NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON Monday, October 15, 2018, AT 5:30 p.m. IN THE Second Floor Conference Room AT City Hall, 605 E. Main Street. THE PROPOSED AGENDA IS AS FOLLOWS: Closed session as provided by Section 2.2-3712 of the Virginia Code (Boards & Commissions; Legal Consultation; Contract Discussions; Personnel) BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL BY Brian Wheeler SECOND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM – October 15, 2018 Council met in special session on this date with the following members present: Ms. Walker; Ms. Hill; Dr. Bellamy; and Ms. Galvin. Mr. Signer was absent. Ms. Walker called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Ms. Galvin, Council voted, (Ayes: Ms. Walker; Ms. Hill; Dr. Bellamy; and Ms. Galvin. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Signer) to meet in closed session as authorized by Va. Code Sec. 2.2-3712, specifically: Virginia Code Sec. 2.2-3711(A)(8) for the purpose of consultation with and obtaining legal advice from legal counsel regarding specific legal matters concerning donations to charitable associations pursuant to Virginia Code Sec. 15.2-953; and Virginia Code Sec. 2.2-3711(A)(3) and (A)(8) to discuss or consider the disposition of real property for a public purpose, because discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the City’s bargaining position or negotiating strategy, specifically to discuss the possible exchange, transfer, or property lease/use agreement involving real estate known as the 7th and Market Street parking lot, and for consultation with and obtaining legal advice from legal counsel employed by the public body regarding specific legal matters having to do with the possible exchange, transfer, or property lease/use agreement involving real estate known as the 7th and Market Street parking lot. On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Ms. Galvin, Council certified by the following vote (Ayes: Ms. Walker; Ms. Hill; Dr. Bellamy; Ms. Galvin. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Signer) that to the best of each Council Member's knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered in the closed session. Ms. Walker adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBER - October 15, 2018 ROLL CALL Council met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Ms. Walker, Ms. Hill, Mr. Bellamy, Ms. Galvin ANNOUNCEMENTS/ PROCLAMATIONS Mr. Bellamy announced the upcoming CRHA meeting on October 29 that starts at 6:00 pm. Ms. Galvin announced the deadline for voter registration. Today is the last day for voters to register to vote, or update their address, before the November election. A voter registered at his or her current address does not need to re-register. Ms. Hill reported that on October 23, 2018 at 7:00 pm there will be a meeting at the Charlottesville High School sponsored by the Charlottesville City Schools to allow the community to discuss equity. Ms. Walker announced that the City of Charlottesville is one of many jurisdictions in the US to participate in The National Citizen Survey™ in 2018. Starting Friday, October 19th, pre- notification postcards will be mailed to a random sample of 1,800 Charlottesville households informing them that a questionnaire will follow asking for feedback on the quality and usefulness of city services. The results will be included in a final report that city officials and residents will use to guide future strategic plan setting processes and budgeting decisions. The National Citizen Survey™ is a very efficient way to measure citizen opinion. Previous survey results and reports can be found at We hope, should you receive a survey in the mail, that you return it and share your opinion. Mr. Bellamy announced the Minority Business Exhibit on November 8, 2018 from 10 am to 1 pm at Jefferson School. Mr. Bellamy informed everyone that Ms. Kenney is sick. Council will present the proclamation to her when she is able to come to a meeting. BESANCON PRESENTATION Ms. Yates Nobles, Besancon Representative from the Sister City Commission, made a presentation to Council about the Besancon trip in September 2018. The delegation introduced themselves to Council as well as two students visiting from Besancon. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of Council Mtgs October 1, October 3, October 4, October 8 and October 11, 2018 b. APPROPRIATION: VDOT Primary Extension Paving Project Funds - $31,441 (2nd reading) VDOT Primary Extension Paving Project Funds WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation and the City of Charlottesville desire to execute a standard Project Administration Agreement for a state-aided project, referenced as Virginia Department of Transportation Project Number 0020-104-351 (UPC 113238); WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation has awarded the City of Charlottesville a Primary Extension Paving grant in the amount of $20,388, with a required local match of $11,053; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $31,441 is appropriated in the following manner: Revenue - $20,388 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00689-19-01 (SS-009) G/L Account: 430120 Expenditures - $20,388 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00689-19-01 (SS-009) G/L Account: 599999 Transfer from: $11,053 Fund: 426 WBS: SS-009 G/L Account: 599999 Transfer To: $11,053 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00689-19-01 (SS-009) G/L Account: 599999 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the receipt of $20,388 from the Virginia Department of Transportation. c. APPROPRIATION: Insurance Reimbursement for Fire Truck Settlement - $89,369.91 (2nd reading) Insurance Reimbursement for Fire Truck Settlement WHEREAS, Selective Insurance and Atlantic Emergency Solutions are reimbursing the City of Charlottesville for vehicle and contents losses associated with a fire involving vehicle #685; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that a total of $89,369.91 be appropriated in the following manner: Revenues - $89,369.91 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00976 G/L Account: 451110 Expenditures - $89,369.91 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00976 G/L Account: 599999 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the receipt of funds from Selective Insurance. d. RESOLUTION: Funding Agreement between Senior Center at Belvedere and City Funding Agreement between Senior Center at Belvedere and City A RESOLUTION APPROVING SENIOR CENTER FUNDING AGREEMENT, NOTE AND DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE EARMARKED DONATION UNDER VIRGINIA CODE § 15.2-953 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the attached Senior Center Funding Agreement, Note and Deed of Trust are approved and that the City Manager and the City Attorney, or their respective designees, are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City the attached documents in a substantially similar form as approved by the City Attorney. e. RESOLUTION: Approve Permit Parking in 600 Block of Hinton Ave Approve Permit Parking in 600 Block of Hinton Ave f. ORDINANCE: Zoning Text Amendments Requiring Temporary Use Permits for Temporary Surface Parking Facilities and Temporary Construction Yards (2nd reading) Zoning Text Amendments Requiring Temporary Use Permits for Temporary Surface Parking Facilities and Temporary Construction Yards g. ORDINANCE: Quitclaim Gas Easement to VDOT in Riverside Village Subdivision (carried) Quitclaim Gas Easement to VDOT in Riverside Village Subdivision Ms. Walker requested a sign-up sheet for the community to speak on the Consent Agenda. She asked the audience members if anyone was interested in commenting on the Consent Agenda to please come forward. Mr. Louis Schultz said that he is unhappy that the minutes from special meetings are still not being disclosed. He said that the remote voting process was not accurately recorded for a meeting when Mr. Signer voted remotely. He brought up Mr. Maurice Jones' loan forgiveness as part of his contract. He mentioned the contract with former Chief Al Thomas. On motion by Mr. Bellamy, seconded by Ms. Galvin, the Consent Agenda passed. (Ayes: Mr. Bellamy, Ms. Hill, Ms. Galvin, Ms. Walker; Noes: None) CITY MANAGER RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY MATTERS (FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS) Mr. Murphy reported on items from October 1, 2018 meeting. He announced the work session for Behavioral Health on December 12, 2018 and he will reach out to various organizations to invite to the work session. Chief RaShall Brackney gave a presentation to Council on warrantless detentions data and answered Council’s questions. Chief Brackney said that moving forward the Police Department is working on standardizing data processing and transparency. The Chief said that she wants the data reporting standardized and that she is open to having the reports on the website. Mr. Murphy said that the data system currently used to track and collection information encountered an 18-month implementation delay and it is not functioning properly. COMMUNITY MATTERS Ms. Shantell Bingham, said that she is speaking on item 6, Food Equity Initiative. She quoted a resident of Friendship Court about the limitations for acquiring healthy food in the City. Mr. Bellamy said that he has reservation about any organization coming into the community and telling someone what they should eat. Ms. Bingham said that she the Food Justice Network is about creating a health environment and not telling people what they can/ should eat. It is about redevelopment and policy changes. Mr. Justin Shimp said that the City should think about people and housing rather than parking/cars. He said it is important to reduce parking requirements and increase density in developments. Mr. Michael Payne made comments about the Paris Climate agreement. He proposed the following steps for City Council. 1. Divesting all City Council assets in fossil fuel industry. 2. Publicly pledge that the city will be a 0-emission city by 2032. 3. Comprehensive community development strategy; community wealth building as the bedrock of economy. We have control over the scale and scope of climate change. Ms. Galvin said that Mr. Payne raised an important message. She said that she will be reaching out to Kristen Riddervold about the Healthy Eating Active Living Resolution and see where the City is in meeting its goals. The Healthy Eating Active Living Resolution is concerned the Standards and Design Manual; making sure that the city is walkable and as bike-able as possible. Ms. Katrina Turner said that she does not want to keep coming here to talk about her son's case. She played a recording for the Council. She wants to know how she can get access to the original case information and how the information was changed. She said that the Chief called her a 'liar' and quoted an email from the Chief. She asked what does she have to do to get the answer and asked for something to be done. Mr. Bellamy asked Chief Brackney Chief to come forward to address Ms. Turner’s concerns about the video. Chief Brackney said that three different chiefs and two City Managers have reviewed the case. She summarized the complaints made against the arresting Police Officers: the arrest was racially motivated, the officers were discourteous, and used excessive force during the arrest. In regards to the use of excessive force, Chief Brackney said that they used the jail intake photo to verify that Ms. Turner’s son was intact and that there were not any marks on his face. The Chief said that the letter did state that there was a tape and it should state that a photo was used. To the issue of whether the officers were discourteous she reported that the original findings stated that the officers were not discourteous. However, the Chief indicated in the letter to Ms. Turner that there is not enough evidence to determine whether the officers were discourteous or not. This is a change where the issue was resolved it is now “unfounded”. Were the officers racially motivated to make the arrest when he called for help. Ms. Turner’s son was arrested after calling for help and plead guilty to domestic violence. Ms. Walker asked about a video and clarified that Chief Brackney meant that there was a photo and not a video. Ms. Walker asked the Chief to provide Ms. Turner an updated letter. Mr. Tony Wasch, Jr. asked that the 4th and 2nd streets to be closed to vehicular traffic. Mr. Bellamy asked for a follow up on the safety plan for 2nd and 4th Street. Mr. Murphy said that the Incident Management Team can provide an update/ study. CHECK Tape. If Council wants to entertain closing the 2nd and 4th streets, then staff would not bring this before Council at the next Council meeting. Mr. Bellamy said that he wants to entertain the idea of closing. Ms. Galvin said that this issue has been revisited every three or four years. There are many people who want to keep the streets open versus closing the streets. She asked for data on injuries on 2nd and 4th street. Ms. Hill requested the timeline about the safety assessment. Mr. Murphy said that an update could be provided by November 5th meeting. Mr. Murphy said that an update will be provided at the next meeting. Ms. Kelsey Schlein said that the comprehensive plan is the main tool to document the growth in the community. The maps are inconsistent with the stated goals. Look beyond parking and take into consideration the people in housing. Mr. Jeffery Fogel said that there are many lies. He said that he wants to compare the raw data for stop and frisk and said that he does not trust the Police Chief. Mr. Fogel commented on Chief Thomas' retirement/ leaving after the August 2017. He commented that Mr. Thomas was paid $200,000 to not speak about the events of August 12, 2017 and said that the contract needs to be opened up for public inspection. He wants to hear Mr. Thomas' version of the Heaphy report. Mr. Dan Rosensweig, said that he appreciates the City Council and Staff putting time into updating the Standards and Design Manual. He gave the history of the Standards and Design Manual and listed the deficiencies of the update to the Standards and Design Manual. He asked that the vote by delayed until the Planning Commission and CADRE could provide feedback. Mr. Bellamy said that it is fair. Ms. Hill said that the staff will provide an update and that there will be a joint work session. Council will not be voting on this item this evening. Mr. Brad Sloken said that the City's current Green Outlook lists the main effort as Green Infrastructure. The first item under Green Infrastructure is listed as storm water management and according to the city's website that there has been a lot of effort over the years to update the infrastructure. However, he brought pictures that were posted to Twitter showing several areas around the City being completely submerged. Last year the former Mayor signed up for two Climate Initiatives. The City's commitment is 10% reduction in greenhouse emission by 2035, however, that will not be enough. He encouraged City Council to view climate change as a security issue that effects the most vulnerable populations. Mr. Peter Krebs with the Piedmont Environmental Council. Gave a shout out to the kids that walked to school last week. He heard that kids are continuing to walk to school. Planning Commission is having a meeting on October 17th (Wednesday) 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm to discuss a walkable and bike-able region. Mr. Krebs also endorsed the Food Equity Initiative. Ms. Rosia Parker asked when the slave plaques will be put in place. When are the slave blocks going to be erected. She wants Ms. Galvin to keep her word. Ms. Parker said that she is disappointed with Mr. Murphy that he spoke up for the UVA student at the last meeting. She also said that she is not happy with the Chief Brackney and wants her to stop lying to the Black and Brown people of Charlottesville. She said that the people of the community will save themselves. Ms. Galvin responded to Ms. Parker and said that the City passed a resolution to redesign the whole downtown parks. Since that time the courts have put a stop on a lot of the City's activity. Asked Mr. Murphy if there is a way to break the resolution apart; the plaques are outside the parks and is willing to break the resolution apart so that certain portions of the redesign can move forward. Ms. Galvin said that she is reluctant to break the resolution apart and exclude the parks due to the fact that the public will get different community engagement initiatives. Mr. Bellamy said that there are several steps that they can take. He supports breaking the resolution apart to take out Vinegar Hill, Slave Blocks and two other plaques that need to be addressed. Commissioning another taskforce to creating the plaques that could be outside the statues. He said he will work with Ms. Galvin and Ms. Parker to present to Council. They will provide an update by the second meeting in November. Ms. Walker said that previous reports from previous Police Chiefs were not as detailed. The community has an opportunity to provide feedback on data. She believes that the Police Department should be challenged. If there was a tape, she would give it to Ms. Turner. There is a dwelling in the past, but it is in our best interest to resolve. Looking at how women and Black women in positions of power are treated and specifically not respected. Mr. Bellamy said that from people it is accountability. Ms. Walker and Bellamy that everyone should be held accountable but in a respectful manner. Ms. Nancy Carpenter, asked Mr. Murphy to get the traffic engineer a letter about the curve on 10th and Henry Avenue. Wants to get back to a resident about their inquiry. Effort to get Jackson P Burley HS to be recognized as a Historic Building. She encouraged people to sign the petition. Remind people that the end of October, PACHEM will be opening. A lot of drives are going on for the needs of the homeless and the largest need is housing for the homeless. The Initiative for Food Justice is very important. She requested that social workers who are not associated with agencies be embedded in neighborhoods in the next budget cycle. Mayor Walker said that she will try to be a stickler for time for the rest of the year. Adjourned for 10-minute break at 9:13 pm. Meeting reconvened at 9:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING / ORDINANCE*: ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS FOR LICENSE AGREEMENT (40 YEARS) FOR SMALL CELL WIRELESS FACILITIES (2nd reading waived) Ms. Lori Schweller, Attorney for Applicant presented to Council. She asked for a waiver of the 2nd reading. On motion, the public hearing opened; having no further speakers, the public hearing was closed. Ms. Blair, City Attorney, asked if there were any other bids to place small cell facilities on utility poles. Ms. Galvin moved to approve the ordinance and to waive the second reading, Ms. Hill seconded and the ordinance passed. (Ayes: Mr. Bellamy, Ms. Hill, Ms. Galvin, Ms. Walker; Noes: None) ORDINANCE GRANTING A PERMIT TO CELLCO PARTNERSHIP D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN CERTAIN EQUIPMENT FOR TRANSMISSION OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ON CERTAIN UTILITY POLES, NEW STRUCTURES, AND CITY-OWNED STRUCTURES WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY OWNED BY THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE; SETTING FORTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANT OF THE PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR REGULATION AND USE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. RESOLUTION*: APPROVAL OF UPDATED STANDARDS OF DESIGN MANUAL Approval of Updated Standards of Design Manual Mr. Marty Silman, Public Works and Ms. Melanie Alliston-Brick, with Toole Design, presented to Council. Ms. Galvin said that she gave comments in details about 20-30 comments and they were not incorporated into the manual. She said that she wants to understand how the items were not included and that there was a fundamental departure from the Streets That Work Plan. Mr. Sillman asked for clarification about the two workshops; one between Council and the Planning Commission and the other between Council and the public. Ms. Galvin said she believes that is all the work sessions that are needed. Ms. Walker asked whether Ms. Galvin's comments were supposed to be incorporated. Ms. Galvin said that they were not necessarily to be included but at least acknowledged. Ms. Hill said that it is important that the groups who worked on the Standards and Design manual have a workshop to digest the CADRE comments. She said that she would like to know when that workshop would take place and notice the meeting so that the Councilors can attend and just listen. Mr. Bellamy suggested inviting a CADRE member to be present at the work session with Council. Ms. Walker said that she would like a representative from each group that workshopped the Standards and Design Manual and Ms. Hill agreed and clarified for Ms. Silman. Ms. Galvin clarified the structure of the meeting. One work session for the other groups that weighed in first. Then the work session would be between Council and the Planning Commission with a representative from each of the organizations to be present at the table. Ms. Hill said that at the work session she would want to work with an updated version of the Standards and Design Manual. Mr. Sillman brought up the contract with Toole. Additional workshops could mean to pushing this out to the beginning of next year. Will need additional funding and additional time to move forward. Will bring the change in scope to the November 5th meeting. Ms. Glavin and Ms. Walker clarified that the stakeholders will have a meeting and then a representative from each of those groups should be present at the joint work session with the Planning Commission with Council. Ms. Sillman asked if Council wanted to do a public hearing with Planning Commission and Council said no. APPROPRIATION*: FUNDING FOR WESTHAVEN CLINIC COORDINATOR POSITION - $85,000 (carried) Funding for Westhaven Clinic Coordinator Position Ms. Kakii Dimock, Acting Assistant City Manager and Ms. Joy Johnson, both members of the Nursing Clinic Steering Committee presented to Council and answered Council's questions. Mr. John Blair said that the item would go to the Consent Agenda. RESOLUTION*: PIEDMONT HOUSING ALLIANCE COMMUNITY WEALTH- BUILDING PROGRAM - $75,000 Piedmont Housing Alliance Community Wealth-Building Program Ms. Brenda Kelley, Redevelopment Manager, and Mr. Sunshine Mathon, Executive Director of Piedmont Housing Alliance, presented to Council and answered clarifying questions from Council. Mr. Mathon agreed to provide updates on a more frequent basis then two reports. Ms. Walker asked for a six-month report to include other funding sources and Mr. Mathon agreed. Ms. Galvin and Mr. Murphy reported that they did not vote on this item when it was considered in front of the Friendship Court Steering Committee; only the residents voted. Mr. Mathon asked that the six-month timeframe start from the hiring date. At the end of October he reported that they will be ready to start the advertisement for the new position. Ms. Galvin moved to adopt the resolution, Ms. Hill seconded. The resolution passed. (Ayes: Mr. Bellamy, Ms. Hill, Ms. Galvin, Ms. Walker; Noes: None) RESOLUTION Piedmont Housing Alliance – Community Wealth Building Program - $75,000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that previously appropriated SIA Implementation funding of up to $75,000 is authorized to be allocated to be used to assist to fund an Economic Opportunity Coordinator position. These funds will be distributed over a two-year period for Piedmont Housing Alliance’s Community Wealth Building Program. RESOLUTION*: FOOD EQUITY INITIATIVE TRANSFER OF FUNDS - $65,000 Food Equity Initiative Transfer of Funds Ms. Rebecca Schmidt, Population Health Manager with Thomas Jefferson Health District presented to Council and answered clarifying questions. Ms. Jeanette Abinator answered Ms. Hill and Ms. Walker's questions. Ms. Galvin moved, Ms. Hill seconded, the motion passed. (Ayes: Mr. Bellamy, Ms. Hill, Ms. Galvin; Noes: Ms. Walker) RESOLUTION Food Equity Initiative Funding Support $65,000 WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville desires to support the coordination of a Food Equity Initiative for the City of Charlottesville in the amount of $65,000; and WHEREAS, the Thomas Jefferson Health District returned $49,784 in end of year FY2017 funds to the City of Charlottesville Citywide Reserve, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the funding support for the Food Equity Initiative is hereby transferred in the following manner: Transfer From; $50,000 Fund: 105 Cost Center: 1631001000 G/L Account: 599999 $15,000 Fund: 105 Cost Center: 1011001000 G/L Account: 599999 Transfer To: $65,000 Fund: 105 Cost Center: 9733001000 G/L Account: 599999 ORDINANCE*: REZONE 1206 CARLTON AVE FROM R-2 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO R-3 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (2nd reading)(denied) Rezone 1206 Carlton Ave from R-2 Two-family Residential to R-3 Multi-family Residential Mr. Matt Alfele, City Planner, gave a summary and pointed out an update in the proffer from the applicant. Mr. Alfele answered clarifying questions from Council. Ms. Galvin asked Mr. Blair a procedural question. Mr. Blair said that Council decided to consider this item separate from the Consent Agenda. In Council's current procedures, they cannot deny on the first reading. Ms. Hill gave reasons for not supporting item. Ms. Galvin gave her reasons for not supporting this item. Ms. Galvin moved to deny the ordinance, seconded by Ms. Hill the motion passed. (Ayes: Mr. Bellamy, Ms. Hill, Ms. Galvin, Ms. Walker; Noes: None) REPORT: PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING Participatory Budgeting Ms. Leslie Beauregard, Assistant City Manager, presented to Council and answered clarifying questions. REPORT: SOCIAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD ANNUAL UPDATE Social Services Advisory Board Annual Update Ms. Christine Gough, Chair of the Social Services Advisory Board, presented to Council. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. John Blair, City Attorney, asked Council if they prefer two separate meetings for making decisions on land use. Council agreed that they prefer two separate meetings. Ms. Walker asked about a Social Services Report. Mr. Murphy said that he provided Council with a report and that it was more appropriate for a work session vs a Council meeting. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC Mr. Mark Cavett, said that he warned Council to be wary of Developers' projects. He mentioned that renters need to be notified in addition to property owners about projects being planned for a specific area. Mr. Tony Wasch Jr. said that he wanted to congratulate the Mayor on controlling the time for people making comments. He also asked that the Mayor try to control the crowd in their outbursts. He said that his behavior while he was being heckled was not a sign of disrespect but a sign of restraint. Council discussed their position on the environment created by the community members' behavior while people are making public comments. Each member stated their positions. Meeting adjourned at 11:38 pm. Approved by Council November 5, 2018 Nikuyah Walker Mayor, City of Charlottesville