Agenda City of Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review Regular Meeting October 19, 2021, 5:30 p.m. Remote meeting via Zoom Welcome to this Regular Monthly Meeting of the Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review. Staff will introduce each item, followed by the applicant’s presentation, which should not exceed ten minutes. The Chair will then ask for questions from the public, followed by questions from the BAR. After questions are closed, the Chair will ask for comments from the public. For each application, members of the public are each allowed three minutes to ask questions and three minutes to offer comments. Speakers shall identify themselves and provide their address. Comments should be limited to the BAR’s purview; that is, regarding only the exterior aspects of a project. Following the BAR’s discussion and prior to taking action, the applicant will have up to three minutes to respond. Thank you for participating. Please note the times given are approximate only. Pre-Meeting Discussion 5:30 Regular Meeting A. Matters from the public not on the agenda (please limit to 3 minutes per speaker) B. Consent Agenda (Note: Any consent agenda item may be pulled and moved to the regular agenda if a BAR member wishes to discuss it, or if any member of the public is present to comment on it. Pulled applications will be discussed at the beginning of the meeting.) 1. BAR meeting minutes from April 20, 2021 2. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 21-10-01 109-111 West Water Street, Tax Parcel 280013000 Downtown ADC District Owner: Mall Property, LLC Applicant: Ali Sevindi Project: Install roll-up doors in two storefront openings. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 21-10-05 110-114 Old Preston Ave, Tax Parcel 330278000 Downtown ADC District Owner/Applicant: Joey Conover Project: Install door at building entrance October 19, 2021 BAR Agenda 1 C. Deferred Items 5:45 4. Certificate of Appropriateness BAR 21-05-03 605 Preston Place, Tax Parcel 050111000 Rugby Road-University Circle-Venable Neighborhood ADC District Owner: Neighborhood Investment – PC, LP Applicant: Kevin Riddle, Mitchell Matthews Architects Project: Three-story apartment building with below-grade parking D. New Items 6:45 5. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-10-03 485 14th Street, NW, TMP 090034000 Rugby Road-University Circle-Venable ADC District Owner: Hoo House, LLC Applicant: Greg Winkler, Kurt Wassenaar Project: Phases 2 and 3 - Renovations and rear addition 7:30 6. Certificate of Appropriateness Application BAR 21-10-04 310 East Main Street, TMP 280041000 Downtown ADC District Owner: Armory 310 East Main, LLC Applicant: Robert Nichols/Formworks Project: Facade renovation E. Preliminary Discussion 8:15 7. Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) 1615 East Market Street, Tax Map Parcel 110005000 Woolen Mills HC District Owner/Applicant: Jennifer and Lemuel Oppenheimer Project: Construct residence Note: Oct 6, 2021, owner requested prelim discussion in lieu of CoA review. 8:45 8. Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) 700 Locust Avenue, Tax Map Parcel 510066000 Martha Jefferson HC District Owner/Applicant: Eric M & Galia Mann-Hielscher Project: Construct outbuilding 9:00 9. Certificate of Appropriateness Application (HC District) 1804 Chesapeake Street, Tax Map Parcel 55A141000 Woolen Mills HC District Owner/ Applicant: Emily and Anthony Lazaro Project: Construct addition October 19, 2021 BAR Agenda 2 F. Other Business Staff questions/discussion Garage door at Hill & Wood 123 Bollingwood Preservation Awards Update on administrative reviews Brief discussion ADC District Design Guidelines (Time permitting) PLACE update G. Adjourn October 19, 2021 BAR Agenda 3