CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: June 7, 2021 Action Required: Appropriation of Funding Presenter: Holly Bittle, Budget Analyst, Charlottesville Police Department Staff Contacts: RaShall Brackney, Chief, Charlottesville Police Department Holly Bittle, Budget Analyst, Charlottesville Police Department Title: Virginia Department Motor Vehicles (DMV) Highway Safety Grant- Alcohol and Impaired Driving - $9,453 Background: The Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has awarded the City of Charlottesville, through the Police Department, a Virginia Highway Safety Grant to reduce the number of fatalities, injuries and related economic losses resulting from traffic crashes on Virginia roadways. Discussion: This Virginia Highway Safety Grant award supports the statewide goal of decreasing alcohol impaired driving fatalities. The City of Charlottesville Police Department will utilize the awarded grant funds to provide the following: • Additional patrols during the national Click It or Ticket Mobilization periods • Additional patrols during the Checkpoint Strikeforce Mobilization periods • Provide DMV approved traffic safety-related training for one police officer Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: The Virginia Highway Safety Grant award supports Goal 2 of the Strategic Plan, a healthy and safe city. With this funding, the Police Department will be able to increase the number of patrol hours it can devote preventing vehicle crashes. Community Engagement: N/A Budgetary Impact: No additional City funding is required. These funds will be appropriated into and expended in a grants fund. The required local match will be satisfied through funding previously appropriated as part of the highway safety related expenditures in the Police Department’s General Fund budget. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval and appropriation of these grant funds. Alternatives: Should the City decline to approve the appropriation request, the department would be ineligible to participate in the grant program. Attachments: Appropriation Resolution RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDING FOR Virginia Department Motor Vehicles (DMV) Highway Safety Grant- Alcohol and Impaired Driving - $9,453 WHEREAS, the Police Department, through the City of Charlottesville, has received a Virginia Highway Safety Grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department Motor Vehicles in the amount of $6,302 to be used for overtime and officer training, related to highway safety; and WHEREAS, the Police Department will contribute vehicle maintenance and fuel, related to highway safety as an in-kind match in the amount of $3,151. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $6,302, received from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (2021 Virginia Safety Grant) and the local match of $3,151 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: Revenues – $9,453 $6,302 Fund: 209 IO: 190414 G/L Account: 430120 $3,151 Fund: 209 IO: 190414 G/L Account: 498010 Expenditures – $9,453 $4,804 Fund: 209 IO: 190414 G/L Account: 510060 $ 398 Fund: 209 IO: 190414 G/L Account: 511010 $1,100 Fund: 209 IO: 190414 G/L Account: 530140 $3,151 Fund: 209 IO: 190414 G/L Account: 530271 Transfer – $3,151 $3,151 Fund: 105 Cost Center: 3101004000 G/L Account: 530271 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the reimbursement of $6,302 from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (2021 Virginia Safety Grant).