CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, February 21, 2017 6:00 p.m. Closed session as provided by Section 2.2-3712 of the Virginia Code Second Floor Conference Room (Discussion of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose – Schenk’s Branch) 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting - CALL TO ORDER Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS Planning Awards; The Big Read; Recognition of Judith Mueller’s Retirement ANNOUNCEMENTS CITY MANAGER RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC Public comment is provided for up to 12 speakers at the beginning of the meeting (limit 3 minutes per speaker.) Pre-registration is available for up to 9 of these spaces, and pre-registered speakers are announced by noon the day of the meeting. An unlimited number of spaces are available at the end of the meeting. 1. CONSENT AGENDA* (Items removed from consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda.) a. Minutes for February 6 b. APPROPRIATION: Additional Funding for Social Services Benefits Programs – $14,519 (2nd of 2 readings) c. APPROPRIATION: Crisis Intervention Team Grant: Department of Criminal Justice Services – $20,000 (2nd of 2 readings) d. APPROPRIATION: Check and Connect Student Engagement Continuation Grant – $147,000 (2nd of 2 readings) e. APPROPRIATION: Donations for Community Risk Reduction Initiatives – $3,246 (2nd of 2 readings) f. RESOLUTION: Donations of Surplus City Police Cars to Piedmont VA Community College (1st of 1 reading) g. ORDINANCE: Conditional Release of Bike/Pedestrian Access Easement on Meadowbrook Road to Accommodate Retail Development at 1200 Emmet Street (2nd of 2 readings) h. ORDINANCE: Grant of Easement for Electric Duct Bank under Emmett Street, Stadium Road, Jefferson Park Avenue and Monroe Lane to the University of Virginia (2nd of 2 readings) i. ORDINANCE: CenturyLink Communications Telecommunications Franchise Renewal (2nd of 2 readings) j. ORDINANCE: FiberLight Telecommunications Franchise Renewal (2nd of 2 readings) 2. PUBLIC HEARING / Cable Television Franchise Agreement with Comcast (1st of 2 readings) – 20 minutes ORDINANCE* 3. REPORT Landmark Hotel – 30 minutes 4. REPORT Creation of City Staff Position (Arts Director) – 10 minutes 5. REPORT Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Annual Work Program – 30 minutes OTHER BUSINESS MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC *ACTION NEEDED