AGENDA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS THURSDAY, November 21, 2019 4pm NDS CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA ***************************************************** I. Call to Order - II. Public Hearings – BZA 19-11-001 – Mr. Jeff Erkelens, the Property owner of 0 4th Street SW, has applied for a variance of section 34-353 of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant would like to reduce the required corner side-yard setback, from a required 20 feet to 10 feet. The parcel is only 45 feet wide and has a storm water easement running through the middle of it. Both of these factors greatly reduce the area in which a structure could be constructed on the Property. BZA 19-11-002 – Mr. Tom, Hubbard, the Property owner of 110 Avon Street, has applied for a variance of section 1038(i) of the Zoning Ordinance. The existing sign located on the Property is non-conforming because it is higher than 20 feet above grade and the bottom sill of the second story window. The applicant is seeking to remove the sign and replace it with a new one in the same location. The applicant contents that because the building is located next to the Belmont Bridge, a sign at conforming height would be invisible. III. Review BZA Minutes from 9/19/2019 IV. Adjournment