CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: October 4, 2021 Action Required: Approve appropriation Presenter: Sue Moffett, Director, Charlottesville Department of Social Services Staff Contacts: Sue Moffett, Director, Charlottesville Department of Social Services Mary Jane Skidmore, Chief of Benefit Programs, Charlottesville Department of Social Services Title: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) funding award ($112,708) Background: The Charlottesville Department of Social Services submitted a proposal for funding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Program. The proposal has been approved by the Virginia Department of Social Services with an effective date of January 1, 2022. As part of the approval, the Charlottesville Department of Social Services will receive $112,708 in funding. Discussion: The Charlottesville Department of Social Services (the Department) developed a proposal to operate the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training Program (SNAP E&T). The funding will allow the Department to provide SNAP participants with education and training opportunities that lead to meaningful employment. The full award includes monies for adding one full-time self-sufficiency specialist position to administer the program, purchase of education and training services for SNAP E &T participants, and provision of supportive services to support successful outcomes. The Department has no other funding source to provide employment and training supports to SNAP recipients. The program administration will be housed with the Virginia Initiative for Education and Work (VIEW team) in the Department. Expansion of services to the SNAP target population will enhance the existing collaborations with other education, training and employment service providers in the community. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: The SNAP E&T program leverages workforce development systems in the community and aligns with the Council’s vision for Economic Stability. It contributes to Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan, an inclusive community of self-sufficient residents, Objective 1.2 prepare residents for the workforce, and Objective 1.4 enhance the financial health of residents. It also contributes to Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan, a strong, creative and diversified economy; Objective 4.1 develop a quality workforce. Community Engagement: Like practically all of the City’s workforce development efforts, its employment training programs are supported by numerous community service providers and organizations. Examples include: Piedmont Virginia Community College, Virginia Career Works, the International Rescue Committee, Region Ten, Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services, Offender Aid and Restoration-Jefferson and Community Corrections, and employer partners. None of the work that is currently being done could be possible without this strong community engagement. Budgetary Impact: The Virginia Department of Social Services is providing 100% of the funding for FY22 with no local general fund match required. A 15.50% local general fund match will be required beginning in FY23 and in future years. The department is not requesting any new general funds for this new program. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval and appropriation of the funds Alternatives: Funds that are not appropriated will need to be returned to the Virginia Department of Social Services. The Department will not be able to operate the SNAP E&T program if the funds are not appropriated. Attachments: Resolution Award letter RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDING FOR Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education & Training (SNAP E&T) Program Administration and Purchase of Services - $112,708 WHEREAS, the Charlottesville Department of Social Services has received $112,708 in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget from the Virginia Department of Social Services to be used for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education & Training (SNAP E&T). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $112,708 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: Revenue – $112,708 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 9900000000 G/L Account: 430080 $112,708 Expenditures - $112,708 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 510010 $ 49,511 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 511010 $ 3,787 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 511020 $ 14,678 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 511030 $ 359 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 511040 $ 9,072 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 510161 $ 276 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 510130 $ 2,475 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 525251 $ 486 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 530030 $ 264 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 530320 $ 3,202 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 530216 $ 298 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 520010 $ 800 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 530100 $ 300 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 530020 $ 100 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 530010 $ 1,000 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 530210 $ 300 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 520690 $ 100 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 520030 $ 200 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 520900 $ 300 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3301009000 G/L Account: 520990 $ 200 Fund: 212 Cost Center: 3333002000 G/L Account: 540060 $ 25,000 September 15, 2021 Ms. Susan Moffett, Director Charlottesville Department of Social Services 120 Seventh St., N.E., P.O. Box 911 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Ms. Moffett, Congratulations! On behalf of the Virginia Department of Social Services, I am pleased to inform you that the Charlottesville Department of Social Services proposal for funding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) has been approved with an effective date of January 1, 2022. Funding for your agency’s SNAP E&T program is as follows: Budget Line 855 (Administrative) $87,708 Budget Line 84403 (Purchase Services) $10,000 Budget Line 84404 (Supportive Services) $15,000 Your agency may request additional funds through BRS on a quarterly basis. Any additional request for funding must be substantiated and justified. Requests will be fulfilled based upon the availability of funds. Please ensure that your agency’s SNAP E&T program is established and operated in accordance with federal and state guidelines as set forth in the U. S. Department of Agriculture/Food and Nutrition Service’s Federal Register 7CFR Parts 271 and 273 and the Commonwealth of Virginia’s SNAP Employment and Training Plan, FFY 2022. If you agree to the terms outlined above, please sign below. It is requested that this signed document be scanned and returned by email within 5 business days to Sincerely, Julie Jacobs Julie Jacobs Workforce Services Manager This acknowledges that I have read and agree to the terms outlined above. Authorized Signature: Title: _________Director__________________ Date: ________Sept 21, 2021______ 801 East Main Street · Richmond VA · 23219-2901 · 804-726-7000 · TDD 800-828-1120