RESOLUTION TO ENDORSE AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLAN FOR THE CITY WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville engaged the planning firm Rhodeside and Harwell to assist the City as necessary with an update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and to revise the City’s zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, Rhodeside and Harwell, at the City’s request, have studied existing housing conditions in Charlottesville, have reviewed studies and information previously assembled by City staff, conducted community engagement through a steering committee of local stakeholders, and met with the Planning Commission and City Council, all to prepare a robust strategy to promote the development of affordable housing within the City; and WHEREAS, this City Council is asked to endorse the Affordable Housing Plan strategy presented to Council at its March 1, 2021 regular meeting, so that the strategies and recommendations set forth within the plan can be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan Update; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Charlottesville City Council hereby endorses the Affordable Housing Plan presented at Council’s March 1, 2021 regular meeting.