Qiiarlottesville ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUUtORHy Charlottesville Economic Development Authority (CEDA) Meeting Minutes - September 1 0,2019 Members Present Staff Present Others Present Tara Boyd Chris Engel Nikki Hastings Ethan Duns+an Hollie Lee Elizabeth Cromwefi Ed Schmitz Jason Ness Adrian Felts Trish Carpenter f->aul Beyer JayO'DonneII Nicoie Fernandez A meeting of the Charlottesville Economic Development Authority occurred on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 in. the City Council Chambers. Chairperson, Ms. Boyd/ called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM. Ms. Boyd opened the public comment period and there being no comments from the public, she proceeded to the next agenda i+em. Ms. Boyd called for a motion to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Mr. Duns+an moved, second by Mr. Felts and all present voted aye. Motion passed. Before Nikki Hastings of CvilleBioHub presented to the Board, Mr. Engel gave a little background on the start of the project a year ago. Ms. Hastings thanked the Board for their past support and presented the strategic plan for the future. In order to receive the GO Virginia Grant funds, matching funds are required by other entities. The request of this Board is for $60/000 in funding over two years with $25,000 for the first year. Questions were asked by Mr. Beyer and Mr. Felts. Chairperson Boyd read the Resolution and asked if any additional questions from the Board. Ms. Boyd requested a motion to approve the Resolution. Mr. Beyer abstained from voting. Mr. Dunstan moved, Ms. Fernandez second the motion, all present voted aye. Motion passed. Ms. Cromwell of the Chamber of Commerce came before the Board to request $5,000 per year for two years to help fund a liaison position for the Defense Affairs Committee (DAC) to work with the city, county and private sector to foster econonnic vitality by strengthening these relationships. Chairperson Boyd read the Resolution and asked if any additional questions from the Board. Mr. Felts and Mr. Schmitz abstained from voting. Ms. Boyd moved to approve the Resolution, Ms. Fernandez second the motion, al! present voted aye. Motion passed. Mr, Ness gave an update to the Board on the success and growth of the GO Hire, ACE and VJIP Match programs and how it has positively impacted small business growth as well as employing individuals with new skills at a compe+ltive wage. Mr. Engel gave the annual reminder to the Board for FOIA and COIA rules. The Board was briefly updated regarding the place holder if the City wishes to engage in a performance agreement with the OED for housing improvement at Friendship Court. No action required at this time on the subject. Mr. Engel invited the Board to attend any and all of the activities involving the first Minority Business Week starting on Saturday and continues into Friday of the following week. There being no further business, Ms. Boyd asked for motion to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Felts made the motion, Mr. Beyer second the motion, meeting adjourned at 5:03 PM. Chris Engei, Secretary ^l:}fiDafe^ ^\2i\\c\ Date Approved by CEDA