Charlottesville Economic Development Authority (CEDA) Meeting Minutes – September 13, 2022 Members Present Staff Present Not Present J’riah Guerrero Chris Engel Reid Thompson Addison Barnhardt Ajoni Wynn-Floyd James Cauthen George Sandridge Jay O’Donnell Trish Carpenter Jonathan Chasen Denis Herndon A meeting of the Charlottesville Economic Development Authority occurred on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 via virtual electronic Zoom meeting. Chair, Mr. Guerrero, called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM. Mr. Guerrero asked if there was any public comment; no public comments noted, he proceeded to the next agenda item. Mr. Guerrero asked the board if there were any comments or questions regarding the June 14, 2022 meeting minutes. No comments or questions noted, Chair asked for a motion to approve the June 14, 2022 meeting minutes, motion moved by Mr. Cauthen, second by Mr. Chasen, all present in favor. Motion passed. Next, no comments or questions noted for the Treasury Reports from May, June and July 2022. Chair asked for a motion to approve the May, June and July 2022 Treasury Reports; motion moved by Mr. O’Donnell; Mr. Cauthen second the motion; all present in favor. Motion passed. Mr. Engel introduced to the Board the newest board member, Denise Herndon, who was appointed in April. First item of new business discussed was the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Mr. Engel shared with the board that an RFP is in progress for a consulting firm to guide the City through a strategic planning effort. The consulting firm will be engaging Board members, different business sectors as well as members of the community to be part of the process. The goal is to development a comprehensive plan for strategic for City development. Questions were asked by Board members and answered by Mr. Engel. Next item of new business, George Sandridge presented to the board updates and statistics for both the GO Hire and BRACE grant programs along with a brief overview and history of each of the programs. Questions from Board were asked and answered. Next, Mr. Engel provided the Board with an update on the background and stats for the Cville Match fund. Questions from Board were asked and answered by both Mr. Engel and Mr. Sandridge. The last new business item discussed was an update on the Pavilion and Impact Study. Mr. Engel informed the Board that a full economic impact study is scheduled for November to understand the impact of the facility, the events it attracts, the people it draws and the ancillary impacts. A consultant will conduct the study post-COVID with a full year of data. The study should take six weeks with a future presentation of the results provided to the Board. Next on the agenda, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District (TJPDC) applied for the EDA Grant for Regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and were awarded the grant. This study will be performed at an overall higher level, whereas the City study is at a closer level of review. This study possible will run concurrently with the City’s Strategic Plan study. As a follow-up to the BEACON presentation by Ms. Yolunda Harrell of New Hill Development Corp., New Hill has been approved for the GO Virginia Grant this past June. The Board at that time agreed to do a local match along with the County providing a match. Details are being worked out now and work on the BEACON facility will be starting soon. This past June CEO and President of United Way, Ravi Respeto, reached out to the City and the County EDA’s to participate in a new grant program for minority businesses. United Way has raised some of their own dollars, and potentially at the next meeting this Board will be asked to contribute funds to the grant. Mr. Engel advised the Board that the FY2022 audit is scheduled to begin in early October. A presentation of the findings is tentatively scheduled for December’s Board meeting. Mr. Engel updated the Board on the status of the planned date for City Hall to reopen. For the time being, CEDA meetings will continue to be virtual with more updates to come after October’s reopening date. There being no further business, Mr. Guerrero asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Chasen made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Cauthen second the motion, all present voted in favor, meeting adjourned at 4:39 PM. Chris Engel, Secretary Date Approved by CEDA