CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: November 2, 2020 Action Required: Appropriation Presenter: Chris Gensic, Parks and Recreation Staff Contacts: Chris Gensic, Parks and Recreation Ryan Davidson, Office of Budget and Performance Management Title: Virginia Outdoors Foundation Grant - Ragged Mountain Land Acquisition - $65,000 Background: The City of Charlottesville, through Parks and Recreation, has received a grant from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) to assist with the acquisition of five additional acres of forested land adjacent to the Ragged Mountain Reservoir property. The match for this project comes in the form of funds remaining from the previous US Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant through the Community Forest Program used to acquire the 144 acres adjacent to this five acres. Discussion: The City of Charlottesville became aware of property for sale adjacent to the Ragged Mountain Reservoir a few years ago. With assistance from the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) the landowner agreed to sell the property if the City is awarded the VOF grant. The USDA grant program is intended to preserve forest properties to be used for recreation and education. The forest management plan already developed for the previous acquisition will be amended slightly to include this land, and it will be developed to primarily include trail system layout and plans for how to provide access and interpretation for environmental education. Community Engagement: The master plan for Ragged Mountain has a primary element related to preservation of forest and water resources. This acquisition opportunity will further the preservation goal and expand recreation opportunities. This will also provide for environment education opportunities for City and County elementary, secondary, and college students due to the property’s proximity to so many schools. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: Preservation of the property will further the council vision statement of being a Green City with an extensive natural trail system, along with healthy rivers and streams, and further Strategic Plan objective 3.4 “Be responsible stewards of natural resources”. Budgetary Impact: There is no impact to the General Fund. Funds will be received and expensed in the Capital Improvement Fund. The match is provided from remainder funds from a UDSA Community Forest grant and does not include local dollars. Local donors have contributed to cover the legal fees (survey/appraisal, etc.) and the grants provide the funding for purchase. Long term maintenance will be limited to trail maintenance performed by City staff that already manages the adjacent trail systems. The City paid only for the title report ($350.00) from the existing trial and land acquisition CIP fund. Recommendation: Staff recommends appropriation of grant funds. Alternatives: If grant funds are not appropriated, the property will not be acquired. Attachments: Grant award letter from VOF Property owner letter Map of property to be acquired. APPROPRIATION Virginia Outdoors Foundation Grant – Ragged Mountain Land Acquisition $65,000 WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, through Parks and Recreation, has been awarded $65,000 from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation to acquire 5 acres of undeveloped forested land adjacent to the Ragged Mountain Reservoir Property; and WHEREAS, the match for this grant will come from the remainder of a previous USDA grant award; and WHEREAS, the grant funding will be passed through the parkland acquisition account and paid to the property owner; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $65,000 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: Revenue $65,000 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00534 G/L Account: 431110 Expenditures $65,000 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00534 G/L Account: 599999 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the receipt of $65,000 from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation. 78°33'30"W 78°33'0"W IR O ERV RES 38°1'30"N 38°1'30"N ILS RA LS T AI AY TR LID Y DA HO LI HO LS R AI T AY D LI HO Legend TMP75-47A Interstate Primary Road Secondary Road Local Road Streams - NHDflowline FType Stream/River Connector; Underground Conduit Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) 78°33'30"W 78°33'0"W Aerial Map ± Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic GCS North America 1983 Datum: D North America 1983 Feet Map created MM/DD/YYYY by YOUR NAME HERE. Source data provided by LIST DATA SOURCES HERE. Aerial imagery acquired MM/DD/YYYY Landowner ~ Acres 0 350 700 Aerial imagery © Commonwealth of Virginia. This map is for general reference and display purposes only. County or Control # 1:5,625 Site Visit Date: