Regional Transit Vision Jurisdiction Update - Charlottesville City Council Agenda • Background • Brief discussion on Transit Vision Statement, Goals, and Objectives • Vision Concepts • Phase 2 Engagement Strategy • Q/A Background • Collaborative effort to evaluate and establish a clear Project long-term vision for transit service in the region Overview/ • Led by the TJPDC and funded in part by DRPT and the Process local jurisdictions • Project Website: Develop and Assess Identify Engage Recommend Evaluate • Existing System • Goals • Solicit Community • Draft Network and • Final Regional • Regional Land Use • Values and Stakeholder Corridor Level Transit Vision and • Transit Market • Priorities Input Improvements Priorities Potential Transit Vision Study differs from the upcoming Transit Transit Vision Governance Study Vs. • Transit Vision Study will conclude this summer, just as the Transit Transit Governance Study commences Governance • Focus of the Transit Vision Study is potential improvements to the regional transit system • Focus of the Transit Governance Study is governance of regional transit, including potentially a regional transit authority that can collect additional dedicated revenue for transit. • Public and Stakeholder led effort to identify transit priorities and goals for the region. • Main Themes: Vision • Equity – Expand opportunities for all residents and represents the needs Statement, of both the urban and rural communities • Multi-modality – Reduce reliance on automobiles Goals, • Climate Change – Help protect the environment Objectives, • Proposed Vision Statement: and Measures Develop, design, and provide transit in the Charlottesville area in a manner that reflects a collaborative, inclusive and equitable process, representing needs in both urban and rural areas. This transit system expands opportunities for all residents (Equity), reduces reliance on automobiles (Multi-modality), and helps protect the environment (Climate Change Mitigation). Vision Concepts Two Vision Concepts to show the range of possible transit expansion Constrained Vision What are • Assumes a regional funding source similar to the Central Virginia these Transportation Authority concepts? • Most regional funding goes to transit • Local share to support transit services would be ~20%. • Built around similar financial structures as the Central Virginia Transportation Authority. • Assumes $26 million in regional funding for transit. • Assumes new regional dollars replace most existing local funding for transit Unconstrained Vision • What would you do if the region could build a network to meet its land use, climate, and other policy goals? • No defined limit on the funding of this vision concept Where could I be soon? Where could I be soon? +34% +50% Where could I be soon? +122% +140% Job Access Change: Constrained Network Job Access Change: Unconstrained Network Average Job Access Change Unconstrained Vision Network Constrained Vision Network Evening and weekend service is critical to retail, service, and hospital workers. Engagement Strategy – Phase 2 Phase 2. Envision: Underway • Confirm the draft vision and goals • Explore long-term transit alternatives for the region • Collect preferences on alternatives and future outcomes Phase Two: Next Steps June 2022: • Various dates – Present to Local Elected Bodies • June 9 – Launch the survey • June 9 - Update the project website • June 13 Week – Focus Group Discussions • TBD – Conduct Surveying at the Transit Center • June 23 – Hold the Public Open House Event July 2022: • July 12 – Complete Local Presentations • TBD – Update the Project Website with Summary of Phase II Engagement August 2022: • August 25 – Hold Final Meeting with RTP to Present the Completed Plan Details: • Online survey launches on June 9th Survey • Hardcopy version available for distribution • Includes introduction and informational piece Questions and Objectives: Objectives • Attain feedback on the scenarios • Identify public and stakeholder thoughts on future needs Questions: Unconstrained Scenario vs. Constrained Scenario • What do you think? • What do you think is missing or needs improvements? • Does the scenario go far enough? • Question about funding* • Additional detail questions* Open Discussion and Questions On-Demand Transit vs. Demand Response Service vs. Paratransit What’s the difference? On-Demand Transit • Same day reservation, usually booked using a smartphone app, a website, or by calling in • Service available within a specified zone • Not currently operating in the region Demand Response Service • Need to book in advance, usually the day or night before a trip is needed • Currently operated by Jaunt ADA Paratransit • Registration and eligibility certification required • Rides available within a ¾ radius of a fixed route stop per regulation All three service types may be operated within a single area area Existing Circulator Services Constrained Vision Circulator Services Existing CONNECT Services Constrained Vision CONNECT Services With improved frequency through UVA there’s and opportunity to trade resources: Coordination Expanded and improved regional network serves with UVA • North Fork Research Park • UVA Northridge • Fontaine Research Park • Travel through the grounds along Emmet/JPA • West Grounds to University Avenue Many UTS circulator services could be reallocated to a high- frequency U Line • Service every 10 minutes • Similar to existing Orange, Green, and Gold Line services Ongoing UVA Master Plan may affect Final Vision recommendations on paths through and around the grounds.