, match original materials as closely as possible. a. Avoid, for example, replacing a standing-seam metal roof with asphalt shingles, as this would dramatically alter the building’s appearance. Appendix: City Code Section 34-972. - Location, yard areas, and driveways. (a) For lots containing a single-family detached dwelling or a two-family dwelling, parking may be located within any yard. Driveways and off-street parking spaces, regardless of zoning district, shall be subject to the following location and dimensional requirements, with such requirements applying to the portion of the driveway and off-street parking spaces located between the right-of-way and the building line. (1) No driveway entrance or exit shall intersect with a street at a location closer than fifteen (15) feet to any street intersection; (2) No driveway within a residential district, or used for residential purposes, shall be located within three (3) feet from the line of an adjacent property; (3) For driveways and off-street parking spaces, except those off-street parking spaces provided in a garage or carport, the portion of the driveway and off-street parking area located between the right-of-way and the building setback line shall not exceed a maximum of twenty-five (25) percent of the lot area between the right-of-way and building line. This does not prohibit a lot from having one (1) one-way driveway entrance of a maximum width of twenty (20) feet; (4) The above language notwithstanding, all driveway entrances shall meet a minimum width requirement of twenty (20) feet and shall not exceed a maximum width of thirty (30) feet, except as allowed by subsection (5) of this section. (5) For off-street parking areas in Architectural Design Control Districts and Historic Conservation Districts, as defined in Article II of this chapter, the city traffic engineer may approve a modification in the required driveway entrance width on properties zoned for multi-family residential, commercial, industrial or mixed-use development following a recommendation from the Board of Architectural Review for such modification. Specific factors to be considered by the city traffic engineer include, but are not limited to, expected traffic volumes, internal site circulation, volume of truck traffic, speed limit of the adjacent roadway, and the presence of turn lanes. (b) Driveways and common parking areas, except for single-family detached or two-family dwellings, shall also be subject to the following location and dimensional requirements, with such requirements applying to the portion of the driveway located between the right-of-way and the building line: (1) No driveway entrance or exit shall intersect with a public street at a location closer than fifteen (15) feet to any street intersection, or less than five (5) feet from the end of a curb radius; (2) The total width of driveway entrances (curb cuts) shall not exceed thirty-three (33) percent of the lot frontage. This does not prohibit a lot from having one (1) two-way driveway entrance of a maximum width of thirty (30) feet; 106 Oakhurst (September 14, 2021) 5 (3) Parking shall be located in side or rear yards, except that: (i) Parking may not be located within any yard that faces a public street; and (ii)Parking may be located within any yard in the following districts: Urban Corridor, Highway Corridor, and Industrial Corridor. If a lot faces more than one (1) public street, parking shall be prohibited in the yard that fronts on the public street with the highest functional classification rating. If all roads abutting the yard have the same functional classification, parking shall be prohibited in the yard serving as front yard for the parcel. (4) […] (5) […] (6) No off-street parking area shall be located closer than three (3) feet to any side or rear property line. No driveway within a residential district, or used for residential purposes, shall be located within three (3) feet from the line of an adjacent property. (7) Any parking established in yards that face any public street(s) shall be subject to the street buffer provisions of section 34-873(b), and, in addition must include a masonry or similar type wall between the parking area and the public street(s). The wall shall be no less than thirty-two (32) inches in height. (c) For lots containing a single-family attached dwelling, parking may be located within any yard. Driveways and off-street parking spaces, except those off-street parking spaces provided in a garage or carport, shall not exceed a maximum of twenty-five (25) percent of the lot area between the right-of-way and building setback line. This does not prohibit a lot from having one (1) one-way driveway entrance of a maximum width of twenty (20) feet. (d) When more than one (1) driveway is provided along a frontage in a single ownership, there shall be a separation of at least twenty (20) feet at the curb line between each driveway, and a six-inch raised protective curb parallel to the street extending not less than two-thirds ( 2/3 ) the length of the island shall be placed inside the property line between the driveways. (e) Parking spaces must be designed and used in such a manner as to prevent cars parked in a driveway from encroaching into the public right-of-way. (f) For zoning purposes, driveways begin at the boundary separating a property from the right -of- way. Driveways may only be constructed using materials permitted by section 34-982. Entrances must conform to designs listed in the most recent version of the City of Charlottesville Standards and Design Manual. (g) The location and design of entrance and exit driveways shall be approved by the director of neighborhood development services to ensure a safe and convenient means of ingress and egress, using current access management principles. 106 Oakhurst (September 14, 2021) 6 106 Oakhurst Circle - September 2021 Approved December 2020 Existing Abandon driveway Add Proposed Sept. 2021 Keep Add For Discussion Only - Sept. 14 2021 106 Oakhurst Circle - September 2021 Existing Approved December 2020 Addition (behind house) House Proposed Sept. 2021 House For Discussion Only - Sept. 14 2021 106 Oakhurst Circle - September 2021 Approved December 2020 House Addition House Addition Existing Proposed Sept. 2021 For Discussion Only - Sept. 14 2021 106 Oakhurst Circle - September 2021 Existing Approved December 2020 Addition House (behind house) Proposed Sept. 2021 House Addition (behind house) For Discussion Only - Sept. 14 2021 106 Oakhurst Circle - September 2021 Approved December 2020 Existing Addition House Proposed Sept. 2021 Addition House For Discussion Only - Sept. 14 2021 Board of Architectural Review (BAR) Certificate of Appropriateness Please Return To: City of Charlottesville Department of Neighborhood Development Services P.O. Box 911, City Hall Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone (434) 970-3130 Please submit ten (10) hard copies and one (1) digital copy of application form and all attachments. Please include application fee as follows: New construction project $375; Demolition of a contributing structure $375; Appeal of BAR decision $125; Additions and other projects requiring BAR approval $125; Administrative approval $100. Make checks payable to the City of Charlottesville. The BAR meets the third Tuesday of the month. Deadline for submittals is Tuesday 3 weeks prior to next BAR meeting by 3:30 p.m. Owner Name 106 Oakhurst Circle LLC c/o C. diPierro Applicant Name Patrick Farley Architect, PLLC Project Name/Description 106 Oakhurst Gire/Renovations & Additions Parcel Number 110005000 ------------ Project Property Address 106 Oakhurst Circle, Charlottesville, Va. 22903 Signature of Applicant Applicant Information I hereby attest that the information I have provided is, to the Address: 5836 Taylor Creek Rd. best of my knowledge, correct. Afton, Va.22920 Email: patrick@patrickfar! Phone: (W) 434-205-0225 (C) 804-306-4927 Signature ~-~ Date J. Patrick Farley 08/31/21 Property Owner Information {if not applicant} Print Name Date Address: 106 Oakhurst Circle LLC c/o C. diPierro Property Owner Permission {if not applicant} Email: --- -------------- 65 W Meadow Rd., Setauket, NY 11733 ;ts subm;ss;on. d !. I have read this application and hereby give my consent to Phone: (W) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (C) 434-882-4426 tl,r,UJ r)~ !!.J. fA Signature <"'<... 08/3112021 Date Do you intend to apply for Federal or State Tax Credits Charles G diPierro for 106 Oakhurst Circle LLC 08/31/2021 for this project? _N_o_._ _ _ _ _ _ __ Print Name Date Description of Proposed Work {attach separate narrative if necessary): Small addition to rear & new off-street parking spaces (4) with attendant "loop" driveway+ new landscaping at front yard. _**Special Note: This submission comprises a scaled-down approach to previously approved design. List all attachments: Site/Landscape Plan, Existing Site/Demo Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations, Wall Section/Railing Detail, 3D renderings For Office Use Only Received by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Approved/Disapproved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fee paid: _ _ _ _ _Cash/Ck.# _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Received: Conditions of approval: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ----------- Revised 2016 HISTORIC DISTRICT ORDINANCE: You can review the Historical Preservation and Architectural Design Control Overlay Districts regulations in the City of Charlottesville Zoning Ordinance starting with Section 34-271 online at or at for the City of Charlottesville. DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES: Please refer to the current ADC Districts Design Guidelines online at SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: The following information and exhibits shall be submitted along with each application for Certificate of Appropriateness, per Sec. 34-282 (d) in the City of Charlottesville Zoning Ordinance: (1) Detailed and clear depictions of any proposed changes in the exterior features of the subject property; (2) Photographs of the subject property and photographs of the buildings on contiguous properties; (3) One set of samples to show the nature, texture and color of materials proposed; (4) The history of an existing building or structure, if requested; (5) For new construction and projects proposing expansion of the footprint of an existing building: a three­ dimensional model (in physical or digital form); (6) In the case of a demolition request where structural integrity is at issue, the applicant shall provide a structural evaluation and cost estimates for rehabilitation, prepared by a professional engineer, unless waived by the BAR. APPEALS: Following a denial the applicant, the director of neighborhood development services, or any aggrieved person may appeal the decision to the city council, by filing a written notice of appeal within ten (10) working days of the date of the decision. Per Sec. 34-286. - City council appeals, an applicant shall set forth, in writing, the grounds for an appeal, including the procedure(s) or standard(s) alleged to have been violated or misapplied by the BAR, and/or any additional information, factors or opinions he or she deems relevant to the application. GRID PAVERS PATH LIGHTING EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION NEW PORCH WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST VIEW AT NEW DRIVE ENTRY VIEW AT NEW DRIVE EXIT VIEW FROM NORTHWEST Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) BAR 21-09-03 936 Rugby Road, TMP 030144000 Rugby Road Historic Conservation District Owner: Sharon and Michael Nedzbala Applicant: Leigh Boyes Project: Side addition (Note: Covered porch at rear is not subject to review.) Application components (please click each link to go directly to PDF page): • Staff Report • Historic Survey • Application Submittal September 21, 2021 BAR Packet 6 City of Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review Staff Report September 21, 2021 Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) BAR 21-09-03 936 Rugby Road, TMP 030144000 Rugby Road Historic Conservation District Owner: Sharon and Michael Nedzbala Applicant: Leigh Boyes Project: Addition and covered porch Background Year Built: c1911 District: Rugby Road Historic Conservation District Status: Contributing Stucco, vernacular dwelling designed by Eugene Bradbury. Prior BAR Review N/A Application • Submittal: Sage Designs drawings Nedzbala Residence – Addition, dated August 31, 2021: Narrative; Historic Survey; Sheets T1.1, S1.1, A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, A2.2, and A2.3. Request CoA for construction of an addition onto the west south side and a covered porch at the rear. (NOTE: The rear, covered porch will not be visible from Rugby Road or Preston Avenue, due to the elevation and grade. Staff concluded this component does not require a CoA.) Addition • Roof: Match existing (asphalt dimension shingles) or standing-seam copper. • Gutter and downspout: Match existing. • Cornice and trim: Match existing. • Exterior wall: Match existing. Stucco. • Chimney: Match existing detail. Stucco. • Windows: Painted, wood, casement windows. Color: TBD • Light Fixtures: None indicated. 936 Rugby Road (September 14, 2021) 1 Discussion and Recommendations Note: The regulations and guidelines for projects within a Historic Conservation District (HCD) are, by design, less rigid than those for an ADC District or an IPP. The HCD designations are intended to preserve the character-defining elements of the neighborhoods and to assure that new construction is not inappropriate to that character, while minimally imposing on current residents who may want to upgrade their homes. Within the existing HCDs are buildings and/or areas that might easily qualify for an ADC District or as an IPP; however, in evaluating proposals within HCDs, the BAR may apply only the HCD requirements and guidelines. The BAR should discuss the use of an exterior chimney, which represents a new architectural element—the four existing chimneys are interior. Otherwise, staff recommends approval. (See specific comments below under Pertinent Design Review Guidelines.) Suggested Motions Approval: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Historic Conservation Districts, I move to find that the proposed addition at 936 Rugby Road satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are compatible with this property and other properties in the Rugby Road Historic Conservation District, and that the BAR approves the application [as submitted.] […as submitted with the following conditions: …] Denial: Having considered the standards set forth within the City Code, including City Design Guidelines for Historic Conservation Districts, I move to find that the proposed addition at 936 Rugby Road do not satisfy the BAR’s criteria and are not compatible with this property and other properties in the Rugby Road Historic Conservation District, and that for the following reasons the BAR denies the application as submitted: Criteria, Standards, and Guidelines Review Criteria Generally Sec. 34-341 of the City Code. Criteria for approval a. In considering a particular application the BAR shall approve the application unless it finds: 1. That the proposal does not meet specific standards set forth within this division or applicable provisions of the conservation district design guidelines; and 2. The proposal is incompatible with the historic, cultural or architectural character of the conservation district in which the property is located. b. The BAR's review of the proposed new construction or addition to a building or structure shall be limited to factors specified in section 34-342. The BAR's review of the proposed demolition, razing or moving of any contributing structure shall be limited to the factors specified in section 34-343. c. The BAR, or city council on appeal, may require conditions of approval as are necessary or desirable to ensure that any new construction or addition would be compatible with the scale and character of the historic conservation district. Prior to attaching conditions to an approval, due consideration shall be given to the cost of compliance with the proposed conditions. Sec. 34-342 of the City Code. Standards for review of new construction and additions. 936 Rugby Road (September 14, 2021) 2 The following features and factors shall be considered in determining the appropriateness of proposed new construction and additions to buildings or structures: 1) Whether the form, height, scale, mass and placement of the proposed construction are visually and architecturally compatible with the site and the applicable conservation district; 2) The harmony of the proposed changes in terms of overall proportion and the size and placement of entrances and windows; 3) The impact of the proposed change on the essential architectural form and integrity of the existing building; 4) The effect, with respect to architectural considerations, of the proposed change on the conservation district neighborhood; 5) Any applicable provisions of the city's conservation district design guidelines. Pertinent Design Review Guidelines for New Construction and Additions Building Location – setback and spacing 1. Align a new building close to the average building setback line on the same street, if established, or consistent with the surrounding area. 2. Maintain average spacing between buildings on the same street. Staff Comment: The addition does conflict with the existing spacing within the district. Building Scale – height and massing 1. Keep the footprint, and massing of new buildings consistent with the neighborhood characteristics and compatible with the character of buildings on the same street. 2. Keep the height and width of new buildings within the prevailing average height and width. Exceptions up to 200% of the prevailing height and width may be approved by the BAR when contextually appropriate. 3. An addition needs to be perceived as an addition and therefore should not visually overpower the existing building in scale and design. 4. An accessory building should appear secondary to the main building in scale and design. 5. Larger buildings (commercial or multi-family) otherwise permitted by zoning should be designed and articulated to be compatible with the scale of the majority of adjacent buildings on the same street or block. Staff Comment: The addition is generally consistent with the scale and design of the existing house. The exterior chimney is a new element compared to the four existing, interior chimneys; however, the material, scale and design are consistent with the existing. Building Form – roofs and porches 1. Roof forms should reference contributing buildings on the same street or surrounding area. Other roof forms may be approved by the BAR when contextually appropriate. 2. If many of the contributing buildings on the same street have porches, then it is strongly recommended that the design of a new residence includes a porch or similar form of similar width and depth. Staff Comment: The addition roof is consistent with the existing house. 936 Rugby Road (September 14, 2021) 3 Building Openings – orientation, doors and windows 1. A single entrance door (or main entrance of a multifamily dwelling) facing the street is recommended. 2. Window and door patterns and the ratio of solids (wall area) to voids (window and door area) of new buildings should be compatible with contributing buildings in the surrounding area. 3. Windows should be simple shapes compatible with those on contributing buildings, which are generally vertically oriented in residential areas. Staff Comment: The scale, design, and locations of the addition windows are consistent with the existing house. Building Materials and Textures 1. The selection of materials and textures for a new building should relate architecturally to the district, and should be compatible with and complementary to neighboring buildings. 2. Long-lasting, durable and natural materials are preferred, including brick, wood, stucco, and cementitious siding and standing seam metal roofs. Clear glass windows (VLT of 70% or more) are preferred. Staff Comment: The stucco will match the existing. The windows will be wood. The glass VLT is not specified; however, for a residential project, the 70% VLT is less of a concern than it would be for a commercial storefront or street level location. Staff recommends that the manufacturer’s glass is acceptable, provided it is not opaque. Building Paint 1. Painting unpainted brick or other masonry is discouraged because it is irreversible and may cause moisture problems. Staff Comment: The existing masonry is painted. Site 1. Fences or walls that abut a City street (or fences located in a side yard between a street and the front of the principal structure on a lot) should not exceed three and one-half feet in height. Staff Comment: The proposed low, stone-veneer wall is to the side of the house. Rugby Road Historic Conservation District adopted September 2, 2014: Architectural character-defining features: • 1.5, 2.0, or 2.5 story dwellings with stucco, red brick or painted brick, or wood siding, • Front porticos or porches • Slate shingle roofs, gable or hipped roof forms, roof dormers, • Contributing outbuildings, and deep-set, planted front yards mostly unpaved with no visible garages. 936 Rugby Road (September 14, 2021) 4 Proposed Rugby Road Historic District 936 Rugby Road Date: ca. 1911 (on 1920 Sanborn Map) District Status: Contributing Resources: 1 Single Dwelling "Randolph House/Shadow Brae" Style: Vernacular Architect: Eugene Bradbury Architectural Description: Clad in stucco, the two-story dwelling, which is built into a slope, features a hipped asphalt-shingle roof with two projecting front gables that extend low to create inset porches on the first story. The dwelling features overhanging eaves, exposed rafts, and several interior stucco chimneys. Although irregular in footprint, the primary elevation is symmetrical, with a projecting shed roof central bay holding the entrance. Inset beneath an arched opening with vertical sidelight openings, the entrance features a single-leaf paneled-with-lights wood door. The flanking front gables are each pierced on the first and second stories with a central 8/8 window with squared-edged surrounds, operable louvered shutters and stuccoed sills. Thin, vertical louvered vents pierce the gable peaks. The NE elevation features an open inset porch with arched openings sheltering two sets of French doors, while the SW elevation's inset porch is enclosed with banks of paired 8-light casement window with arched multi-light transoms and 4-light sidelights. A similar double-leaf entry pierces the central side elevation bay. Both side elevations are also capped by a weatherboard-clad shed dormers. The NE dormer features paired 4/4 windows (made to look .like casements), while the SW dormers features a window configuration similar to the sun porch featuring a multi-light arched transom and casement windows with sidelights. A two- story hipped-roof ell projects at an angle from the rear, or South, corner of the dwelling. Due to construction into a slope, the 2 x3-bay ell features an exposed basement level. Other detailing includes stucco cladding, wide overhanging eaves, exposed rafters, 6/6 wood windows, and a projecting, boxed- bay window on bracket supports. Additionally, there is a rear elevation hipped porch with exterior stair that shelters a secondary entrance. The rear of the main block features 6/6, 8-light casement and 8/8 windows. Secondary Resources: Garage: circa 2000 ca. The one-story, front-gabled, single-bay garage sits on a poured concrete foundation and is capped by a standing-seam metal roof. Featuring vertical-board cladding, the garage is accessed by a central arched, Proposed Rugby Road Historic District roll-up vehicular bay, also made of vertical board. The garage also features overhanging eaves, exposed rafters, a flush fascia, and brick veneer corner posts. The side elevations feature 1/1 wood windows, while a decorative plaque sits in the gable peak. Site Description: Located on a 2.4-acre lot at the corner of Rugby Road and Preston Avenue, the property is obscured from the road by a wood fence, brick walls, and mature trees and shrubs. Accessed from Rugby Road via a circular pea gravel driveway with straight spur to a garage, the sloping property features several landscaped gardens with sculptures, a fountain, and a front and rear grassy lawn. A thickly wooded perimeter features larger trees and ivy ground cover. Concrete driveway posts mark the entrance. The brick-walled formal garden on the NE side was constructed in 1916. Board of Architectural Review (BAR) Conservation District - Certificate of Appropriateness Please Return To: City of Charlottesville Department of Neighborhood Development Services P.O. Box 911, City Hall Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone (434) 970-3130 Please submit ten (10) hard copies and one (1) digital copy of application form and all attachments. Please include application fee as follows: New construction project $375; Demolition of a contributing structure $375; Appeal of BAR decision $125; Additions and other projects requiring BAR approval $125; Administrative approval $100. Make checks payable to the City of Charlottesville. The BAR meets the third Tuesday of the month. Deadline for submittals is Tuesday 3 weeks prior to next BAR meeting by 3:30 p.m. Project Name/Description .N@~ A,.eSIL>CW(,(:'; Parcel Number CJ 3 o I ~'IO O 0 Project Address/Location 13~ £.l/G,6'1' /<.D. CA-f7tl-tU-077r::sVJU-E vii. 22 C/'Do Owner Name f'1 II::.€:.{) S/-IC(<,L'1 N@Z.8..+.Ut Applicant Name LO 6 H Bo 'tES Applicant Information Signature of Applicant I hereby attest that the information I have provided is, to the best f m wle , orrect. Email: IY') .Phone: (W)ij3'f 2'/4 1~/ (H '-o/'j'( Szt: '-/S'?lO Print Name Property Owner Information {if not applicant) Property Owner Permission (If not applicant) I have read this application and hereby give my consent to ""; Q¼UL Signature 8/30 / :i1 Date 5''-A.r6~ Print Name Ned "'\~ Date Description of Proposed Work (attach separate narrative if necessary):,_-.!::~=-,LAm:u...)...1.~~±a::>.Lk,-._ _ _ __ For Office Use Only Approved/Disapproved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Received by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fee paid: _ _ _ _ _ Cash/Ck.# _ _ __ Conditions of approval: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Received: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Revised April 2017 Board of Architectural Review (BAR) Conservation District • Certificate of Appropriateness Please Return To: City of Charlottesville Department of Neighborhood Development Services P.O. Box 911, City Hall Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone (434) 970-3130 Please submit ten (10) hard copies and one (1) digital copy of application form and all attachments. Please include application fee as follows: New construction project $375; Demolition of a contributing structure $375; Appeal of BAR decision $125; Additions and other projects requiring BAR approval $125; Administrative approval $100. Make checks payable to the City of Charlottesville. The BAR meets the third Tuesday of the month. Deadline for submittals is Tuesday 3 weeks prior to next BAR meeting by 3:30 p.m. Project Name/Description .A/@� /l,..61/)CWtc= Parcel Number CJ '30 I 7''-/ 000 Project Address/Location__Cj-'---=3_4, __ __�---"-c/i_r,_R,_'f_/<.D . _CA-'--'-f;4-tf..,L0-'-- __ 71CS __ v.;_,_U-_E__\A_f;'J_. _2_2_CJ_v_�-- Owner Name f'1II:::.€'ti) 5)-/C:f<,L'1 /ll@z.8/r.<..A Applicant Name_-"L�0 6_H -'-- -'--__ """'£._:S =-o-� /d _____ Applicant Information Signature of Applicant I hereby attest that the information I have provided is, to the best of m wle , orrect. Property Owner Information (if not applicant) Property Owner Permission (if not applicant) ;i,:z;JMu 1 I have read this application and hereby give my consent to g 3o / :i. 1 Signature Date Print Name Date -=-��A:ni½LJ���=���----- Description of Proposed Work (attach separate narrative if necessary):_-=� For Office Use Only Approved/Disapproved by: __________ Received by: ___________ _ Date: _________________ Fee paid: _____Ca sh/Ck.# ____ Conditions of approval: ___________ Date Received: ___________ Revised April 2017 APPLICABLE CODES SHEET INDEX BUILDING AND STRUCTURAL 2012 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE T1.1 TITLESHEET/SITE DIAGRAM PLUMBING 2012 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE MECHANICAL 2012 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE S1.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS - SITE PLAN/ CONTEXT PHOTOS ELECTRICAL 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE A1.1 BASEMENT LEVEL FLOOR PLAN OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION A1.2 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A2.1 ELEVATIONS USE GROUP R-1 A2.2 ELEVATIONS BUILDING HEIGHT AND AREA A2.3 PERSPECTIVES BUILDING MAX HEIGHT: 35' EXISTING FIRST FLOOR, HEATED & COOLED: 2300 SQFT EXISTING SECOND FLOOR, HEATED & COOLED: 2300 SQFT EXISTING BASEMENT, HEATED & COOLED: 820 SQFT EXISTING PORCHES: APPROX. 473 SQFT NEW ADDITION, HEATED & COOLED: 294 SQFT NEW COVERED PORCH: 338 SQFT TOTAL BUILDING AREA, HEATED & COOLED: 5714 SQFT TOTAL BUILDING AREA, INCLUDING PORCHES: 6525 SQFT TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TYPE VB GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM WITH GOVERNING LAWS, CODES AND ORDINANCES. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL CIVIL WORK WITH THE STRUCTURE AS SHOWN IN THE DRAWINGS. 3. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN FIELD. 4. ALL EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF SHEATHING, U.N.O. 5. ALL INTERIOR DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF STUD, U.N.O. SAGE DESIGNS NOTES: 3033 ALBERENE CHURCH LN. 936 RUGBY ROAD ESMONT, VA. 22937 08/31/21 434-296-7381 TITLE SHEET SAGE DESIGNS NOTES: 3033 ALBERENE CHURCH LN. 936 RUGBY ROAD ESMONT, VA. 22937 08/31/21 434-296-7381 PARTIAL SITE PLAN - EXISTING CONDITIONS 1" = 10'-0" & CONTEXT PHOTOS SAGE DESIGNS NOTES: 3033 ALBERENE CHURCH LN. 936 RUGBY ROAD ESMONT, VA. 22937 08/31/21 434-296-7381 1 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 4" = 1'-0" SAGE DESIGNS NOTES: 3033 ALBERENE CHURCH LN. 936 RUGBY ROAD ESMONT, VA. 22937 08/31/21 434-296-7381 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4" = 1'-0" SAGE DESIGNS NOTES: 3033 ALBERENE CHURCH LN. 936 RUGBY ROAD ESMONT, VA. 22937 08/31/21 434-296-7381 1 ELEVATIONS 4" = 1'-0" SAGE DESIGNS NOTES: 3033 ALBERENE CHURCH LN. 936 RUGBY ROAD ESMONT, VA. 22937 08/31/21 434-296-7381 1 ELEVATIONS 4" = 1'-0" SAGE DESIGNS NOTES: 3033 ALBERENE CHURCH LN. 936 RUGBY ROAD ESMONT, VA. 22937 08/31/21 434-296-7381 PERSPECTIVES Preliminary Discussion 745 Park Street – Demolition Discussion components (please click each link to go directly to PDF page): • Staff Report • Submittal for discussion September 21, 2021 BAR Packet 7 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW STAFF REPORT September 21, 2021 Preliminary Discussion 745 Park Street, Tax Parcel 520051100 Owners/Applicants: Karen Vadja and Kevin Riddle Demolition of existing dwelling Background Year Built: 1957 District: North Downtown ADC District Status: Contributing Brick, stretcher bond; l-1/2 stories; gable roof (composition); 3 bays. Detached house, 1950s-60s. Entrance in center bay. Exterior end chimney on north, single ramp. (NRHP listing for the Charlottesville and Albemarle County Courthouse Historic District. VDHR #104-0072.) Prior BAR Actions n/a Presentation • 745 Park Street Demolition, Informal Discussion, dated 08/24/202 Preliminary discussion on request to demolish the existing, approx. 35-f x 30-ft, single story, brick dwelling. Owners planning significant and extensive improvements to home. Renovations to existing impractical; razing is preferred. Note: A CoA is required to raze a contributing structure. Also, a CoA is also required for subsequent construction on or alteration to the site. Discussion and Recommendations The BAR should discuss if the proposed demolition is compatible with the ADC District Design Guidelines for Demolitions. As is standard for demolition requests, should the BAR consider approval, pending a formal submittal and request, staff will recommend condition of approval 745 Park Street – Discussion (September 16, 2021) 1 that prior to demolition the applicant will provide sketch plan and photographs of the existing dwelling and site. While a contributing structure, it must be noted that when the ADC District was established, all but approximately 15 primary structures were similarly designated. This district, including 745 Prk Street) was established in 1991. (It was expanded in 2005 to include the area north of downtown, between McIntire Road and 1st Street North.) Prior to 1996, when establishing an ADC district, it was the City’s practice to designate all structures as contributing. Additionally, while this dwelling was constructed 64 years ago and is thus eligible to be considered for possible designation, it is unique only because it is dissimilar in age and style from the houses that characterize this district. Between Lyons Court and the Bypass, within the ADC District on the west side of Park Street, there are four houses north and four houses south of 745 Park Street. They date from 1840 to 1936; the median year built is 1910. On the east side of Park, not in the district, there are 15 homes, dating from 1946 to 1967; the median year built is 1951. Prior demolitions in the North Downtown ADC District, which might be helpful. • 705 Park Street, demo 1920s garage and construct new, CoA approved April 17, 2012. • 713 Park Street, demo c1920 garage, CoA approved April 21, 2009. Note: Comments above and in the review below are based on the information provided and are intended for discussion only. Comments and recommendation may change when a formal request is submitted. Suggested Motions This is a preliminary discussion; no formal action will be taken. Criteria, Standards, and Guidelines Review Criteria Generally Sec. 34-284(b) of the City Code states that, in considering a particular application, the BAR shall approve the application unless it finds: (1) That the proposal does not meet specific standards set forth within this division or applicable provisions of the Design Guidelines established by the board pursuant to Sec.34-288(6); and (2) The proposal is incompatible with the historic, cultural or architectural character of the district in which the property is located or the protected property that is the subject of the application. City Code Sec. 34-278. Standards for considering demolitions. The following factors shall be considered in determining whether or not to permit the moving, removing, encapsulation or demolition, in whole or in part, of a contributing structure or protected property: 745 Park Street – Discussion (September 16, 2021) 2 a) The historic, architectural or cultural significance, if any, of the specific structure or property, including, without limitation: 1) The age of the structure or property; Owner comment: The house was built in 1957. This makes it unusually young to be included in the Park Street ADC. It’s not even older than the majority of houses on the east side of the 700 block--none of them included within the ADC District. 2) Whether it has been designated a National Historic Landmark (NRHP), listed on the National Register of Historic Places, or listed on the Virginia Landmarks Register (VLR); Staff: The North Downtown ADC District is part of the Charlottesville and Albemarle County Courthouse Historic District. (104-0072),1 which is listed on the VLR (1980, 1995) and the NRHP (1982, 2008). 745 Park Street is recorded in the district inventory; however, the inventory does not indicate contributing or non-contributing resources—see pdf page 50 of the NRHP nomination. From the NRHP nomination, 1995 amendment: (Emphasis added. Refer to map in the Appendix) As viewed on a map, the northernmost section of the district is seen as a projecting arm terminating at Lyons Court and at the 250 Bypass. Middle-and upper-middle-class residences extend along both sides of Park Street to Lyons Court. Similar houses are found interspersed on the northwestern side of Park Street between Lyons Court and the Route 250 Bypass; however, this area has been weakened by the recent construction of a large church unsympathetic in scale and quality to its neighbors. Houses on the northeastern side of Park Street, north of Lyons Court, are uniformly of post-1930 construction and not suitable for inclusion in the historic district at this time. […] An irregular route is followed by the northern boundary between McIntire Road and Park Street. Such a course roughly follows the pattern of development of the low-lying area between the higher elevations of Park Street and North First Street. The houses that are excluded are, for the most part, post-1930 builder houses. 3) Whether, and to what extent, the building or structure is associated with an historic person, architect or master craftsman, or with an historic event; Owner comment: No associations are known. 4) Whether the building or structure, or any of its features, represent an infrequent or the first or last remaining example within the city of a particular architectural style or feature; 1 0072_CharlottesvilleAndAlbemarleCountyCourthouse_HD_1980-1995_Amendment_Final_Nomination.pdf 745 Park Street – Discussion (September 16, 2021) 3 Owner comment: This house is not rare or singular. There are many dozens of houses in the city-- none of them protected within an ADC-- built in the same era and style of this house. They can be found in almost every corner of the city. Some are older. Some are younger. In some cases, entire streets are made up of variations of this house. (Photographs of examples are included in the presentation.) 5) Whether the building or structure is of such old or distinctive design, texture or material that it could not be reproduced, or could be reproduced only with great difficulty Owner comment: No 6) The degree to which distinguishing characteristics, qualities, features or materials remain; Owner comment: The brick exterior, windows and doors appear to be original. b) Whether, and to what extent, a contributing structure is linked, historically or aesthetically, to other buildings or structures within an existing major design control district, or is one of a group of properties within such a district whose concentration or continuity possesses greater significance than many of its component buildings and structures. Owner comment: No. c) The overall condition and structural integrity of the building or structure, as indicated by studies prepared by a qualified professional engineer and provided by the applicant or other information provided to the board; Owner comment: [Structure is sound,] to the best of our knowledge. d) Whether, and to what extent, the applicant proposes means, methods or plans for moving, removing or demolishing the structure or property that preserves portions, features or materials that are significant to the property’s historic, architectural or cultural value; and Owner comment: Dwelling will be razed. The most distinctive and memorable aspects of this property-- the only ones through which it truly adds to the fabric of the west side of Park Street-- are landscape elements: the stone wall at the sidewalk and the huge arborvitae screening the yard. We will keep those. e) Any applicable provisions of the city’s Design Guidelines. Staff: See ADC Guidelines for Demolition of Historic Structures. Pertinent ADC District Design Guidelines Chapter VII: Demolition and Moving. B Demolition of Historic Structures Review Criteria for Demolition 1) The standards established by the City Code, Section 34-278 745 Park Street – Discussion (September 16, 2021) 4 Staff: See above: Code Requirement for Considering Demolitions. 2) The public necessity of the proposed demolition. Staff: There is no public necessity. 3) The public purpose or interest in land or buildings to be protected. Staff: The requested demolition is necessary for the construction of a new dwelling, for which construction will require BAR review and approval. 4) The existing character of the setting of the structure or area and its surroundings. Staff: See owner’s comments and presentation. 5) Whether or not a relocation of the structure would be a practical and preferable alternative to demolition. Staff: This is not a unique structure. Relocation would not be a preferable alternative. 6) Whether or not the proposed demolition would affect adversely or positively other historic buildings or the character of the historic district. Staff: Demolition will not adversely or positively affect the other historic buildings or the character of the district. 7) Whether or not there has been a professional economic and structural feasibility study for rehabilitating or reusing the structure and whether or not its findings support the proposed demolition. Staff: A structural report has not been received. Owner acknowledges there are no known structural issues. Guidelines for Demolition 1) Demolish a historic structure only after all preferable alternatives have been exhausted. 2) Document the building thoroughly through photographs and, for especially significant buildings, measured drawings according to Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) Standards. This information should be retained by the City of Charlottesville Department of Neighborhood Development Services and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. (See staff recommendation.) 3) If the site is to remain vacant for any length of time, maintain the empty lot in a manner consistent with other open spaces in the districts. 745 Park Street – Discussion (September 16, 2021) 5 Appendix Construction dates for nearby structures Year: Prior to 1957 Year: 1957 Year: After 1957 745 Park Street – Discussion (September 16, 2021) 6 Survey area from 1995 amendment to the Charlottesville and Albemarle County Courthouse Historic District City map indicating dates of construction 745 Park Street – Discussion (September 16, 2021) 2 745 PARK STREET demolition informal discussion road ro ut pa e rk 25 e hi tir ll 0 in b yp mc as s ly on 5 74 s av et en re ue st k ar p location 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 * We plan to have the property properly survey if we return with a formal application to demolish the house. plat 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 existing conditions 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 existing conditions 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 Reason for demolition We are planning significant home improvements. The renovation process will involve so much removal and modification of the existing house that trying to retain some fraction of ground floor structure and exterior walls will make the project more cumbersome and expensive than simply tearing down to the foundations and starting over. We question the contributing role of the existing house. It has almost none of the attributes that form the historic fabric on this side of Park Street. In age and materials and style, it has far more in common with the houses on the opposite side of Park Street. Yet at the 700 and 800 blocks of Park Street, the properties on the east side are excluded from the North Downtown ADC. If the city had intended for a house like this to be protected, the east side of the street would have been included in the ADC. Architecturally, this house does not contribute to what makes the west side of Park Street exceptional. The only way in which it is compatible with neighboring houses is its deep siting, almost 100 feet from Park Street. Otherwise, it shares almost none of the characteristics that make most houses on this side of the street distinctive. Its size and proportions are not compatibale with the older houses. It lacks a spacious front porch. It lacks a pedestrian walk to the front door. The brick veneer is perfectly fine for its time, but it’s nothing special: a standard running bond in an extremely common factory brick. It possesses none of the finer variations typical of older masonry. From the street, the asphalt shingles of the gable roof are prominent in a way that is unusual on this side of the block and not compatible with it. Age of the house The house was built in 1957. This makes it unusually young to be included in the Park Street ADC. It’s not even older than the majority of houses on the east side of the 700 block-- none of them included within the ADC. Is it listed on any national or Virginia historic registers? No. Is the house associated with an historic person, architect or No, to the best of our knowledge. tradesman? Is it associated with an historic event? Does the house or any of its features represent an infrequent No. This house is not rare or singular. There are many dozens of houses in the city-- none of them protected within an ADC-- built in the same era and style of this house. They can be or the first or last remaining example of its kind within the city? found in almost every corner of the city. Some are older. Some are younger. In some cases, entire streets are made up of variations of this house. Photographs of examples are includ- ed in later pages of this document. Is the house of such old or distinctive design, texture or ma- No. terial that it could not be reproduced, or could be reproduced only with great difficulty? To what extent do distinguishing characteristics, qualities, The brick exterior, windows and doors appear to be original. features or materials remain? Is this house linked-- historically or aestheically-- to other build- No. ings or structures within the ADC? Is it one of a group of properties within the district whose No. conentrations or continuity possess greater significance than many of its component buildings? Is it in good structural condition? Yes, to the best of our knowledge. To what extent does the applicant propose to preserve fea- The most distinctive and memorable aspects of this property-- the only ones through which it truly adds to the fabric of the west side of Park Street-- are landscape elements: the tures or materials significant to the property’s historic, architec- stone wall at the sidewalk and the huge arborvitae screening the yard. We will keep those. tural or cultural value? demolition criteria 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 examples of house type elsewhere north avenue 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 examples of house type elsewhere willard drive 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 examples of house type elsewhere forest hills avenue 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 700 block of park street, east 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021 north downtown ADC above 700 block 745 PARK STREET 08/24/2021