Qiarlottesville 6CONOMIC DEVELOPMt:NT AUTHOftirY Charlottesvllle Economic Development Authority (CEDA) Meeting Minutes- November 12, 2019 Members Present Staff Present Others Present Not Present Tara Boyd Chris Engel Sunshine Mathon Adrian Fel+s Ethan Duns+an Zoie Smith Ed Schmitz Jason Ness Nicole Fernandez Trish Carpenter PaulBeyer JayO'Donnell A meeting of the Charlot+esville Economic Development Authority o'ccurrecf on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 in the City Council Chambers. Chairperson, Ms. Boyd, called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. Ms. Boyd opened the public comment period and there being no comments from the public, she proceeded to the next agenda item. Ms. Boyd called for a motion to approve the September 10, 2019 meeting minutes. Mr. Schmi+z moved, second by Mr. Dunstan and all present voted aye. Motion passed. Next Ms. Boyd asked if there were any questions on the submitted Treasurer Reports for June, July, August and September 2019. No questions from the Board, motion to approve by Mr. Duns+an, second by Ms. Boyd and all present voted aye. Motion passed. Before the Friendship Court Redevelopment Presentation began, Chairperson Ms. Boyd recused herself due to a previously stated conflict of interest. Mr. Sunshine Mathon of the Piedmont Housing Alliance presented to the board the plans for the Friendship Court redevelopment. The presentation was informational only and no action of the Board was requested. Mr. Mathon gave a quick history of how Friendship Court came to be and showed slides on the four phases of the project. The matter is scheduled to be in front of City Council in December and this Board may be asked to take action upon the outcome of Ci+y Council's decision. Next discussion was on the Venture Hub Business Plan report that was completed in October. Mr. Engel gave a brief overview of the lengthy plan that was funded by GO Virginia and which involves multiple partners including the City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County and UVA. The plan makes a case for developing a gateway to entrepreneurial resources/ enhancing growth of traded sector startups and creating a stronger narrative for innovation in Central Virginia. Following the issuance of the report representatives from the city, county and university economic development groups are socializing the plan and gathering feedback from a variety of people that could potentially interaction with or benefit from the hub. There was no action requested of the board at this time but there will likely be a role for the authority in the future. Mr. Engel provided the Board an update on the five businesses participating in the Cville Match program that began on July 1st. A handout was provided with a brief bio on each business. Each company is expected to grow, increase employees and enhance their facility size. There will be a one-year check-in and a two-year checkout to see how the companies progressed over the grant period. The Board was briefly updated on the Defense Affairs Committee. The Chamber was successful in raising the required funds to hire for the position which included a contribution from this Board. The plan is to have the position filled early next year. There being no further business, Ms. Boyd asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Beyer made the motion, Ms. Boyd second the motion, meeting adjourned at 4:56 PM. fll^/fc1 Chris Engel, Sec^+ary ~~ Date ia\io^q Date Approved by CEDA