REVENUE ESTIMATES SUMMARY FY 21 Funding FY 21 Funding FY 21 Request / Request Rollback FY 20 Anticipated Reductions/ Funding / Funding Sources Budget Funding Decreased Anticipated City of Appropriation 57,366,623 3,448,915 (3,448,915) 57,366,623 State 20,857,813 400,067 (242,955) 21,014,925 Fund Balance 720,649 Local 3,167,089 Federal 5,280,802 TOTAL REVENUES (3,691,870) 87,550,088 * 1 * Does not include August 2019 Additional Appropriation of $468,000 for Gifted Teachers NON-DISCRETIONARY & CRITICAL EXPENSES FOR FY21 Virginia Retirement Systems 811,934 Health Insurance 686,948 Telecommunications 61,000 Teachers for Enrollment 332,780 Technology Audit & Security Upgrade 49,900 1,942,562 2 SUMMARY - 05/06/2020 FY 21 FY 20 Non-Discretionary Budget & Critical Expenses TOTAL TOTAL REVENUES 87,550,088 87,550,088 TOTAL EXPENSES (88,055,130) (1,942,562) (90,465,692) Net Est. Revenues vs. Expenses (2,915,604) Carry forward enrollment based cuts to FY20 in FY21 3/5 Budget Proposal (409,575) Gap (not considering sales tax losses TBD) (2,506,029) Reappropriation of Supplemental $468,000 for Gifted 468,000 * Additional Estimated City Request 875,000 TOTAL Estimated City Request for FY21 1,343,000 Remaining Gap (1,163,029) CARES Stimulus Revenue Est. 1,204,810 Pending State/Sales Tax Losses (Est. ~$1m) ‐ Lottery losses also pending 3