CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: June 21, 2021 Actions Required: Appropriation of Funding Presenter: Holly Bittle, Budget Analyst, Charlottesville Police Department Staff Contacts: RaShall Brackney, Chief, Charlottesville Police Department Holly Bittle, Budget Analyst, Charlottesville Police Department Title: FY21 Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Body-Worn Camera Grant - $100,000 Background: The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) has awarded the City of Charlottesville, through the Police Department, a one-time Body-Worn Camera Grant for the purchase, operation, and maintenance of body-worn camera systems for law enforcement agencies. The 2020 Virginia General Assembly’s enactment of Virginia Code Section 15.2-1723.1 defines a body-worn camera system as “an electronic system for creating, generating, sending, receiving, storing and processing audiovisual recordings, including cameras or other devices capable of creating such recording, that may be worn about the person.” Shortly after the global pandemic shutdown all non-essential operations in early 2020, the nation faced a second state of emergency in the form of civil unrest related to racial and social injustices. In light of these events body-worn cameras have become even more important as they enable police officers to record events and citizen interactions exactly as they occur and provide an impartial account to law enforcement officials and the public alike. Discussion: Under the Code of Virginia § 42.1-85, the Library of Virginia (LVA) has the authority to issue regulations governing the retention and disposition of state and local public records. In keeping with the Code's mandate, LVA has developed records retention and disposition schedules outlining the disposition of public records. Data storage of records, surveillance and monitoring retained as evidence by law enforcement are required by the LVA to be retained for periods ranging from 5 to 100 years. As outlined in Charlottesville Police Department General Order (GO) 541.10 – Mobile Recording Systems Rev: 10/09/2019, once a recording is made, no officer shall edit, alter, delete or erase the recording or any portion of the recording and the original recording shall be retained, as made, for the duration of the applicable record retention schedule. The FY21 DCJS Body-Worn Camera Grant award will allow Charlottesville Police Department to purchase 12 months of data licensing fees to help the department comply with the Library of Virginia records retention and disposition schedules. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: This project supports Goal 2 of the Strategic Plan, to be a Healthy and Safe City. Community Engagement: N/A Budgetary Impact: This has no additional impact on the General Fund. The required local match of $50,000 will come from funds previously appropriated as part of the Charlottesville Police Department’s FY 2021 adopted budget. The local match will pay for 12 months of standard data licensing fees for up to 75 officer accounts. Grant funds will be used to pay for 12 months of unlimited storage licenses for 25 Command and Supervisory staff accounts. The grant funds will be expensed and reimbursed to a Grants Fund. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval and appropriation of grant funds. Alternatives: If grants funds are not appropriated, additional City funds will be required to keep the police department into compliance with the Library of Virginia retention schedule for the storage of records, surveillance and monitoring retained as evidence. Attachments: Resolution Appropriating Funding RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR FY21 Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Body-Worn Camera Grant $100,000 WHEREAS, the FY21Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Body-Worn Camera Grant awarded a grant to the Police Department, through the City of Charlottesville, to fund storage of body-worn camera records from the Police Department; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $50,000, received from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Body-Worn Camera Grant and the local match of $50,000 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: Revenues – $100,000 $50,000 Fund: 209 IO: 190416 G/L Account: 430120 $50,000 Fund: 209 IO: 190416 G/L Account: 498010 Expenditures – $100,000 $100,000 Fund: 209 IO: 190416 G/L Account: 530060 Transfer – $50,000 $50,000 Fund: 105 Cost Center: 3101001000 G/L Account: 530060 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the reimbursement of funds or goods as supplied from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Body-Worn Camera Grant.