CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 7, 2021 Virtual/electronic meeting via Zoom 5:30 PM CLOSED MEETING The Charlottesville City Council met in an electronic meeting on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, in accordance with a local ordinance amended and re-enacted on April 19, 2021, to ensure continuity of government and prevent the spread of disease during the coronavirus State of Emergency. On motion by Councilor Hill, seconded by Councilor Snook, Council voted 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker; Noes: none) to convene in closed session as authorized by Virginia Code Sections 2.2-3711 and 2.2- 3712, specifically: - Section 2.2-3711(A)(1), for the purpose of discussion of: (i) the appointment of individuals to city boards or commissions, (ii) the appointment of an executive director for the police civilian review board, since Council reserves to itself the right to consent to that appointment per City Code 2-456, and (iii) the city manager’s decision to terminate the employment of the chief of police. On motion by Councilor Hill, seconded by Councilor Snook, Council certified by the following vote: 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker; Noes: none), that to the best of each Council member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the Motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered in the closed session. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council 6:30 PM REGULAR MEETING The Charlottesville City Council met in an electronic meeting on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, in accordance with a local ordinance to ensure continuity of government and prevent the spread of disease during the coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Walker called the meeting to order at 6:41 p.m. and City Council observed a moment of silence. Clerk of Council Kyna Thomas called the roll, noting the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Sena Magill, and Councilors Heather Hill, Michael Payne and Lloyd Snook. AGENDA APPROVAL On motion by Councilor Snook, seconded by Councilor Hill, Council by unanimous vote added Item #15 to the agenda for discussion of an Interim ADA Coordinator. Mayor Walker moved to add Item #16 to the agenda for discussion of the termination of the Police Chief. Without a second the motion failed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Walker announced Mr. Alex Zan's event CYM (Close Your Mouth) Day - September 20, 2021, a day set aside for listening to others. RECOGNITIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Councilor Snook recognized Charlottesville High School Black Knights who won their football game. Mayor Walker thanked Chief RaShall Brackney for her leadership and vision for 21st Century policing in the face of her employment termination. CONSENT AGENDA* Clerk of Council Kyna Thomas read the following Consent Agenda items into the record: 1. MINUTES: July 19 closed and regular meetings, July 27 work session, August 2 regular meeting 2. RESOLUTION: Amending the FY2020-2021 Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Program Minor Action Plan Budget (2nd reading) a. RESOLUTION: Amendment to Community Development Block Grant account - $85,843.66 RESOLUTION AMENDMENT TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ACCOUNT Reprogramming of Funds for FY 2020-2021 WHEREAS, Council has previously approved the appropriation of certain sums of federal grant receipts to specific accounts in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 3 of CDBG Sub-recipient Agreements, all funds not expended by the Subrecipient by June 30, 2021 shall be reprogrammed; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that appropriations made to the following expenditure accounts in the CDBG (218) fund are hereby reduced or increased by the respective amounts shown, and the balance accumulated in the Fund as a result of these adjustments is hereby reappropriated to the respective accounts shown as follows: Fund Account Code Purpose Proposed Proposed Proposed Revised Revised Revised Reduction Addition Appropriation 218 1900362 Community Investment $12.71 Collaborative 218 1900361 Ridge Street Priority $12.71 $85,843.66 Neighborhood Taskforce TOTALS: $12.71 $12.71 $85,843.66 b. RESOLUTION: Amendment to HOME Investment Partnership Program $21,384.80 RESOLUTION AMENDMENT TO HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM Reprogramming of Funds for FY2020-2021 WHEREAS, Council has previously approved the appropriation of certain sums of federal grant receipts to specific accounts in the HOME Investment Partnership Program funds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section III sub-item B of HOME Sub-recipient Agreements all invoices for the project must be submitted for reimbursement by June 30, 2021; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 2 of the Cooperation Agreement for the TJPDC under the HOME Investment Partnership Program, funds not committed will be made available to Subrecipients under the Consortium Agreement; therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that appropriations made to the following expenditure accounts in the HOME (210) fund are hereby reduced or increased by the respective amounts shown, and the balance accumulated in the Fund as a result of these adjustments is hereby reappropriated to the respective accounts shown as follows: Fund Account Code Purpose Proposed Proposed Proposed Revised Revised Revised Reduction Addition Appropriation 210 1900366 Habitat for Humanity of $21,384.80 Greater Charlottesville TOTALS: $21,384.80 c. RESOLUTION: Approving the FY 2020-2021 Minor Annual Action Plan Amendment RESOLUTION Approval of FY 2020-2021 Minor Annual Action Plan Amendment BE IT RESOLVED, that the Charlottesville City Council hereby approves the FY 2020 - 2021 Minor Action Plan Amendment of the 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan. The reprogrammed CDBG and HOME and budget will be reflected into the 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan. 3. ORDINANCE: Amending and re-enacting the Code of the City of Charlottesville, 1990, as amended, in order to remove masculine and/or feminine language and to substitute gender-neutral pronouns (2nd reading) ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE-ENACT THE CODE OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, 1990, AS AMENDED, IN ORDER TO REMOVE MASCULINE AND/OR FEMININE LANGUAGE AND TO SUBSTITUTE GENDER NEUTRAL PRONOUNS 4. RESOLUTION: Appropriating Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS/H.I.V. (H.O.P.W.A.) Grant funds to the Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (TJACH) - $288,172 (carried) 5. RESOLUTION: Appropriating funds from the Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (TJACH) to the Department of Human Services - $10,000 (carried) 6. RESOLUTION: Appropriating funds for the Virginia Behavioral Health Docket Grant - $49,000 (carried) 7. RESOLUTION: Appropriating funds for the Charlottesville-Albemarle Adult Drug Treatment Court Grant Award - $240,000 (carried) 8. RESOLUTION: Appropriating Bama Works Grant funds for the recruitment and retention of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Foster Families - $5,000 (carried) 9. RESOLUTION: Amending and reauthorizing funds to construct a Bike and Pedestrian Bridge for McIntire Park - $50,000 RESOLUTION AMENDING AND REAUTHORIZING Funds to construct a Bike and Pedestrian Bridge for McIntire Park - $50,000 WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, through Parks and Recreation, is no longer obligated to provide match to the VDOT Recreational Access grant fund for the McIntire Park Bike Access project; and WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, through Parks and Recreation, is working to construct the McIntire Park Trail and Bridge; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $50,000 is hereby transferred in the following manner: Transfer From $50,000 Fund: 426 WBS: P-01005 G/L Account: 599999 Transfer To $50,000 Fund: 426 WBS: P-00673 G/L Account: 451020 10. RESOLUTION: Appointing the City Voting Representative to Jaunt, Inc. Shareholders’ Meetings RESOLUTION APPOINTMENT OF CITY VOTING REPRESENTATIVE TO THE JAUNT, INC. SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETINGS WHEREAS, Jaunt Inc. is a public service corporation organized in 1975 and owned by the City of Charlottesville and the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Louisa and Nelson serving these communities and the areas of Buckingham, Greene and Amherst Counties; and WHEREAS, Jaunt, Inc. utilizes local, state, federal and contract funding to provide over 300,000 passenger trips a year with its fleet of 85 vehicles; and WHEREAS, Jaunt, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by its member localities with officers appointed by the owner Shareholder members at an annual meeting; and WHEREAS, the City has four appointed citizen representatives on the Board of Directors and eligible for officers of the Board of Directors: and WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville appoints a representative of either an appointed Board Member or the Charlottesville City Manager to represent the City as a voting proxy during this and any Shareholder meetings; and WHEREAS, City staff recommends the appointment of the City Manager as the Shareholder Proxy; and now th THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED this 7 day of September, 2021 by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the City Manager is appointed to represent the City as the voting proxy for this and future Jaunt, Inc. Shareholder Meetings and until such time as this representation is amended by the City Council. 11. RESOLUTION: Approving the City Manager's hiring recommendation for the Police Civilian Review Board Executive Director RESOLUTION Approving the City Manager’s Hiring Recommendation for the Police Civilian Review Board Executive Director WHEREAS, the City Manager wishes to hire Mr. Hansel Aguilar as the Charlottesville Police Civilian Review Board Executive Director, pursuant to Chapter 2 Section 2-465 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville (1990) as amended; and WHEREAS, Mr. Aguilar has agreed to accept hiring and appointment as Executive Director of the Police Civilian Review Board, upon certain terms and conditions set forth in writing and accepted by Mr. Aguilar on August 10, 2021, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that, pursuant to Section 2-456 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville (1990), as amended, the City Manager’s appointment of Mr. Hansel Aguilar as Executive Director of the City’s Police Civilian Review Board is hereby approved. Mayor Walker opened the floor for comments on the Consent Agenda: • Jeff Fogel, city resident, spoke about Item #7 and the equal treatment of people. On motion by Councilor Snook, seconded by Councilor Hill, Council by the following vote APPROVED the Consent Agenda: 4-1 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook; Noes: Walker). CITY MANAGER RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY MATTERS and to COUNCILORS City Manager Chip Boyles shared an update on the following community and Council matters: 1. Staff is working on a financial report for the funds that the city provides for direct housing support for families and supportive housing services. 2. He is working on a status report for the bridge over the railroad on Melbourne Road. (David Brown, Public Works Director, added that the project is scheduled for completion by the end of September.) 3. He is working on a report for the Rivanna Trail Boardwalk in Greenbrier, which needs repair. 4. Fire Chief Hezedean Smith will provide a report at Council’s September 20 work session. 5. Staff has developed a formal application process to create roadside memorials along certain city streets for family members of those suffering fatalities in automobile accidents. The program should be available by October 1. 6. City Covid procedures were extended into October, and possibly further for City Hall. COMMUNITY MATTERS Mayor Walker opened the floor for public comment. 1. Dr. Forrest Calland spoke about a concern with the proximity-based dispatch protocol system being implemented by the Charlottesville Fire Department. He advised that none of the providers would get enough experience to maintain their certification. He proposed that the system in place for the past ten years met standards. 2. Elizabeth Stark, city resident, asked that the City continue working to increase density with the Future Land Use Map. She advocated for an explanation for the termination of the police chief's contract and added that Bellamy Brown, Chair of the Police Civilian Review Board (PCRB), spoke outside of the purview of the PCRB during a recent PCRB meeting and should not be reappointed. 3. Gloria Beard, city resident, shared concerns about the termination of the police chief and lack of information, as well as increased taxes on the elderly. 4. Jeff Fogel, city resident, spoke about the firing of the police chief, the impact of the Police Benevolent Association survey and the continued need for a PCRB. 5. Melvin Burruss spoke in opposition to the termination of the police chief employment contract and applauded Mayor Walker for her comments in support of Chief Brackney. He shared that Bellamy Brown should not be reappointed to the PCRB. 6. Tanesha Hudson spoke about the poor treatment of Black leaders in the City of Charlottesville, and about the sharing of personnel information. She listed City positions with turnover. 7. Kara Elms, resident of St. Charles, Missouri, spoke in opposition to the St. Charles mayor's campaign to acquire the Lewis, Cark and Sacajawea statue removed from West Main Street. 8. Virginia Leavell, Chief of the Charlottesville Rescue Squad, spoke in opposition to the Charlottesville Fire Department's new proximity dispatch protocol. 9. Katrina Turner expressed concern that Councilors Magill, Hill, Payne and Snook did not agree to discuss in public the termination of the police chief. 10. Sherri Frantz deferred to Shawn Tevendale, small business owner and EMS (Emergency Medical Service) provider/advocate, who spoke in opposition to the new proximity dispatch model being used by the Fire Department, advising that it is not cost-effective or patient outcome centric. 11. Robin Hoffman, city resident, spoke in support of Mayor Walker's comments regarding the police chief. 12. Don Gathers, city resident, spoke of the failed motion to discuss the police chief's termination, and his disappointment at the lack of transparency. 13. Harrison Brookeman, medic and Captain at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad asked Council to consider ways to provide efficient and effective EMS care with existing resources. 14. Gregory Weaver, Fry’s Spring resident, spoke about global warming and the need for the City to prioritize emissions reductions related to transit by increasing the use of mass transit. 15. Andrew Shelton spoke to City Manager Boyles regarding the police chief termination and the likely difficulty for the city and citizens moving forward. 16. Jane Smith spoke about the termination of the police chief and a sense of hopelessness. She offered a personal apology for the city's treatment of Chief Brackney. Councilor Snook made comments about having a public discussion about the police chief's employment termination. He advised that there was no clarity about ground rules. He also spoke about contributions of the Rescue Squad and the direction of providership. Councilor Payne added that the timing of the recent personnel decision regarding the police chief created many questions. He spoke of the need for continued reform efforts, rebuilding trust with the community, and not returning to old ways. Councilor Hill shared Councilor Snook's sentiments. Mayor Walker offered rebuttal to councilor comments, advising that comments regarding staff be reserved when councilors do not have enough information. She advocated for fair, just and equitable processes. She asked if there were any objections to hearing comments from Fire Chief Smith. There were no objections. Chief Smith shared comments about the proximity dispatch system based on national standards and best practices. He shared data about response time improvements in several neighborhoods since the implementation of proximity dispatch protocol July 24, 2021. Mayor Walker asked questions. Lisa Robertson, City Attorney, offered an explanation for a meeting that had been postponed between Chief Smith and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad. Mayor Walker commented on questions that were brought up by the public. Council discussion ensued regarding the police chief termination. Several councilors advised that they supported the role of the City Manager in making an employment decision. The meeting recessed at 8:42 p.m. and reconvened at 8:59 p.m. ACTION ITEMS 12. ORDINANCE: Amending and re-enacting Charlottesville City Code Chapter 19 Section 19-59 to change the length and number of terms for members of the City's Retirement Commission (carried) Councilor Hill presented the recommendation. Council agreed to move the item forward to the September 20 Consent Agenda for a second reading. 13. RESOLUTION *: Approving major design features from Design Public Hearing for the Barracks Road-Emmet Street Smartscale Improvement Project Brian Copeland, Senior Project Manager with the Timmons Group, presented information about the project, advising that the project was fully funded, on budget and on schedule. He shared key takeaways from the design public hearings. Councilor Payne asked about shared bike paths versus protected bike lanes. Mr. Copeland advised that considerations were given to preservation of tree canopy and slope impact, as well as maximizing use of the budget. On motion by Councilor Snook, seconded by Councilor Hill, Council by the following vote APPROVED the Resolution: 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker; Noes: none). RESOLUTION BARRACKS ROAD/EMMET STREET SMARTSCALE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DESIGN PUBLIC HEARING APPROVAL WHEREAS, a Design Public Hearing was conducted virtually via ZOOM on July 7, 2021 by representatives of the City of Charlottesville and the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation after due and proper notice for the purpose of considering the proposed design of the Barracks Road/Emmet Street Smartscale Improvement Project under State project number of 0029-104-336, C501, P101, R201 in the City of Charlottesville, at which hearing aerial photographs, drawings, environmental documentation and other pertinent information were made available for public inspection in accordance with state and federal requirements; and WHEREAS, all persons and parties in attendance were afforded full opportunity to participate in said public hearing; and WHEREAS, representatives of the City of Charlottesville were present and participated in said hearing; and WHEREAS, the Council had previously requested the Virginia Department of Transportation to program this project; and WHEREAS, the Council fully deliberated and considered all such matters; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Charlottesville hereby approves the major design features of the proposed project as presented at the Public Hearing with the following changes: 1. Signalize the southbound right turn slip lane on Emmet St. (matching plan to signalize the northbound right turn slip lane). 2. Add an additional sharrow (shared lane) marking on the westbound approach to the Barracks/Emmet signal. 3. Minimize impacts to existing holly trees that exist at the Buckingham Road intersection. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Charlottesville will acquire and/or furnish all right-of-way necessary for this project and certify the same to the Virginia Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration at the appropriate time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City of Charlottesville, all necessary agreements required in conjunction with acquiring such rights of way, as well as all other associated standard agreements for construction activities. 14. RESOLUTION *: Update on the disposition of the Lewis, Clark and Sacajawea and confederate statues, and ratification of Council's July 10, 2021 decision City Manager Boyles provided an update on offers received for the Lewis, Clark and Sacajawea statue. Council was not asked to make a decision at the time; however, Mr. Boyles recommended that a small community group including two Council members convene to review and compare proposals and discuss the disposition of the statue. Mayor Walker expressed concern about having the statue in its current location at Darden-Towe Park and she expressed that she would be concerned about the statue going to another locality. Vice Mayor Magill and Councilor Snook volunteered to represent City Council on the committee. Councilors Payne and Snook added that the group should work with the indigenous community and familial descendants of Sacajawea. Mr. Boyles introduced the resolution to ratify the July 10 City Council decision to move the statue. On motion by Councilor Hill, seconded by Vice Mayor Magill, Council by the following vote APPROVED the Resolution: 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker; Noes: none). RESOLUTION TO RATIFY CITY COUNTIL’S JULY 10, 2021 DECISION TO REMOVE AND RELOCATE A CITY-OWNED STATUE DEPICTING MERIWETHER LEWIS, WILLIAM CLARK AND SACAJAWEA WHEREAS for some time, the Charlottesville City Council has publicly expressed its desire, and has stated its intention, to remove and relocate a statue/ sculpture depicting Sacajawea, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark currently located on West Main Street in the City (hereinafter, referred to as the “LCS Statue”), such desires and intentions having previously been expressed by Resolution adopted by City Council on November 15, 2019; and WHEREAS on July 10, 2021, unforeseen circumstances arose, when the contractor engaged in the process of removing other statuary within the City notified City staff that it would finish that work in substantially less than the full day that had been anticipated, and the contractor offered that, since the personnel, cranes and other equipment had already been mobilized for a full day, for a fixed-price, the contractor would remove and relocate the LCS Statue at no additional cost to the City; and WHEREAS on July 10, 2021, in order to take advantage of an opportunity to save hundreds of thousands of public dollars, the circumstances presented to City Council by the aforesaid contractor required immediate action by City Council; therefore, the Mayor called a special/ emergency meeting of City Council upon public notice, reasonable under the circumstances, and said notice was given contemporaneously to the public and members of city council; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 14 of the municipal Charter for the City of Charlottesville, this City Council has broad and express authority, without the requirement for a public hearing, to control and manage the City’s personal property; and WHEREAS this City Council now desires to ratify its decision to remove and relocate the LCS Statue; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE THAT the City’s July 10, 2021 removal of the LCS Statue from its original location on West Main Street, and its relocation on July 10, 2021 to a storage location owned/ co-owned by the City of Charlottesville, is hereby ratified. 15. ADDED Motion: Appointment of Interim ADA Coordinator Deputy City Manager Samuel Sanders presented the request, advising that the intent is to be better in compliance with the City’s ADA Transition Plan. He advised that Alex Ikefuna was asked to work in the role until a full-time hire is determined. On motion by Councilor Snook, seconded by Councilor Hill, Council by the following vote APPROVED the appointment of Alex Ikefuna as Interim ADA Coordinator: 5-0 (Ayes: Hill, Magill, Payne, Snook, Walker; Noes: none). GENERAL BUSINESS There were no items of general business. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Walker asked questions for the record and made additional comments: • Based on the information presented by Bellamy Brown, the platform that he used, and that process seeming to have started with his collaboration with the PBA because he did not get the position with the PCRB, staff was asked to address the issue because Mayor Walker felt targeted and “Chief Brackney was targeted”: o To make clear to Mr. Brown the roles that Mayor Walker and Chief Brackney had in the hiring process for the PCRB Executive Director, and o To address “that platform being used for this purpose”, and o To determine whether Council needs to decide when to respond to something or when the people with the most information should respond. • Regarding the unsigned August 20 press release, who worked on it and why were names left off? If the press release was not approved, how did it get released? Specifically, why was the City Manager’s name not on the release? If he did not approve the release, how did it reach Communications? With Mr. Wheeler being on vacation at the time, did Mr. Rice post the statement? • What occurred between the August 20 press release and the August 30 press release? • When was it discussed for Major Mooney to take the Interim position and was the decision made to place the Chief on leave instead of totally firing her so that Council would not have to appoint that position? • Regarding comments from Mr. Boyles about three things that Major Mooney requested for retirement, could that information be sent to Council if it is protected information? • How was his retirement able to be reversed so quickly? • How many meetings were there with Michael Wells? If he was secretly recording Major Mooney, who has seen those tapes and what’s on those tapes? • About the direction of the department and reforms, how did police officer concerns trump reform goals? • Regarding the internal survey: o How many police officers? o How was it determined that “Command” equated “Chief”? • Regarding the Police Benevolent Association survey which had grave concerns about the community and Command, what did the City Manager do to determine how valid those concerns were? • Additional questions awaiting answers were sent by email. • Were there exit interviews? • Who are eight individual sources referenced by Councilor Hill? Should we be able to keep external sources secret in a decision this great? If so, why? • Regarding supervision of the position, did the City Manager meet with Dr. Brackney and inform her of concerns from internal and external sources known for weeks, and why did the decision end the way it did on that day? Councilor Payne asked what specific plans, steps and actions would be taken to ensure that the department does not reverse course related to its relationship with JADE, certain data reporting, disciplinary actions, etc.? MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC Mayor Walker opened the floor for comments from the public. - Ang Conn advised that the termination of the police chief contract makes a case for dismantling the police department. She asked several questions related to housing vouchers. John Sales, Executive Director of Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA) provided an explanation of the housing voucher program. - Tanesha Hudson spoke about leadership recommendations to CRHA to find other funding sources besides the City. She spoke about City leadership transparency, accountability and treatment of Black leaders. - Don Gathers supported questions asked by Mayor Walker and asked why Assistant Chief Mooney was brought back from retirement instead of promoting Captain Durette to Acting Chief if equity is important. - Michael Wells of the local and state PBA made comments about their survey, advising that the results were about leadership and not race. - Katrina Turner pleaded with councilors to speak up about the concerns of citizens instead of choosing the side of the police. She shared concerns about Bellamy Brown being Chair of the Police Civilian Review Board since he spoke out in support of police and against Chief Brackney, and about concern that complaints sent to the PCRB would not be reviewed fairly. - Rosia Parker spoke as a Black mother and expressed distress about the decision to remove the police chief and the greater good of the people. She advised that the community is hurting. - Nancy Carpenter spoke in response to comments from Ang Conn. She spoke in support of the Consent Agenda appointment of Hansel Aguilar as Executive Director of the PCRB. She asked for commitment to data transparency with the police department and advised of the PCRB meeting on Thursday, September 9. She spoke about the optics of the treatment of Black leaders in the city and what is being done to create barriers for people of color in the city. - Tee Rar, member of another city council, asked what he could do to apply for the statues recently removed in the city. - Dr. Forrest Calland, city resident, spoke about the Charlottesville Albemarle Rescue Squad (CARS) and dispatching. He advised that CARS provided 80% of EMS care in the city. He asked if CARS would be participating in the September 20 meeting presentation. City Attorney Robertson confirmed the presentation forum for September 20. o Fire Chief Hezedean Smith provided clarification about the decision to present to Council on September 20 and cancellation or postponement of a meeting with CARS after it was determined that they had retained legal counsel. - Gloria Beard, city resident, thanked Mayor Walker for her comments during the meeting. She noted that she wanted to see support for the Fire Chief. She also shared information about Midway Manor and the need to help the elderly in the community. - Kate Fraleigh, city resident, responded to a comment from Councilor Payne. She advised that Council could work swiftly on the ordinance and operating procedures sent by the PCRB, in an open and transparent discussion. She asked that Council appoint Rosia Parker to the PCRB. She asked Mr. Boyles about the start date for the PCRB Executive Director. She also commented about comments from Michael Wells. - Walt Heinecke spoke about the lack of transparency and accountability in the removal of the police chief. He asked Council to vote for strong oversight policies for the Police Civilian Review Board. - Abby Guskind, city resident, agreed with comments from Ms. Fraleigh and Mr. Heinecke. She spoke in support of questions asked by Mayor Walker. She spoke in opposition to comments from Mr. Wells. She advised that Mr. Boyles needs to engage more with the public. - Joy Johnson, city resident, spoke about racism an about councilor promises during their campaigns. - Valerie Washington, city resident, spoke of fear for her child given verbiage used by Mr. Wells regarding policing in Charlottesville. Mayor Walker made closing comments and adjourned the meeting at 10:45 p.m. BY Order of City Council BY Kyna Thomas, Clerk of Council Approved by Council October 18, 2021 Kyna Thomas, MMC Clerk of Council