CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – VIBRANT COMMUNITY FUND June 30, 2020 Virtual/electronic meeting 1:00 PM WORK SESSION - Vibrant Community Fund The Charlottesville City Council met in a work session on June 30, 2020, to discuss the Vibrant Community Fund, with the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Sena Magill, Ms. Heather Hill, Mr. Michael Payne, and Mr. Lloyd Snook. Mayor Walker called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m., and turned the meeting over to City Manager Tarron Richardson who reviewed the purpose of the meeting, which was to further discuss the appropriation of funds to various organizations through the Vibrant Community Fund. DISCUSSION Mr. Ryan Davidson, Senior Budget Analyst, shared background information about the Vibrant Community Fund, past presentations to City Council regarding scoring of applications, and updates to Council priorities, and advised that approval would be needed for a resolution to allocate the funds. Council discussed the 83-page Fiscal Year 2021 Vibrant Community Covid Updates Report. The following staff answered questions from City Council: Kaki Dimock, Director of Human Services; Letitia Shelton, Deputy City Manager; and John Blair, City Attorney. Council discussed moving some organizations up the rating scale based on equity considerations. Council asked for and received input from: - Erin Tucker, Executive Director of the "On Our Own Operations" program - Ross Carew, Executive Director of OAR (Offender Aid and Restoration) - Sunshine Mathon, Chief Executive Officer of the Piedmont Housing Alliance - Lexie Boris, Advancement Director and Alicia Lenahan, President of Piedmont CASA - Jon Nafziger, Executive Director of Child Health Partnership - Kate Lambert, Chief Development Officer of the Boys and Girls Club of Central Virginia. - Jessica Maslaney, Chief Executive Officer of the Piedmont Family YMCA. - Brandon Collins with PHAR (Public Housing Association of Residents) - Daniela Pretzer, Executive Director of The Bridge Line Council discussed the need to address and prioritize direct services for basic needs, given the impact of Covid-19. Council discussed funds in the Council Strategic Initiatives Equity Fund, and whether to use any of those dollars to support the Vibrant Community Fund. Council agreed to have staff bring back an updated report at the July 20 City Council meeting for a one reading resolution. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Walker opened the floor for public comment. - Mr. Jay James of the Bridge Ministry spoke. With no other speakers coming forward to speak, Ms. Walker closed public comment. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Walker adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council 2