CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Agenda Date: March 21, 2022 Action Required: (1) Ordinance (Rezoning and Critical Slope Waiver) (1st of 2 readings) (2) Ordinance (Infrastructure Funding) (1st of 2 readings) Presenter: Michael C. Rogers, City Manager (Sidewalk Project) Matt Alfele, AICP, City Planner (Rezoning/CS Waiver) Staff Contacts: Sam Sanders, Deputy City Manager; James Freas, NDS Director; Krisy Hammill, Sr. Budget and Mgmt. Analyst; Lisa Robertson, City Attorney Title: Stribling Avenue Planned Unit Development (Rezoning and Related Matters) Belmont Station, LLC (by Charlie Armstrong) has submitted an application seeking a rezoning of approximately twelve (12) acres of land, identified within City tax records as Tax Map and Parcel 18A025000 (“Subject Property”). The purpose of the rezoning is to subdivide and develop a 170-unit Planned Unit Development, in twenty (20) construction phases. The Subject Property has some frontage on Stribling Avenue, as shown following below: The Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning application that is now before City Council and it recommended that City Council approve the rezoning only if a sidewalk for pedestrians will be constructed along Stribling Avenue. (The planning commission also expressed concern about tree removal associated with the development; however, a significant amount of tree removal will also be associated with any sidewalk project). City Manager Office Recommendations For the reasons set forth within this Agenda Memo, the City Manager’s Office recommends that Council take the following action(s): (1) Approve the Rezoning, and (2) Decline the Infrastructure Funding Agreement for a Stribling Sidewalk Project, BUT proceed with a Capital Improvements Project for a Stribling Sidewalk, using revenues reallocated from projects recently removed from the CIP. __________________________ City Manager Recommendation (1): City Council should approve the rezoning and critical slope waiver, consistent with the Planning Commission’s recommendation The NDS Staff Report for the rezoning is Attachment 3 to this Agenda Memo (including the Final Proffer Statement and the proposed PUD Development Plan). City Manager Recommendation (2): City Council should decline the proposed Infrastructure Funding Agreement, BUT Council should proceed with establishing a capital project (“Stribling Sidewalk Project”, funded by Capital Fund revenues recently made available as a result of abandoned projects. a. The Stribling Sidewalk Project is advisable, to enhance pedestrian safety The City should upgrade this existing public street, and add sidewalk improvements to Stribling Avenue. Existing conditions are already challenging for pedestrians/ residents along this existing City street. Topography and natural systems are dramatic: Moore’s Creek and its tributaries interlace with a rolling topography. This existing topography may explain why no sidewalk construction was included when Stribling Avenue was originally improved. Further, there exists a floodplain where Stribling Road travels up to Fontaine Avenue; drainage challenges may further explain the lack of sidewalk improvements along this existing public street. b. The Funding Agreement is not in the City’s best fiscal interests. A copy of the voluntary Funding Agreement is attached to this Agenda Memo. The Funding Agreement proposes an advance of $2.9 million by Belmont Station LLC to the City for Stribling sidewalk construction, repayable in future years (with interest) from the new real estate tax revenues generated by the PUD development. It has been estimated that the cost of establishing sidewalk along Stribling Avenue would be at least $2.9 million. This ballpark estimate is based upon information shared by Belmont Station, LLC, and the City Engineer’s familiarity with this general area. Future repayments by the City would be classified as “debt service”. The City Manager does not recommend approval of the Funding Agreement, because: 1. The City would be double-committing the new real estate tax revenues to be received from the development. The premise of this arrangement is that the tax revenues realized by the City from the new construction, sale and occupancy of each new housing unit can be used to cover the debt service. One hundred percent (100%) of new real estate revenues received by the City would be earmarked for repayment of the debt to Belmont Station, LLC during the repayment period (which can be up to a total of 15 years). The discussions of this proposed Funding Agreement assume that the real estate tax revenues realized from the development will exceed the City’s costs of school and governmental services required by the new units. To date, discussion of the proposed Funding Agreement has not taken into account the City’s longstanding practice of committing the first forty percent (40%) of all new real estate tax revenues every year for the School’s operational budget. If City Council approves this Funding Agreement, then for each year that a repayment is owed to Belmont Station LLC (a period of up to 15 years), the City would need to come up with additional revenues if it desires to continue the school funding formula. Furthermore, the incremental costs of various government services associated with new units in the development also would not be covered by the newly-generated real estate tax revenues during the repayment period. Those services, and any cost overruns for the Sidewalk Project itself, would need to be covered by general fund revenues other than the new real estate taxes generated by the PUD development. Staff strongly recommends that the City is much better off, in the long run, finding money in the current CIP and reprogramming it for a sidewalk project to be added to the City’s FY2024-2029 CIP (as a funded project).1 Example (see Exhibit C of the Funding Agreement). Assume that the first building permit is issued in 2026. In Tax Year 2027, if one (1) unit has been constructed and assessed at $275,000, and the other 169 lots are assessed at $65,000 each, Belmont Station estimates that the City would realize new real estate tax revenue in the amount of $97,074. The City would be required to pay Belmont Station, LLC a payment of $97,074, beginning in in September 2027 (100% of the new real estate revenues). However, for many years the City Council has also promised the City Schools that they will receive 40% of all new real estate tax revenues every year (40% x $97,074 = $38,830); therefore, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2028, the City will need to add other revenues if it wishes to cover the funding formula for the Schools and other services referenced in Paragraph 1, above. 2. The timing for completion of the City’s contractual obligation to construct the sidewalk is unclear. The proposed funding agreement states that the City will be expected to “coordinate construction of the Sidewalk Improvements with the infrastructure construction schedule for the PUD Project”. The agreement does not incorporate a specific infrastructure construction schedule for the PUD, and does not tie completion of the Sidewalk Project to the completion of construction of any particular number or percentage of new home construction. The timing of the City’s obligation to complete the proposed sidewalk construction, relative to the 20 stages of development proposed for the PUD, is unclear. It is difficult for Staff to identify at this time the specific dollar amounts due to be repaid to Belmont Station, LLC in any given year over the 15-year repayment period. 3. The number of debt service payments, and the amount of specific payments, cannot be determined with enough specificity at this time. The City’s repayment obligation would begin on September 30 of the first Tax Year following the date of the City’s issuance of the first building permit for a residential dwelling within the PUD Project. Thereafter, the City’s Fiscal 1 Even if the proposed Funding Agreement is approved by City Council, the Stribling Sidewalk Project needs to be added to the City’s “funded projects” list for the CIP. A Capital Improvements Plan must include “estimates of cost of the facilities and life cycle costs”, as well as the “means of financing”, of each capital project to be undertaken in the ensuing fiscal year and the next four years after that. Va. Code §15.2-2239. Life-cycle costs of a sidewalk in this area have not yet been estimated, but the means of financing is known: (i.e., either (i) reprogramming of revenues from abandoned CIP projects, such as West Main Street), or (ii) funds advanced via the Funding Agreement offered by Belmont Station, LLC, or Year Budget for each year in which repayments are due would need to include debt service repayments due to the developer in each year. Alignment with Council Vision Areas and Strategic Plan: The proposed PUD itself, as represented within the Application Materials and Proffered Development Conditions, is consistent with the City’s vision to provide housing that includes a mixture of incomes and housing types. Community Engagement: community engagement has occurred via the public hearing process on the rezoning application. Attachments (3): • ACTION ITEM 1: Proposed Ordinance Approving the Stribling Planned Unit Rezoning Suggested motion: “ I move the Ordinance amending and re-enacting the Zoning Map for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, to reclassify property from R-1S and R-2 to Planned Unit Development for the “240 Stribling PUD”, and granting a critical slope waiver for the 240 Stribling PUD • ACTION ITEM 2: Proposed Ordinance for an Infrastructure Funding Agreement Suggested motions: Deny: “I move to decline the Infrastructure Funding Agreement with Belmont Station, LLC, upon the condition that a Stribling Sidewalk Project shall be added to the City’s CIP for FY2024 through FY2029, to be funded by money currently available within the Capital Projects Fund.” Approve: “I move the Ordinance approving a voluntary infrastructure funding agreement in the amount of $2.9 million, upon terms offered by Belmont Station, LLC for construction of sidewalk along Stribling Avenue” • NDS Staff Report for the Rezoning and Critical Slope Waiver ACTION ITEM 1: REZONING ORDINANCE (INCLUDING CRITICAL SLOPE WAIVER) Recommended motion: “I move the Ordinance….[read the remainder of the ordinance title, following below] ORDINANCE Amending and Re-enacting the Zoning Map for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, to reclassify property from R-1S and R-2 to Planned Unit Development for the “240 Stribling PUD”, and granting a critical slope waiver for the 240 Stribling PUD WHEREAS, Belmont Station, LLC (“Landowner”) submitted rezoning application ZM20-00002 (“Application”) seeking a change in the zoning district classification for approximately twelve (12) acres of land identified by City Real Estate Tax Parcel Identification No. 18A025000 (“Subject Property”), from R-1S (Residential Small Lot) and R-2 (Residential Two-Family) to Planned Unit Development (“240 Stribling PUD”), with such rezoning made subject to certain development conditions proffered by the Landowner(“Proffers”); and WHEREAS, the purpose of the rezoning application is to allow a specific development project (“Project”) identified within a written PUD Development Plan, dated June 11, 2021, as revised through March 21, 2022, and the Statement of Final Proffer Conditions signed by the Landowner on November 11, 2021 for the “240 Stribling PUD”. The PUD Development Plan identifies the general or approximate location of the following housing types to be constructed: 20 rows of townhouses, two multifamily dwelling units, and two single-family attached dwellings. The PUD Development Plan also depicts two central greens, protection of a wooded area between the development and Moore’s Creek, a shared use path constructed to City Standard Detail TR-1, a public street connection to Morgan Court, and six (6) private streets intended for rear loading of the townhouses within the development. Structured parking will be provided within the multifamily dwelling units, and sidewalks will be constructed on both sides of all new public streets within the development, and along one side of each private street within the development. The development of the Subject Property will further be subject to the conditions of a critical slope waiver approved by City Council, as requested in Application P20-0079. (Collectively, all of the foregoing materials describe the specific “Project”); and WHEREAS, a joint public hearing on the proposed rezoning of the Subject Property was held before the Planning Commission and City Council on September 14, 2021, after notice to the public and to adjacent property owners as required by law; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 2021, following the joint public hearing, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that City Council should approve the proposed rezoning for the Project, subject to certain qualifications; and WHEREAS, City Council has considered: the details of the specific Project, as represented within the Landowner’s various application materials, the Staff Reports relating to the application materials, the comments received from the public, and the Planning Commission’s recommendation; and WHEREAS, this Council finds and determines that the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice require the proposed rezoning; that both the existing zoning classification (R-1S) and the proposed PUD zoning classification (subject to the proffered development conditions) are reasonable; and that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that, in order to allow the development of the Project described above within this Ordinance, the Zoning Map incorporated in Section 34-1 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Code of the City of Charlottesville, 1990, as amended, shall be and hereby is amended and reenacted as follows: Section 34-1.Zoning District Map. Rezoning from R-1S and R-2 to 240 Stribling PUD, all of that certain land identified within the City of Charlottesville’s real estate tax tax records by Real Estate Parcel Identification Number 18A025000, consisting of approximately 12.07 acres (approx. 525,769 square feet), subject to the PUD Development Plan dated June 11, 2021, as revised through 3/21/2022, and also subject to the Proffers dated November 11, 2021, which were tendered by the Landowner in accordance with law and are hereby accepted by this City Council as set out below within this Ordinance. Approved Proffers The use and development of the Subject Property shall be subject to the following development conditions voluntarily proffered by the Landowner, which conditions shall apply in addition to the regulations otherwise provided within the City’s zoning ordinance: 1. The Owner shall establish affordable housing within the Property, as follows: a. For the purposes of this Proffer, the term “Affordable Dwelling Unit” means a dwelling unit reserved for occupancy by a household that pays no more than thirty percent (30%) of its gross income for housing costs, including utilities, provided that the annual gross income of the household/occupant is sixty percent (60%) or less of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the City of Charlottesville, as said AMI is established annually by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). b. Fifteen percent (15%) of all dwelling units constructed within the area of the Subject Property shall be Affordable Dwelling Units. (“Required Affordable Dwelling Units”) The Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be identified on a layout plan, by unit, prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for a residential unit within the PUD (“Initial Designation”). The Owner reserves the right, from time to time after the Initial Designation, and subject to approval by the City, to change the unit(s) reserved as Affordable Dwelling Units, and the City’s approval shall not unreasonably be withheld so long as a proposed change does not reduce the number of Required Affordable Dwelling Units and does not result in an Affordability Period shorter than required by these proffers with respect to any of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units. i. Thirty percent (30%) or more of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved for rental to low- and moderate-income households (“Rental Affordable Dwelling Units”) . Each of the Rental Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved as such throughout a period of at least ten (10) years from the date on which the unit receives a certificate of occupancy from the City’s building official (“Rental Affordability Period”). All Rental Affordable Dwelling Units shall be administered in accordance with City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g) as such regulations are in effect on the date of Owner’s signature, below. For the purposes of this section and section 1.b.ii., below, if City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g) are amended by the City after the date of Owner’s signature, below, the Owner may elect in writing to the Zoning Administrator to instead be bound by the amended regulations. ii. Thirty percent (30%) or more of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved for ownership by low- and moderate-income households (“For- Sale Affordable Dwelling Units”), throughout a period of thirty (30) years from the date on which the unit receives a certificate of occupancy from the City’s building official. The For-Sale Affordable Units shall be administered in accordance with City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g), as such regulations are in effect on the date of Owner’s signature, below. During construction the For-Sale Affordable Dwelling Units shall be constructed incrementally, such that at least five (5) Affordable Dwelling Units shall be either completed or under construction pursuant to a City-issued building permit, prior to the issuance of every 30th building permit for non-affordable for-sale dwelling units. c. The land use obligations referenced in 1.b.i, 1.b.ii, and 1.b.iii shall be set forth within one or more written declarations of covenants recorded within the land records of the Charlottesville Circuit Court, in a form approved by the Office of the City Attorney, so that the Owner’s successors in right, title and interest to the Property shall have notice of the obligations. In the event of re-sale of any of the Required Affordable Rental Units that reduces the number of Required Affordable Dwelling Units below the threshholds set forth in this proffer, the declaration of covenants shall provide a mechanism to ensure that an equivalent Affordable Dwelling Unit is created within the City of Charlottesville, either on or off of the Subject Property, that satisfies the requirements contained herein for the remainder of the Affordability Period. Critical Slope Waiver BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, THAT a waiver of the critical slopes requirements for the Subject Property, to allow for construction of the specific 240 Stribling PUD Project that is the subject of this Ordinance, is hereby granted subject to the following conditions (each, a “CS Waiver” condition): CS Waiver condition #1: site Plans (VESCP Plans) shall include, at a minimum, 4 stages/phases of erosion and sediment control measures: the first shall be “Initial/Preliminary Controls” and outfall construction, and the second shall include the establishment of sediment traps and conveyances. The sequence shall dictate that no disturbance of the slopes can occur, other than to facilitate trap/conveyance construction, until after the establishment of the trap, conveyances and permanent outfall (until Stage/Phase III) CS Waiver condition #2: “Super Silt Fence” (chain linked backing) shall be installed where perimeter silt fence is specified. CS Waiver condition #3: Any disturbance occurring outside of conveyances to the trap, in either sequence or space, planned or unforeseen, shall be immediately stabilized with sod (for pervious areas, utilities should have other “same day stabilization. CS Waiver condition #4: The proposed trail shall be a non-erodible surface (asphalt/concrete or similar) and provisions shall be made in the stormwater management plan to ensure runoff from the trail is conveyed in a non-erosive manner, and concentrated flows shall not be discharged above slopes, or flow along the toe of slopes, on or offsite the property. CS Waiver condition #5: Trees removed from areas of critical slope(s) shall be replaced within those areas, at a three-to-one ratio (“Habitat Replacement Trees”). The Habitat Replacement Trees shall be locally native tree species appropriate for the site conditions. The specific number and species of Habitat Replacement Trees will be determined by the applicant and the City based on available space and site conditions, and the size, location and species of all Habitat Replacement Trees shall be specified within the landscaping plan required by Sections §§34-861 et seq. of the Charlottesville City Code, as amended. CS Waiver condition #6: No tree(s) planted in any area(s) that contain buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, or other built improvements shall be counted as any Habitat Replacement Tree(s). ACTION ITEM 2: ORDINANCE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING AGREEMENT Suggested motion for denial: “I move to decline the Infrastructure Funding Agreement with Belmont Station, LLC, upon the condition that a Stribling Sidewalk Project shall be added to the City’s CIP for FY2024 through FY2029, to be funded by money currently available within the Capital Projects Fund.” Suggested Motion for an approval: “I move the ORDINANCE…[read the remainder of the title of the ordinance, below] ORDINANCE APPROVING A VOLUNTARY INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2.9 MILLION UPON TERMS OFFERED BY BELMONT STATION, LLC FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ALONG STRIBLING AVENUE BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the following voluntary funding agreement offered to the City by Belmont Station, LLC, is hereby approved for a capital project to be undertaken by the City to construct public sidewalks on Stribling Avenue, and the Mayor is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City: THIS AGREEMENT is made this ___ day of _______________, 2022, by and among the City of Charlottesville, Virginia (the “City”), a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and, Belmont Station, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (the “Developer”). Recitals R-1. The Developer’s purpose and intent is to invest a significant amount of money into real estate and improvements, described as: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia (the “City”) on the south side of Stribling Avenue, containing 11.053 acres, more or less, according to the City land records, and currently shown as City Tax Map Parcel 18A025000, and as further (the “Investment”) described and depicted on Exhibit A hereto (the “Property”), where Developer intends to design and develop a Planned Unit Development containing approximately 170 newly-constructed residential dwellings (the “PUD Project”), which will promote the safety, health, welfare, convenience or prosperity of the inhabitants of the City by promoting appropriate housing density and affordability within an area of the City, enhance the tax base in the City, create more housing opportunities, and promote other economic development in the City. The Developer’s Investment and the amounts and other requirements included in such Investment are set forth in part as Exhibit B. R-2. The City has a documented need for pedestrian sidewalk improvements and related stormwater and utility infrastructure along Stribling Avenue in the City of Charlottesville, as noted in the City’s “Complete Sidewalks Projects List”, page 209 of the Charlottesville Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Update 2015, as well as in the “Proposed Fiscal Year (YR) 2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Revenue and Expenditure Description Summary”, page 8, and, the “Capital Improvement Program Final Request Form, 5-Year Program Span: Fiscal Year 20-24, Project Title: Stribling Sidewalk + Drainage Improvements” (“Sidewalk Improvements”). The Sidewalk Improvements will be made on both sides of Stribling Avenue from the intersection with JPA and ending in proximity to the City limits. R-3. The Sidewalk Improvements are separate from the Developer’s Property; however, Developer acknowledges and agrees that, although a need for the Sidewalk Improvements already exists, the PUD Development will increase use of Stribling Avenue by both vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the Developer desires to make a financial contribution that will facilitate the City’s commencement of the Sidewalk Improvements on an expedited basis. R-4. The Developer has offered to enter into a funding agreement with the City, to provide certain monies to the City through cash escrow or letter of credit, which may be utilized by the City under the terms and conditions set forth within this Agreement to construct the Sidewalk Improvements. WHEREAS, the Developer and the City desire to set forth their understanding and agreement as to these matters in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises, the mutual benefits, promises and undertakings of the parties to this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. The recitals are incorporated as part of this Agreement. 2. The Developer: a. Shall make and maintain the Investment described on Exhibits A and B; b. Shall have $2,900,000 in Cash Escrow, or Letter of Credit (“Funding”) in place and available to the City: (i) prior to the date on which the City issues a land disturbing permit for the PUD Project, or (ii) by December 31, 2026, whichever first occurs. The Funding shall be made available for the City to draw upon to pay for the Sidewalk Improvements. In the event that the City’s final budget for the Sidewalk Improvements, based on bid(s) received, is less than $2,900,000 then the Funding under this Agreement shall be amended and reduced to the actual budgeted amount based on the accepted bid(s); c. At the request of the City, the Developer shall request that its contractor for the PUD provide a bid to the City for the construction of the Sidewalk Improvements, to assist the City’s efforts to achieve any efficiencies that may be possible if the Sidewalk Improvement can be worked on contemporaneously with the contractor’s construction of sidewalks within the PUD Project. The Developer shall give the City at least 60 days advance written notice of the date on which the Developer’s contractor will commence construction streets and sidewalks within the PUD Project; d. Shall provide the City with the engineering and surveying work that the Developer has caused to be completed to date, and the City agrees to reimburse the Developer for the cost of that work; e. Shall make its commercially reasonable efforts to obtain approvals of the Final Site Plan for the PUD from the City, and commence land disturbing activities, no later than December 31, 2026 (“Commencement Date”), which may be extended due to force majeure or other administrative reasons approved by the City; f. Shall make its commercially reasonable efforts to complete construction and equipping of the PUD Project, in accordance with the Site Plan for the PUD approved by the City, no later than December 31, 2036 (“Completion Date”), which may be extended due to force majeure or other administrative reasons approved by the City. g. Shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and secure all plans, approvals, bonds and permits as may be necessary or appropriate for the construction and completion of the PUD Project and the occupancy thereof. 3. The City: a. Shall be responsible for its own final plans to be used for the City’s construction of the Sidewalk Improvements, and complete right-of-way acquisition, on or before the Commencement Date; b. Shall use its best efforts to coordinate construction of the Sidewalk Improvements with the infrastructure construction schedule for the PUD Project, if that is possible with the same contractor(s) and if it will achieve any economies; c. Shall prepare periodic drawdown requests from the Funding to pay for Sidewalk Improvements pursuant to the City’s contract with the contractor(s) for the Sidewalk Improvements. The City, or other designee, and the Developer shall complete all paperwork necessary to complete draw requests. 4. The City, subject to the availability of public funds and the annual appropriation of such funds by the Council, and subject further to the Developer’s fulfillment of all of its obligations under this Agreement, shall reimburse the Funding to the Developer, as described herein. Reimbursement of the Funding shall be paid in annual installments, beginning on September 30 of the first Tax Year following the date of the City’s issuance of the first building permit for a residential dwelling within the PUD Project (“Initial Reimbursement Installment”) and continuing annually thereafter, on or before September 30th of each successive Tax Year, but ending on the later of: December 31, 2036, or 15 years after the issuance of the first building permit, in either case regardless of whether the Funding has been full reimbursed to Developer. a. Each annual reimbursement payment shall be equal to (and shall not exceed) one hundred percent (100%) of the total of the annual real property taxes actually received by the City attributable to the incremental increase in the assessed value of the Property (“Incremental Increased Value”) over the value of the Property on the City’s Land Book for Tax Year 2021 ($1,041,700) (the “Base Value”). An example of the calculation of the annual Funding reimbursement payment required by Paragraph 4, above, is attached as Exhibit C to this Agreement. b. For the purpose of this Agreement, (i) the Incremental Increased Value shall be the assessed value of the Property, inclusive of all lots resulting from any subdivision(s) thereof, as set forth within the City’s Land Book for each Tax Year subsequent to 2021, without regard to the ownership of the Property, and (ii) the Land Book is the official record of real estate assessments for a given Tax Year, as referenced in City Code Section 30-66. c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no reimbursement payment shall be due or owing by the City to the Developer within any Tax Year in which the value of the Property on the City’s Land Book does not exceed the Base Value. d. To the extent that the assessed value of the Property is decreased for any reason during the term of this Agreement, the amount of Funding shall be reduced by the tax decrease based on the decrease in Incremental Increased Value. 5. The City shall pay interest to the Developer on the Funding utilized by it to pay for construction of the Sidewalk Improvements, at an adjustable rate equal to 1.5% or the “true” interest cost (as defined by City Council resolution titled “$18,000,000 Million [sic] Bond Issue” dated May 3, 2021) of Charlottesville’s most recent General Obligation Bond issuance, whichever is higher. Interest shall begin on the Commencement Date and continue until the earlier of: (i) the entire amount of interest and Funding utilized by the City for the Sidewalk Improvements has been reimbursed to the Developer, or (ii) the latest date established in Paragraph 4, being December 31, 2036 or 15 years after the issuance of the first building permit. 6. Developer acknowledges and understands that the City is not empowered under Virginia law to make any binding contractual obligation committing payment of City funds beyond the current fiscal year of the City. However, so long as public funding is available to support the City’s performance of this Agreement in subsequent fiscal years, it is the current intention of the Charlottesville City Council to make sufficient annual appropriations to fund the reimbursement obligations of the City hereunder. To that end, the Council has directed the City Manager or other officer charged with the responsibility of preparing the City’s budget to include in the City Manager’s proposed budget for each fiscal year subsequent to the date of this Agreement a request that the Council appropriate the amounts due under this Agreement during such fiscal year. If at any time the City or the Developer determines that the amount appropriated in any fiscal year budget is insufficient to support the City’s performance under this Agreement, then, if sufficient public funding is available, then the City Manager shall submit to the Council at the next scheduled meeting of the Council or as promptly as practicable, a request for a supplemental appropriation sufficient to cover the deficit. 7. This Agreement shall not create any joint venture, any agency, or any employer- employee relationship between the parties hereto. 8. The City reserves the right to approve in advance any assignment of this Agreement by the Developer to any individual or entity while any of the Developer’s obligations under this Agreement are outstanding. The ownership interests of such entity must be disclosed to the City. The consent to any such assignment shall not be unreasonably withheld. After the completion of the Developer’s obligations under Section 2 of this Agreement, the repayment of the Funding obligations may be sold, assigned, or transferred by the Developer, with the approval of all parties, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. All parties to any assignment, sale or transfer under this Section 8. shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 9. The City may terminate this Agreement at any time if funds have not been drawn from the Developer’s Cash Escrow or Letter of Credit. The City may terminate this Agreement after funds have drawn, by repaying all outstanding Funding amounts plus appliable interest. There is no prepayment penalty if the City chooses to repay Funding in full sooner than otherwise called for under the Agreement. The City will provide written notice to the Developer of its decision to terminate the Agreement pursuant to this section, or if repayment funds sent from the City to the Developer are intended as the prepayment in full of all outstanding amounts, along with the corresponding notice of Agreement termination. 10. This Agreement shall not be interpreted to establish any pledge, security interest, lien, or other encumbrance on property of the City or the Developer. 11. This Agreement shall be governed in all aspects by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, without reference to conflict of laws provisions. In the event of litigation, jurisdiction and exclusive venue shall be in the Circuit Court of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, and all legal actions involving this Agreement shall be brought only in such court. Each of the parties to this Agreement have standing to enforce the terms, conditions and obligations set forth herein. 12. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties hereto. There are no promises, agreements, conditions, or understandings between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof, other than those expressly set forth herein, and the provisions of this Agreement supersede all prior and contemporaneous negotiations, conversations, discussions, correspondence, memoranda, and agreements between the parties concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. 13. This Agreement may be modified by mutual agreement of the parties. The City Manager is designated as the City’s agent to approve and execute amendments to this Agreement involving procedural or administrative matters. By way of example and not limitation, such procedural or administrative changes can include: date changes relating to any force majeure, changes in the scope of work necessary for the Sidewalk Improvements, or, approvals required by Section 8 of this Agreement. 14. Notices and communications relating to this Agreement shall be given in writing, and shall be deemed to be received by a party hereto (i) five (5) business days after being mailed by U.S. mail, first class, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or (ii) one (1) business day after being placed for next day delivery with a nationally recognized overnight courier service, or (iii) upon being delivered by hand to a party, addressed as follows: if to the City, to: The City of Charlottesville, Virginia Attention: City Manager 605 East Main Street, City Hall, Second Floor (P.O. Box 911) Charlottesville, VA 22092 if to the Developer, to: Belmont Station, LLC 142 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 ATTN: Frank T. Ballif, Manager with a copy to: Lois A. Haverstrom, General Counsel 142 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 15. This Agreement may be executed, via facsimile or email and, in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original, and all of which together shall be one and the same instrument. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable, then the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be interpreted as in effect as if such unenforceable provisions were not included therein. Each of the parties to this Agreement represents that it is fully authorized to enter into this Agreement, and that it will be bound by this Agreement in accordance with its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement to be effective as of the date first written above. CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA By:_________________________________ Title: _______________________________ Date of Execution: ____________________ DEVELOPER BELMONT STATION, LLC on its behalf and as Manager of Belmont Station LLC By:_______________________________ Frank T. Ballif, as Manager Date of Execution: __________________ EXHIBIT A TO VOLUNTARY INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING AGREEMENT (Description of Property) All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia (the “City”) on the south side of Stribling Avenue, containing 11.053 acres, more or less, according to the City land records, and currently shown as City Tax Map Parcel 18A025000, and as further described within the Proposed Planned Unit Development (the “Investment”) described and depicted on Exhibit A below (the “Property”) Property to be developed into a 170+/- Unit PUD EXHIBIT B TO VOLUNTARY INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING AGREEMENT Investment This Agreement only relates to the $2,000,000 Cash Escrow or Letter of Credit posted by the Developer in favor of the City, and the reimbursement of amount(s) drawn by the City from of that Cash Escrow or Letter of Credit. Developer plans to construct 170+/- residential dwelling units within the PUD Project, with an estimated completed value after home construction averaging $275,000, more or less. EXHIBIT C VOLUNTARY INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING AGREEMENT Funding Calculation of Incremental Increased Value (Examples based on Estimated Assumptions below) Sample Calculations are for Illustration Purposes Only: The Dates, Assessed Values, and Real Estate Tax Rates are not actual and are for Illustration Purposes Only. Calculations assume that the City has drawn funds that are to be repaid by real estate taxes received by the City and generated directly from the Developer’s PUD after the issuance of the first Building Permit. Example 1 - Issuance of First Building Permit Estimated Annual Tax 1 Unit Averaging $275,000 upon Prior to Project (Based Increment Repayment w/ completion and 169 lots at 2021 AV) Issuance of First Building $65,000 each Permit Assessed Value of Real Estate $11,260,000 $1,041,700 Real Estate Tax $106,970 - ($9,896)* = $97,074 Collected Example 2 - Complete Project Build Out Estimated After Project Completion Estimated Annual Tax Prior to Project (Base Increment Repayment 2021 AV) 170 Units Averaging $275,000 at the end of the Project upon completion Assessed Value of Real Estate $46,750,000 $1,041,700 Real Estate Tax $444,125. - ($9,896)* = $434,229 Collected *Based on real estate tax rate $0.95 per $100. CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA CITY COUNCIL REZONING STAFF REPORT Agenda Date: March 21, 2022 Presenter and Matt Alfele, AICP, City Planner Staff Contact: Title: 240 Stribling PUD – ZM20-00002 & P20-0079 Summary of The Proposed Planned Unit Development: Southern Development on behalf of the landowner, Belmont Station, LLC, has submitted an application seeking a rezoning of approximately twelve (12) acres of land, identified within City tax records as Tax Map and Parcel 18A025000 (“Subject Property”). The Subject Property has frontage on Stribling Avenue. The application proposes to change the zoning district classifications of the Subject Property from R-1S (Residential Small Lot) / R-2 (Residential Two-Family) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) subject to certain proffered development conditions (“Proffers”) and development plan. The rezoning would allow a PUD referred to as “240 Stribling PUD” containing no more than one-hundred and seventy (170) residential units divided between single-family attached, townhomes, and multifamily buildings at a density of fifteen (15) dwelling units per acre (DUA), with open space in the amount of 4.76 acres, and the following unique characteristics/ amenities per the development plan: approximately two (2) single-family attached style units, approximately sixty-nine (69) townhome style units, three (3) multifamily buildings, central green space, nature trail, four (4) new City standard public roads, pedestrian and vehicular access to Morgan Court, and six (6) new private roads built to City private road standards. The proposed development is intended to be completed in approximately twenty (20) phases. In order for the Landowners to implement the PUD Plan, they will need to disturb areas within Critical Slopes; this application also presents a request for a Critical Slopes Waiver (P20-0079) per City Code Sec. 34-516(c). The Comprehensive Land Use Map for this area calls for Low Density Residential (15 DUA or less). See Attachment A for proffered conditions. Discussion: The Planning Commission held a virtual joint Public Hearing with City Council on September 14, 2021 on this matter. The Director of Economic Development (Mr. Chris Engle) gave an update on a proposed draft agreement between the City and the applicant to fund installation of sidewalks along Stribling Avenue. The City’s Engineer (Mr. Jack Dawson) provided insight into issues with calculating funding needed to provide improvements (such as sidewalks) to Stribling Avenue given limited project information. Increased density and the safety of Stribling Avenue were the main discussion points. The Commission liked the innovation of the design, the affordable units, and the proposed density of the development, but did not believe the development should happen unless Stribling Avenue was improved, and sidewalks provided. The Commission was also concerned with the number of trees along Stribling that would be removed. Due to the apprehension from Planning Commission as it related to the condition of Stribling Avenue, the applicant requested and was granted a deferral. The applicant made the following adjustments to the development and Planning Commission continued their discussion on November 9, 2021. Critical Slope Waiver Application P20-0079 No Changes Rezoning Application ZM20-00002 The applicant made the following two (2) changes to the PUD Development Plan: Update the setback requirements on page 4: The original plan stated: Minimum Building setbacks: Front: 0’ Side: 0’ Rear: 0’ Adjacent to outside properties: 5’ The new setbacks are: Front: 0’ Side: 0’ Rear: 0’ Adjacent to outside properties: 5’ Maximum front setback: 10’ (Stribling Ave, Frontage Excluded) Updates to Phasing and Open Space Requirements on page 5: No information provided in the original plan New information on page 5: A minimum of 1.00 acre of Open Space shall be dedicated in Phase 1. At least 20% total Open Space area shall be provided with each phase thereafter. During the November 9, 2021 meeting, Planning Commission focused on duration of construction, conditions on the Critical Slopes, and funding of the sidewalk improvements to Stribling Avenue. Alignment with City Council’s Vision and Strategic Plan: If City Council approves the rezoning request, the project could contribute to Goal 3: A Beautiful and Sustainable Natural and Built Environment, 3.1 Engage in robust and context sensitive urban planning and implementation, and the City Council Vision of Quality Housing Opportunities for All. Community Engagement: On August 3, 2020 the applicant held a virtual community meeting with the public. The meeting can be viewed at: The applicant gave an overview of the project as it related to the need for a rezoning. Seventy- two (72) members of the public attended the meeting and voiced the following concerns: • PUDs is not appropriate and will not give the City what it needs. • PUDs are only used to pack in more houses without taking into account infrastructure. • The land should be developed by-right. • The development should not be connected to Morgan Court. Morgan Court is too narrow and cannot handle the increased traffic. • Traffic will be a problem. • Stribling Avenue lacks sidewalks and will not be safe if the development is approved. • FSNA could support the project only if Stribling Avenue is improved. • Stribling Avenue will not be able to handle construction trucks for such a large and long- term development. • The City’s infrastructure will not support this development. • Stribling Avenue lacks lighting. • Stribling Avenue needs draining improvements. • Stribling Avenue does not have enough right of way to accommodate all the improvements it needs. • The development will double the units on Stribling. • Critical Slopes on the site should not be disturbed. • Stribling Avenue on the county side is not improved and cannot support the development. • People that live in this development will have to drive cars and cannot walk to places. • There is a playground near the proposed connection of Morgan Court to the development and the connection could impact it. • Stribling Avenue is a shared street with a lot of bicycle, pedestrians, and cars sharing the road. This development would change that. On September 14, 2021 the Planning Commission held a virtual joint Public Hearing with City Council. eighteen (18) members of the public spoke and expressed the following: • The proposed development will make conditions for pedestrian and cyclists worse on Stribling Avenue and the intersection of JPA. • Safety on Stribling Avenue is the biggest issue with the proposed development. • The City needs more housing and this will provide much needed affordable housing. • The trees on the site need better protection. • Stribling Avenue needs to be improved. • How will the section of Stribling in the county be impacted? • The proposed development will have negative impacts to Sunset Avenue. Any emails received by staff regarding this project have been forwarded to Planning Commission and City Council. Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission took the following action: Rezoning Application (ZM20-00002) Ms. Russell moved that subject to sidewalk improvements on Stribling Ave. being prioritized appropriately in City Capital Improvement Program (CIP), I move to recommend that City Council should approve ZM20-00002, on the basis that the streets proposed within the PUD Development are laid out in a manner substantially in accord with the Comprehensive Plan, and approval of the proposed PUD Development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will serve the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice. Mr. Mitchell seconded the motion Mr. Lahendro, Yes Mr. Solla-Yates, Yes Mr. Stolzenberg, Yes Mr. Habbab, Yes Mr. Mitchell, Yes Ms. Russell, Yes Ms. Dowell, Yes The motion passed 7 - 0 to recommend approval of the rezoning application to City Council. Critical Slope Waiver (P20-0079) Ms. Russell moved to recommend approval of the critical slope waiver for Tax Map and Parcel 18A025000, as requested, with conditions as recommended by staff. Recommended Conditions: 1. Site Plans (VESCP Plans) should include, at a minimum, 4 stages/phases of ESC controls, the first shall be “Initial/Preliminary Controls” and outfall construction, and the second shall include the establishment of sediment traps and conveyances. The sequence shall dictate that no disturbance of the slopes can occur, other than to facilitate trap/conveyance construction, until after the establishment of the trap, conveyances and permanent outfall (until Stage/Phase III). 2. “Super Silt Fence” (chain linked backing) shall be installed where perimeter silt fence is specified. 3. Any disturbance occurring outside of conveyances to the trap, in either sequence or space, planned or unforeseen, shall be immediately stabilized with sod (for pervious areas, utilities should have other “same day stabilization”. 4. The proposed trail shall be a non-erodible surface (asphalt/concrete or similar) and provisions shall be made in the stormwater management plan to ensure runoff from the trail is conveyed in a non-erosive manner, and concentrated flows shall not be discharged above slopes, or flow along the toe of slopes, on or offsite the property. 5. Trees removed from areas of critical slope(s) shall be replaced within those areas, at a three-to-one ratio (“Habitat Replacement Trees”). 6. The Habitat Replacement Trees shall be locally native tree species appropriate for the site conditions. 7. No tree(s) planted in any area(s) that contain buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, or other built improvements shall be counted as any Habitat Replacement Tree(s). 8. The specific number and species of Habitat Replacement Trees will be determined by the applicant and the City based on available space and site conditions, and the size, location and species of all Habitat Replacement Trees shall be specified within the landscaping plan required by Sections §§34-861 et seq. of the Charlottesville City Code, as amended. Mr. Mitchell seconded the motion Mr. Lahendro, Yes Mr. Solla-Yates, Yes Mr. Stolzenberg, Yes Mr. Habbab, Yes Mr. Mitchell, Yes Ms. Russell, Yes Ms. Dowell, Yes The motion passed 7 – 0 to recommend approval of the Critical Slope Waiver application to City Council. Attachments: A. Signed Proffer Statement B. PUD Development Plan Link to the Public Hearing materials. 1&nov=0 September 14, 2021 materials start on page 6. 1&nov=0 November 9, 2021 materials start on page 54. BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA IN RE: PETITION FOR REZONING (City Application No. ZM20-00002) STATEMENT OF FINAL PROFFER CONDITIONS For the 240 Stribling PUD Dated as of November 11, 2021 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE: The undersigned limited liability company is the owner of land (“Owner”) subject to the above-referenced rezoning petition (“Subject Property”). The Owner seeks to amend the current zoning of the Subject Property subject to certain voluntary development conditions set forth below. In connection with this rezoning application, the Owner seeks approval of a PUD as set forth within a Development Plan for a planned unit development to be known as the “240 Stribling Avenue PUD”, said PUD Development Plan being dated April 28, 2020, Revised October 8, 2021, containing 17 pages, total, submitted with the Owner’s Rezoning Application. The Owner hereby proffers and agrees that if the Subject Property is rezoned as requested, the Subject Property will be developed in general accordance with, and the Owner will abide by, the approved 240 Stribling Avenue PUD Development Plan, and that the Subject Property shall also be subject to the following conditions: 1. The Owner shall establish affordable housing within the Subject Property, as follows: a. For the purposes of this Proffer, the term “Affordable Dwelling Unit” means a dwelling unit reserved for occupancy by a household that pays no more than thirty percent (30%) of its gross income for housing costs, including utilities, provided that the annual gross income of the household/occupant is sixty percent (60%) or less than of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the City of Charlottesville, as said AMI is established annually by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). b. Fifteen percent (15%) of all dwelling units constructed within the area of the Subject Property shall be Affordable Dwelling Units (“Required Affordable Dwelling Units”). The Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be identified on a layout plan, by unit, prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for a residential unit within the PUD (“Initial Designation”). The Owner reserves the right, from time to time after the Initial Designation, and subject to approval by the City, to change the unit(s) reserved as Affordable Dwelling Units, and the City’s approval shall not unreasonably be withheld so long as a proposed change does not reduce the number of Required Affordable Dwelling Units and does not result in an Affordability Period shorter than required by these proffers with respect to any of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units. i. Thirty percent (30%) or more of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved for rental to low- and moderate-income households (“Rental Affordable Dwelling Units”). Each of the Rental Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved as such throughout a period of at least ten (10) years from the date on which the unit receives a certificate of occupancy from the City’s building official (“Rental Affordability Period”). All Rental Affordable Dwelling Units shall be administered in accordance with City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g) as such regulations are in effect on the date of Owner’s signature, below. For the purposes of this section and section 1.b.ii. below, if City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g) are amended by the City after the date of Owner’s signature, below, the Owner may elect in writing to the Zoning Administrator to instead by bound by the amended regulations. ii. Thirty percent (30%) or more of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved for ownership by low- and moderate-income households (“For-Sale Affordable Dwelling Units”), throughout a period of thirty (30) years from the date on which the unit receives a certificate of occupancy from the City’s building official. The For-Sale Affordable Units shall be administered in accordance with City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g), as such regulations are in effect on the date of Owner’s signature, below. During construction the For-Sale Affordable Dwelling Units shall be constructed incrementally, such that at least 5 Affordable Dwelling Units shall be either completed or under construction pursuant to a City-issued building permit, prior to the issuance of every 30th Building Permit for non-affordable for-sale dwelling units. iii. On or before July 1 of each calendar year the then current owner of each Required Affordable Dwelling Unit shall submit an Annual Report to the City, identifying each Required Affordable Dwelling Unit by address and location, and verifying the Household Income of the occupant of each Required Affordable Dwelling Unit. c. The land use obligations referenced in 1.b.i, 1.b.ii, and 1.b.iii shall be set forth within one or more written declarations of covenants recorded within the land records of the Charlottesville Circuit Court, in a form approved by the Office of the City Attorney, so that the Owner’s successors in right, title and interest to the Subject Property shall have notice of and be bound by the obligations. In the event of re-sale of any of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units that reduces the number of Required Affordable Dwelling Units below the thresholds set forth in this proffer, the declaration of covenants shall provide a mechanism to ensure that an equivalent Affordable Dwelling Unit is created within the City of Charlottesville, either on or off of the Subject Property, that satisfies the requirements contained herein for the remainder of the Affordability Period. WHEREFORE, the undersigned Owner stipulates and agree that the use and development of the Subject Property shall be in conformity with the conditions hereinabove stated, and requests that the Subject Property be rezoned as requested, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Charlottesville. Respectfully submitted this 11th day of November, 2021. Applicant: Address: 142 South Pantops Drive Belmont Station, LLC Charlottesville, VA 22911 By:______________________________ Its Member, Charles Armstrong PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 240 STRIBLING AVENUE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 500' RAIDUS FOR ADJACENT PROPERTIES PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SEC 34-517) THIS PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE SECTION 34-517 (a). THE BELOW TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTS THE PUD REQUIREMENTS AND REFERENCES WHERE IN THE PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN THE REQUIREMENTS ARE ILLUSTRATED OR DESCRIBED. 34-517 (1)a A SURVEY PLAT DESCRIBING AND DEPICTING THE ENTIRE LAND AREA TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE PUD DEVELOPMENT SITE, INCLUDING IDENTIFICATION OF PRESENT OWNERSHIP, EXISTING ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION(S) OF THE PARCEL(S) TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE PUD. PAGE 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS 34-517 (2)a A NARRATIVE STATEMENT OF HOW THE OBJECTIVES DESCRIBED WITHIN SECTION 34-490 ARE MET BY THE PROPOSED PUD. PAGE 3: NARRATIVE 34-517 (3)a A CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SUPPORTING MAPS, AND WRITTEN OR PHOTOGRAPHIC DATA AND ANALYSIS WHICH SHOW: A. LOCATION AND SIZE OF EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY AND STORM SEWER FACILITIES AND EASEMENTS; PAGE 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS B. LAYOUT FOR PROPOSED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES AND STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES; PAGES 6-7: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN C. LOCATION OF OTHER PROPOSED UTILITIES; PAGES 6-7: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGES 13-14: CONCEPTUAL DRY UTILITY PLAN D. LOCATION OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT; LOCATION AND SIZE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED STREETS; PAGES 6-7: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGES 8-9: PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONS E. LOCATION OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING CONNECTIONS TO NEARBY SCHOOLS; PAGES 6-7: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. PAGES 8-9: PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONS F. AN INVENTORY, BY TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER AND STREET ADDRESS, OF ALL ADJACENT PARCELS WITHIN A FIVE HUNDRED-FOOT RADIUS OF THE PERIMETER OF THE PUD, INDICATING THE EXISTING ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION OF EACH. PAGE 1: COVER SHEET G. A SITE INVENTORY OF THE SIGNIFICANT NATURAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL FEATURES OF A SITE, INCLUDING AT A MINIMUM: HISTORIC LANDMARKS CONTAINED ON ANY STATE OR FEDERAL REGISTER; VEGETATION; EXISTING TREES OF EIGHT-INCH CALIPER OR GREATER; WETLANDS, TOPOGRAPHY, SHOWN AT INTERVALS OF FIVE (5) FEET OR LESS, CRITICAL SLOPES, AND OTHER, SIMILAR CHARACTERISTICS OR FEATURES, AND A PLAN FOR PRESERVING, PROTECTING, UTILIZING AND/OR INCORPORATING SUCH FEATURES INTO THE DESIGN AND FUNCTION OF THE PROPOSED PUD. PAGE 10: ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES 34-517(4)a A PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN. SUCH PLAN WILL IDENTIFY: A. PROPOSED LAND USES AND THEIR GENERAL LOCATIONS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, BUILDING AND SETBACKS; PAGE 4: LAND USE PLAN B. PROPOSED DENSITIES OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; PAGES 15-16: MATRIX OF USE TYPES C. LOCATION AND ACREAGE OF REQUIRED OPEN SPACE; PAGE 4: LAND USE PLAN D. SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL USES; PAGE 4: LAND USE PLAN. NOTE, THERE ARE NO NON-RESIDENTIAL USES PROPOSED. E. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN AREA OF PUD. PAGE 4: LAND USE PLAN 34-517 (5)a A GENERAL LANDSCAPE PLAN WHICH FOCUSES ON THE GENERAL LOCATION AND TYPE OF LANDSCAPING TO BE USED WITHIN THE PROJECT AS WELL AS THE SPECIAL BUFFERING TREATMENT PROPOSED BETWEEN PROJECT LAND USES AND ADJACENT ZONING DISTRICTS; PAGES 11-12: LANDSCAPE PLAN 34-517(6)a A PHASING PLAN IF NEEDED. EACH PHASE SHALL INDIVIDUALLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION. PAGE 5: PHASING PLAN 34-517(7)a A STATEMENT FROM THE CITY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT VERIFYING WHETHER WATER AND SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY DOES OR DOES NOT EXIST FOR THE PROPOSED LAND USE(S). ESTIMATED WATER AND SEWER DEMANDS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED TO CITY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT AND ADEQUATE CAPACITY HAS BEEN VERIFIED. 34-517(8)a A STATEMENT FROM THE FIRE MARSHAL VERIFYING WHETHER ADEQUATE FIRE FLOW SERVICE DOES OR DOES NOT EXIST FOR THE PROPOSED LAND USE(S). THE FIRE FLOW TEST RESULTS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED AND APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHALL. COVER PAGE 1 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 ILLE, PHASE GAN COURT ILLE, LT E, TTESV ILLE, VILL MHS 2403 T SV COUR TOP = 501.42' T ESV TES ZONIN LOT 16 41 137 MO HARLOTTE HARLO VARIABLE MO INV. IN = 498.42' 8" TC ZONIN LOT 15 TMP 18A-26 EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPES PER ORD. (34-1120(b)(2)) 17 & T G: PUD OT 14 T 8 Y OF C 18A-140 HUNTLE TMP 18A-1 ZON 2, LOT COUR INV. OUT = 498.32'8" TC R 1 LT ARLOT G: PUD JAMES M. McMURTRY AND CYNTHIA T. RG RLOT F C 8A-142 PHAS RGAN COU RGAN LEY O P 18A-139 STRIBLINHGR/W (SEE NOTE #11) McMURTRY, TRUSTEES 139 MO LTD AN D D 2, Y OF C T 238 STRIBLING AVENUE MHS 3354 G : PU : PU 2, E AN PHASE F CHA CO H S WIDT INST. 20160000545 PHA MORG D 8'' W E 2, L T L E TM P 1 TMP R TOP = 502.24 135 M LTD T ZONING: PUD ING UR N INV. IN = 497.54' 8" TC E ZONIN YO TM EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPES PER ORD. (29-3) M T INV. OUT = 497.59' 8" TC O SE U N *REVERSE FLOW NOTED HUNTLE AVENUE O 141 M SHED O ) HU HUN HUNT ) N (F (F NTL EY TMP P E IP CONC. S20°06'14"E 390.42' S P IP E S20°17'15"E 275.57' 142 OF CH 18A-14 M A 4 PHA ORGARLOTT 390.42' 4'' W S N E ZON E 2, L COU SVILL ING OT 1 RT E, L : PU 9 TD D 5 51 S0° N62°19'5 S 2 6'09 TM 122.97' HU H P1 NTL UNTL 8A-46 "W EY EY, ZON COM LLC ±53 ING MON 1' T OH U : PU D AREA O 520 508 CENT 6"E 505 MHS 3217 500 5 49 49 0 .43' ER TOP = 401.52' MHS 3281 510 5 OF TOP = 400.49' 0 S 48 475 0" W INV. IN = 396.71' 10" TC 48 0 47 65 0 MO INV. IN =395.66' 515 *NOTE: MATERIAL CHANGE 4 46 OR 455 0 INV. OUT = 396.67' 10" TC ES 45 N8 206' 0'3 CR EEK 5 5° 5 51 8'' W 4'' W 450 C&G S N56° S 121.0 "E 0 23' 45 35'36 5 395 39 2' MHS 3216 0 40 5 0 5 TOP = 402.95' 40 CHMARK "2" S OHU 0 41 S47°58'11"W 41 5 42 0 42 INV. IN = 396.93' 10" STEEL 5 OD W/CAP 43 S3 0 43 SAN 5 44 EV = 510.61' 21' INV. OUT = 396.81' 10" STEEL 44 ) (F 2° 4' )2 SAN ) D (F (F 263.52' O 20 D D R O O R 7 R 505 '07 10.82' 500 N21°27'03"W WIRE FENCE 5 49 0 "W 49 485 MHS 2515 85.23' SHED 0 480 TMP 18A-24-2 TOP = 502.76' 51 JIAN GUO ZHENG INV. IN = 497.21' 8" TC C&G 252 STRIBLING AVENUE'INV. OUT= 497.18' 8" TC 5 135' INST. 2013006103 47 ZONING: R-2 E N LI F SANITARY SEWER 400 VARIA ) O 470 4'' W (F W D N O ' S EASEMENT D.B. 380 PG. 553 S73°57'27"W STRIB R .51 BLE 1 WIDTH UNSPECIFIED 465 MHS 2514 WIDT TOP = 503.08' LING /W (SEE NO INV. IN = 496.44' 8" TC HR TMP 18A-24 5 0 FRANCES W. LARNERINV. OUT= 496.44' 8" TC 50 46 AVEN 254 STRIBLING AVENUE 0 SAN 50 INST. 2014000085 455 495 ZONING: R-2 UE E #11) U MHS 2530 OH TOP = 497.88' 450 T S 05 ZONE AE INV. IN = 493.38' 8" TC ZONE X 4 INV. OUT = 493.30' 8" TC 178.67' 5 44 0 49 S50 0 TMP 18A-24-1 44 PIEDMONT REALTY HOLDINGS I,LLC S 5 43 °36 256 STRIBLING AVENUE 40 0 58' INST. 2013003962 ZONING: R-2 485 0 43 '00" S 395 MHS 2534 TOP =501.27' S MHS 2882 42 5 W INV. OUT = 493.49' 8" TC 480 TOP = 428.36' INV. IN = 421.31' 8" TC S0°35'43"E 420 N SA INV. OUT = 421.08' 8" TC 38' 395 S39°19'41"W±30' 415 16' SANITARY SEWER 475 21' U ) 410 EASEMENT 0 (F 40 OH 470 D.B. 341, PG. 296 O D S SAN S R MHS 2542 E (F ) 465 SAN TOP = 484.68' IP N0° 48'3 DB. 4 OB CIRC ER P E INV. IN = 478.75' 4" TC (NW) S SAN S TTESVILL ) SAN SSAN MHS 2995 ZONIN .352 (AC CHARLO MARLE INV. IN = 478.99' 4" TC (NW) 5"W CITY OF LE 564 N W J. FELL F ALBE TOP = 403.30' 7 695.05' CREEK O COUNTY MATT P 76B-2-1 INV. IN = 480.40' 8" TC (NE) INV. IN = 398.08' 10" STEEL S G: R-2 E TMP 76B-1 460 242 O R 420 TER MO MHS 2969 INV. IN = 478.73' 8" TC (E) 5 MAURY F. SHIELDS INV. OUT = 398.00' 10" STEEL .57' 42 0 G ' TO CEN 43 INV. OUT = 478.13' 8" TC 435 240 STRIBLING AVENUE 633, P SANITARY SEWER ± 725 TMP 76B-2-22 HE CIT 0 DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) MHS 2993 Y 44 TOP = 419.37' EASEMENT 5"W 520 NOB CIRCLE TM CO OF CH N27°32'3 455 445 ZONING: R-2 BAOMIN WANG and HUI ZHAO ) UNT 0 INV. IN = 412.92' 8" TC D.B. 298 PG. 416 TOP = 405.59' (F Y O ARLOT ) 45 DB. 4803, PG.528 (AC) D FA (F WIDTH UNSPECIFIED INV. IN = 398.85' 8" TC O LBETESVIL D INV. OUT = 412.75' 8" TC ZONING: R-2 R MA O ) INV. OUT = 398.77' 10" STEEL RLELE (F ZONIN G.113 (AC) ZONIN G.740 (AC) R S NOB OCK 3 S MHS 2629 ) D DB.11 Y F. SHIELD (F NOB OCK 5 DB.47 IN QUARLE NOB OCK 3 MHS 2859 O MAUR 76B-2-48 MART 76B-2-50 G: R-2 TOP = 461.29' TMP 76B-2-37 D R G: R-2 O ZONIN HILL G: R-2 G: R-2 G: R-2 INV. IN = 456.64' 4" TC (W) NOB NOB, LLC ) TOP = 445.42' R ZONIN HILL ZONIN HILL (F , BL INV. IN = 456.79' 4" TC (NW) DB.4662, PG.124 (AC) E BOTTOM STRUCTURE = 437.27 , BL , BL IP HU INV. IN = 439.32' 8" TC 47, P 69, P ZONING: R-2 P LOT 5 INV. IN = 456.44' 8" TC (NW) LOT 9 LOT 7 TMP TMP INV. OUT = 454.98' 8" TC INV. OUT = 438.74' 8" TC O TMP 76B-2-46 MAURY F. SHIELDS DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) ZONING: R-2 EXISTING CONDITIONS SCALE 1"=80' PAGE 2 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 NARRATIVE PER 34-517(2) PAGE 3 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 SHARED ACCESS AND SHARED ACCESS AND SHARED ACCESS AND SHARED ACCESS AND MAINT. EASEMENT MAINT. EASEMENT MAINT. EASEMENT MAINT. EASEMENT 94.08' 69.02' 65.52' 72.77' 69.14' 77.02' 79.02' LOT 40 LOT 45 LOT 29 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 22 2,463 SF 2,393 SF LOT 8 LOT 15 2,431 SF 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 1 2,658 SF 45.5' R/W ROAD 'D' 2,817 SF 2,587 SF ROAD 'F' 3,512 SF ROAD 'G' LOT 41 LOT 46 LOT 55 ROAD 'E' LOT 23 LOT 30 1,777 SF LOT 9 LOT 16 1,735 SF 2,435 SF 50.00' LOT 2 1,637 SF 1,561 SF 1,554 SF 1,477 SF 1,956 SF LOT 42 LOT 47 LOT 24 LOT 31 1,909 SF LOT 10 LOT 17 1,851 SF LOT 3 1,699 SF 1,603 SF LOT 56 2,492 SF 1,596 SF 1,498 SF 1,507 SF SHARED ACCESS AND MAINT. EASEMENT 6.00' (TYP.) ROAD 'A' 6.00' (TYP.) SHARED ACCESS AND 52' R/W ROAD 'A' MAINT. EASEMENT 52' R/W LOT 48 LOT 57 LOT 64 LOT 18 LOT 32 1,823 SF 2,649 SF 1,816 SF 1,237 SF LOT 25 1,350 SF LOT 4 LOT 11 1,326 SF LOT 58 LOT 65 1,916 SF 1,314 SF LOT 49 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 1,604 SF 1,823 SF 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 1,537 SF LOT 5 LOT 12 1,333 SF 1,410 SF 1,433 SF LOT 66 ROAD 'I' LOT 59 ROAD 'H' 1,511 SF 1,401 SF LOT 50 1,604 SF 1,616 SF LOT 27 LOT 34 1,537 SF LOT 6 LOT 20 LOT 13 1,674 SF 1,696 SF LOT 67 1,407 SF 1,597 SF LOT 60 42.5' R/W ROAD 'D' 1,683 SF LOT 51 1,742 SF LOT 35 OPEN SPACE A 1,677 SF 1,750 SF LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 2,354 SF 2,380 SF 0.35 AC 2,254 SF OPEN 1,641 SF 2,351 SF 69.00' 65.50' SHARED ACCESS AND SPACE B ROAD 'B' 55.68' 46' R/W 0.12 AC MAINT. EASEMENT 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 36 SHARED ACCESS AND 24.00' 1,608 SF LOT 59 LOT 71 LOT 52 LOT 61 ROAD 'J' MAINT. EASEMENT 1,630 SF 1,864 SF 1,760 SF LOT 37 1,677 SF SHARED ACCESS AND 22.00' 1,474 SF LOT 62 LOT 69 LOT 72 MAINT. EASEMENT LOT 53 1,705 SF 1,614 SF 1,853 SF 1,746 SF 1,494 SF LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 38 1,537 SF 23.90' 1,474 SF LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 1,865 SF 1,751 SF SPACE C 1,677 SF 1,630 SF LOT 39 4.28 AC 1,879 SF SHARED ACCESS AND NOTES: MAINT. EASEMENT SHARED ACCESS AND ROAD 'C' MAINT. EASEMENT 52' R/W 1. MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT: 0' SIDE: 0' PARCEL 'A' PARCEL 'B' CONDOMINIUM PARCEL 'C' CONDOMINIUM REAR: 0' CONDOMINIUM 19,038 SF 12,978 SF 11,375 SF ADJACENT TO OUTSIDE PROPERTIES: 5' 2. MAXIMUM FRONT SETBACK: 10' (STRIBLING AVE. FRONTAGE EXCLUDED) CENTERLINE OF SHARED USE PATH 3. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 55' AND 15' ACCESS EASEMENT LAND USE SUMMARY: TOTAL SITE AREA: 11.373 Ac. (100%) R/W DEDICATION TO STRIBLING AVE. ± 0.060 Ac. (0.5%) TOWNHOUSE LOT AREA: ± 3.117 Ac. (27.4%) CONDO/APARTMENT LOT AREA: ± 0.996 Ac. (8.8%) PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: ± 1.970 Ac. (17.3%) PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: ± 0.470 Ac. (4.1%) OPEN SPACE AREA: ± 4.760 Ac. (41.9%) LAND USE PLAN SCALE 1"=80' PAGE 4 OF 17 83 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 PHASING NOTES: MO RG 1. THE FIRST PHASE COMPLETED SHALL INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTIO AN OF ROAD A, THE CONNECTOR ROAD TO MORGAN CT., AND PROPOSED CT IMPROVEMENTS TO STRIBLING AVENUE. . 8'' W 2. ACCESS ROADS AND UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE SHALL BE PHASE 1A PHASE 1B PHASE 1C CONSTRUCTED WITH EACH SUBSEQUENT PHASE AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A COHESIVE BLOCK FOR SAFE AND CONVENIENT ACCESS, 65.52' 77.02' 79.02' AND TO MEET ALL CITY ORDINANCES. 4'' W 94.08' 69.02' 72.77' 69.14' 3. THE ORDER OF COMPLETION OF PHASES SHALL BE FURTHER REFINED WITH A FINAL SITE PLAN AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CITY ROAD G ROAD E ROAD F PHASE C PHASE D PHASE J REVIEW AND APPROVAL. PHASE B 50.00' PHASE A 4. UTILITY PHASING WILL BE PROVIDED AND COORDINATED WITH CITY UTILITY DEPARTMENT WITH THE FINAL SITE PLAN. ALL NEW CITY 6.00' UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE SHOULD BE INSTALLED, TESTED AND 6.00' (TYP.) ROAD A PHASE 1 (TYP.) ACCEPTED PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 5. A MINIMUM OF 1.00 ACRE OF OPEN SPACE SHALL BE DEDICATED IN PHASE 1. AT LEAST 25% TOTAL OPEN SPACE ARE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH EACH PHASE THEREAFTER. 8'' W 4'' W PHASE F PHASE G PHASE E ROAD I ROAD B ROAD H ROAD D 55.68' 69.00' 65.50' PHASE H PHASE I 24.00' ROAD J PHASE 1D PHASE 1E 22.00' PHASE K PHASE L 4'' W 23.90' PHASE 2 ROAD C PHASE N PHASE O PHASE M PHASING PLAN SCALE 1"=80' PAGE 5 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) H R/W (SE COORDINATE TIE-IN TO SHED EXISTING WATERLINE WITH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL ONC. S APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' CITYCUTILITIES DEPT. APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE E APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' IN MORGAN COURT 8'' W OHU LOT 45 4'' W LOT 29 LOT 40 LOT 22 S LOT 8 LOT 15 LOT 1 W 15 24' S LOT 46 24' 5 S LOT 30 LOT 41 LOT 23 LOT 16 S LOT 9 LOT 55 LOT 2 LOT 47 OPEN 24' LOT 31 LOT 42 24' LOT 24 SPACE C LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 56 LOT 3 520 BIO W 505 500 5 49 W 49 0 W W 510 5 22' 0 OHU W 48 W 475 48 8'' W 0 30' W W 47 65 0 515 4 46 4'' W 22' S SAN 455 30' W 0 S SAN 45 W S 5 51 SAN LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 LOT 11 450 C&G LOT 4 LOT 58 LOT 49 24' 24' LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 W SAN OHU LOT 50 LOT 59 LOT 34 LOT 27 8'' W LOT 13 LOT 20 S LOT 6 4'' W LOT 60 W S LOT 51 LOT 35 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 BIORETENTION #2 OPEN SPACE A 2,056 CF 20' X OPEN 505 500 SPACE B SAN WIRE FENCE 5 RETAINING WALL 49 0 49 485 APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' SHED LOT 36 0 480 51 W OHU LOT 52 LOT 61 C&G 5 LOT 37 24' 47 UTILITY NOTES: SAN 1. 20' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITIES. WHERE UTILITIES LIE LOT 53 LOT 62 4'' W VARIA W WITHIN 10' OF PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY, ADJACENT EASEMENT MUST BE PROVIDED TO PROVIDE 10' WORK SPACE ON 470 EITHER SIDE OF UTILITY. LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 STRIW 2. THE LOCATION OF PROPOSED STREET TREES SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH CITY UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO ENSURE LOT 63 BLE LOT 54 465 ADEQUATE SPACING FROM PROPOSED UTILITIES IS MAINTAINED. BLINGR/W (SEE N 3. PER CITY CODE, PROPOSED BUILDINGS SHALL PROVIDE FOR AT LEAST 10-FEET SEPARATION FROM PROPOSED AND LOT 39 IDTH EXISTING UTILITIES. 5 4. GAS SERVICE IS NOT ANTICIPATED AT THIS TIME. 0 50 46 W AVEN OTE #11 W 22'W 0 50 30' 495 SAN UE S KEY MAP LEGEND SAN S TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE IN MORGAN COURT PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE S 4'' W 20' ) PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE 0 49 SAN PARCEL 'B' PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE S CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH WITHIN 15' PUBLIC RETAINING WALL PROPOSED WATER LINE 485 W SA N ACCESS EASEMENT. APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SCALE 1"=50' PAGE 6 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 SPACE C LOT 56 KEY MAP BIORETENTION #1 500 3,213 CF 5 49 W 49 0 W W 5 22' 0 S 48 475 48 0 30' 47 65 0 4 46 W S SAN 455 W 0 45 W S LOT 64 SAN LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 32 450 LOT 65 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 33 S W W SAN 0 SAN LOT 66 45 LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION LOT 34 EASEMENT 5 395 39 0 40 5 SAN 0 LOT 67 5 LOT 60 40 0 41 41 5 BIORETENTION #3 S W 42 0 42 LOT 51 5 43 0 43 LOT 35 5,663 CF 5 44 44 OPEN SPACE A BIORETENTION #2 2,056 CF 20' S OPEN 500 SPACE B D SAN 5 D 49 0 49 485 24' LOT 36 480 LOT 68 LOT 71 W W LOT 61 S LOT 52 5 LOT 37 24' 47 PROPOSED STORMWATER PROPOSED LOT 72 STORAGE FACILITY STORMWATER SAN SAN LOT 69 SAN LOT 53 LOT 62 250 LF - 72" CMP OUTFALL 400 W 470 LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 SPACE C 465 LOT 39 0 W 46 W W 22'W 28' 0 50 S 455 30' S SAN 495 S SAN SAN S 450 SAN 5 ZONE AE 40 RETAINING WALL ZONE X 20' 20' MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' 5 44 0 SHARED USE PATH 49 PARCEL 'B' 0 PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM 44 CONDOMINIUM ACCESS EASEMENT. CITY STD. TR-1 10' 35 CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL 4 WITHIN 15' PUBLIC APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' ACCESS EASEMENT. 485 APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' 0 43 S 5 42 480 LEGEND 420 N SA CITY STD. TR-1 10' 415 475 TREE PRESERVATION SHARED USE PATH PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE S N EASEMENT SA WITHIN 15' PUBLIC 410 U OH 470 ACCESS EASEMENT. PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE S SAN SA N 465 SS AN SAN PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE SAN SAN SAN S SAN SAN S S PROPOSED WATER LINE W CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 460 SCALE 1"=50' PAGE 7 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 ROADS E, F, G, H, I, J PRIVATE STREET NOTE: STREETS E-J MEET ACCESS DESIGN 44.5' STANDARDS FOR TOWNHOMES PER CITY (BUILDING TO BUILDING) ZONING ORDINANCE SEC. 34-390. 37.5' RIGHT OF WAY 0.5' C/L 5' 4' PLANTING 2' SIDWALK STRIP CG-2 12' 12' 3' 5' 0.5' 0.5' 2% ROLL-TOP CURB ROADS A, AND C LOCAL STREET - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 52' RIGHT OF WAY C/L 5' 5' 2.5' 10' 10' 8' PARKING 5.5' 5' 0.5' 0.5' 2% 2% CONC. SIDEWALK 2.5' CONC. SIDEWALK PLANTING STRIP CG-6 CURB PLANTING STRIP ROAD B LOCAL STREET - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 46' RIGHT OF WAY C/L 5' 5' 2.5' 10' 10' 2.5' 5' 5' 0.5' 0.5' 2% 2% CONC. SIDEWALK CONC. SIDEWALK PLANTING STRIP CG-6 CURB PLANTING STRIP PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONS PAGE 8 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 ROAD D (NORTH OF ROAD A) LOCAL STREET - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 45.5' RIGHT OF WAY C/L 5' 5' 2.5' 10' 10' 2.5' 4.5' 5' 0.5' 0.5' 2% 2% CONC. SIDEWALK CONC. SIDEWALK PLANTING STRIP CG-6 CURB PLANTING STRIP ROAD D (SOUTH OF ROAD A) LOCAL STREET - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 42.5' RIGHT OF WAY 0.5' C/L 5' 4' PLANTING SIDWALK STRIP CG-2 10' 10' 3' 4' 5' 0.5' 2% 0.5' 2% CONC. SIDEWALK PLANTING STRIP ROLL-TOP CURB PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONS PAGE 9 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 NOTE: NO CULTURAL FEATURES OR LANDMARKS WERE FOUND ON SITE. ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES PAGE 10 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) H R/W (SE SCREENING SHED TREES (TYP.) RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL CONC. S APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE E APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' IN MORGAN COURT 8'' W OHU LOT 45 4'' W LOT 29 LOT 40 LOT 22 S LOT 8 LOT 15 LOT 1 W 15 S LOT 46 5 S LOT 30 LOT 41 LOT 23 LOT 16 S LOT 9 LOT 55 LOT 2 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 LOT 24 SPACE C LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 56 LOT 3 520 STREET W TREES (TYP.) 505 500 5 49 W 49 0 W W 510 5 0 OHU W 48 W 475 48 8'' W W STREET 0 5 W 47 46 0 515 46 4'' W TREES (TYP.) S SAN 455 W 0 S SAN 45 W S 5 51 SAN LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 LOT 11 450 C&G LOT 4 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 W SAN OHU STREET LOT 50 LOT 59 LOT 34 TREES (TYP.) LOT 27 8'' W LOT 13 LOT 20 S LOT 6 4'' W LOT 60 W S OPEN SPACE A LOT 51 LOT 35 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 X SHADE TREES OPEN 505 500 (TYP.) SPACE B SAN WIRE FENCE 5 RETAINING WALL 49 0 49 485 APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' SHED LOT 36 0 480 51 W OHU LOT 52 LOT 61 C&G 5 LOT 37 47 NOTES: SAN LOT 53 LOT 62 4'' W VARIA W SCREENING 470 1. THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) SHALL BE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMITY TO THIS PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SUBJECT TO CHANGES AND REVISIONS COINCIDENT WITH THE LAND USE PLANNING, CIVIL ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, TREES (TYP.) LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 STRIW AND, REGULATORY APPROVAL PROCESS, WHICH WILL RESULT IN SOME PLAN MODIFICATION. LOT 63 BLE 2. SIDEWALKS 5' MINIMUM WIDTH AS SHOWN. LOT 54 465 3. PLANTING STRIPS BETWEEN ROAD AND SIDEWALK 4' MINIMUM EXCEPT ADJACENT TO PARALLEL PARKING. ALL TREES TO BE BLINGR/W (SEE N LOT 39 IDTH SELECTED FROM THE CHARLOTTESVILLE MASTER TREE LIST. 4. ARTERIAL TRAIL PRECISE LOCATION TO BE FIELD LOCATED IN COORDINATION WITH PARKS AND RECREATION. 5 0 50 46 STREET TREES (TYP.) W AVEN OTE #11 W W 0 50 PLANTING SCHEDULE 495 SAN UE S SAN 10" OAK KEY MAP QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT CANOPY AREA TOTAL S 54 QUERCUS PHELLOS WILLOW OAK 2" CAL. B&B 370 19,980 4'' W ) 51 LIRIODNEDRON TULIPIFERA TULIP POPLAR 2'' CAL. B&B 387 19,737 0 49 PARCEL 'B' 72 MTRICA CERIFERA & CVS SOUTHERN WAXMYRTLE 2'' CAL. B&B 44 3,168 PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM S CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM 9 OSTRYA VIRGINIANA AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM 2'' CAL. B&B 99 891 SHARED USE PATH WITHIN 15' PUBLIC RETAINING WALL CANOPY GRAND TOTAL SA N 43,644 ACCESS EASEMENT. 485 APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE 1"=50' PAGE 11 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 SPACE C LOT 56 KEY MAP TREE PRESERVATION 10" OAK AREA 500 5 49 W 49 0 W W 5 0 S 48 475 48 0 D D 47 65 0 4 46 W S SAN 455 W 0 45 W S LOT 64 SAN LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 32 450 LOT 65 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 33 S W W SAN 0 SAN LOT 66 45 STREET LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION LOT 34 TREES (TYP.) EASEMENT 5 395 39 0 40 5 SAN 0 LOT 67 5 LOT 60 40 0 41 41 5 S W 42 0 42 LOT 51 5 43 OPEN SPACE A 0 43 LOT 35 5 44 44 WILDFLOWER AND S SHADE TREES OPEN MEADOW GRASS MIX 500 (TYP.) SPACE B D SAN 5 D 49 0 49 485 LOT 36 480 LOT 68 LOT 71 W W LOT 61 S LOT 52 5 LOT 37 47 LOT 72 SAN SAN LOT 69 SAN LOT 53 LOT 62 400 W ENING 470 S (TYP.) LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 SPACE C 465 LOT 39 0 W 46 STREET TREES (TYP.) W W W 0 50 S 455 S SAN 495 S SAN SAN S 450 SAN 5 ZONE AE 40 RETAINING WALL ZONE X MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' 5 44 0 SHARED USE PATH 49 PARCEL 'B' 0 PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM 44 CONDOMINIUM TREE ACCESS EASEMENT. CITY STD. TR-1 10' 35 PRESERVATION CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL 4 WITHIN 15' PUBLIC APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' AREA ACCESS EASEMENT. 485 APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' 0 43 S PLANTING SCHEDULE 5 42 QTY BOTANICAL NAME 480 COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT CANOPY AREA TOTAL NOTES: 420 N SA 19,980 THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) SHALL BE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMITYCITY STD. PUDTR-1 10' 54 QUERCUS PHELLOS WILLOW OAK 2" CAL. B&B 370 1. TO THIS DEVELOPMENT PLAN, 415 475 TREE PRESERVATION SUBJECT TO CHANGES SHARED AND REVISIONS COINCIDENT WITH THE LAND USE PLANNING, USE PATHARCHITECTURE, CIVIL ENGINEERING, N EASEMENT SA AND, REGULATORY APPROVAL PROCESS, WHICH WILL RESULT IN SOME PLAN MODIFICATION. WITHIN 15' PUBLIC 410 51 LIRIODNEDRON TULIPIFERA TULIP POPLAR 2'' CAL. B&B 387 19,737 U OH 470 2. SIDEWALKS 5' MINIMUM WIDTH AS SHOWN. ACCESS EASEMENT. S 72 MTRICA CERIFERA & CVS SOUTHERN WAXMYRTLE 2'' CAL. B&B 44 3,168 3. PLANTING STRIPS BETWEEN ROAD AND SIDEWALK 4' MINIMUM EXCEPT ADJACENT TO PARALLEL PARKING. ALL TREES TO BE SA N 465 SELECTED FROM THE CHARLOTTESVILLE MASTER TREE SN SALIST. SAN 9 OSTRYA VIRGINIANA AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM 2'' CAL. B&B 99 891 4. ARTERIAL TRAIL PRECISE SAN LOCATION TO BE FIELD LOCATED IN COORDINATION WITH PARKS AND RECREATION. SAN SAN S SAN SAN S S CANOPY GRAND TOTAL 43,644 LANDSCAPE PLAN 460 SCALE 1"=50' PAGE 12 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) H R/W (SE SHED CONC. S TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE E IN MORGAN COURT 8'' W OHU 4'' W S W S S S W W W W OHU W W 8'' W W W 4'' W S S SAN W SAN W S SAN C&G CONCEPTUAL TIE IN LOCATION FOR ELECTRIC AND TELECOM SERVICE. TIE-IN LOCATION AND METHOD TO BE COORDINATED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND APPLICABLE W SAN OHU ELECTRIC AND DRY TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS. 8'' W S 4'' W W S X SAN WIRE FENCE SHED W OHU C&G SAN 4'' W VARIA W STRIBIDTH R/W ( BLE W DRY UTILITY NOTES: 1. DRY UTILITIES SHOWN ARE CONCEPTUAL. FINAL DRY UTILITY LAYOUT AND DESIGN SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND LING APPLICABLE ELECTRIC AND TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS. 2. DRY UTILITIES WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PLACED IN A DUCT W AVENE NOTE #11 BANK PER CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE STANDARDS AND DESIGN MANUAL. W W SE SAN UE S KEY MAP SAN S TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE IN MORGAN COURT LEGEND 4'' W ) PROPOSED ELECTRIC AND TELECOM SERVICE PROPOSED ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER S N SA CONCEPTUAL DRY UTILITY PLAN SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 13 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 KEY MAP W W W S SAN S W W W S SAN S W W SAN SAN SAN S W S D SAN D W W S SAN SAN SAN W W W W W S S SAN S SAN SAN S SAN ZONE AE ZONE X S N SA DRY UTILITY NOTES: LEGEND 1. DRY UTILITIES SHOWN ARE CONCEPTUAL. FINAL DRY UTILITY N PROPOSED ELECTRIC AND SA LAYOUT AND DESIGN SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY OF U TELECOM SERVICE OH CHARLOTTESVILLE AND APPLICABLE ELECTRIC AND TELECOM S N SERVICE APROVIDERS. SSN PROPOSED ELECTRICSTRANSFORMER AN SA 2. DRY UTILITIES WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PLACED IN SAN A DUCT BANK PER CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE SAN STANDARDS AND SAN S SAN SAN S DESIGN MANUAL. S CONCEPTUAL DRY UTILITY PLAN SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 14 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 MATRIX OF USE TYPES PAGE 15 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 A = ANCILLARY USE MFD = MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENT B = BY RIGHT USE P = PROVISIONAL USE PERMIT CR = COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL T = TEMPORARY USE PERMIT A/S = ANCILLARY OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT DUA = DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE GFA = GROSS FLOOR AREA MATRIX OF USE TYPES PAGE 16 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 PROFFER CONDITIONS PAGE 17 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY STAFF IN ADDITION TO PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONTENTS SITE DATA: 240 STRIBLING AVENUE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA TAX MAP PARCEL: 18A025000 TOTAL PARCEL AREA: 11.373 ACRES ZONING: R1 AND R2 Sheet List Table OWNER: Sheet Number Sheet Title CARRSGROVE PROPERTIES, LLC 1 COVER 2 CRITICAL SLOPE EXHIBIT - ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINACE DEVELOPER: SOUTHERN DEVELOPMENT 3 FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 1A 4 FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 1B DESIGN: TIMMONS GROUP 5 FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 2A 6 FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 2B SOURCE OF BOUNDARY SURVEY: 7 FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 3A PLAT OF RECORD 8 FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 3B SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: 9 FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 4A EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY TIMMONS GROUP MAY, 2017 10 FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 4B THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE AE AND X AS SHOWN ON FEDERAL EMERGENCY 11 OPEN SPACE PLAN MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD INSURANCE MAP NUMBER 51003C0269D, DATED 2-4-2005 PROJECT 12 PARKING PLAN MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: LOCATION 13 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS PLAN 55', EXCEPT THAT FOR ANY PORTION OF A BUILDING LOCATED WITHIN 75' OF LOW DENSITY 14 PRELIMINARY BMP / STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT, WHERE THE HEIGHT REGULATIONS OF THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SHALL APPLY. 15 PRELIMINARY BMP / STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 16 CONCEPTUAL EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN CURRENT USE: VACANT LOT 17 PRELIMINARY PLAT 18 TREE SURVEY PROPOSED USE: VICINITY MAP PUD 19 TREE SURVEY 20 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS OPEN SPACE OWNERSHIP: ALL OPEN SPACE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY A HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION SCALE: 1" = 500' LIGHTING: LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL NOT EXCEED 3000 LUMENS. LAND USE SUMMARY: TOTAL SITE AREA: 11.373 Ac. (100%) R/W DEDICATION TO STRIBLING AVE.: +/- 0.060 Ac. (0.5%) TOWNHOUSE LOT AREA: ± 3.117 Ac. (27.4%) CONDO/APARTMENT LOT AREA: ±0.996Ac. (8.8%) PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: ±1.970 Ac. (17.3%) PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: ±0.470 Ac. (4.1%) OPEN SPACE AREA: ±4.760 Ac. (41.9%) TRAFFIC STUDY: ITE USE CODE 220; LOW RISE MULTIFAMILY 170 UNITS AM PEAK HOUR - 79 (18 ENTER, 61 EXIT) PM PEAK HOUR - 94 (59 ENTER, 35 EXIT) AVERAGE DAILY TRIPS - 1,244 ADT COVER SHEET 1 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 VARIABLE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE MO RG DISTURBED CRITICAL SLOPES STRIBLINHGR/W (SEE NOTE #11) AN CO WIDT 8'' W UR T AVENUE SHED CONC. S EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPES PER ORD. (34-1120(b 4'' W S 5 51 S EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPES PER ORD. (29-3) S S OHU 520 505 5 500 0 49 W W 4W9 5 0 510 W 475 0 5 S 48 0 48 W 47 515 46 46 455 W W S 45 S S 0 S 51 5 450 8'' W 4'' W C&G S 45 SAN 40 0 39 395 EXISTING 43 0 S 40 41 41 W 5 S OHU 0 42 42 CRITICAL SLOPES S 43 5 0 44 SAN 5 44 0 5 AS DEFINED BY 485 W 5 0 SAN 5 SAN W ORD. (29-3). 505 S EXISTING CRITICAL 500 D 49 WIRE FENCE SLOPES AS DEFINED 49 D 480 51 5 SHED BY ORD. (34-1120(b)(2)). 0 5 S 0 47 C&G 400 470 SANITARY SEWER VARIA 4'' W EASEMENT D.B. 380 PG. 553 STRIBIDTH R/W (S BLE W 465 WIDTH UNSPECIF LING 5 0 W 50 46 W AVENE NOTE #11 0 455 SAN 50 S E SAN S UE SAN S U 450 OH S 40 ZONE AE 5 ZONE X 49 5 5 ) 44 (29-3) EXISTING CRITICAL 0 S SLOPES AS DEFINED BY 44 5 40 490 CRITICAL SLOPE REFERS TO THE PORTION OF A LOT THAT HAS A GRADE IN EXCESS OF 43 TWENTY-FIVE (25) PERCENT. INCLUDES SLOPES AS DEFINED BY CHAPTER 34, ZONING ORD. (34-1120(b)(2)). 0 30 ORDINANCE. 4 395 485 S 2.26 AC OF EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPE ON SITE S 5 42 1.25 AC OF CRITICAL SLOPE DISTURBANCE 0.60 AC DISTURBANCE FOR PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE 480 420 (34-1120(b)(2)) N 395 415 SA DEFINITION OF CRITICAL SLOPE. A CRITICAL SLOPE IS ANY SLOPE WHOSE GRADE IS 25% 475 410 U 470 OR GREATER AND: 40 OH S 465 0 SAN S SAN A. A PORTION OF THE SLOPE HAS A HORIZONTAL RUN OF GREATER THAN TWENTY (20) FEET AND ITS' TOTAL AREA IS SIX THOUSAND (6,000) SQUARE FEET OR GREATER; AND B. A PORTION OF THE SLOPE IS WITHIN TWO HUNDRED (200) FEET OF ANY WATERWAY S SAN S SAN SSAN 460 AS IDENTIFIED ON THE MOST CURRENT CITY TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS MAINTAINED BY 420 THE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. 43 435 0 42 1.63 AC OF EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPE ON SITE 44 SANITARY SEWER 0 5 0.17 AC OF EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPE OFF SITE 455 45 445 EASEMENT 0.75 AC OF CRITICAL SLOPE DISTURBANCE 0.30 AC DISTURBANCE FOR PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE 0 D.B. 298 PG. 416 WIDTH UNSPECIFIED NOTE: THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE STAKED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE APPLIED 1' OFF OF LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE WITH WIRE U SUPPORTED SILT FENCE 3' OFF OF THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. SEE SHEET 27 FOR OH DETAILS. ENERGY DISSIPATER OUTLET SHALL NOT RELEASE FLOW ABOVE CRITICAL SLOPES. CRITICAL SLOPES EXHIBIT - ZONING & SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SCALE 1"=80' SHEET 2 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) H R/W (SE APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL CONC. APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' E 8'' W OHU LOT 45 4'' W LOT 29 LOT 40 LOT 22 LOT 8 LOT 15 LOT 1 LOT 46 LOT 30 LOT 41 LOT 23 LOT 9 LOT 16 LOT 55 LOT 2 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 LOT 24 SPACE C LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 56 LOT 3 OHU 8'' W 4'' W LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 LOT 11 C&G LOT 4 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 OHU LOT 50 LOT 59 LOT 34 LOT 27 8'' W LOT 13 LOT 20 LOT 6 4'' W LOT 60 LOT 51 LOT 35 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 OPEN SPACE A X OPEN SPACE B RETAINING WALL APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' LOT 36 OHU LOT 52 LOT 61 C&G LOT 37 LOT 53 LOT 62 4'' W VARIA LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 STRIW LOT 63 BLE LOT 54 BLINGR/W (SEE N LOT 39 IDTH AVEN OTE #11 UE KEY MAP 4'' W ) PARCEL 'B' PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH WITHIN 15' PUBLIC RETAINING WALL ACCESS EASEMENT. APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 1A SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 3 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 SPACE C LOT 56 KEY MAP LOT 57 LOT 64 LOT 48 LOT 32 LOT 65 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 33 LOT 66 LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION LOT 34 EASEMENT LOT 60 LOT 67 LOT 51 LOT 35 OPEN SPACE A OPEN SPACE B LOT 36 LOT 61 LOT 68 LOT 71 LOT 52 LOT 37 LOT 69 LOT 72 LOT 53 LOT 62 LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 SPACE C LOT 39 ZONE AE RETAINING WALL ZONE X MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' SHARED USE PATH PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'B' CONDOMINIUM ACCESS EASEMENT. PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL WITHIN 15' PUBLIC APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' ACCESS EASEMENT. CITY STD. TR-1 10' TREE PRESERVATION SHARED USE PATH EASEMENT WITHIN 15' PUBLIC U OH ACCESS EASEMENT. FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 1B TMP 76B-1 SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 4 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) H R/W (SE APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL CONC. APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' E 8'' W LOT 45 4'' W LOT 29 LOT 40 LOT 22 LOT 8 LOT 15 LOT 1 LOT 46 LOT 30 LOT 41 LOT 23 LOT 9 LOT 16 LOT 55 LOT 2 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 LOT 24 SPACE C LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 56 LOT 3 8'' W 4'' W LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 LOT 11 C&G LOT 4 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 LOT 50 LOT 59 LOT 34 LOT 27 8'' W LOT 13 LOT 20 LOT 6 4'' W LOT 60 LOT 51 LOT 35 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 OPEN SPACE A OPEN SPACE B RETAINING WALL APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' LOT 36 LOT 52 LOT 61 C&G LOT 37 LOT 53 LOT 62 4'' W VARIA LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 STRIW LOT 63 BLE LOT 54 BLINGR/W (SEE N LOT 39 IDTH AVEN OTE #11 UE KEY MAP 4'' W ) PARCEL 'B' PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH WITHIN 15' PUBLIC RETAINING WALL ACCESS EASEMENT. APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 2A SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 5 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 SPACE C LOT 56 KEY MAP LOT 57 LOT 64 LOT 48 LOT 32 LOT 65 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 33 LOT 66 LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION LOT 34 EASEMENT LOT 60 LOT 67 LOT 51 LOT 35 OPEN SPACE A OPEN SPACE B LOT 36 LOT 61 LOT 68 LOT 71 LOT 52 LOT 37 LOT 69 LOT 72 LOT 53 LOT 62 LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 SPACE C LOT 39 ZONE AE RETAINING WALL ZONE X MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' SHARED USE PATH PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'B' CONDOMINIUM ACCESS EASEMENT. PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL WITHIN 15' PUBLIC APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' ACCESS EASEMENT. CITY STD. TR-1 10' TREE PRESERVATION SHARED USE PATH EASEMENT WITHIN 15' PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT. FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 2B SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 6 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) H R/W (SE APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL CONC. APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' E 8'' W OHU LOT 45 4'' W LOT 29 LOT 40 LOT 22 LOT 8 LOT 15 LOT 1 LOT 46 LOT 30 LOT 41 LOT 23 LOT 9 LOT 16 LOT 55 LOT 2 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 LOT 24 SPACE C LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 56 LOT 3 OHU 8'' W 4'' W LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 LOT 11 C&G LOT 4 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 OHU LOT 50 LOT 59 LOT 34 LOT 27 8'' W LOT 13 LOT 20 LOT 6 4'' W LOT 60 LOT 51 LOT 35 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 OPEN SPACE A X OPEN SPACE B RETAINING WALL APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' LOT 36 OHU LOT 52 LOT 61 C&G LOT 37 LOT 53 LOT 62 4'' W VARIA LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 STRIW LOT 63 BLE LOT 54 BLINGR/W (SEE N LOT 39 IDTH AVEN OTE #11 UE KEY MAP 4'' W ) PARCEL 'B' PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH WITHIN 15' PUBLIC RETAINING WALL ACCESS EASEMENT. APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 3A SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 7 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 SPACE C LOT 56 KEY MAP LOT 57 LOT 64 LOT 48 LOT 32 LOT 65 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 33 LOT 66 LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION LOT 34 EASEMENT LOT 60 LOT 67 LOT 51 LOT 35 OPEN SPACE A OPEN SPACE B LOT 36 LOT 61 LOT 68 LOT 71 LOT 52 LOT 37 LOT 69 LOT 72 LOT 53 LOT 62 LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 SPACE C LOT 39 ZONE AE RETAINING WALL ZONE X MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' SHARED USE PATH PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'B' CONDOMINIUM ACCESS EASEMENT. PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL WITHIN 15' PUBLIC APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' ACCESS EASEMENT. CITY STD. TR-1 10' TREE PRESERVATION SHARED USE PATH EASEMENT WITHIN 15' PUBLIC U OH ACCESS EASEMENT. FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 3B SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 8 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) H R/W (SE APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL CONC. APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' E 8'' W OHU LOT 45 4'' W LOT 29 LOT 40 LOT 22 LOT 8 LOT 15 LOT 1 LOT 46 LOT 30 LOT 41 LOT 23 LOT 9 LOT 16 LOT 55 LOT 2 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 LOT 24 SPACE C LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 56 LOT 3 OHU 8'' W 4'' W LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 LOT 11 C&G LOT 4 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 OHU LOT 50 LOT 59 LOT 34 LOT 27 8'' W LOT 13 LOT 20 LOT 6 4'' W LOT 60 LOT 51 LOT 35 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 OPEN SPACE A X OPEN SPACE B RETAINING WALL APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' LOT 36 OHU LOT 52 LOT 61 C&G LOT 37 LOT 53 LOT 62 4'' W VARIA LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 STRIW LOT 63 BLE LOT 54 BLINGR/W (SEE N LOT 39 IDTH AVEN OTE #11 UE KEY MAP 4'' W ) PARCEL 'B' PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH WITHIN 15' PUBLIC RETAINING WALL ACCESS EASEMENT. APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 4A SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 9 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 SPACE C LOT 56 KEY MAP LOT 57 LOT 64 LOT 48 LOT 32 LOT 65 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 33 LOT 66 LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION LOT 34 EASEMENT LOT 60 LOT 67 LOT 51 LOT 35 OPEN SPACE A OPEN SPACE B LOT 36 LOT 61 LOT 68 LOT 71 LOT 52 LOT 37 LOT 69 LOT 72 LOT 53 LOT 62 LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 SPACE C LOT 39 ZONE AE RETAINING WALL ZONE X MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' SHARED USE PATH PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'B' CONDOMINIUM ACCESS EASEMENT. PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL WITHIN 15' PUBLIC APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' ACCESS EASEMENT. CITY STD. TR-1 10' TREE PRESERVATION SHARED USE PATH EASEMENT WITHIN 15' PUBLIC U OH ACCESS EASEMENT. FIRETRUCK AUTOTURN 4B TMP 76B-1 SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 10 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 PHASE GAN COURT ILLE, LTD ILLE, NOTE: E, TTESV ILLE, VILL T A MINIMUM OF 1.00 ACRE OF OPEN SPACE SHALL BE DEDICATED IN PHASE 1. AT LEAST SV COUR TES V TES ZONIN LOT 16 137 MO HARLOTTE 41 HARLO VARIABLE MO ZONIN LOT 15 TMP 18A-26 25% TOTAL OPEN SPACE ARE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH EACH PHASE THEREAFTER. 17 & T G: PUD O T 14 T 8 Y OF C 18A-140 HUNTLE TMP 18A-1 ZON 2, LOT COUR R LT ARLOT 1 G: PUD JAMES M. McMURTRY AND CYNTHIA T. RG RLOT F C 8A-142 PHAS RGAN COU RGAN LEY O P 18A-139 STRIBLING McMURTRY, TRUSTEES 139 MO LTD A D D 2, Y OF C N 238 STRIBLING AVENUE G: PU : PU 2, AN F CHA PHASE CO H WIDTH R/W INST. 20160000545 P HA M O RG D 8'' W E 2, L TLE TMP 1 TMP R 135 M LTD ZONING: PUD ING UR ZONIN YO TM T O SE HUNTLE AVENUE TE #11) 1 41 SHED (SE HU HUN HUNT RETAINING WALL NTL RETAINING WALL EY TMP E NO 18" RETAINING10" WALL LOC CONC . OAK = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT S APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' 142 OF CH 18A-14 M A 4 PHA ORGARLOTT 4'' W S N E 34" 30" ZON E 2, L COU SVILL 37.5' PRIVATE R/W MAP OAK LOT 45 ING OT 1 RT E, L LOT 40 : PU 9 TD LOT 29 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 22 D S LOT 15 ROAD 'G' LOT 1 LOT 8 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 5 ROAD 'F' S LOT 46 51 S LOT 30 LOT 41 ROAD 'E' LOT 16 LOT 23 S LOT 9 LOT 55 TM LOT 2 HU H P1 LOT 47 NTL UNTL 8A-46 LOT 42 OPEN EY EY LOT 24 LOT 31 SPACE C ZON COM , LLC LOT 17 LOT 56 ING MON OHU LOT 3 LOT 10 : PU D AREA 520 505 500 5 W W 49 0 W 49 510 5 W 0 ROAD 'A' S 48 475R/W W 48 0 5 47 52' PUBLIC 46 0 W 515 46 ROAD 'A' W S 455 0 52' PUBLIC R/W S 45 S S 5 51 LOT 64 LOT 57 LOT 48 8'' W LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 4'' W LOT 11 450 C&G S37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 4 LOT 65 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 58 LOT 49 ROAD 'I' S ROAD 'H' LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 0 LOT 66 45 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION SAN LOT 50 WVARIES) PUBLIC R/W LOT 34 EASEMENT 5 395 39 LOT 20 LOT 27 0 LOT 6 LOT 13 40 5 0 LOT 67 W 5 LOT 60 40 S OHU 0 41 41 5 42 0 S 42 LOT 51 5 43 ROAD 'D' OPEN SPACE A 0 43 LOT 35 SAN 5 44 LOT 28 OPEN SPACE 44 LOT 21 LOT 14 OPEN W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 7 A AREA = SAN SAN AREA = 0.34 AC SPACE AREA = 0.13 B AC ROAD 'J' 0.34 AC S OPEN (WIDTH AREA =B0.13 505 500 SPACE D WIRE FENCE 5 RETAINING WALL D 49 0 49 485 APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' SHED LOT 36 0 480 TMP 18A-24-2 51 LOT 61 LOT 68 LOT 71 S JIAN GUO ZHENG LOT 52 C&G 252 STRIBLING AVENUE 5 INST. 2013006103 LOT 37 47 46' PUBLIC R/W ZONING: R-2 LOT 69 LOT 72 LOT 53 LOT 62 ROAD 'B' 400 VARIA 470 4'' W LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 73 OPEN STRIBIDTH R/W (S LOT 63 LOT 70 OPEN BLE W LOT 54 SPACE C 465 LOT 39 SPACE AREA = C LING TMP 18A-24 AREA 4.29 = AC4.29 5 0 W ROAD 'C' 50 FRANCES W. LARNER 46 W AVENE NOTE #11 254 STRIBLING AVENUE ROAD 'C' 52' PUBLIC R/W 0 SAN 50 INST. 2014000085 52' PUBLIC R/W S 455 E SAN S 495 ZONING: R-2 UE SAN S U OH S 450 5 ZONE AE 40 RETAINING WALL ZONE X MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' TREE PRESERVATION ) 5 44 SHARED USE PATH EASEMENT 4 90 PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'B' 0 TMP 18A-24-1 PARCEL 'A' 44 CONDOMINIUM ACCESS EASEMENT. PIEDMONT REALTY HOLDINGS I,LLC S CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM 35 CONDOMINIUM 256 STRIBLING AVENUE SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL 4 0 INST. 2013003962 WITHIN 15' PUBLIC 40 APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' ZONING: R-2 ACCESS EASEMENT. 485 APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' 0 43 S 395 S 42 5 480 420 N 395 SA CITY STD. TR-1 10' 415 475 TREE PRESERVATION SHARED USE PATH EASEMENT U WITHIN 15' PUBLIC 410 0 40 OH 470 ACCESS EASEMENT. S 465 SAN S SAN DB. 4 OB CIRC ER S SAN S C) SAN SSAN ZONIN .352 (A LE 564 N W J. FELL 7 MATT P 76B-2-1 G: R-2 460 420 5 42 0 G 435 43 TREE PRESERVATION 633, P TMP 76B-2-22 HE EASEMENT 0 520 NOB CIRCLE 44 TM 455 445 BAOMIN WANG and HUI ZHAO 0 45 DB. 4803, PG.528 (AC) ZONING: R-2 ZONIN G.113 (AC) ZONIN G.740 (AC) S S NOB OCK 3 DB.11 Y F. SHIELD NOB OCK 5 DB.47 IN QUARLE NOB OCK 3 MAUR 76B-2-48 MART 76B-2-50 G: R-2 TMP 76B-2-37 G: R-2 ZONIN HILL G: R-2 G: R-2 G: R-2 NOB NOB, LLC ZONIN HILL ZONIN HILL , BL DB.4662, PG.124 (AC) , BL , BL HU 47, P 69, P ZONING: R-2 LOT 5 LOT 9 LOT 7 TMP TMP O TMP 76B-2-46 MAURY F. SHIELDS DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) OPEN SPACE PLAN ZONING: R-2 SCALE 1"=80' SHEET 11 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 PHASE GAN COURT ILLE, LTD ILLE, E, TTESV ILLE, VILL T SV COUR TES V TES ZONIN LOT 16 137 MO HARLOTTE 41 HARLO VARIABLE MO ZONIN LOT 15 TMP 18A-26 17 & T G: PUD O T 14 T 8 Y OF C 18A-140 HUNTLE TMP 18A-1 ZON 2, LOT COUR R LT ARLOT 1 G: PUD JAMES M. McMURTRY AND CYNTHIA T. RG RLOT F C 8A-142 PHAS RGAN COU RGAN LEY O P 18A-139 STRIBLING McMURTRY, TRUSTEES 139 MO LTD A D D 2, Y OF C N 238 STRIBLING AVENUE G: PU : PU 2, AN F CHA PHASE CO H WIDTH R/W INST. 20160000545 P HA M O RG D 8'' W E 2, L TLE TMP 1 TMP R 135 M LTD ZONING: PUD ING UR RETAINING WALL ZONIN YO TM T O APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' SE HUNTLE AVENUE TE #11) 1 41 SHED (SE HU HUN HUNT RETAINING WALL NTL RETAINING WALL EY TMP E NO CONC. S APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' 142 OF CH 18A-14 M A 4 PHA ORGARLOTT 4'' W S N E ZON E 2, L COU SVILL 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 45 ING OT 1 RT E, L LOT 40 : PU 9 TD LOT 29 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 22 D LOT 15 ROAD 'G' LOT 1 LOT 8 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 5 ROAD 'F' LOT 46 51 LOT 30 LOT 41 ROAD 'E' LOT 16 LOT 23 LOT 9 LOT 55 TM LOT 2 HU H P1 LOT 47 NTL UNTL 8A-46 LOT 42 OPEN EY EY LOT 24 LOT 31 SPACE C ZON COM , LLC LOT 17 LOT 56 ING MON OHU LOT 3 LOT 10 : PU D AREA 520 505 500 5 49 49 0 510 5 0 ROAD 'A' S 48 475R/W 48 0 5 47 52' PUBLIC 46 0 515 46 ROAD 'A' 7 455 0 52' PUBLIC R/W 6 45 5 3 5 51 LOT 64 LOT 57 LOT 48 8'' W LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 4'' W LOT 11 450 C&G 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 4 LOT 65 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 58 LOT 49 ROAD 'I' S ROAD 'H' LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 0 LOT 66 45 LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION (WIDTH VARIES) PUBLIC R/W LOT 34 EASEMENT 5 395 39 LOT 20 LOT 27 0 LOT 6 LOT 13 40 5 0 LOT 67 5 LOT 60 40 S OHU 0 41 41 5 42 0 42 LOT 51 5 43 ROAD 'D' 0 43 LOT 35 SAN 5 44 LOT 28 44 LOT 14 LOT 21 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 7 OPEN SPACE A ROAD 'J' OPEN 505 500 WIRE FENCE SPACE B 5 RETAINING WALL 49 0 49 485 APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' SHED LOT 36 0 480 TMP 18A-24-2 51 LOT 61 LOT 68 LOT 71 JIAN GUO ZHENG LOT 52 C&G 252 STRIBLING AVENUE 5 INST. 2013006103 LOT 37 47 46' PUBLIC R/W ZONING: R-2 LOT 69 LOT 72 LOT 53 LOT 62 ROAD 'B' 400 VARIA 470 4'' W LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 73 OPEN STRIBIDTH R/W (S LOT 63 LOT 70 BLE W LOT 54 SPACE C 465 LOT 39 LING TMP 18A-24 5 0 ROAD 'C' 50 FRANCES W. LARNER 46 AVENE NOTE #11 254 STRIBLING AVENUE ROAD 'C' 52' PUBLIC R/W 0 SAN 50 INST. 2014000085 52' PUBLIC R/W 4 455 E 7 495 ZONING: R-2 UE U 8 OH 450 5 ZONE AE 40 RETAINING WALL ZONE X MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' TREE PRESERVATION ) 5 44 SHARED USE PATH EASEMENT 4 90 PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'B' 0 TMP 18A-24-1 PARCEL 'A' 44 CONDOMINIUM ACCESS EASEMENT. PIEDMONT REALTY HOLDINGS I,LLC S CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM 35 CONDOMINIUM 256 STRIBLING AVENUE SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL 4 0 INST. 2013003962 WITHIN 15' PUBLIC 40 APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' ZONING: R-2 ACCESS EASEMENT. 485 APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' 0 43 S 395 S 42 5 480 420 N 395 SA CITY STD. TR-1 10' 415 475 TREE PRESERVATION SHARED USE PATH EASEMENT U WITHIN 15' PUBLIC 410 0 40 OH 470 ACCESS EASEMENT. S 465 SAN S SAN PARKING CALCULATION: DB. 4 OB CIRC ER S SAN S C) SAN SSAN ZONIN .352 (A LE 564 N W J. FELL 7 MATT P 76B-2-1 G: R-2 TMP 76B-1 460 PARKING REQUIRED 420 5 MAURY F. SHIELDS 42 0 G 43 1 PER TOWNHOUSE x 73 TOWNHOUSES: 73 TREE PRESERVATION 435 240 STRIBLING AVENUE 633, P TMP 76B-2-22 HE EASEMENT DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) 0 44 1 PER 1- OR 2-BEDROOM CONDO X 96 CONDOS: 96 520 NOB CIRCLE TM 455 445 ZONING: R-2 BAOMIN WANG and HUI ZHAO 0 45 TOTAL REQUIRED: 169 DB. 4803, PG.528 (AC) ZONING: R-2 ZONIN G.113 (AC) ZONIN G.740 (AC) S S NOB OCK 3 DB.11 Y F. SHIELD NOB OCK 5 DB.47 IN QUARLE NOB OCK 3 PARKING PROVIDED MAUR 76B-2-48 MART 76B-2-50 G: R-2 TMP 76B-2-37 G: R-2 ZONIN HILL G: R-2 G: R-2 G: R-2 NOB NOB, LLC ZONIN HILL ZONIN HILL (2) SPACES PER TOWNHOUSE GARAGE: 146 , BL DB.4662, PG.124 (AC) , BL , BL CONDOMINIUM/APARTMENT PARKING: 124 HU 47, P 69, P ZONING: R-2 LOT 5 LOT 9 LOT 7 TMP TMP PARALLEL ON-STREET PARKING: 40 O TMP 76B-2-46 TOTAL PROVIDED: 310 MAURY F. SHIELDS DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) PARKING PLAN ZONING: R-2 SCALE 1"=80' SHEET 12 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 PUBLIC TRANSIT BUS STOP FONTAIN E AVE FONTAINE RESEARCH PARK E G AV LIN SS RIB ST JEFFERSON PARK AVE A BYP TIE TO PROPOSED STRIBLING AVE. CITY SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS JOHNSON PROPOSED ELEMENTARY INTERNAL SIDEWALK NETWORK 5 MIN. 10 MIN. 15 MIN. .25 MI. .50 MI. .75 MI. PROJECT LOCATION PROPOSED TR-1 PATH FRY SPRINGS TIE TO EXISTING BEACH CLUB CITY PATH TOWARDS PUBLIC TRANSIT SUNSET AVE. BUS STOP IN TE R ST A TE 64 PUBLIC TRANSIT BUS STOP PEDESTRIAN ACCESS PLAN SCALE 1"=500' SHEET 13 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 500' 1000' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 8'' W 4'' W VARIABLE MO RG STRIBLINGR/W (SEE NOTE #11) AN CO WIDTH SCALE 1"=100' UR T AVENUE CONC. 10" 83 OAK NAD BIORETENTION #1 0 100' 200' 8'' W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W OHU 3,213 CF 4'' W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W ROAD 'G' 37.5' PRIVATE R/W ROAD 'F' ROAD 'E' STORMWATER OHU ROAD 'A' 8'' W ROAD 'A' 52' PUBLIC R/W SITE OUTFALL 4'' W 52' PUBLIC R/W BIORETENTION #3 C&G 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 5,663 CF ROAD 'I' ROAD 'H' BIORETENTION #2 OHU (WIDTH VARIES) PUBLIC R/W 2,056 CF 8'' W 4'' W TREE PRESERVATION ROAD 'D' 37.5' PRIVATE R/W EASEMENT ROAD 'J' X OHU C&G 46' PUBLIC R/W ROAD 'B' 4'' W VARIA STRIB LE B WIDTH STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND E&SC NARRATIVE: LING /W (SEE NO U OH R ROAD 'C' AVEN ROAD 'C' 52' PUBLIC R/W 52' PUBLIC R/W UE STORMWATER QUALITY: TE #1 ZONE AE ZONE X 1) PROPOSED STORMWATER 4'' W PARCEL 18A025000 IS 11.373 ACRES AND IS PRIMARILY WOODED IN THE EXISTING CONDITION. 4.95 ACRES OF STORAGE FACILITY IMPERVIOUS AREA 1.65 ACRES OF MANAGED TURF IS PROPOSED. THE TOTAL PROPOSED LIMITS OF U TREE PRESERVATION 240 LF - 72" CMP OH DISTURBANCE IS 9.23 ACRES. WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS ARE BEING MET THROUGH 2.35 ACRES OF EASEMENT TREE PRESERVATION DEDICATION AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THREE (3) TYPE 2 BIORETENTION FACILITIES. 6.17 LBS/YR. OF THE 8.46 LB/YR. OF PHOSPHOROUS REMOVAL WILL BE ACHIEVED ONSITE. THE REMAINING 2.29 LBS/YR. OF PHOSPHOROUS REMOVAL WILL BE MET THROUGH THE PURCHASE OF OFFSITE NUTRIENT CREDITS. U OH STORMWATER QUANTITY: 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN IN THE EXISTING CONDITION, SITE RUNOFF IS DIRECTED TO THE SOUTH END OF THE SITE WHERE IT U OUTFALLS TO A STREAM, JUST BEFORE MEETING MOORE'S CREEK TO THE EAST. THE SOUTHERN END OF OH THE SITE LIES WITHIN FEMA 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN, ZONE AE. IN THE POST CONDITION, RUNOFF IS CAPTURED AND OUTFALLS TO THE STREAM NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SITE. STORMWATER DETENTION IS BEING PROVIDED THOUGH 4 PROPOSED BIORETENTION FACILITIES, AS WELL AS A PROPOSED UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY ON THE SOUTH END OF THE SITE. CHANNEL PROTECTION: THE ENERGY BALANCE EQUATION HAS BEEN MEET FOR THE 1-YEAR, 24 HOUR STORM PER 9VAC25-870-66(B)3, "NATURAL STORMWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS." APPLICABLE APPROVALS FROM ACOE WILL BE OBTAINED TO OUTFALL TO THE STREAM. FLOOD PROTECTION: PER 9VAC25-870-66(C)3, STORMWATER SHALL E ANALYZED FOR FLOOD PROTECTION COMPLIANCE TO THE POINT WHERE THE SYSTEM ENTERS A MAPPED FLOODPLAIN. ADEQUATE CONVEYANCE OF THE 10-YEAR STORM IS DEMONSTRATED UP TO THE SITE OUTFALL. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE: E&SC MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED PER THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK (VESCH) TO ENSURE SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF IS CONTAINED ONSITE AND TO ENSURE PROTECTION OF ADJACENT STREAM. FINAL DESIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WITH PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SITE PLAN SUBMITTALS. PRELIMINARY BMP/STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET 14 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 PRELIMINARY BMP/STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET 15 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 8'' W 4'' W VARIABLE MO RG STRIBLINGR/W (SEE NOTE #11) AN CO WIDTH SCALE 1"=100' UR DIVERSION DIKE T AVENUE 83 CONC. NAD 0 100' 200' 8'' W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W OHU 4'' W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W ROAD 'G' 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 5 SILT FENCE ROAD 'F' 51 LIMITS OF ROAD 'E' DISTURBANCE SAF 520 505 500 5 49 0 49 SEDIMENT BASIN #1 510 5 0 OHU ROAD 'A' 48 475R/W 48 8'' W 0 5 47 52' PUBLIC 46 0 515 46 ROAD 'A' 4'' W 455 0 52' PUBLIC R/W 45 5 51 450 C&G 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W SAFETY ROAD 'I' ROAD 'H' SAF 0 TP FENCE 45 OHU (WIDTH VARIES) PUBLIC R/W 5 395 39 8'' W 0 40 5 0 4'' W 5 40 0 41 41 5 42 0 42 5 43 ROAD 'D' 0 43 44 5 44 37.5' PRIVATE R/W TP ROAD 'J' X 505 500 5 49 0 49 485 10 480 TP 5 OHU TP C&G 5 47 46' PUBLIC R/W ROAD 'B' TP 4'' W 400 VARIA 470 TP STRIB LE B 465 WIDTH LING /W (SEE NO U 5 OH 0 R ROAD 'C' 50 46 AVEN ROAD 'C' 52' PUBLIC R/W 0 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN 50 52' PUBLIC R/W 455 495 UE TP 450 TE #1 5 TP AE 40 ZONE X SEDIMENT BASIN #2 1) 4'' W ZONE 5 TP 44 0 49 0 DIVERSION DIKE 44 U OH 5 43 0 40 485 0 43 395 5 42 480 420 TP TP TP 395 TP TP TP 415 TP 475 TREE 410 0 TP U TP 40 OH 470 465 PROTECTION TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP 460 TP COORDINATE LOCATION OF PATH 420 TP 5 42 0 WITH CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE 435 43 0 44 PARKS AND REC. PROVIDE SILT FENCE 455 0 445 U 45 OH DOWN GRADE OF DISTURBANCE. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE: E&SC MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED PER THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK (VESCH) TO ENSURE SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF IS CONTAINED ONSITE AND TO ENSURE PROTECTION OF ADJACENT STREAM. FINAL DESIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WITH PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SITE PLAN SUBMITTALS. CONCEPTUAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHEET 16 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT DELTA CHORD BEARING CURVE TABLE C5 39.50 16.09 8.16 23°20'41" S80°13'17"W CURVE RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT DELTA CHORD BEARING CHORD C6 39.50 20.79 10.64 30°09'26" N73°01'39"W 8'' W C5 39.50 16.09 8.16 23°20'41" S80°13'17"W 15.98 C7 39.50 25.15 13.02 36°28'36" N39°42'38"W C6 39.50 20.79 10.64 30°09'26" N73°01'39"W 20.55 C8 39.50 117.92 504.63 171°02'55" N64°03'08"E C7 39.50 25.15 13.02 36°28'36" N39°42'38"W 24.72 65.52' 77.02' 79.02' 4'' W 94.08' 72.77' 69.14' 69.02' C9 15.00 21.21 12.82 81°01'38" N70°56'14"W 25.65' 28.86' LOT 45 33.28' LOT 40 77.75' 81.53' 37.33' 30.03' 37.08' LOT 29 C8 39.50 117.92 504.63 171°02'55" N64°03'08"E 78.76 S68°33'12"W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 85.70' 34.06' 37.5' PRIVATE R/W S68°32'57"W 39.59' S68°32'57"W LOT 22 2,463 SF 71.00' 2,393 SF S68°32'57"W LOT 15 83.24' 73.00' 79.36' LOT 8 63.25' 2,431 SF 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 1 87.30' 2,658 SF 45.5' R/W ROAD 'D' 66.75' 2,817 SF 63.00' 59.50' 2,587 SF ROAD 'F' 3,512 SF 53.35' ROAD 'G' LOT 46 C9 15.00 21.21 12.82 81°01'38" N70°56'14"W 19.49 50.50' 89.85' LOT 41 LOT 55 ROAD 'E' LOT 30 22.00' 29.83' 50.00' LOT 16 LOT 23 1,735 SF 67.00' 1,777 SF 22.01' 2,435 SF 22.00' N68°32'57"E N68°33'02"E LOT 9 50.00' 65.00' 57.25' 1,561 SF 22.00' LOT 2 22.00' N68°32'57"E 1,637 SF 60.75' 22.13' 1,554 SF 57.00' 1,477 SF 1,956 SF 53.50' 58.54' 76.15' LOT 47 84.06' LOT 42 28.50' 87.61' 80.03' 88.08' LOT 24 LOT 31 1,909 SF LOT 17 28.00' 1,851 SF 28.95' 28.00' 28.00' LOT 10 25.74' LOT 3 LOT 56 28.00' 1,603 SF 27.96' 1,699 SF 25.74' 1,498 SF 29.00' 1,596 SF 65.00' 29.17' 2,492 SF 57.25' 1,507 SF 53.50' 74.75' 58.54' 57.00' 84.45' 629.45' N21°27'03"W 6.00' (TYP.) ROAD 'A' 6.00' 39.00' 29.30' (TYP.) 52' R/W ROAD 'A' 52' R/W 152.00' S21°27'03"E 95.90' 23.38 29 S21°27'03"E 426.93' 318.08' 25.00' LOT 57 LOT 64 .1 82.14' LOT 48 26.00' 5 LOT 32 5. ' 26.00' ' LOT 18 1,823 SF 72.91' 86.73' 2,649 SF 70 1,816 SF 26.00' 8'' W LOT 25 1,350 SF ' 1,237 SF 69.86' 26.00' LOT 4 LOT 11 C7 4'' W 1,326 SF 51.00' LOT 65 26.58 52.00' 22.00' LOT 58 97.99' N68°32'57"E 1,916 SF 1,314 SF 51.00' 47.50' LOT 49 S68°32'57"W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 1,823 SF 98.00' 48.00' 22.00' 70.93' 75.80' C6 1,604 SF 72.91' S68°32'57"W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 19 LOT 33 1,537 SF ' 97.98' LOT 26 48.00' 69.86' LOT 5 LOT 12 1,333 SF 58.00' 1,433 SF 22.00' 1,410 SF 57.00' LOT 66 ROAD 'I' 22.49 22.00' C5 LOT 59 6.35' ROAD 'H' 1,511 SF 1,401 SF 57.00' 53.50' LOT 50 N68°32'57"E 66.27' 1,604 SF 72.91' 72.59' 1,616 SF 22.00' LOT 34 1,537 SF 70.00' N68°32'57"E LOT 27 ' LOT 6 LOT 20 C8 69.86' 70.00' LOT 13 64.00' 1,696 SF 22.00' ROAD 'D' 1,674 SF 63.00' LOT 67 5.5' R/W 198.00' 98.00' 24.00' 22.49 1,407 SF 59.50' 1,597 SF LOT 60 140.09' 1,683 SF 63.00' LOT 51 98.00' 1,742 SF S68°32'57"W 1,750 SF 24.00' 61.61' 198.00' LOT 35 OPEN SPACE A 1,677 SF 98.00' LOT 28 72.91' 72.59' ' LOT 21 0.35 AC LOT 14 2,380 SF 42' 2,354 SF 69.86' LOT 7 C9 28.00' 27.98' 2,254 SF N68°32'57"E 2,351 SF OPEN 28.39 1,641 SF 70.00' 73.00' 37.00' 65.50' SPACE B 37.00' N68°32'57"E 69.00' 34.00' ROAD 'B' 13.88' 55.68' 46' R/W 0.12 AC ' S68°32'57"W 77.59' 208.00' 67.91' S68°32'57"W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 36 69.86' 24.00' 24.00' 1,608 SF LOT 59 LOT 71 24.00' 66.99' LOT 52 LOT 61 24.00' ROAD 'J' 1,864 SF 1,760 SF 73.26' 1,677 SF 1,630 SF 67.91' 77.59' LOT 37 30.14' 69.86' 22.00' 32.00' 22.00' SF LOT 69 LOT 72 137.34' 66.99' 1,474 22.00' LOT 53 LOT 62 1,705 SF 1,614 SF 22.00' 83.78' 73.26' 1,853 SF 1,746 SF 1,494 SF 67.91' 77.59' LOT 43 LOT 44 1,537 SF 57.91' 57.91' LOT 38 69.86' 4'' W 22.00' 23.90' LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN 66.99' 1,474 SF LOT 63 24.00' LOT 54 1,865 SF 1,751 SF 49.08' SPACE C 24.00' 1,630 SF 67.91' 77.59' 75.26' LOT 39 1,677 SF 4.28 AC 69.86' 28.04' 1,879 SF S21°26'29"E 307.34' 51.57' 15.42' S21°27'03"E 152.00' 51.95' ROAD 'C' 52' R/W 42.00' S21°27'03"E 562.76' 137.84' 28.68' 45.78' PARCEL 'C' PARCEL 'B' PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM CONDOMINIUM 68.31' 11,375 SF 68.31' CONDOMINIUM 12,978 SF 19,038 SF 166.52' 190.00' 278.70' CENTERLINE OF SHARED USE PATH AND 15' ACCESS EASEMENT LAND USE SUMMARY: TOTAL SITE AREA: 11.373 Ac. (100%) R/W DEDICATION TO STRIBLING AVE. ± 0.060 Ac. (0.53%) TOWNHOUSE LOT AREA: ± 3.161 Ac. (27.8%) CONDO/APARTMENT LOT AREA: ± 0.996 Ac. (8.76%) RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: ± 2.386 Ac. (21.0%) OPEN SPACE AREA: ± 4.760 Ac. (41.9%) PRELIMINARY PLAT SCALE 1"=80' SHEET 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 PHASE GAN COURT D LT PHASE GAN COURT D PHAS RGAN COU , LTD VARIABLE LT OT 14 RT VILLE, 2, L N COU , LTD 15 8A-140 139 MO TTESVILLE, CHARLUNTLEY OF 16 LE STRIBLINGR/W (SEE NOTE #11) 17 & RT HUNTL8A-141 CHAR UNTLEY O39 EY OF 18 ESVIL F 2, LOT E 2, LOT 2 8A-1 141 LOTT EY OF OTTES CHA HUNT 18A-14 PHA MORGESVILL WIDTH TMP 1 E 2, L TMP 18A-26 TMP 1 TMP 1 R L OTT OT JAMES M. McMURTRY AND 137 MO R L A CYNTHIA T. McMURTRY, TRUSTEES O H TMP O AVE CHARL H 238 STRIBLING AVENUE 135 M INST. 20160000545 SE R NUE HU NTL EY TMP 18" 10" 142 OF CH 18A-14 16" M A 4 PHA ORGARLOTT LOC OAK CED 22" 32" 10" SE N C ESV 8" 2, L OU R ILLE, L ASH POP 26" 22" CED 34" 30" CED 22" OT 19 T 8" 14" 12" POP POP MAP OAK HIK POP CED 14" TD 24" POP 10" OAK OAK 8" 48" 8" 8" 24" 8" 10" 8" ASH HOLLY OAK 26" CED CED POP 18" 18" POP 10" 14" POP 44" ASH POP 16" PINE 18" 14" 22" 26" BEECH OAK 26" 30" 18" (2) 14" 34" 14" MAP 32" POP BEECH 10" OAK OAK 14" POP TM HU HUN P 18A ELM 40" PINE POP 12" CHR POP 30" CED POP OAK 22" ASH 12" NTL T - 8" (3 TRUNKS AT 24") 16" 14" POP 18" OAK EY LEY, 46 16" 10" POP CO LL HOLLY 26" ASH CHR 12" OAK 22" MM 28" POP OAK 30" 14" 20" 14" POP 14" ON BEECH 14" POP MAP POP 42" POP 44" 28" 16" MAP 42" OAK 28" POP 10" 8" 12" POP 34" POP 40" 32" CHR POP 28" 14" POP POP POP ASH ELM 12" MAP 30" MAP APPLE 8" POP 10" 12" TMP 18A-25 ASH 42" OAK 30" POP 12" POP 26" POP 8" POP POP 12" 36" MAP CARRSGROVE PROPERTIES, LLC 26" 16" POP 28" 30" 12" 24" 14" MAP 36" POP 24" POP POP 24" 10" GUM 240 STRIBLING AVENUE 24" POP 12" POP 18" POP MAP POP POP 10" ASH LOC POP POP 18" CED 10" DOGWOOD DB.871, PG. 944 30" 8" POP 12" 16" 26" MAP 44" 14" ±11.373 ACRES GUM ELM 8" 46" 28" POP 10" 22" POP 12" POP POP POP 42" 14" 20" POP 16" 36" POP POP POP 24" POP LOC ASH 8" 16" 8" 42" POP POP 16" 12" OAK 10" 8" (2) 30" WALNUT MUL 14" 8" 22" POP 10" POP MAP POP 10" POP 18" 30" OAK 10" ASH 28" OAK MAP 26" 36" 8" 14" 14" 22" 42" DOGWOOD 8" 22" OAK 8" 24" 26" POP POP 8" OAK 24" ELM 26" 26" ELM OAK POP POP POP POP 40" MAP 8" MAP 38" 12" ELM LOC 22" 28" 10" POP ELM 16" POP POP 10" MAP 14" POP 12" LOC 8" 20" 16" PINE 16" 16" OAK PINE POP 8" OAK MAP 14" 22" 12" POP 12" 12" 12" 18" CED CHR OAK DOGWOOD (DOUBLE) HIK ELM 10" 26" POP 24" 12" 24" 8" 24" 12" 14" 20" 10" (2) CHR 28" POP 26" POP 20" POP POP OAK 10" 18" 12" ASH LOC GUM 8" 10" 10" 8" 10" POP POP 12" POP 12" CED 22" ELM ASH 26" 10" ELM LOC SYC CHR POP CHR OAK POP CHR CED 16" 16" 26" 20" 24" 10" 11" 8" CHR 24" POP 18" 30" 16" POP POP 8" ASH POP 10" OAK POP 14" OAK 16" 14" 18" ASH 18" 12" 14" POP 12" 28" 16" 8" OAK CED CED CHR CED 10" 16" POP CHR 30" (2) 10" 14" 12" 10" POP OAK POP 12" 32" MAP OAK POP POP 11" 8" 8" POP OAK 16" 18" MAP 14" 8" 16" 20" 10" ASH 12" CHROAK 14" 24" OAK 16" 12" 12" OAK LEANING 30" POP OAK 12" CED OAK 8" POP 24" POP 14" 8" PINE 8" OAK POP 20" OAK 18" 16" POP OAK (2) CHR 10" 8" TMP 18A-24-2 18" OAK POP CED 14" 20" 10" 8" OAK 28" PINE CHR CHR JIAN GUO ZHENG 12" CHR 24" POP 14" 16" 16" 8" CED POP 8" MAP CHR 34" CHR POP 18" POP (3) 18" 10" 252 STRIBLING AVENUE 8" 12" OAK CHR 12" MAP 16" 10" 8" INST. 2013006103 MAP 16" OAK 14" 18" 8" POP 14" POP 12" 10" CED 14" OAK CHR POP PINE PINE 8" POP 16" CED 10" CHR POP 8" 10" 8" 10" CED 8" 18" POP 8" 8" 8" POP 10" 8" POP PINE OAK OAK 18" 14" & 24" CHR 20" 14" CED 12" MAP 12" MUL 8" OAK PINE POP CHR 14" 10" OAK 14" 8" 12" 8" CHR 8" PINE CHR 10" 16" 10" POP 10" POP POP OAK (2) 10" 8" 8" 8" 24" OAK 18" POP POP 8" CHR OAK 12" 12" 10" 36" 10" POP POP 14" OAK (2) 14" TMP 18A-24 12" 8" 12" 8" 12" 10" POP MAP 30" 8" POP CHR 8" (3) OAK POP 18" MAP POP 8" 8" OAK FRANCES W. LARNER 10" 10" 12" 12" CHR POP 16" POP POP 16" POP 10" 254 STRIBLING AVENUE 16" POP OAK KEY MAP INST. 2014000085 CHR 16" CHR 14" OAK 12" 14" POP 30" 8" POP 10" OAK 8" 10" 8" 10" POP CHR 12" 8" 12" 14" 12" POP SYC 12" MAP POP POP 20" 18" 20" 10" 14" 20" 22" OAK PINE 10" OAK 22" 8" POP 18" POP 26" POP 10" 22" CHR 16" MAP POP 8" MAP 10" MAP POP POP 8" POP POP PINE 16" 20" 10" 8" OAK 10" 12" 20" POP 16" POP 16" 8" POP POP OAK 10" 8" POP POP 8" POP PINE 14" POP 18" OAK 14" POP POP 18" 18" 16" 12" 14" 12" 14" POP 20" PINE 12" 8" 10" SYC CED POP 10" CED 12" OAK 10" OAK 8" 36" OAK PINE 10" POP POP POP 10" 8" CHR 16" 8" POP 10" 12" 8" 20" POP 16" POP TMP 18A-24-1 MAP 18" POP POP POP POP 16" POP 20" 8" 12" 8" CHR 8" PIEDMONT REALTY HOLDINGS I,LLC 8" 12" CHR 14" 10" 8" 18" POP 8" POP 8" 24" POP 8" 12" 8" 14" 14" OAK POP 16" 30" 28" POP 14" CHR POP 10" 256 STRIBLING AVENUE SYC 8" CED POP CED 8" 18" PINE OAK POP OAK OAK PINE POP PINE POP INST. 2013003962 18" 8" 20" 22" POP MAP POP CED POP 12" OAK 18" 10" 8" (4) 18" 8" 8" TREE SURVEY 14" POP POP 20" SCALE 1"=60' SHEET 18 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 60' 120' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 HU HUN NTL T EY LEY, 16" 10" POP CO LLC CHR 12" OAK 22" MM OAK 30" 14" 20" 14" 14" ON 14" POP MAP POP 42" POP POP 44" A REA KEY MAP 16" MAP 42" OAK 28" POP 10" 8" 12" POP 34" CHR POP 14" POP POP POP MAP 30" POP 10" 12" 30" 26" 42" OAK POP 12" POP 8" POP POP POP MAP 16" 28" 24" 14" 22" 36" 26" POP POP 30" 12" 24" 24" OAK POP MAP POP POP 24" POP 12" 18" POP POP POP 10" LOC POP POP 18" CED 8" 8" POP POP 30" 26" MAP 44" 14" POP 10" 22" POP 12" POP POP 46" 28" POP 42" 48" POP 16" 36" POP POP POP 24" POP 8" OAK 42" POP POP 16" 12" 18" OAK OAK 22" 10" 8" 14" 8" POP 10" POP CHR POP 10" POP 30" OAK 10" 28" OAK MAP 26" 36" 32" 22" 14" OAK 14" 22" 42" 30" POP 8" 24" 26" POP POP 8" OAK POP ELM OAK POP POP POP POP MAP 8" 24" 28" 10" 40" POP POP 16" 26" 22" 16" 16" POP POP 10" MAP 14" POP 10" POP 20" OAK 8" 20" 16" POP PINE POP 12" OAK POP PINE 8" OAK 12" 12" 12" OAK 10" 26" POP 24" 12" 24" 18" 8" POP 26" POP POP POP 8" (2) CHR 28" 20" POP 30" OAK 10" POP POP 26" 10" 8" 10" POP 12" 30" 28" POP SYC 10" LOC CHR POP CHR 16" OAK 26" POP POP 16" 24" 16" CHR POP POP 14" 12" POP POP 14" 12" 14" POP 28" 8" OAK CHR 16" 30" 22" (2) POP 10" 14" 12" 10" POP OAK POP POP 32" MAP OAK POP POP 36" 8" 8" POP OAK 18" 16" 16" 20" 12" POP OAK 12" OAK CHR 14" OAK 16" 12" 14" LEANING 30" POP OAK 12" 36" 8" 8" POP 24" POP 14" 8" PINE 8" OAK POP POP 20" OAK 18" 16" POP OAK POP (2) CHR POP 10" 10" 18" OAK CED 14" 20" 10" 28" PINE CHR OAK 12" CHR 24" POP 16" 16" 8" CHR 12" 14" POP 8" MAP CHR 34" CHR POP 18" POP (3) 18" 10" MAP 16" 8" OAK CHR 12" 10" 12" MAP 16" OAK 14" 18" 8" 14" POP 12" CED 12" MAP 16" OAK 8" POP 10" OAK CHR POP PINE PINE 14" 8" POP 16" CED 10" 24" 42" OAK CHR POP 8" 10" 8" OAK 10" CED 8" 18" POP 8" 8" 24" POP POP 10" 8" PINE OAK 18" OAK 10" 8" 14" & 24" CHR 20" 14" CED 12" POP OAK POP MUL 8" MAP 30" OAK 14" PINE POP CHR 8" 12" 10" 20" 18" POP 14" 8" 10" POP 10" CHR 8" CHR POP PINE 16" POP CHR 10" 24" OAK POP OAK (2) 10" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" POP POP OAK REEK 18" 12" 12" 8" CHR 16" POP 10" 10" POP 14" OAK (2) 14" POP 36" 8" 8" POP 10" POP 8" 40" POP 30" 12" 12" POP CHR 22" POP MAP 8" 18" MAP POP 8" 8" OAK 8" OAK OAK POP 16" POP POP 10" 10" POP 8" MOORE'S C 10" 12" 12" CHR 16" POP POP 10" MAP 10" POP OAK POP 20" 16" 16" POP POP MAP CHR CHR 14" 14" 10" OAK 10" 12" POP 30" 8" OAK 8" 10" 8" POP CHR 12" 14" 8" POP 14" 12" MAP POP 12" POP 12" SYC 12" 18" 20" POP 10" 10" POP 20" 10" 16" 22" 14" 20" 22" 26" OAK PINE OAK 22" 8" POP POP 26" 18" POP POP 10" POP 22" CHR 16" MAP POP 8" MAP 10" MAP POP POP 8" 10" 8" 16" MAP 12" POP POP PINE 16" 20" 10" POP POP 12" OAK 8" OAK 10" 12" 20" POP 16" POP 16" 8" POP POP OAK 10" 8" 8" OAK POP POP PINE POP 18" 20" MAP OAK POP 8" 14" POP 14" POP POP 18" 18" 16" 12" 14" 12" 14" POP 20" PINE 12" 8" 10" 8" 10" 18" 24" 42" SYC CED POP 10" CED 12" OAK 10" OAK 8" POP PINE 36" OAK PINE 10" POP POP 10" POP DOUBLE POP 10" 8" CHR 16" 8" 18" 14" OAK POP 10" 12" 8" 20" POP CHR POP 12" 16" POP POP POP POP POP POP 18" POP 16" 20" POP MAP 10" 8" 12" 8" CHR 8" CHR 8" 8" POP 8" 12" 8" 8" POP 8" 14" 8" 12" 14" 14" OAK POP POP 18" 16" 30" 28" PINE POP POP 14" 24" CHR POP 10" SYC CED POP CED 8" 18" PINE 8" OAK OAK 22" OAK POP PINE POP 8" 22" 10" 18" MAP POP 20" 10" 8" (4) 24" MAP POP CED POP 12" OAK 18" POP 18" 14" POP POP 20" 8" 8" POP 26" 14" 20" 16" 20" 18" SYC MAP POP OAK 14" 10" 18" 10" PINE OAK 30" POP 16" SYC POP POP PINE OAK 8" PINE POP 12" 36" 8" 10" 34" POP 8" 18" POP 10" 8" BIR 8" OAK 14" 16" 10" MAP POP 10" 12" 28" PINE POP POP 10" 8" 16" 8" MAP 8" MAP 10" 14" BIR POP PINE POP 10" OAK OAK POP SYC 42" 10" POP 10" POP 14" POP POP 10" 8" 24" 40" 12" 12" POP CED MAP 8" 28" 8" OAK PINE OAK 14" OAK 10" POP OAK SYC 12" POP POP POP POP 12" 16" 8" 24" 18" SYC 18" 18" 20" 8" 10" 8" 10" POP POP OAK POP POP 10" 24" POP 10" BIR 8" POP POP BIR 24" 16" 16" 12" 26" 20" 12" 8" 20" POP POP POP POP POP POP OAK POP POP 8" 18" POP 12" OAK OAK PINE POP 32" 42" 10" 10" OAK OAK 18" POP 14" 8" 18" 10" OAK POP 18" POP 8" 16" 10" 20" 12" 8" POP 24" 8" POP MAP POP 34" 24" 8" 20" 10" POP POP POP POP OAK 18" OAK POP POP POP 8" POP POP 20" 16" POP POP 12" SYC 8" 18" 8" 40" 28" POP POP POP POP 26" POP POP POP OAK 28" CHR 10" 16" 8" 12" 8" 18" POP 12" 14" 12" 12" POP 18" POP 16" POP POP OAK POP POP 24" POP POP OAK POP POP 18" TMP 76B-1 28" POP 42" 16" POP MAURY F. SHIELDS 42" POP 14" 240 STRIBLING AVENUE 8" OAK POP OAK DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) 12" TMP 76B-2-22 520 NOB CIRCLE BAOMIN WANG and HUI ZHAO DB. 4803, PG.528 (AC) C) .740 (AS C) DB.47 IN QUARLE .113 (A S MART 76B-2-50 DB.11 Y F. SHIELD NOB H OCK 3 NOB H OCK 3 MAUR 76B-2-48 NOB H OCK 5 69, PG ILL ILL TMP 76B-2-46 TREE SURVEY ILL 47, PG , BL , BL TMP , BL TMP LOT 5 LOT 7 LOT 9 SCALE 1"=60' SHEET 19 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 60' 120' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN SAFETY FENCE CITY STANDARD TREE PROTECTION DETAIL No Scale No Scale 1. SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 4"X4" TRENCH 2. STAPLE WIRE FENCING TO THE UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE OF POSTS. POSTS. COMPACTED SOIL 6' MAX. 18" MIN. FLOW FLOW 4" 4.5' MIN. 3. ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED WIRE FENCE AND EXTEND IT INTO THE SOIL. TRENCH. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE FLOW No Scale EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO THE TRENCH. FILTER FABRIC WIRE SF 3.05-1 SILT FENCE (WITH WIRE SUPPORT) No Scale EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET 20 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021