Members Nikuyah Walker, Mayor CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Sena Magill, Vice Mayor Heather D. Hill Monday, May 4, 2020 Michael K. Payne J. Lloyd Snook, III 5:30 PM Closed session as provided by Sections 2.2-3711 and 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia Virtual / electronic meeting (Personnel) 6:30 PM Regular Meeting (Virtual / electronic meeting) CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL AGENDA APPROVAL RECOGNITIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. CONSENT AGENDA* a. MINUTES: April 20 Regular meeting, April 28 Work Session b. APPROPRIATION: Domestic Violence Services Coordinator Grant - $49,336 (2nd reading) c. APPROPRIATION: Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) Supplemental Appropriation of FY 2020 Transit Grants - $2,021,606 (2nd reading) d. APPROPRIATION: Appropriation of CARES Act relief fund payment for the Fire Department - $58,201.02 (1st of 2 readings) e. RESOLUTION: Approving retroactive funding for administration of the Charlottesville Supplemental Rental Assistance Program (CSRAP) - $79,255.94 (1 reading) f. ORDINANCE: Rental Relief Program application deadline extension pursuant to City Code Section 25-59 (1 reading requiring 4/5 vote) CITY MANAGER RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY MATTERS (FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS) COMMUNITY MATTERS Public comment for up to 16 speakers (limit 3 minutes per speaker). Pre-registration available for up to 8 spaces; pre-registered speakers announced by Noon the day of the meeting. Additional public comment period at end of meeting. Public comment will be conducted through electronic participation as City Hall is closed to the public. Participants can register in advance at [Remote participation supported for the duration of the City Manager’s Declaration of Emergency issued March 12, 2020.] ACTION ITEMS 2. PUBLIC HEARING/ FY20-21 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)/Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) RESOLUTION*: Action Plan: (1 reading) a. CDBG/HOME FY20-21 Action Plan resolution b. FY20-21 Priority Neighborhood fund allocations resolution 3. RESOLUTION*: Action Plan CDBG-CV Covid Amendment - $246, 699 (1 reading) 4. APPROPRIATION*: Approval and Appropriation of CDBG and HOME Budget Allocations for FY 2020-2021 (1st of 2 readings) a. Appropriation of funds for the City of Charlottesville 2020-2021 CDBG - $419,367 b. Appropriation of funds for the City of Charlottesville’s 2020-2021 HOME funds - $127,210.56 c. Appropriation amendment to CDBG account reprogramming of funds for FY 20-21 - $13,324 GENERAL BUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC *Action Needed NOTE: During the local state of emergency related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), City Council Chambers are closed to the public and meetings are being conducted virtually via a Zoom webinar. The webinar is broadcast on Comcast Channel 10 and on all the City's streaming platforms. Public hearings and other matters from the public will be heard via the Zoom webinar which requires advanced registration. You may also participate via telephone and a number is provided with the Zoom registration or by asking the clerks for the dial-in phone number for each meeting.