Charlottesville City Council Proposed Work Retreat Agenda January 18, 2018, Morven Meeting Barn, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 1. Opening activity 2. Develop retreat ground rules 3. Update retreat agenda: remove items, add items, and reorder items as needed 4. Continue discussion of City Council Meeting Structure and Procedures a. Review Council Meeting Procedures and Open Letter from City Council currently on the web site b. Review Dr. Bellamy’s proposal that was discussed at the Council meeting January 16, 2018 as well suggested changes to the proposal from fellow Council members and the public including but not limited to: i. Enforcing a culture of mutual respect during City Council Meetings (among councilors and meeting attendees) ii. Start times, locations, town hall / other formats, limits on number of speakers, speaker time limits, sign up process, etc. iii. Use of Facebook live stream, Twitter, Open Town Hall application, etc. to increase engagement opportunities during the meetings iv. Expanding engagement opportunities for Council agenda development process (i.e., posting draft agendas to public, inviting public feedback on suggestions for upcoming agenda items, etc.) v. Expanding accessibility to meeting materials and meetings (i.e., Spanish translation for agendas, sign language, closed captioning, etc.) c. Discuss options for reimagining physical space for Council meetings, including engaging with UVA Architecture School 5. Revisit new City Council Policies and Procedures first discussed in August 2014 a. In addition, discuss: i. Use of electronic devices by Councilors during City Council Meetings ii. Protocols for electronic communications among Councilors 6. Discuss Community Engagement Improvement Opportunities a. Review best practices from other communities b. Consider opportunities to regularly engage with the public beyond Council Meetings c. Develop and implement a basic tracking mechanism for all commitments made by both Council and Staff during public engagements.