CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: February 16, 2021 Action Required: ADOPT RESOLUTION Presenter: Kaki Dimock, Director, Human Services Staff Contacts: Kaki Dimock, Director, Human Services Title: Adoption/Approval of the Joint M.O.U. on Equity and Inclusion Background: Recognizing the power of collaboration and joint planning, the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County agreed to joint memoranda of understanding in the areas of transportation, education, environment and housing in May of 2016 and economic development in 2017. On October 28, 2020, at a joint meeting of the University of Virginia, Albemarle County and City of Charlottesville leadership, the content of a joint memorandum of understanding regarding equity and inclusion was presented and discussed. There was strong support for the concept of this M.O.U. with minor changes to language recommended. Leadership in all three organizations expressed a desire to operationalize the intentions of this M.O.U. in a clear way to benefit the regional community. Discussion: This M.O.U. expresses a commitment to providing quality services to all members of the community, promoting an equitable and welcoming community by increasing accessibility, promoting unity, and honoring diversity; a shared responsibility for advancing equity and inclusion; recognition of collaboration as a means for achieving meaningful results; and to evaluating our collective impact, specifically: ○ Evaluating current programs and policies and modifying to address deficiencies, ○ Collectively investing in programs and initiatives, ○ Setting measurable goals and monitoring progress of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, ○ Using available tools to support data-informed decision making, ○ Deepening our commitment to improved inclusivity and equity in the communities we serve, ○ Evaluating services and relationships through an equity lens, ○ Identifying underserved communities through outreach and community partnership, ○ Implementing programs and developing partnerships that close opportunity gaps, ○ Working to achieve alignment in both priorities and strategies employed to improve regional outcomes, and, ○ Designating resources including staff member(s) assigned to promote success. Staff from all three organizations have met on a regular basis to identify potential initiatives that would move these commitments to action. Under preliminary consideration are activities to improve mental health services, expand financial opportunities, increase human service and human rights programming, adopt a regional tribal consultation policy, and investing in permanent supportive housing, among others. Staff will continue to evaluate the feasibility and cost of such initiatives and return to the collaborating organizations with a proposal for moving forward. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: This project is aligned with City Council goal #1 – An inclusive, self-sufficient city and goal #5 – A Responsive Organization. Community Engagement: This project is a collaborative effort staff and leadership in all three organizations and reflects interests and needs identified expressed by a wide variety of constituents. Budgetary Impact: There is no specific impact on the general fund; however, meaningful participation in the M.O.U. and collaboration will require the eventual investment of resources. Recommendation: Staff recommends adopting a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the M.O.U. Alternatives: Council may decide not to sign on to the joint M.O.U. on equity and inclusion. Attachments: Resolution Memorandum of Understanding on Equity and Inclusion Historic Joint M.O.U.s RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, the County of Albemarle, and the University of Virginia are committed to the provision of quality services to our entire community regardless of ethnicity, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language competence, socioeconomic status, physical health, mental health, disability, gender identification or expression, age, cognitive ability, physical ability, cultural affiliation, national or ethnic origin, immigration status, family structure, veteran status, political affiliation, or employment status; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University are uniquely poised to promote an equitable and welcoming community by increasing accessibility, promoting unity, and honoring diversity; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University recognize and affirm their shared responsibility in advancing equity and inclusion in our regional community and seek to work in partnership to achieve their mutual goals; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University recognize the importance of collaboration in creating a more equitable, inclusive, and welcoming community; and WHEREAS, while the City, the County, and the University recognize that each locality’s first and main priority is to serve the residents of their own jurisdictions, we pledge to: ○ Evaluate current programs and policies and modify appropriately to address deficiencies ○ Collectively invest, with allocated resources, in supporting programs and initiatives ○ Set measurable goals and monitor progress of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts ○ Use available tools (such as the Equity Atlas and impact assessment tools) to support data-informed decision making ○ Deepen our commitment to improved inclusivity and equity in the communities we serve ○ Evaluate services and relationships through an equity lens that affect our communities ○ Identify underserved communities through outreach and community partnership ○ Implement programs and develop partnerships that close opportunity gaps ○ Work to achieve alignment in both priorities and strategies employed to improve regional outcomes ○ Designate resources including staff member(s) assigned to promote success NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Charlottesville hereby agrees to this Memorandum of Understanding committing to developing and enacting plans to identify mutually beneficial ways to cooperate and communicate where possible. This Memorandum of Understanding shall begin on the date of signatures by the Mayor of the City of Charlottesville, the Chair of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, University of Virginia President James Ryan as authorized by their respective bodies. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COLLABORATION AMONG THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, THE COUNTY ALBEMARLE, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA REGARDING EQUITY AND INCLUSION WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, the County of Albemarle, and the University of Virginia are committed to the provision of quality services to our entire community regardless of ethnicity, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language competence, socioeconomic status, physical health, mental health, disability, gender identification or expression, age, cognitive ability, physical ability, cultural affiliation, national or ethnic origin, immigration status, family structure, veteran status, political affiliation, or employment status; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University are uniquely poised to promote an equitable and welcoming community by increasing accessibility, promoting unity, and honoring diversity; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University recognize and affirm their shared responsibility in advancing equity and inclusion in our regional community and seek to work in partnership to achieve their mutual goals; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University recognize the importance of collaboration in creating a more equitable, inclusive, and welcoming community; and WHEREAS, while the City, the County, and the University recognize that each jurisdiction’s first and main priority is to serve their constituents/stakeholders, we pledge to: ○ Evaluate current programs and policies and modify appropriately to address deficiencies ○ Collectively invest, with allocated resources, in supporting programs and initiatives ○ Set measurable goals and monitor progress of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts ○ Use available tools (such as the Equity Atlas and impact assessment tools) to support data-informed decision making ○ Deepen our commitment to improved inclusivity and equity in the communities we serve ○ Evaluate services and relationships through an equity lens that affect our communities ○ Identify underserved communities through outreach and community partnership ○ Implement programs and develop partnerships that close opportunity gaps ○ Work to achieve alignment in both priorities and strategies employed to improve regional outcomes ○ Designate resources including staff member(s) assigned to promote success NOW, THEREFORE, 1. The City Council of Charlottesville, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, and the University of Virginia hereby agree to this Memorandum of Understanding committing to developing and enacting plans to identify mutually beneficial ways to cooperate and communicate where possible. 2. This Memorandum of Understanding shall begin on the date of signatures by the Mayor of the City of Charlottesville, the Chair of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, and University of Virginia President, as authorized by their respective bodies. CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE ______________________________________ __________________________ By: Nikuyah Walker, Mayor Date COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA ______________________________________ __________________________ By: Ned L. Gallaway, Chair Date THE RECTOR AND VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ______________________________________ __________________________ By: James E. Ryan, President Date