CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: May 3, 2020 Action Required: Public Hearing, Resolution Presenter: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator Staff Contacts: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator Title: Approval of FY 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan Background: The Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Plan sets forth goals to support our community development needs over a five-year period (2018 – 2022) for low- and moderate- income individuals in the City and counties that make up the Planning District. The current five- year Consolidated Plan was adopted at the May 7, 2018 City Council Meeting. Discussion: Each year localities are required to complete an Action Plan that details goals and objectives to be carried out in the upcoming program year. This is the fourth Action Plan of the 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan. This document also serves as the City’s application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and the Thomas Jefferson Planning District’s application for HOME funds. It is due, in its final form, to HUD on May 15, 2021. Community Engagement: On November 12, 2020, the proposed FY 21-22 CDBG and HOME budget came before the CDBG/HOME Taskforce and Strategic Action Team for discussion. The CDBG/HOME Taskforce recommended housing and public service projects virtually for funding and the SAT reviewed and recommended economic development projects virtually for funding. On December 12, 2020, the Planning Commission reviewed the CDBG/HOME Taskforce recommended FY21- 22 budget; and City Council approved the budget on January 19, 2021. The CDBG and HOME Action Plan is set to have a virtual public hearing at the City of Charlottesville City Council meeting on May 3, 2021; and an additional virtual public hearing will be held by the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission on May 6, 2021. All comments received during the public hearings will be incorporated into the final version of the Action Plan. The Action Plan has been advertised for a thirty-day comment period (March 30 – April 30, 2021) before being sent to HUD for approval. The Action Plan was sent to Charlottesville Neighborhood community members for comment. No comments were received. The Housing Directors Council had an opportunity to make comments on the Action Plan virtually during the thirty-day comment period. Comments received from Housing Directors were incorporated into the Action Plan. The 1 plan is in draft form pending approval from Council at the May 3, 2021 meeting. Following approval of the Action Plan, data will be entered in the HUD database (IDIS) which will then create a final formatted version of the Action Plan. The Participation section of the Action Plan summarizes all community engagement efforts, as well as all comment received and incorporated into the plan. Alignment with City Council Vision and Strategic Areas: Approval of this agenda item aligns directly with Council’s vision for Charlottesville to have Economic Sustainability, A Center for Lifelong Learning, Quality Housing Opportunities for All, and A Connected Community. It contributes to variety of Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives including: Goal 1: Inclusive, Self-sufficient Community; Goal 3: Beautiful Environment; Goal 4: Strong, Diversified Economy; and Goal 5: Responsive Organization. Budgetary Impact: The HOME program requires the City to provide a 25% match. The sum necessary to meet the FY 2021-2022 match is $21,144.22, which is appropriated out of the Charlottesville Housing Fund (CP-0084). The Action Plan will have no additional budgetary impacts. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the 2021-2022 Action Plan of the 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan. Funds will not be available or eligible to be spent until HUD approval of the 2021-2022 Action Plan. Alternatives: No alternatives are proposed. Attachments: 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan – Draft (link) Action Plan Resolution 2 RESOLUTION Approval of FY 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan BE IT RESOLVED, that the Charlottesville City Council hereby approves the FY 2021 - 2022 Action Plan of the 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan as presented at the May 3, 2021, City Council meeting. No funds by agencies will be spent until HUD issues final approval of the Annual Action Plan. Approved by Council May 3, 2021 Kyna Thomas, CMC Clerk of Council 3