CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: December 21, 2020 Action Required: Approval of Resolution Presenter: Chris Gensic, Parks and Recreation Staff Contacts: Danny McClung, Parks and Recreation Ryan Davidson, Office of Budget and Performance Management Title: Capital Funding Transfer for the remaining Pen Park Tennis Court Renovations (P-00942) funding $86,105.00 Background: The City of Charlottesville, through Parks and Recreation, has funding budgeted to repair and resurfacing the Tennis courts at Pen Park. The project has been completed and has a balance of $86,105.00. The department would like to reallocate the remaining funds to restructure the cover patio at Meadowcreek Golf Clubhouse. The structure supporting the roof trusses is woefully under sized. This is creating a very hazardous condition and must be corrected immediately. While fixing the structural issues we also would like to convert the area into a three season patio by enclosing the area with window kits. This will help to alleviate the lack of seating area due to the new COVID restrictions and guidelines. The Department would like to allocate the remaining funds to the lump sum/CIP account. If approved, $86,105.00 will be appropriated into the lump sum account P-00834 Discussion: The Parks and Recreation CIP project has remaining project balance, and no additional expenditure: P-00942 Pen Park Tennis Court Renovations $86,105.00 After the funds are transferred to the new project account, the above CIP accounts will be closed. Community Engagement: The Meadowcreek Clubhouse is used by golf and grill customers Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: Construction of this project will further council vision of being a great place to live for all our citizens. Budgetary Impact: No new funding is being appropriated. All funds will be transferred from funding previously appropriated in the Capital Improvement Program Fund. Recommendation: Staff recommends appropriation of funds. Alternatives: If grants funds are not appropriated, Parks and Recreation will have to find other CIP funds to complete the Restructuring of the covered patio. Attachments: Appropriation RESOLUTION Capital Funding Transfer for the Pen Park Tennis court project $86,105.00 WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, through Parks and Recreation, has $86,105.00 leftover in the Pen Park Tennis Court Renovations CIP fund; and WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, through Parks and Recreation, requires additional funding for the Restructuring of the covered patio; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $86,105.00 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: Expenditures Transfer From: $86,105.00 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00942 G/L Account: 599999 Transfer to: $86,105.00 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00834 G/L Account: 599999