CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: November 15, 2021 Action Required: Appropriation Presenter: Hunter Smith, Human Services Department Staff Contacts: Hunter Smith, Human Services Department Misty Graves, Human Services Department Title: Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act Grant (VJCCCA) - $452,704 Background: In July 2010, the City of Charlottesville became the fiscal agent for the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) funds for both Charlottesville and Albemarle County. This funding stream was established by the 1995 Virginia General Assembly to create balanced, community-based systems of sanctions, programs and services for juvenile offenders. These funds are used to support the Community Attention programs. In Fiscal Year 2022, $292,058 in VJCCCA funds will be received from the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice with a required local maintenance of effort of $52,231 from Albemarle County, and $108,415 from the City for a total of $452,704. The grant period is from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Discussion: The VJCCCA grant funds the delinquency prevention and youth development services provided by Community Attention for Charlottesville/Albemarle youth involved in the juvenile justice system. These services include the following programs: the Teens GIVE service learning program that provides community service opportunities during both the school year and the summer; the Community Supervision Program that provides pro-social skills training like anger management, individual and group counseling services and case management services for youth on electronic monitoring; the Community Attention Youth Internship Program (CAYIP) which provides paid internship opportunities; the Family Based Intervention Program which provides evidence-based, and family centered intervention programs. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: The VJCCCA grant aligns with the City of Charlottesville's Strategic Plan - Goal 2: A Healthy and Safe City Objective 2.3: Improve community health and safety outcomes by connecting residents with effective resources. Community Attention’s VJCCCA funded programs provide community based services that prevent delinquency and promote the healthy development of youth. Expected outcomes include decreased delinquent behavior during and after program participation. Community Engagement: The VJCCCA funded programs engage local youth involved in the juvenile justice system and their families by providing delinquency prevention and youth development programs. The programs also engage and coordinate with other local agencies and organizations in the provision of services to the youth. Budgetary Impact: The funds will be expensed and reimbursed to the VJCCCA Fund. The required General Fund City contribution has already been appropriated as part of the Fiscal Year 2022 Council Adopted Budget so no new funds are required to cover the match. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval and appropriation of funds. Alternatives: If the VJCCCA funds are not appropriated, Community Attention would have to serve fewer youth and eliminate programs and staff. Attachments: Appropriation Resolution RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS for Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act Grant (VJCCCA) $452,704 WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville has been awarded $292,058 from the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice; and WHEREAS, this grant requires local maintenance of effort funds in the amount of $52,231 from Albemarle County and $108,415 from the City; and WHEREAS, the grant award covers the period from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the sum of $452,704 is hereby appropriated in the following manner: Revenue – $452,704 $292,058 Fund: 220 Cost Center: 3523001000 G/L Account: 430080 $52,231 Fund: 220 Cost Center: 3523001000 G/L Account: 432030 $108,415 Fund: 220 Cost Center: 3523001000 G/L Account: 498010 Expenditures - $452,704 $ 53,075 Fund: 220 Cost Center: 3523001000 G/L Account: 519999 $399,629 Fund: 220 Cost Center: 3523001000 G/L Account: 530010 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the receipt of $292,058 from Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, and $52,231 from Albemarle County.