CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: April 19, 2021 Action Required: Approval of a Resolution Presenter: Jeff Werner, Historic Preservation & Design Planner Staff Contacts: Jeff Werner, Historic Preservation & Design Planner Alex Ikefuna, NDS Director Title: Proposed Donation of Bronze Sign to the Historical Society Background: In early March 2021, Parks and Rec staff located in storage two, bronze signs that had formerly been on the current City Hall building, which was constructed in 1967.1 The signs were moved to Surplus Property. It was determined the signs were not intended for a re-use or re-installation. Historic Preservation staff was then asked if the signs had any historic value, otherwise they would be made available for public auction. Historic Preservation staff contacted the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society (ACHS) who expressed interest in obtaining one of the signs— letter attached. Approximately, each sign is 3” x 18” x 60” and weighs 150 pounds. Bronze, as scrap metal, is valued at approximately $2.10 per pound. Therefore, each sign has a value of approximately $315. Per City Code Section 2-98, donation of surplus property valued in excess of $100 requires City Council approval. Discussion: Section 2-98(a) of the Charlottesville City Code specifies that “for every ordinance or resolution…donating any property of the city, where the value of such property is one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more, a vote of a majority of all members elected to the council shall be necessary and the "ayes" and "noes" shall be entered on the minutes of the council.” 1 The bronze signs were removed from City Hall in 2004/2005 and replaced with the existing. Donation of City Hall sign – memo to CC (Final April 6, 2021) 1 Per the attached letter, the ACHS is requesting the donation of one of the signs to the ACHS Museum Collection for the purpose of preservation. This historic sign would become part of the permanent museum collection and would be used for public display and exhibits at the McIntire Building. We have several other signs from local businesses already in our collection, as well as a framed painting of the City seal, so this “City Hall” sign would be a historically important and relevant addition to our collection. The signs are not historic, in the traditional sense, nor are they directly related to a particular event, period, or individual in the City’s history. However, they are architectural components of the City’s civic architecture and, in time, will contributed to community’s understanding of its past. Note: The ACHS is a 501(c)(3) founded in 1940 and, since 1994, has operated out of the original McIntire Library building, located at 200 2nd Street NE. Formerly the Albemarle County Historical Society, in 2018 the organization was renamed the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: From the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Historic Preservation & Urban Design. Resource Inventory. Goal 4.5: Survey and evaluate all City-owned property, including schools and parks, for historic and design significance and integrity. From the City Council Vision Statement. Our community has world-class performing, visual, and literary arts reflective of the unique character, culture, and diversity of Charlottesville. Charlottesville cherishes and builds programming around the evolving research and interpretation of our historic heritage and resources. Through City partnerships and promotion of festivals, venues, and events, all have an opportunity to be a part of this thriving arts, cultural, and entertainment scene. From the City’s Strategic Plan. Goal 3.5 Protect historic and cultural resources. The historic and cultural resources in the city are economic development and tourism assets. They also represent a testament to the community’s past. The preservation of these resources is critical to protect the character of the city. The strategies and policies to preserve and sustain these resources include education, urban design, resource inventory, neighborhood conservation, resource protection, entrance corridor and other regulatory review, and technical assistance to property owners. Community Engagement: There was no community discussion related to this request. Budgetary Impact: If made available for auction or sold for scrap value, each sign might produce $315+/- in revenue, which will not be realized if one is donated to the ACHS. Donation of City Hall sign – memo to CC (Final April 6, 2021) 2 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the donation and adoption of the attached resolution. Alternatives: Council may decline the donation, upon which the sign will be disposed of as surplus property. Attachments: • Proposed Resolution. • Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society letter, dated March 30, 2021. Request for donation. • David T. Brown P.E., Director of Public Works email, dated March 31, 2021. Confirmation there is no planned City use for the bronze signs. • City policy re: donation of City-owned property. • Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society Deed of Gift form. Donation of City Hall sign – memo to CC (Final April 6, 2021) 3 RESOLUTION APPROVING A DONATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY TO THE CHARLOTTESVILLE ALBEMARLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY WHEREAS, the Charlottesville Albemarle Historical Society has requested the City to donate to it certain property, specifically a bronze sign containing the words “City Hall” originally purchased by the City in the late 1960’s (the “Sign”); and WHEREAS, the Sign is currently in storage, the City has no plans to re-use the sign, and staff estimates the value of the sign to be three hundred dollars ($300.00); and WHEREAS, this City Council has authority pursuant to Virginia Code Sec. 15.2-951 to dispose of personal property, and City Council also has authority pursuant to Virginia Code Sec. 15.2-953 to make donations of property to certain charitable institutions, associations or nonprofits; and WHEREAS, it is the determination of this City Council that the Charlottesville Albemarle Historical Society is a nonprofit entity to which the Council is authorized to make donations of property pursuant to Virginia Code Sec. 15.2-953; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE that a bronze sign, containing the words “City Hall”, originally purchased by the City in the late 1960’s, is hereby donated to the Charlottesville Albemarle Historical Society. Approved by Council April 19, 2021 _______________ Kyna Thomas, CMC Clerk of Council Donation of City Hall sign – memo to CC (Final April 6, 2021) 4 founded 1940 // 200 Se c o n d S t re e t N E ⬧ Cha rl ot te sv il l e , V i rg in i a 22 90 2 March 30, 2021 Chip Boyles Charlottesville City Manager City Hall 605 East Main Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dear Mr. Boyles: Angus Arrington IV On behalf of the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society, I am writing Ervin L. Jordan, Jr. regarding the two “City Hall” signs owned by the City that are currently under Phyllis K. Leffler consideration to be released as surplus. ACHS requests that the City consider Shelley V. Murphy donating one of the signs to the ACHS Museum Collection for the purpose of Katherine Slaughter preservation. This historic sign would become part of the permanent museum Daniel Smythe collection and would be used for public display and exhibits at the McIntire Building. We have several other signs from local businesses already in our Sam Towler collection, as well as a framed painting of the City seal, so this “City Hall” sign would be a historically important and relevant addition to our collection. Executive Director C. Thomas. Thank you for considering our proposal to care for this artifact. Chapman Sincerely, C. Thomas Chapman Executive Director Donation of City Hall sign – memo to CC (Final April 6, 2021) 5 From: Brown, David T Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 2:36 PM To: Grooms, Vernice ; Werner, Jeffrey B Subject: RE: City Hall Signs - Surplus Property Jeff, In follow up to Vernice’s correspondence, please accept this correspondence as a confirmation that there is no planned use for either of the signs and were recommended for surplus. Thank you David David T. Brown P.E. Director of Public Works City of Charlottesville 305 4th Street NW Charlottesville, VA 22903 O: 434.970.3703 Donation of City Hall sign – memo to CC (Final April 6, 2021) 6 CITY DONATION PROCEDURES If the donation is worth less than $100, consult Procurement and Risk Management to determine if there is enabling legislation and to facilitate the process. The following is intended to provide general guidelines to promote consistent treatment of requests received by the City for the donation of City-owned property (excluding real property) worth over $100. 1. Request to Donate City-Owned Property Any request to donate City-owned property shall be in writing and accompanied by the name and address of the person making the request, a description of the property, the proposed use of the property or the reason for the requested donation, and if the City has a current or planned use of the property. All requests are to be submitted to Finance/Procurement & Risk Management. 2. Staff Review Finance/Procurement & Risk Management will coordinate with the Office of the City Attorney to verify there is enabling legislation to make the donation and notify the department head or designee of the finding. Finance/Procurement & Risk Management will provide the department with the estimated sale value of the surplus. If a determination is made that there is enabling legislation to donate the property, departments may request approval from the City Manager to proceed with the donation. The request the department makes to the City Manager must include the estimated sale value of the surplus. If approved by the City Manager, continue to step 3. 3. Council Review The requesting department will draft a memorandum and resolution to be presented to Council. The estimated sale value/revenue of the surplus shall be included in the Budgetary Impact section of the memorandum to Council. The department will coordinate with the Budget and Performance Management Director who will coordinate with the Clerk of Council to request placement on a City Council agenda for consideration. 4. Approval The donation of City-owned property where the value is equal to or greater than $100 can only be authorized by a resolution passed by majority vote of City Council after one reading. 5. Disposition If approved by Council, Finance/Procurement & Risk Management will coordinate with key City staff and the donee to process the donation paperwork and remove the property from the City’s assets listing as appropriate. If you have questions or need further information please contact the Warehouse @ 970-3865. Donation of City Hall sign – memo to CC (Final April 6, 2021) 7 . Donation of City Hall sign – memo to CC (Final April 6, 2021) 8