Board of Equalization Meeting June 11, 2020 Virtual Meeting (Zoom) Time: Address/Parcel # (s) Owner / Agent 8:45am 119 Middlesex Dr. Evan Mayo 9:05am 419-421 E. Main Street Cliff Fox 9:25am 416 Park St. James Bowling /Fran Lawrence 9:45am 1321 Long St. James Vicendese 10:05 100 W. South St. 2A Will Lineweaver BREAK 10:50 212 Ridge McIntire Rd. David Dodd/ Brian Bisema 11:20am & 11:40am 1147 5th Street SW & Bianca Hoen 1106 W. Main Street “ “ LUNCH 1:00pm 201-239 Elliot Ave. Ludwig Kuttner 155 5th Street SW “ “ 100-106 West Main St. “ “ 201 East Main St. “ “ 301 East High “ “ / Erin Hill 2:45pm 211 10th NE (Parking Lot) Robert Neil 0 4th Street NE “ “ 310 4th St. NE “ “ 331-339 Hillsdale Dr. “ “ 361-399 Hillsdale Dr. “ “ 101 Seminole Ct. “ “ Note: For multiple parcels, each parcel will be 20 minutes to be presented. Virtual/Electronic  “Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made.”