CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL January 19, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING Virtual/electronic meeting 4:00 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING - REPORTS Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3712, the Charlottesville City Council met on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. for a special meeting/ work session to hear reports. The meeting was held electronically pursuant to local ordinance #O-20-154a adopted December 10, 2020, to ensure the continuity of government and prevent the spread of disease during the coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Walker called to order at 4:00 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Sena Magill, and Councilors Heather Hill, Michael Payne, and Lloyd Snook. REPORTS RECOGNITION: Police Department accreditation Captain Tito Durette presented, advising that this is the 6th year of accreditation achievement. He recognized Corporal Lisa Best, who committed a great deal of work as the accreditation manager. They reported that the Charlottesville Police Department has been fully accredited since 1996. REPORT: City financial report for December month-end Ryan Davidson, Senior Budget and Management Analyst, made the presentation. He advised that updated revenue projections were significantly decreased from prior projections. He shared suggestions for how to address the shortfall. Councilors asked questions and the following staff shared feedback: Senior Budget and Management Analysts Ryan Davidson and Krisy Hammill; Finance Director Chris Cullinan; Commissioner of the Revenue Todd Divers; Acting City Manager John Blair; and Treasurer Jason Vandever. REPORT: Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RSWA)/Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) quarterly update Bill Mawyer, Executive Director, presented the quarterly update to provide general information on the drinking water, wastewater and solid waste programs managed by the Rivanna Authorities. He shared that employees have been working throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The report gave an overview of significant current and upcoming Capital Improvement projects: A. Water Treatment Plant Improvements B. Sugar Hollow Dam – Gate Replacement and Intake Tower Repairs C. Exterior Lighting Improvements, Moores Creek AWRRF D. South Rivanna to Ragged Mountain Reservoir Pipeline E. Ragged Mountain Reservoir to Observatory Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Pipeline and Pump Station F. Urban Area “Central” Waterline G. Upper Schenks Branch Wastewater Piping Replacement, Phase II Mr. Mawyer and Director of Utilities Lauren Hildebrand answered Council questions. REPORT: Tree Commission Report Brian Menard, Tree Commission Chair, presented the report and noted the 10th anniversary of the Tree Commission as of December 2020. Areas of concern were: • Declining tree canopy • Inadequate current level of planting • Size and location of planting • Planned Development: o Root zones of existing street trees unprotected in current design of Friendship Court; high probability of trees dying within 3 years of project completion • New Development: o Root zones of street trees unprotected in current code’s minimum setback requirement o Lack of planning for climate and community o Lack of trees in street frontage o Lack of trees in alleyways • Environmental Justice with lower income neighborhoods having less canopy • Heat islands • Losses due to Emerald Ash Borer Objectives for 2021: • Engage safely with the public in such activities as celebrating Arbor Day and planting community trees • Continue to strengthen collaboration with governmental and nonprofit groups working on all aspects of the local environment (Climate Action Plan Zoning Working Group, Cville Plans Together, PEC, Charlottesville Climate Collaborative, City of Promise, and Road Project Steering Committees) • Develop public/private, government/nonprofit coalition with residents of heat island neighborhoods to address social and environmental injustices and inequities • Develop detailed, comprehensive recommendations for updating Comprehensive Plan and revising zoning ordinance; complete work on City’s Standards & Design Manual • Continue to monitor the effects of development on our green infrastructure The Tree Commission made several funding and structural requests. Several councilors expressed interest in following up with city management. Mayor Walker suggested adding a Public Comment section to the 4:00 p.m. meetings, with meeting registration required for participation. The meeting adjourned at 5:34 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council