CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: June 21, 2021 Action Required: Resolution to Appropriate Presenter: Kaki Dimock, Director, Department of Human Services Staff Contacts: Kaki Dimock, Director, Department of Human Services Title: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Victims of Crime Act Grant Award - $343,371 Background: The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services has awarded the Department of Human Services $343,371 from its Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) program to provide trauma-focused, evidence-informed case management and clinical services. This is the second two –year award received for this programming which operates from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023. Discussion: The City of Charlottesville’s Department of Human Services’ Evergreen Program will increase access to trauma-informed intervention for victims within schools as well as low-wealth neighborhoods, expand access to mental health services for victims, and support behavioral interventionist positions serving victims of crime. Funds will be used to hire one school-based and one neighborhood based behavioral interventionist, who will provide trauma and need assessments, service planning and delivery, coordination with other providers, and case management to up to thirty child victims each year. The school-based interventionist will serve students at Buford Middle School while the neighborhood-based interventionist will focus their effort in the S. First Street, 6th Street SE, and Ridge Street neighborhoods. Both Behavioral interventionists will be trained in youth development, trauma-supportive care, and anti-racism. In addition to these individualized services, the interventionists will offer the evidence-based Girls Circle and the research-based Council for Boys and Young Men curricula at least twice annually. These trauma-informed programs, from the One Circle Foundation, have proven effective in supporting child victims, by improving skills development, self-efficacy, school engagement, and positive school climate. Given that children are at a greater risk of being a victim of crime during the hours after school, neighborhood-based programming will include an after-school ‘club model.’ Programming will focus on pro-social and enrichment activities to support children such as community service, dance, art, yoga, culinary arts and basketball to take place at community centers within the footprint. The Evergreen Club will provide safe, structured, supervised activities for children and families that reduce barriers to participation, provide access to healthy outlets, and strengthen community connections. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: This project is strongly aligned with City Council’s Strategic Plan Goal #2: Healthy and Safe City; specifically Goal #2.2: meet the needs of victims and reduce risk of recurrence. Community Engagement: Community partners, including Charlottesville City Schools, were critical in the development of the original grant proposal to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Families and youth involved in the first year of programming have helped influence its development. Budgetary Impact: There is no additional impact to the City of Charlottesville. Of the total grant award $274,697 will be appropriated from the state as federal pass through funds, and the local match of $68,674 will come from previously appropriated Department of Human Services funding. Recommendation: Staff recommend appropriating the funds as written. Alternatives: If grant funds are not appropriated, trauma-focused, evidence-informed services for victims of crime will not be provided. Attachments: Appropriation RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR Charlottesville Student Victim Outreach Program Department of Criminal Justice Services Victim of Crimes Act Grant $343,371 WHEREAS, the Human Services Department of the City of Charlottesville has been awarded $343,371 from the Department of Criminal Justice Services Victim of Crimes Act, and WHEREAS, the grant award covers the period from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $343,371 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: Revenue – $274,697 $274,697 Fund: 209 Cost Center: 3413018000 G/L Account: 430120 $68,674 Fund: 209 Cost Center: 3413018000 G/L Account: 498010 Expenditures - $274,697 $274,697 Fund: 209 Cost Center: 3413018000 G/L Account: 519999 $68,674 Fund: 209 Cost Center: 3413018000 G/L Account: 599999 Transfer - $68,674 $68,674 Fund: 213 Cost Center: 341300300 G/L Account: 561209 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the receipt of $274,697 from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services.