CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. Agenda Date: February 7, 2022. Actions Required: Approval of Resolution to Appropriate Funds (2nd of 2 readings). Presenter: Chris Cullinan, Director of Finance. Staff Contacts: Chris Cullinan, Director of Finance. Ashley Reynolds Marshall, Deputy City Manager for REDI. Title: Resolution Appropriating Funds from the American Rescue Plan for Eligible Local Activities - $1,094,653. Background: On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the Act) to provide additional relief for individuals and businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Act includes funding for state, local, and tribal governments as well as education and COVID-19-related testing, vaccination support, and research. The City of Charlottesville will receive direct funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) in two tranches: $9,804,854 already received in May 2021 and $9,804,854 to be received in May 2022 for a total of $19,609,708. These funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. City Council has previously appropriated a total of $3,178,936 of ARP funds to address urgent community and organizational needs arising from the impacts of COVID-19. City staff continues the process of identifying needs resulting from the impacts of the COVID-19 virus. This appropriation request includes requests to “support the public health response”, “address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency”, and “premium pay for essential workers”. Discussion: The specific funding requests are detailed below. These requests are eligible for ARP funds per the guidance provided by US Treasury in their May 17, 2021 Interim Final Rule. 1 Request #1: City funded portion of Sheriff bonuses. Amount Requested: $12,918. ARP Eligibility: Premium Pay for Essential Workers. Description: The Commonwealth awarded Compensation Board funded positions in the Sheriff's Office $3,000 per person bonuses. There are four employees in the Sheriff's Office who are not funded by the Compensation Board, but would otherwise have been eligible to receive the bonus. The City elected to pay these persons using its own funds, then seek reimbursement using ARP funds for premium pay. Request #2: Café rental fee waiver/revenue replacement. Amount Requested: $227,735. ARP Eligibility: Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency. Description: The COVID 19 pandemic had significant impacts on restaurants. As part of City efforts to support these businesses, City Council took actions utilizing authority under the declared state of emergency to waive and reduce the fees charged for the outdoor dining café areas on the downtown mall. The fee revenue is directed towards the Downtown Mall maintenance fund. ARP funds will be used to replace the lost revenue in the Downtown Mall maintenance fund. Request #3: Pathways Fund and Community Hotline assistance. Amount Requested: $776,000. ARP Eligibility: Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency. Description: Support for the Pathways fund and Community Hotline through June 2022. $595,000 for Pathways Fund assistance, $125,000 for the Emergency Fund, and $56,000 for Human Services staff support costs. Request #4: Juvenile and Domestic Court cleaning. Amount Requested: $58,000. ARP Eligibility: Supporting the public health response. Description: These funds will be used to cover the contract cleaning costs for the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court through June 2022. Request #5: Take home COVID tests for City employees. Amount Requested: $20,000. ARP Eligibility: Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency. Description: 1,000 take home COVID tests will be purchased to be distributed to City employees as needed. Budgetary Impact: This request in addition to the previous ARP appropriation totals $1,094,653. If Council approves this third appropriation, the remaining balance of ARP funds from the first tranche totals $5,531,265. . Alignment with Council Vision Areas and Strategic Plan: This resolution contributes to Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan, to be an inclusive community of self-sufficient 2 residents; Goal 2 to be a healthy and safe City; and Goal 5 to be a well-managed and responsive organization. Recommendation: Staff recommend that Council approve the attached resolution. Alternatives: City Council may elect not to appropriate funding for these purposes at this time or may elect other ARP eligible program expenditures. Attachments: 1. Appropriation. 3 RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDING FOR American Rescue Plan for Eligible Local Activities $1,094,653 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $1,094,653 from American Rescue Plan funding is hereby designated to be available for expenditure for costs associated with following eligible purposes and amounts: City funded portion of Sheriff bonuses. $12,918. Café rental fee waiver/revenue replacement. $227,735. Pathways Fund and Community Hotline Assistance. $776,000. Juvenile and Domestic Court cleaning. $58,000. Take home COVID tests for City employees. $20,000. TOTAL. $1,094,653. Revenues - $1,094,653 Fund: 207 Cost Center: 9900000000 G/L Account: 430120 Expenditures - $1,094,653 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900423 G/L Account: 599999 $12,918 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900452 G/L Account: 599999 $227,735 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900421 G/L Account: 599999 $720,000 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900441 G/L Account: 599999 $56,000 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900451 G/L Account: 599999 $58,000 Fund: 207 I/O: 1900450 G/L Account: 599999 $20,000 4