AGENDA Mrs. Andrea Wieder, of 2331 Highland Avenue has appealed the Zoning Administrator’s determination to allow the construction of a handicapped ramp in the required side yard setback of the adjacent property located at CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE 2333 Highland Avneue. According to section 34-1101(b)(5) of the Zoning BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Ordinance, handicapped ramps meeting ADA standards are permitted to be located within any required yard. Thursday, December 17, 2020 Report by Read Brodhead, Zoning Administrator 4pm ZOOM MEETING WEBINAR CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA As a courtesy to others, please turn off all cell phones during the meeting. III. Adjournment— ***************************************************** I. Call to Order - II. Public Hearings – BZA 20-12-001: The Property Owner, C-ville Business Park LLC , has applied for a variance for the Property located at 1223-25 Harris Street. Relief from section 34- 457(b)(5) of the Zoning Ordinance has been requested: Properties located within the IC zoning district shall have a maximum front setback of twenty (20) feet. Report by Read Brodhead, Zoning Administrator BZA 20-12-002: The Property Owner, C-ville Business Park LLC, has applied for a variance for the Property located at 1223-25 Harris Street. The Property was granted a Special Use Permit to construct a sventy (70) foot tall structure, but due to the 50 foot drop in elevation on the property, the approved massing cannot be constructed. Report by Read Brodhead, Zoning Administrator BZA 20-12-003: MEETING GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Thank you for attending this afternoon’s Zoning Appeals meeting. 1. Sign up sheets located in front of the Chair will determine the order CHARLOTTESVILLE, of speakers recognized. VIRGINIA 2. Public Hearings: City Hall - P.O. Box 911 - 610 East Market Street A. Process: (434) 970-3182  Chair will read the agenda item  Staff member will make a presentation of the staff report ********************************************************  Chair will ask the Board if they have any questions of the staff  Applicant will present his or her proposal AGENDA for  Chair will open hearing and comments will be received Thursday, December 17, 2020  Chair will close public hearing  Chair will ask Board members if they have any questions Welcome to this regular monthly meeting of the  Chair will entertain a motion, call for discussion, then call the question. During this part of the discussion only the Board members will Board of Zoning Appeals participate. ZOOM MEETING WEBINAR – 4:00 pm B. Procedure: MEMBERS:  If a previous speaker has stated your position, you may make that Kevin O’Halloran, Board Chair known by reference Hosea Mitchell  At the discretion of the Chair, presentations may be held on a time limit Justin Ritter to allow enough time for all speakers Genevieve Keller  The Chairman shall act as timekeeper J. Addison Barnhardt C. Meeting Guidelines: (All comments are recorded on audio tape) Staff: Read Brodhead. Zoning Administrator  State your name and address. ********************************************************  Do not speak from your seat or out of turn. The Charlottesville Board of Zoning Appeals meets in the Basement Level  Address comments directly to the Board as a whole. Conference Room located in City Hall, 605 East Main Street,  State your position and give facts and data to back it up. Charlottesville, Virginia, on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm.  If you represent a group or organization, ask others present to rise and Because of the potentially large number of items presented for be recognized. consideration, the Board has established certain guidelines for citizen participation (please see back of this agenda for complete listing).  Debate is prohibited. These guidelines help to ensure that everyone who wishes to speak can do  Give written statements and other supporting material to the Chair. so, and that the Board can benefit from hearing as many different people (Written comments are welcome if you do not wish to speak). as possible in the shortest period of time.  Please hold all applause or other public statements of approval or disapproval when a member of the public is addressing the Board.