CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. Agenda Date: October 18, 2021. Actions Required: Approval of Resolution to Appropriate Funds (1st of 2 readings). Presenter: Chris Cullinan, Director of Finance. Staff Contacts: Chris Cullinan, Director of Finance. Chip Boyles, City Manager. Title: Resolution Appropriating Funds from the American Rescue Plan for Eligible Local Activities - $1,192,836. Background: On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the Act) to provide additional relief for individuals and businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Act includes funding for state, local, and tribal governments as well as education and COVID-19-related testing, vaccination support, and research. The City of Charlottesville will receive direct funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) in two tranches: $9,804,854 already received in May 2021 and $9,804,854 to be received in May 2022 for a total of $19,609,708. These funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. City Council appropriated $1,986,100 of ARP funds in July 2021 to address urgent community and organizational needs arising from the impacts of COVID-19. City staff continues the process of identifying needs resulting from the impacts of the COVID-19 virus. This appropriation request includes requests to “support the public health response” and “address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency”. Discussion: The specific funding requests are detailed below. These requests are eligible for ARP funds per the guidance provided by US Treasury in their May 17, 2021 Interim Final Rule. 1 Request: Information Technology Department. Amount Requested: $175,904. ARP Eligibility: Supporting the public health response. Description: Unbudgeted technology items required to continue to support remote operations securely. Specifically; (1) Adobe Sign for business digital e-signature solution (2) Bluebeam digital markup and editing solution for engineers/planners (3) DUO multi-factor verification for VPN, and (4) Varonis ransomware, information & insider threat protection Request: Upfit of space at Market Street Parking Garage. Amount Requested: $400,000. ARP Eligibility: Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency. Description: Funding is requested to ensure that staff and community members have a safe location to work for and directly with the community. As of August 2021, while the United States has more than enough COVID-19 vaccines a racial gap persisted presenting a grave danger to communities of color. As of August, while Black people make up 12% of the U.S. population, but only account for 9% of people who have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Further, the socioeconomic divide is clear as well - from a July survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, roughly 7 million people who have a household income of less than $25,000 had not received the vaccine, and over 8 million people who have a household income between $25,000-$49,999 have not received the vaccine. The City of Charlottesville's Office of Human Rights, Home to Hope Program, and Jobs Center (via Economic Development) work directly with the community at-large yet are currently in locations where social distancing is difficult as well as locations that have high community foot-traffic. Further, each of those departments and programs provide critical services to our neighbors who happen to be on a low income, or may be a part of a marginalized community. The proposed update to a city-owned location will provide safe and welcoming office space for staff and citizens to engage safely in service provision program support during the time of COVID-19 and beyond. Further, if approved, this move will allow our PCRB staff to relocate from a temporary office space to the current Office of Human Rights for that programs permanent location. This location will also provide the PCRB the ability to safely socially distance versus their temporary office space, as the office currently has a staff of one. While this is also a one-time funding request to immediately provide safe spaces for three community- focused critical departments/programs, the plans have been created where the space could easily flex to another department or program if needed in the future. Request: Department of Social Services – Emergency Shelter. Amount Requested: $15,000. ARP Eligibility: Supporting the public health response. Description: In the state of Virginia, local departments of social services are mandated to provide emergency shelters for residents during emergency operations. Shelters are primarily opened due to 2 weather emergencies; but can be opened for other reasons depending on the emergency situation. To mitigate potential Covid exposure for residents and department employees, the department plans to implement non-congregate shelters if the need arises, using single room hotels for placement. These funds would be used to pay for hotels, meals, transportation, and other associated resident needs. Funding may also be used for staff overtime when needed to coordinate placements. The department plans to incorporate this funding request into its FY23 budget submission; but would be open to accessing ongoing ARPA funds if available. Request: COVID testing for City employees. Amount Requested: $500,000. ARP Eligibility: Supporting the public health response. Description: These funds would cover approximately 6 months of COVID testing for City employees. Request: Human Services request for one full time long-term temporary employee for one year to support Community Resource Hotline/Housing Navigation needs. Amount Requested: $80,751. ARP Eligibility: Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency. Description: Salary, plus benefits (not retirement) and IT phone system/software to address call volume into the Community Resource Hotline, one year of service. Request: Communications Department – annual Zoom renewal. Amount Requested: $1,181. ARP Eligibility: Supporting the public health response. Description: Two Zoom webinar accounts for virtual public meetings required by the state of emergency and the continuity of government ordinance. Request: Treasurer’s Office- continuation of the Ambassador’s Program. Amount Requested: $20,000. ARP Eligibility: Supporting the public health response. Description: This staffing request would continue for the provision of temporary staff to service customers through an appointment system for the lobby area of City Hall to maintain social distancing and capacity limits. Budgetary Impact: This request in addition to the previous ARP appropriation totals $3,178,936. If Council approves this second appropriation, the remaining balance of ARP funds totals $6,625,918. . Alignment with Council Vision Areas and Strategic Plan: This resolution contributes to Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan, to be an inclusive community of self-sufficient residents; Goal 2 to be a healthy and safe City; and Goal 5 to be a well-managed and responsive organization. 3 Recommendation: Staff recommend that Council approve the attached resolution. Alternatives: City Council may elect not to appropriate funding for these purposes at this time or may elect other ARP eligible program expenditures. Attachments: Resolution 4 RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDING FOR American Rescue Plan for Eligible Local Activities $1,192,836 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $1,192,836 from American Rescue Plan funding is hereby designated to be available for expenditure for costs associated with following eligible purposes and amounts: Information Technology Department. $175,904. Upfit of Market Street Parking Garage Space. $400,000. Department of Social Services – Emergency Shelter. $15,000. COVID testing for City Employees. $500,000. Human Services Support for Community Resource Hotline and Housing Navigation. $80,751. Communications Department – Zoom Renewal. $1,181. Treasurer’s Office – Continuation of Ambassador Program. $20,000. TOTAL. $1,192,836. Revenues - $1,192,836 Fund: 207 Cost Center: 9900000000 G/L Account: 430120 Expenditures - $1,192,836 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900437 G/L Account: 599999 $177,085 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900438 G/L Account: 599999 $400,000 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900439 G/L Account: 599999 $15,000 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900440 G/L Account: 599999 $500,000 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900441 G/L Account: 599999 $80,751 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900442 G/L Account: 599999 $20,000 5