CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION March 23, 2021 Virtual/electronic meeting via Zoom 3:00 WORK SESSION The Charlottesville City Council met in an electronic meeting on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, in accordance with local ordinances to ensure continuity of government and prevent the spread of disease during the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of the work session was to discuss the proposed amendments to Council Rules and Procedures to address expenditure of funds by City Council and related issues. Mayor Walker called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Sena Magill, and Councilors Heather Hill, Michael Payne and Lloyd Snook. Mayor Walker turned the meeting over to City Manager Chip Boyles, who provided a summary of the proposed procedures for a City Council spending policy. He provided Council an opportunity to guide the direction of the meeting. Council agreed for City Attorney Robertson to review proposed changes, and Council would interject with comments and questions. Council discussed charitable donations versus contracts for service, compensation to individuals serving on a public body, purchases of goods or services, and payment for reimbursable expenditures. Finance Director Chris Cullinan added information about audit considerations regarding stated business purposes for meal expenditures. Ms. Robertson reminded Council to be aware of items that need to be disclosed in the Statements of Local Economic Interests regarding donations received. She then reviewed prohibited expenses, and the need for dispute resolution, and answered Council questions. The Council-Manager relationship was also discussed, as well as the use of City resources, including personnel, for meetings other than that of public bodies. Vice Mayor Magill requested gender-neutral wording for the forthcoming policies. After further discussion of desired changes, Council agreed to bring the policy back to the April 5 meeting for approval with updates as discussed. Ms. Robertson advised that she would make the suggested updates and prepare the item for review at the April 5, 2021 Council meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no speakers. Mayor Walker adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council