Departmental New Request Summary GENERAL FUND Department Department Description # of FTE's Priority Amount Notes 1 Sheriff New Replacement Vehicles for Deputies 0 1 of 1 $ 84,000.00 Economic Development would be able to absorb this cost in the existing operating budget in FY22 through grants but may need additional funding in future fiscal 2 Economic Development ‐ Home to Hope New Peer Navigator 1 1 of 1 $ 51,260.00 years. Merges the CHAP and Tax Relief Programs. COR is recommending not moving forward with this or any changes to the Relief Programs due to budgetary 3 Commissioner of Revenue Relief Programs Merger 0 1 of 1 $ 615,000.00 constraints and revisiting for FY23. 4 Human Resources Digitization of Personnel records 0 1 of 1 $ 40,636.00 New building would be more appropriate as a CIP Move Voter registration Office or Create Satellite request and needs to be evaluated as such. Need to 5 Office of General Registrar Office 0 1 of 1 unknown evaluate satellite office possibilities for early voting. 6 Public Works ‐ Admin Systems Performance Analyst ‐ Reclassification 1 1 of 15 $ 44,019.00 7 Public Works ‐ Admin Deputy Director 1 8 of 15 $ 187,624.00 Placeholder Request for discussion with Charlottesville 8 Public Works ‐ Admin School Facility Coordinator 1 15 of 15 unknown City Schools 9 Public Works ‐ Engineering Admin Assistant III 1 4 of 15 $ 90,208.00 10 Public Works ‐ Engineering Engineering Technician 1 6 of 15 $ 75,369.00 11 Public Works ‐ Engineering Traffic Inspector 1 9 of 15 $ 81,618.00 12 Public Works ‐ Facilities Development Facilities Development Manager 1 3 of 15 $ 161,508.00 13 Public Works ‐ Facilities Development Project Manager 1 3 of 15 $ 111,886.00 14 Public Works ‐ Facilities Maintenance Building Automation Systems Coordinator 1 11 of 15 $ 59,977.00 Convert Long Term Temp Admin Assistant to Full 15 Public Works ‐ Facilities Maintenance time and reclassify to Analyst 1 13 of 15 $ 38,469.00 16 Fire Emergency Manager Position 1 1 of 2 $ 119,526.00 17 Fire Department Training Staff 1 1 of 2 $ 111,251.00 18 IT Computer Replacement Funding 0 1 of 1 $ 171,000.00 19 Police Increased Equipment Replacement Funding 0 N/A $ 200,000.00 Request is more appropriate to be considered as a CIP 20 Police Records Management System 0 N/A $ 500,000.00 request TOTAL ‐ GENERAL FUND $ 2,743,351.00 FTE's REQUESTED ‐ GENERAL FUND 13 OTHER FUNDS Department Department Description # of FTE's Priority Amount Notes Conversion of 40 Relief Operators to Regular Full 1 Transit Time FTEs and 3/4 time FTEs 35 1 of 7 $ 886,667.00 All Transit Requests will have an effect on the General 2 Transit Transit Operations Supervisor 2 5 of 7 $ 145,921.00 Fund Transfer to Transit, and the cost to the County. 3 Transit Transit Mechanics 4 2 of 7 $ 303,761.00 Must be signed off on by the County and the City to 4 Transit Transit Parts Manager 1 2 of 7 $ 55,699.00 move forward unless the City agrees to pick up 100% of 5 Transit Analyst 1 1 4 of 7 $ 72,021.49 the cost of the new positions. 6 Transit Maintenance Worker 5 2 of 7 $ 278,494.00 7 Transit Transit Planning Manager 1 3 of 7 $ 127,989.00 8 Public Works ‐ Fleet Fleet Maintenance Supervisor Reclassification 1 2 of 15 $ 17,213.00 9 Public Works ‐ Fleet Vehicle and Equipment Technician 1 10 of 15 $ 82,380.00 10 Public Works ‐ Fleet Emergency Vehicle and Equipment Technician 1 7 of 15 $ 90,380.00 11 Public Works Environmental (Gas) Climate Action Plan Specialist 1 5 of 15 $ 105,722.00 12 Social Services Reclassification ‐ Management Analyst 0 $ 15,244.00 13 Stormwater Intern 0.5 14 of 15 $ 18,206.00 TOTAL ‐ OTHER FUNDS $ 2,199,697.49 FTE's REQUESTED ‐ NON GENERAL FUNDS 53.5 GRAND TOTAL ‐ ALL FUNDS $ 4,943,048.49 FTE's REQUESTED ‐ ALL FUNDS 66.5