CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Monday, May 15, 2017 6:00 p.m. Closed session as provided by Section 2.2-3712 of the Virginia Code Second Floor Conference Room (Appointments to Boards and Commissions; Consultation with legal counsel regarding litigation – CPC v. City) 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting - CALL TO ORDER Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL th AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS Albemarle Amateur Radio Club; Flicker the Flame 10 Birthday; Damage Prevention Leadership ANNOUNCEMENTS Award to Utilities Board Appointments CITY MANAGER RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC Public comment is provided for up to 15 speakers at the beginning of the meeting (limit 3 minutes per speaker.) Pre-registration is available for up to 10 of these spaces, and pre-registered speakers are announced by noon the day of the meeting. An unlimited number of spaces are available at the end of the meeting. 1. CONSENT AGENDA* (Items removed from consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda.) a. Minutes for May 1, 2017 b. APPROPRIATION: CDBG-HOME Funding for FY 2017-2018 (2nd of 2 readings) c. APPROPRIATION: Clark Elementary School – Safe Routes to School Grant - $13,992 (2nd of 2 readings) d. APPROPRIATION: Virginia Trees for Clean Water Grant - $5,500 (1st of 2 readings) e. RESOLUTION: Reimbursement Agreement with Fluvanna County for Share of Circuit Court Judge’s Administrative Costs (1st of 1 reading) f. ORDINANCE: Homeowner Tax Relief Grant Program (2nd of 2 readings) 2. PUBLIC HEARING Utility Rates for FY2018 (1st of 2 readings) – 15 min ORDINANCE* 3. REPORT* Blue Ribbon Commission on Monuments – Recommendations – 30 min 4. RESOLUTION* Approval of West Main Streetscape Design Plans (1st of 1 reading) – 30 min 5. ORDINANCE* Retirement Plan Amendments (1st of 2 readings) – 15 min 6. REPORT State of the Forest – 20 min 7. REPORT Workforce Development Update – 20 min OTHER BUSINESS MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC *ACTION NEEDED