CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL June 18, 2020 Virtual/electronic meeting 11:30 AM CLOSED MEETING with Open Meeting Action Item The Charlottesville City Council met on Thursday, June 18, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. The meeting was called to order at 11:40 a.m. with the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Sena Magill, Ms. Heather Hill, Mr. Michael Payne and Mr. Lloyd Snook. ACTION ITEM APPROPRIATION: Appropriate Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funding - $4,123,776 (2nd reading) At the June 15, 2020 regular City Council meeting, Council advised that it would hold the second reading of this item before convening in closed session on June 18. Mayor Walker turned the meeting over to City Manager Tarron Richardson, who provided a summary of the CARES Act funding appropriation second reading. Finance Director Chris Cullinan explained minor changes to the report since the June 15 meeting, advising of a correction and more detailed accounting. Ms. Walker added comments about funds for housing stability and providing a safe environment for employees to return to work. Council discussed estimates for expenses and asked clarifying questions. Deputy City Manager Paul Oberdorfer shared details of expected expenses and phased reopening of City facilities. Interim Public Works Director Marty Silman provided additional information about facility needs for HVAC remediation. Director for Human Services Kaki Dimock answered questions about Virginia Housing, rent and mortgage relief funds, and food relief. On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Ms. Magill, Council by the following vote APPROVED the appropriation: 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker. Noes: none). APPROPRIATION Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Act (CARES) Funds $4,123,776.00 WHEREAS, Commonwealth of Virginia has allocated federal funds from the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to the City in the amount of $4,123,776 to address the COVID-19 pandemic; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the following is hereby appropriated in the following manner which conform with the conditions and guidance established by the Commonwealth, U.S. Treasury, and the City: Revenue $4,123,776 Fund: 208 Cost Center: 9900000000 G/L Account: 430127 $4,123,776 Expenditures Business Support $75,000 Corridor Dist. Fund: 208 Order: 1900353 G/L Account: 599999 $750,000 Grants Fund: 208 Order: 1900360 G/L Account: 599999 Community Support $654,000 Fund: 208 Order: 1900354 G/L Account: 599999 Operational Modifications $1,164,000 Fund: 208 Order: 1900355 G/L Account: 599999 Employee Support $420,000 Fund: 208 Order: 1900356 G/L Account: 599999 Technology $636,300 Fund: 208 Order: 1900357 G/L Account: 599999 Contingency Reserve Fund $424,476 Fund: 208 Order: 1900358 G/L Account: 599999 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the amounts above appropriated appropriation shall not be deemed to expire at the end of the fiscal year, but are hereby appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year unless altered by further action of this Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the amounts hereinabove appropriated for the categories of Business Support, Community Support, Operational Modifications, Employee Support, Technology, Contingency Reserve Fund, may on authorization from the City Manager, or his designee, be transferred between categories as needed to meet unforeseen circumstances, and consistent with the City Council's direction. Mayor Walker opened the floor for comments from the public. - Mr. Rory Stolzenberg, City resident, advised that he was following up on communication from June 15 and awaiting a response. With no one else coming forward to speak, Ms. Walker closed public comment. 2 On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Ms. Magill, Council voted 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker. Noes: none) to meet in closed session as authorized by Virginia Code Sections 2.2-3711 and 2.2-3712, specifically as authorized by Virginia Code Section 2.2- 3711(A)(1) for discussion of the performance of the Charlottesville City Manager, the Charlottesville Police Chief, the Charlottesville Council Chief of Staff, and the Charlottesville City Attorney. The closed meeting convened at 12:27 p.m. On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Mr. Snook, Council certified by the following vote: 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker. Noes: none), that to the best of each Council member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the Motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered in the closed session. The meeting adjourned at 5:04 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council Approved by Council July 20, 2020 Kyna Thomas, CMC Clerk of Council 3