CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting - CALL TO ORDER Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS CITY MANAGER RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC Public comment is provided for up to 12 speakers at the beginning of the meeting (limit 3 minutes per speaker.) Pre-registration is available for up to 9 of these spaces and are published by noon the day of the meeting. An unlimited number of spaces is available at the end of the meeting. 1. CONSENT AGENDA* (Items removed from consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda.) a. Minutes for January 3 b. APPROPRIATION: HB2 / SMART Scale grant funding for High Street, Fontaine Avenue and Emmet Street – $29,452,721 (2nd of 2 readings) c. APPROPRIATION: Hillsdale Drive Extension – Appropriation of $322,943.79 & Transfer of $117,641.50 (2nd of 2 readings) d. APPROPRIATION: Fiscal Year 2017 Transit Grants – $576,676 (2nd of 2 readings) e. APPROPRIATION: National Endowment for the Arts Our Town Grant Match Appropriation – $25,000 (2nd of 2 readings) f. APPROPRIATION: Funds from Charlottesville City Schools (CCS) to the CCS Enhanced Entrance Security Project – $7,582.49 (1st of 2 readings) g. RESOLUTION: Charlottesville-Albemarle Health Department Restroom and Service Area Renovations Request from Returned City funds – $49,034.80 (1st of 1 reading) h. ORDINANCE: Closing of Portion of Ware Street Extended (Unaccepted) (2nd of 2 readings) 2. REPORT State of the City – 20 mins 3. ORDINANCE* Amendment to Snow Removal Ordinance (1st of 2 readings) – 20 mins 4. REPORT Rivanna Quarterly Update – 10 mins 5. REPORT The Children’s Services Act and The Community Policy & Management Team – 15 mins 6. REPORT* Blue Ribbon Commission on Race, Memorials and Public Spaces – 60 mins OTHER BUSINESS MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC *ACTION NEEDED