CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: July 20, 2020 Action Required: Resolution Adoption Staff Contacts: John Blair, City Attorney Presenters: John Blair, City Attorney Title: Resolution Supporting the Declaration of Racism as a Public Health Crisis Background: Virginia Governor, Ralph S. Northam, is expected to convene a special session of the General Assembly in August 2020 pursuant to Article IV, Section 6 of the Constitution of Virginia. One of the topics that the special session is expected to address is law enforcement. Discussion: In anticipation of the special session, the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus (VLBC) released a set of its legislative priorities on June 24, 2020. One of the VLBC’s priorities is to introduce legislation which declares racism a public health crisis in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The attached Resolution requests the City of Charlottesville’s legislative delegation to support legislation to declare racism a public health crisis in Virginia. Budgetary Impact: None. Attachments: Proposed Resolution RESOLUTION REQUESTING LEGISLATORS SUPPORT DECLARATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS WHEREAS, Virginia Governor, Ralph S. Northam, is expected to call a special session of the Virginia General Assembly in August 2020; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus (hereinafter “VLBC”) released a set of priorities it plans to pursue during the special session; and WHEREAS, one of the VLBC’s priorities for the special session is to declare racism a public health crisis in the Commonwealth of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that it requests that Delegate Sally L. Hudson and Senator R. Creigh Deeds support legislation at the special session declaring racism a public health crisis in the Commonwealth of Virginia.